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Instruction: Make a matrix about the major religions of the world using the following parameters: Founder, Place of Origin, Main
Belief, Number of Members.

Parameters Founder Place of Origin Main Belief Number of Members

Belief in monotheism is
the cornerstone of the
Islamic Faith. Muslims
believe that all the According to a report
Mecca (in the Prophets sent by god to by the Pew Research
Islam Muhammad modern-day, Saudi humanity shared the same Center, there are 1.8
Arabia central message, and that billion Muslims
was the message of worldwide (2015 est).
monotheism. Monotheism
is a term used to refer to
the belief of only one deity
Christianity originated with Jerusalem in the Followers of the Christian 2. 382 billion
Christianity the ministry of Jesus, a Roman province of religion base their beleifs
Jewish teacher and healer Judea. on the life, teachings and
who proclaimed the death of Jesus Christ.
imminent kingdon of God Christians believe in one
and was crucified c. AD 30- God that created heaven,
33 in Jerusalem in the earth and the universe. The
Roman Province of Judea belief in one God
originated with the Jewich
religion. Christians believe
Jesus is the “Messiah” or
saviour of the world.
The birthplace of
Hinduism is Indus
Hinduism has no one River Valley which
founder but is instead a runs through Hindus believed in the
fusion of various beliefs. northwest India into doctrines of samsara (the
Around 1500 B.C., the Indo Pakistan. The Indus continuous cycle of life,
– Aryan people migrated to Valley civilization, death and reincarnation)
Hinduism the Indus Valley, and their or “Harapan and karma (the universal 1.161 billion
langauge and culture civilization” law of cause and effect).
blended with that of the originated sometime One of the key thoughts of
indigenous people living in around 4,500-5,000 Hinduism is “atman,” or
the region. B.C.E. and reached the belief in soul.
its zenith between
2300 to 2000 BC.
The basic doctrines of
early Bhuddism, which
remain common to all
Bhuddism founded in the Bhuddism, include the four
late 6th century B.C.E. by noble truths: existence is
Siddharta Gautama (the India 2,500 years suffering (dukha);
Bhuddism “Buddha”), is an important ago. suffering hasss a cause, 506 million
religion in most of the namely craving and
countries of Asia. attachment (trishna); there
is a cessation of suffering,
which is nirvana; and there
is a path to the cessation of
The founder of Ancient China The Five Constant Virtues Over 6,000,000
Confucianism Confucianism, Master Kong which laid the mean the Confucian virtues people
(Confucius, 551-479 B.C.E.) of benevolence,
did not intend to found a righteousness,propriety,
new religion, but to interpret wisdom and
and revive the unnamed foundation for much trustworthiness. As with
religion of the Zhou dynasty, of Chinese Culture the Fundamental Bonds,
under which many people these five virtues are the
thought ancient system of most significant ones and
religious rule was bankrupt. thus serve as shorthand for
all the Confucian virtues.
Taoism holds that humans
Taoism has been connected to and animals should live in
the philosopher Lao Tzu who Ancient China that balance with the Tao, or
Taoism around 500 B.C.E. wrote the has influenced folk the universe. Taoists 20 million
main book of Taoism, the Tao and national belief. believe in spiritual
Te Ching. immortality, where the
spirit of the body joins the
universe after death.
Israel. This religion
According to the text, God
is rooted in the The three main beliefs at
first revealed himself to an
ancient near eastern the center of Judaism are
Hebrew man named
region of Canaan Monotheism, Identity, and
Abraham, who became
(which today Convenant (an agreement
known as the founder of
contitutes Israel and between God and his
Judaism Judaism. Jews believed that
the Palestinian people). The most 14.7 million
God made a special covenant important teachings of
territories). Judaism
with Abraham and that he Judaism is that there is one
emerged from the
and his descendants were
beliefs and practices God, who wants people to
chosen people who would
of the people known do what is just and
create a great nation. compassionate.
as “Israel”.

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