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Assessment – Rubric (Lesson 5)

Name: Group Number: Date:

Basic Requirements:
1. It is at least one minute long.
2. All group members participate in the arranging, recording, and remixing.
3. It mixes a freedom song with a civil rights movement speech.
4. An mp3 file or YouTube link is sent by the following date: _________________________

Recording Rubric
4 3 2 1
Tone - Student demonstrates exceptional - Student demonstrates acceptable tone - Student’s tone is mostly acceptable - Student’s tone is mostly
tone characteristic of their instrument characteristic for their instrument and often uncharacteristic for their unacceptable
- Notes are clear and easily heard - Notes are clear and easily heard instrument - Notes are often not heard or clear
- Notes are mostly clear and heard
Tempo and - Student plays in a consistent and - Student plays in a consistent and - Student’s tempo sometimes - Student’s tempo is unclear and
rhythm clear tempo clear tempo fluctuates irregular
- All rhythms are accurate and precise - Most rhythms are accurate and - Some rhythms are not accurate nor - Rhythms are not at all accurate
precise precise
Note - Student plays all the right notes - Student misses 1-3 notes - Student misses 4-5 notes - Student misses most notes (over 6)
Posture - Student demonstrates correct posture - Student demonstrates correct posture - Student’s posture is mostly correct - Student’s posture is sloppy and
- Student demonstrates correct playing - Student’s playing position has minor - Student’s playing position is incorrect
position for their instrument flaws unacceptable - Student’s playing position is

Style - Student demonstrates perfect style - Student mostly plays with - Student makes an attempt to play - Appropriate style is rarely heard
(including appropriate for the selection - All appropriate style with style - Dynamics are not heard
Dynamics) dynamics are adhered to - All dynamics are adhered to - Most dynamics are adhered to - No attempt at expressivity
- Student is expressive - Student is mostly expressive - Student makes an attempt to be
Remixing Rubric
4 3 2 1
Technology - The cutting and layering of samples - The cutting and layering of samples - Cutting and layering exist, but are - Basic requirements for mixing are
Skills show clear vision, creativity, and are done accurately, to good effect. “messy” or underused in places. not met.
Communication - The project’s purpose is evident in - The project meets its purpose, and - The project may be monotonous or - The project lacks taste or
well-chosen samples and originality shows thoughtful use of samples and confusing at times. The vision lacks responsibility. It does not show care
of vision. Its effect is felt. editing. specificity or is not realized in the or thoughtfulness.

Total Grade: ____/28

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