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NAME: Shania Deidre B.

DATE: May 21, 2021

THEME: Communicating with Convincing Power to Inspire

1. Directions: Do some research regarding the issues, topics, or information in communic

ation skills that must be aligned to the given theme. Then supply the needed content on
the given outline. The outline is ready for you to provide your desired content of your sp
eech composition. You may do it in words or in phrases or in sentences. You have 4 par
ts of your composition or you may add more if needed. The first part (A) serves as your
introduction and the last part (D) serves as your climax or concluding part.

A. Introduction
1. “If you can’t communicate effectively, you will not lead.”- Helio Fred Garcia
2. Regardless of the end of the goal when leaders understand how to use persuasion in
their communications,they can be more thoughtful and intentional about their language and
ultimately, be more effective.
3. When communication is effective, it leaves all people involved satisfied and feeling
4. Our communication ability to inspire and convince is largely dependent on the way you
frame your message, and on your skills at playing the game of framing and re framing.
B. Body
1. Words can make a difference.
2. Why the message never gets across the intended audience.
3. Shared experience about.
4. Finding your Inspirational side.

C. Main or Central Idea

1. To get people to take notice, and remember what you have said, is a
supreme challenge. Great speakers use stories, knowing that we are wired to
listen,imaginatively, when we are told stories.
2. People listen from behind their own filters - filters that maybe cultural or
emotional, or that may be in place because of their unique perceptions or
even misunderstandings.
3. Part of becoming inspiring is knowing what inspires others.
4. A look of frustration here, a frown of frustration when someone is talking - all
of these send powerful signs that staff take away and dissect for meaning.

D. Conclusion

1. Articulate your vision: Now that you have an empowering, purposeful belief to
share, it is important to articulate it.
2. Not every belief will work though. It has to be something your audience can
directly relate to. People will be more inspired if the belief directly relates to
them somehow.
3. Leaders must communicate on two fronts: informational communication and
inspirational communication.
4. The most important thing in communication is to hear what isn’t being said.

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