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Grammar [UNIT 3: WHAT’S IN A NAME]

Modal Verbs


Use ‘d better / ‘d better not and a verb from the list to complete each sentences.

apologise - call - eat - study - stay - tell - turn - wear

1 A We’ve got a test tomorrow.

B Well, you _________________________ tonight, then.

2 A My parents get worried if I get home late.

B OK, we _________________________ too long at the party, then.

3 A I think he’s quite angry about what I said.

B You _________________________, then.

4 A I’ve got tickets for the concert tonight.

B Well, you _________________________ Steve.

5 A I don’t feel too well.

B Well, you _________________________ any more crisps, then.

6 A Look! That man’s fallen over. I think he’s ill.

B We _________________________ an ambulance right away.

7 A The neighbours are complaining about the noise.

B Oh, OK. We _________________________ the music down a bit.

8 A It’s a very special party tomorrow night.

B Yes, I know. We _________________________ something nice.


A. Which is correct? Highlight the correct modal verb for each sentence.

1. We haven’t got much time. We must/mustn’t hurry.

2. We’ve got plenty of time. We mustn’t/don’t need to hurry.
3. I have to talk to Gary. I must/mustn’t remember to call him.
4. I have to talk to Gary. I mustn’t/needn’t forget to call him.
5. There’s plenty of time for you to make up your mind. You mustn’t/don’t need to decide now.
6. We needn’t/mustn’t wash these tomatoes. They’ve already been washed.
7. This is a valuable book. You must/needn’t take good care of it and you mustn’t/don’t need to
lose it.
Grammar [UNIT 3: WHAT’S IN A NAME]

8. A: What sort of house do you want to buy? Something big?

B: Well, it mustn’t/needn’t be big - that’s not so important. But it must/mustn’t have a nice
garden. That’s

Source: English Grammar in Use Intermediate

B. Complete the sentences with must, mustn’t, don’t/doesn’t have to.

1. You _______________ stand on the desk. You’ll break it.
2. In China, you _______________ take off your shoes before you enter a building. They’re very
clean people.
3. We _______________ take an umbrella. I’m sure it isn’t going to rain.
4. You _______________ put a stamp on this letter. It says FREEPOST on it.
5. My parents let me go to the party but I _______________ come back before midnight.
6. We _______________ forget to take the presents with us when we go.
7. In our country children _______________ go to school on Saturday.
8. You _______________ touch the ball. It’s against the rules.
Source: Macmillan English Grammar in Context-
Intermediate p .87 Ex 3

C. Read this notice. Then complete the advice for people who are coming to your school
and visiting your bedroom

Information for newcomers

to London Language Institute
▪ You shouldn’t leave your car unlocked.
▪ You should buy a notebook.
▪ You mustn’t be late for class.
▪ You must attend classes every day.
▪ You needn’t bring a dictionary.
▪ You don’t have to take any exams.

Information for newcomers

to ……………………… School
▪ You shouldn’t ___________________________________________________________________
Grammar [UNIT 3: WHAT’S IN A NAME]

▪ You should______________________________________________________________________
▪ You mustn’t_____________________________________________________________________
▪ You must________________________________________________________________________
▪ You needn’t_____________________________________________________________________
▪ You don’t have to________________________________________________________________

Source: English Grammar in Use Supplementary Exercises, p. 52

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