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1142 Diabetes Care Volume 43, May 2020

Sam N. Scott,1,2,3 Mark P. Christiansen,4

Evaluation of Factors Related to Federico Y. Fontana,3,5 Christoph Stettler,2
Richard M. Bracken,6,7 Charlotte A. Hayes,3
Glycemic Management in Miles Fisher,8 Bruce Bode,9
Peter H. Lagrou,3 Phil Southerland,3 and
Professional Cyclists With Type 1 Michael C. Riddell1,10

Diabetes Over a 7-Day Stage Race

Diabetes Care 2020;43:1142–1145 |

To investigate factors related to glycemic management among members of a pro-
fessional cycling team with type 1 diabetes over a 7-day Union Cycliste Internationale
World Tour stage race.


An observational evaluation of possible factors related to glycemic management
and performance in six male professional cyclists with type 1 diabetes (HbA1c 6.4 6
0.6%) during the 2019 Tour of California. 1
School of Kinesiology and Health Science, York
RESULTS University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Department of Diabetes, Endocrinology, Nutri-
In-ride time spent in euglycemia (3.9–10.0 mmol/L glucose) was 63 6 11%, with tional Medicine and Metabolism, Bern University
a low percentage of time spent in level 1 (3.0–3.9 mmol/L; 0 6 1% of time) and level Hospital, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland
2 (<3.0 mmol/L; 0 6 0% of time) hypoglycemia over the 7-day race. Riders spent 25 6 Team Novo Nordisk Professional Cycling Team,
Atlanta, GA
9% of time in level 1 (10.1–13.9 mmol/L) and 11 6 9% in level 2 (>13.9 mmol/L) 4
Diablo Clinical Research, Walnut Creek, CA
hyperglycemia during races. Bolus insulin use was uncommon during races, despite 5
Department of Neurosciences, Biomedicine and

high carbohydrate intake (76 6 23 g · h21). Overnight, the riders spent progressively Movement Sciences, University of Verona, Ver-
more time in hypoglycemia from day 1 (6 6 12% in level 1 and 0 6 0% in level 2) to ona, Italy
Applied Sport, Technology, Exercise and Medicine
day 7 (12 6 12% in level 1 and 2 6 4% in level 2) (x2[1] > 4.78, P < 0.05). (A-STEM), Swansea University, Swansea, U.K.
Diabetes Research Group, Swansea University
CONCLUSIONS School of Medicine, Swansea, U.K.
Professional cyclists with type 1 diabetes have excellent in-race glycemia, but Department of Diabetes, Endocrinology and Clin-
ical Pharmacology, Glasgow Royal Infirmary, Glas-
significant hypoglycemia during recovery overnight, throughout a 7-day stage race. gow, Scotland, U.K.
Atlanta Diabetes Associates, Atlanta, GA
Athletes with type 1 diabetes have considerable challenges with glycemic control, LMC Diabetes & Endocrinology, Toronto, On-
tario, Canada
particularly around training and competition (1). Despite these challenges, the Team
Corresponding author: Sam N. Scott, sam-scott@
Novo Nordisk (TNN) professional athletes compete in elite cycling stage races around
the world. This study investigated the glycemic control and performance metrics of
Received 18 November 2019 and accepted 13
TNN athletes over a 7-day Union Cycliste Internationale World Tour stage race. February 2020
This article contains Supplementary Data online
Six riders from TNN (mean 6 SD age 29 6 3 years; duration of type 1 diabetes 13 6 doi:10.2337/dc19-2302/-/DC1.
_ 2max 72.2 6 5.0 mL z kg21z min21
7 years; body mass 70.0 6 5.3 kg; HbA1c 6.4 6 0.6%; VO © 2020 by the American Diabetes Association.
peak power 426 6 36 W) cycled between 3 and 7 h and covered 128–219 km on Readers may use this article as long as the work is
properly cited, the use is educational and not for
each of the 7 days of the Tour of California (Table 1). profit, and the work is not altered. More infor-
Each rider was equipped with a mobile power meter (Pioneer, Aliso Viejo, CA), a mation is available at https://www.diabetesjournals
G6 continuous glucose monitor (Dexcom, San Diego, CA), and a Wahoo cycle .org/content/license. Scott and Associates 1143

computer (Wahoo Fitness, Atlanta, GA)

with respect to stage 7.
to stage 3. #significant difference (P , 0.05) with respect to stage 4.^Significant difference (P , 0.05) with respect to stage 5. $Significant difference (P , 0.05) with respect to stage 6. £Significant difference (P , 0.05)
Data are presented as the mean 6 SD or n. *Significant difference (P , 0.05) with respect to stage 1. °Significant difference (P , 0.05) with respect to stage 2. §Significant difference (P , 0.05) with respect

HR (bpm)

Power (W)
In-ride energy change (kcal)
In-ride energy intake (kcal)
Energy expenditure (kcal)
Humidity (%)
Ambient temperature (°C)
Total stage elevation (m)
Distance (km)
Ride duration (min)

Table 1—Rider and race characteristics over the 7-day Tour of California
that monitored power output (Watts),


cadence (revolutions per minute), tem-
perature (degrees Celsius), speed (kilo-
meters per hour), elevation (meters),
grade (percentage), distance raced (kilo-
meters), duration (hours, minutes, and
seconds), and energy expenditure (kilo-
calories). Heart rate (HR) was measured
by using a Wahoo chest strap (Wahoo
21,230 6 217 Fitness). In-ride nutritional intake was
1,077 6 183

1,034 6 324
2,265 6 499
226 6 28
175 6 41

logged by the research team and support

134 6 8
187 6 3

194 6 0
staff, and the riders used NovoPen Echo

Plus smart insulin pens (Novo Nordisk,
Bagsværd, Denmark) to record insulin
The study was performed in accordance
22,817 6 499*
2,138 6 347*
4,955 6 342*
246 6 20*
219 6 17*

with the Declaration of Helsinki and was

144 6 5*
189 6 22

939 6 98

396 6 15

approved by a centralized institutional


review board (Salus IRB, Austin, TX; ID
no. DCR19-004). All participants provided
both verbal and written informed consent.
Continuous glucose monitoring (CGM)
22,681 6 581*
1,883 6 406*
4,564 6 284*
1,043 6 100

data from each race, each night (2200–

261 6 12*
214 6 13*
179 6 3*°
134 6 5°

360 6 9

0600), and each 24-h period (0800–0800)


were stratified by the percentage time

spent within various glycemic ranges: 3.0–
3.9 mmol/L (level 1 hypoglycemia), ,3.0
mmol/L (level 2 hypoglycemia), 3.9–10.0
22,259 6 684*

Stage of the tour

mmol/L (target range), 10.0–13.9 mmol/L

2,075 6 253*
4,334 6 694*
981 6 124
247 6 24*
205 6 30*
127 6 12°
174 6 6*°

(level 1 hyperglycemia), and .13.9 mmol/L

353 6 0

(level 2 hyperglycemia), according to re-

cent guidelines (2). The glucose targets for
the TNN riders, as set by their clinical
support team, are 6.7–12.2 mmol/L be-
fore a race in order to help minimize
22,740 6 488*

4,268 6 283*£
289 6 18*°§#
244 6 17*°§#

1,528 6 390
179 6 15*°

995 6 106
138 6 3#

hypoglycemia, and between 3.9 and 10.0

298 6 2

mmol/Ldideally .6.7 mmol/Ldduring


the ride for performance and to miti-

gate the risk of hypoglycemia. At all
other times, the cyclists aim for a glu-
cose concentration between 3.9 and
3,691 6 279*°§£
21,987 6 541
280 6 16*°§#
248 6 14*°§#
897 6 123*§

1,704 6 287

10.0 mmol/L.
170 6 2*°§^
138 6 1#

248 6 9

Statistical Analysis
Average performanceand diabetes-related
metrics were compared between racing
days by using one-way and two-way
21,666 6 776°^

repeated-measures ANOVA, as appropri-

1,050 6 545°§#
2,717 6 300°§#
297 6 17*°§#
256 6 17*°§#
141 6 5*§#
175 6 7*°$

944 6 106

ate. Pearson correlation coefficients were

174 6 2

calculated in order to assess the associ-


ationbetween in-rideglycemia and cycling

metrics. Mean in-ride hourly carbohy-
drate consumption was compared against
the international recommendations (60–
22,197 6 602

2,977 6 1,461
1,630 6 452
3,828 6 996

90 g z h21 for endurance athletes with-

7-Day mean
264 6 19

982 6 62

196 6 44
289 6 86
137 6 6
179 6 7

223 6 2

60 6 15
18 6 5

out diabetes [3,4]) by using a one-sample

t test. Statistical analyses were performed
by using RStudio version 1.1.447. Data are
presented as the mean 6 SD.
1144 Professional Cyclists With Type 1 Diabetes Diabetes Care Volume 43, May 2020

RESULTS insulins. Reliable insulin data were ob- 1 (6 6 12% of time at level 1 and 0 6 0% at
Six of the seven TNN riders completed tained from five of six riders. These five level 2) to day 7 (12 6 12% of time at level
every stage of the Tour of California, riders were on a split-dose basal regimen 1 and 2 6 4% at level 2). The progressively
with a total elevation of 20,840 m, cov- (two taking insulin glargine and three longer time in the hypoglycemic range
ering 1,244 km over seven consecutive taking insulin detemir), and all riders overnight meant that by day 6, the riders
days. A seventh rider was excluded from used the same bolus insulin (Fiasp; Novo had, on average, spent an amount of time
the analysis because he withdrew on day Nordisk). The total insulin dose admin- in hypoglycemia that was well above the
3 because of an accumulated delay in the istered over each 24-h period was 46 6 acceptable limit for time below target
race that did not seem to be related to 37 IU on day 1; this reduced to 33 6 30 IU (i.e., ,4% at level 1 and ,1% at level
diabetes. Overall, the team placed 14th on day 6 (Supplementary Fig. 1B). 2 hypoglycemia) (5). These observations
among 19 teams, finishing ahead of three In-ride nutrition consisted primarily of of elevated nocturnal hypoglycemia are
World Tour teams, with numerous in- energy gels, high-carbohydrate energy bars, concerning given the findings that noc-
dividual successes, including TNN’s first rice cakes, and bananas (Supplementary turnal hypoglycemia can negatively im-
rider in the top 10 for the final race stage. Table 2). Fluids consisted of water, a low- pact cardiac autonomic regulation (6).
There were significant differences be- carbohydrate sports drink containing Future work should examine the com-
tween mean in-ride glucose (P , 0.01), electrolytes, or cola. Mean in-ride carbo- bined effect of nocturnal hypoglycemia
poweroutput(P,0.001),andHR(P,0.01) hydrate intake was 76 6 23 g z h21, similar and exhaustive exercise on overnight HR
between race stages (Table 1). There were to that recommended by international variability in athletes with type 1 diabetes
also differences between mean in-ride guidelines (i.e., 60–90 g z h21) (3,4). and should further develop strategies to
reduce the risk of nocturnal hypoglyce-
energy expenditure and energy intake
mia by using nutritional interventions,
(P , 0.001), as a function of race stage. CONCLUSIONS
automated insulin delivery systems, or
Mean in-ride glucose was not correlated This is the first report to our knowledge both. Aside from the dangers of noctur-
with energy expenditure (r 5 20.17, describing factors related to glycemic nal hypoglycemia (7,8), hypoglycemia
P 5 0.31), energy intake (r 5 20.21, management over a World Tour stage may impair recovery between race stages.
P 5 0.21), or carbohydrate intake (r 5 race in members of a professional cycling Hypoglycemia has been shown to blunt
20.14, P 5 0.41). Individual in-ride glu- team who have type 1 diabetes. Overall, neuroendocrine and metabolic responses
cose data were not correlated with power the riders spent a large percentage of during subsequent exercise (9), which
(r 5 20.01), HR (r 5 20.02), speed time in the target glycemic range (3.9– may impact glycemia, fuel utilization,
(r 5 0.08), or race distance (r 5 20.09). 10 mmol/L) and spent little time with and thereby affect race performance.
CGM data are presented in Supple- hypoglycemia. However, nocturnal hy- This race involved considerable distan-
mentary Fig. 1 and Supplementary Table poglycemia was noted, which seemed to ces both before the race (travel from
1. During the races, riders spent 63 6 worsen over the tour. These observations different time zones) and between race
11% of their time in the target range (3.9– may be helpful for clinicians or exercise stages, which may also impact glycemic
10.0 mmol/L) and small percentages of physiologists working with highly trained control. Future research should investi-
time in level 1 (3.0–3.9 mmol/L; 0 6 1% of athletes with type 1 diabetes. gate how the additional stresses of a
time) and level 2 (,3.0 mmol/L; 0 6 0% Overall, during races, riders spent a cycling tour influence glycemic control.
of time) hypoglycemia. Over the tour, large percentage of time in the target Ingested carbohydrate is a primary fuel
there were two incidents of in-ride hy- glycemic range (63 6 13%) and little time that affects race performance by cyclists
poglycemia (interstitial glucose #3.9 in level 1 (0 6 1%) and level 2 (0 6 0%) without diabetes (10). Prior to this in-
mmol/L for at least 15 min [2]). These hypoglycemia (Supplementary Fig. 2A). vestigation, there was limited information
occurred in the same rider and lasted There were only two episodes of mild on the nutritional behavior of elite ath-
15 min each; in both cases, glucose did hypoglycemia, suggesting that these letes with type 1 diabetes. Mean in-ride
not fall below 3.8 mmol/L. Overall, during riders are proficient at managing their carbohydrate intake in these cyclists with
the rides the cyclists spent 25 6 9% of nutrition and glucose levels using real- type 1 diabetes was 76 g z h21 (range 30.5–
time in level 1 hyperglycemia (10.1– time CGM. However, the riders spent a 124.8 g z h21), which is in line with
13.9 mmol/L) and 11 6 9% of time in large proportion of time in level 2 hyper- guidelines for endurance athletes without
level 2 hyperglycemia (.13.9 mmol/L). glycemia (11 6 9%), exceeding the rec- diabetes (i.e., 60–90 g z h21) (3,4). These
Overnight, between stages, the riders ommended target of ,5% over each 24-h data demonstrate the importance of high
spent progressively more time in levels period (5). It is unclear whether this level carbohydrate intake to compete at a high
1 and 2 hypoglycemia (Supplementary of hyperglycemia was detrimental to level and that good glycemic control is
Fig. 2C), increasing from 6 6 12% of time performance in this group of elite ath- possible.
in level 1 and 0 6 0% of time in level 2 on letes. The decision for these athletes not To our knowledge, this is the first study
day 1 to 12 6 12% in level 1 and 2 6 4% in to correct hyperglycemia via an insulin to quantify habitual insulin doses and
level 2 by day 7 (P , 0.05). The odds of bolus may have been linked to their fear timing in a group of athletes with type 1
being hypoglycemic overnight increased of developing hypoglycemia during the diabetes over a cycling stage race. Total
by 32% from day 1 to 7 (odds ratio 5 1.32). race. insulin requirements reduced over the
All riders were on a stable regimen of During the nocturnal periods, the riders tour, whereas the basal-to-bolus ratio
multiple daily doses of a range of rapid- spent progressively more time in level increased by ;48%. The observation that
acting/short-lasting and long-lasting 1 and level 2 hypoglycemia from day riders did not typically inject bolus insulin Scott and Associates 1145

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