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Climb aboard and let’s get ready to explore, for there is so much to find as venture to

the marvelous city/municipality of .

Maayong buntag kaninyong tanan, or in other words, a pleasant morning to each and
every one! I am Sarah Lim, and on behalf of the CSR Travel and tours, I will be your tour guide
for today! And with me, is our poging bus driver, Mr. Mario. So my dear tourists, please greet
Mr. Mario “Maayong Buntag~~” (very good Tourists!)

And for today’s trip, we have prepared exciting activities just for you. And because your
safety is our top priority, I will give you a HIGH 5 to ensure everybody’s safety.

 One, Secure all your personal belongings, do not leave your things unattended.
 Two, Stay with the group at all times.
 Three, Respect the environment. Let us practice CLAYGO (CLEAN AS YOU GO).
 Four, if you ever need any assistance, don’t hesitate to approach me because (sing “I’m only
one call away~~). And If ever you’re feeling unwell, don’t you worry because I have with me
my first aid kit…
 And Lastly, number Five rule, I want you all to enjoy this trip.

You might be wondering what this flag means, when I raise this up, it means you have 15-20
mins to explore the place, take pictures, talk to the locals or even buy souvenirs. When I whistle
once (prrrt!) this means means you have 5 mins left to roam around the place and when I
whistle twice (prrt! prrt!) this means you need to go back to the bus for we will be moving on
to our next destination.

So my dear tourists, let me do a head count first, 1… 2… 3… 50! I have 50 tourists inside the

Now we are heading to our first destination, and while waiting, let me tell you some fun
facts about , Do you know that (insert Trivia) .

Alright tourists, we’re finally here and Welcome to ! (Insert Facts about
the place.)

*Raises the flag* Alright you have 15-20 mins to explore the place.

*whistle once* 5 mins. left… *whistle twice* alright my dear tourists, let us now proceed to
our next destination. Welcome to ! (Insert Facts about the place.) And here is
the (Insert Facts about it.)

Introductory lines for introducing DELICACY:

While in don’t forget to buy their famous delicacy, as the saying goes, you haven’t
been to , if you haven’t tasted our famous .

My dear tourists, we have now reached the part of our tour where we go our separate
ways. Once again, this has been your tour guide Sara Lim, and I hope that you had a fun and
exciting time with me. Thank you for choosing CSR Travel and tours and I hope to see you again
on your future adventures. Thank you, Goodbye and Mabuhay!!

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