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Cordillera A+ Computer Technology College

Bersamin Bldg. Tabuk City, Kalinga 3800

e-mail add.:, Tel. No.: 0746275254, FB Page: @cactcollege



Week: 3
Topic: Stroke for a, e; Stroke for t, d, Stroke for n, m; Punctuation and Paragraph Symbols; Symbol for
Capitalization; Shorthand Symbol of h at the beginning of words; Word ending –ing; Shorthand Symbol of long i
Learning Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to:
1. Write words with the sound of a and e, t and d, n and m using shorthand.
2. Write the Strokes for punctuations and paragraph symbols.
3. Execute the shorthand symbol for h, -ing and long i


The Shorthand Symbol for a and e. The shorthand symbol for a an e are circles that are differentiated by size
much the the same as they are in longhand

The a is large circle-

The e is small circle-

The Shorthand Symbol for n and m. The shorthand symbol for n amd is straight line written forward along
the line of writing.

The n is a short straight line-

The m is a long straight line-

Examples of a,e n, m words

me mean knee
may main aim

The shorthand Symbol for t and d. The shorthand symbol for t and d is upward slanting straight line
diffirentiatedby length.
The t is a short slanting straight line-
The d is a long slanting straight line-

Examples of t and d words

day mate team

date meat,meet tame

deed tea ate

made eat aid

Punctuation and Paragraph Symbols. Special symbol are used to represent the period and question mark at
the end of a sentence. Note that an ordinary comma is used within a circle. Sentences ending with a period or
question mark may also be the last sentence in a paragraph. In this case, if the last sentences in the paragraph
ends with a period, the period is dropped and a paragraph sybol is used alone. If the last sentence ends with a
question mark or an exclamation point, both the punctuation mark and the paragraph symbol are retained.

period semicolon exclamation point

question mark colon left parenthesis

paragraph hyphen right parenthesis

comma dash

Capitalization. Shorthand capitalization is indicated with a pair of tiny slanting straight symbols. These
capitalization marks are placed underneath the word to be capitalized at the end of the outline. While vertical
placement is not critical, the capitalization marks should be close enough to the body of the outline to be
unmistakably associated with it.

May Amy

Dean Nate
Note:the first word of shorthand sentences does not contain capitalization marks.

Symbol of h at the Beginning of the Word. The letter h, which almost always occur at the beginning of a
word is represented by a dot placed above the vowel.

he heat hate

Word ending –ing. The sounds of –ing, which almost always occurs at the end of a word is represented by a
dot placed close to the end of the body of the ouline.

heating taming dating

naming heeding

Long I. the shorthand symbol for long i is represented by large broken circle.

high mine die,dye

my tie

might night

 Charles E. Zoebek and Gregg A Condon(Centennial Edition)Gregg Shorthand College Book 1
 Charles E. Zoebek (Centennial Edition)Gregg Shorthand College Book 2

Instruction: Analize the given strokes below. Complete each sentences by transcribing the shorthand
words to longhand. Write the complete sentence in a yellow pad and submit it to your instructor.

 a, e, t, d, n, m

 H, ing Practice

 Long I Practice

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