English VIII: Evidence 3

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English VIII

Evidence 3

Based on a Project, a research paper, or homework you have done throughout your
studies in the university, answer the following questions in paragraph style.

 Why was the study researched?

 What problems were the authors addressing?
 What was the nature of the work performed? This question seeks to answer if it was
an investigation, to test a hypothesis, to find a solution
 How is the state of the problem at the end of the research?
Evaluation criteria
Aspects Criteria Points
Format and File naming conventions are followed.
length Cover page must specify student name and date. 25
Your activity is written clearly and concisely and is uploaded
to our webpage for extension of content.
Evaluation of Data requested in the tables is calculated. 60
content Questions are answered correctly.
Spelling and Spelling and writing are correct. 15

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