Affidavit of Recantation - Barrio

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Republic of the Philippines )

City of Manila ) Sc.

I, Ma. Hencel Villagonzalo Barrio, of legal age, married, with residence and
postal address at 711-D Geronimo St., Sampaloc, Manila 1008, after having been duly
sworn to in accordance with law, hereby depose and state, that:

1. I am the same Ma. Hencel V. Barrio, the Private Complainant in the

administrative case for Grave Misconduct docketed IAS-12-014 now pending before the
Internal Affairs Service, Camp Crame, Quezon City;

2. I filed said case against my husband, Respondent PO2 Sherwin Chua

Barrio presently assigned at Calauan Municipal Police Station of Laguna Police
Provincial Office;

3. After a heart to heart talk with Respondent and recollection that led to the
filing of the case, I am convinced that Respondent did not commit any crime or
administrative offense and everything arose out of pure misunderstanding and
misapprehension of facts;

4. I filed said case due to the prodding of friends and relatives who caused
the preparation of my Complaint-Affidavit dated October 3, 2011 without understanding
the consequences of the same;

5. Neither I studied nor I examined closely the contents of my Complaint-

Affidavit because I was told by a lawyer just to sign it giving me no reasonable time to
go over it;

6. Now that I have studied, examined, scrutinized and evaluated the said
Complaint-Affidavit, I realized that the narration I made in it was incomplete and flawed
because it omitted to state some undisputed facts;

7. I omitted to state that Respondent has converted to Islam with an adopted

name “Abdulsalam” since January 20, 2010 as decreed by Zamboanga Shari’a District
Court so that it necessarily requires me to understand that he is, for a long time,
governed by the law on marriage under Shari’a Law and not the Family Code of the

8. At the time the case is being heard, I failed to immediately inform the
Honorable Summary Hearing Officer that Respondent’s ATM Card containing his PNP
salary was already entrusted to my possession hence, the issue of Respondent’s
financial support should have been dispensed with during the hearings;

9. I did not suffer economic abuse or psychological violence contrary to what

I have said earlier in my Complaint-Affidavit;

10. I hereby recant, retract and renounce the averments I made in my

Complaint-Affidavit and declares said document as having no efficacy, validity or
binding effect whatsoever;

11. I made this Affidavit of Recantation freely and voluntarily and no force,
threat or intimidation was exerted upon my person;
12. I executed this Affidavit to attest to the truth of the foregoing facts with the
end in view of finding Respondent NOT GUILTY of any administrative offense as a
result of the allegations contained in my Complaint-Affidavit.

Ma. Hencel V. Barrio


SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this ___ day of December, 2013 at

_____________________. Affiant exhibited to me her __________________________
as competent evidence of her identity.

Notary Public

Doc. No. ______

Page No. ______
Book No. ______
Series of 2013.

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