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| Contents CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION. wos eee eee Structure... ‘Types of Structures... oe Basic Definitions in Structural Analysis and Design Design Basics. Idealzation of Structures. STAAD.PRo Vsi | Salient Features... STAAD.PRo SCREEN ORGANISATION. Unit Systems... . Structure Geometry and Coordinate Systems . CHAPTER 2 COMMAND REFERENCE . Rew cece Creating Nodes .. Enhanced Grid Too. ‘Add Beam... j Support Specification Mirror ‘Translational Repeat... Rotate... Circular Repeat Move... Renumber. j RUN StrucTURE WizaRD.. i Generation of Structure from Models CHAPTER 3 CoMMAND REFERENC ‘Member Property. | Material Specification... Loading . . i Perform Analysis. | Run Analysis . re Analysis Print... Post Analysis Print Floor Load .. Load Combination ! CHAPTER 4 Concrete Desicn | CHAPTER § SEISMOLOGY. ... Major Plates. . Minor Plates . CHAPTER 6 CHAPTER 7 CHAPTER WoRKBOOK SAPRR BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS FOR EARTHQUAKE DESIGN «+0000 46 STATIC SEISMIC DEFINITION IN STAAD.PRO wees sor eer sores on47 Soft Storey Checking... wo cocci : 0 Identification of Floor Level es sets n= ceteeemen enews Assign a Primary Load... - sete DYNAMIC ANALYSIS... Response Spectrum Analysis. Response Spectrum Specification 2 nena Time History Analysis. INTRODUCTION TO FEM. ws. oss. +0+ MobELING IN STAAD.PRo. Geometry | Snap/Grid Node | Plate... Geometry | Add Plate. Geometry | Generate Surface Meshing... -..0--+ ‘Geometry | Generate PlateMesh ee Commands | Plate Thickness. ceo LOADING. «sees ees eee Plate Load. SLAB DESIGN w.- eee eee One-Way Slab ~ ‘Two-Way Slab. STEEL DESIGN. TapLe MEMBER PROPERTY. .. STEEL DESIGN... Code Checking Specification ‘Member Selection Specification Member Selection by Optimization... Steel Take Off Specification . STAAD FOUNDATION ADVANCED «+o eus os Stating STAD Foundation . Exiting STAAD Foundation Foundation Modes Create New Project Dialog Box. STAAD.Pro File import Dialog Box... General Foundation Job Setup Group Isolated Footing - Structural Engineering Introduction Structural engineering is a field of engineering dealing with the analysis and design of structures that support or resist loads. Structural engineering is usually considered a specialty within civil engineering, but it can also be studied in its own right. Structural engineers are most commonly involved in the design of buildings and large non-building structures but they can also be involved in the design of machinery, medical equipment, vehicles or any item where structural integrity affects the item's function or safety. ‘Structural engineers are responsible for engineering design and analysis. Entry-level structural engineers ‘may design the individual structural elements of a structure, for example the beams, columns, and floors of a building. More experienced engineers would be responsible for the structural design and integrity of an entire system, such as.a building, ‘Structural engineers must ensure their designs satisfy given design criteria, predicated on safety or serviceability and performance, Structural engineering depends upon a detailed knowledge of loads, physics and materials to understand and predict how structures support and resist self-weight and imposed loads. To apply the knowledge successfully a structural engineer will need a detailed knowledge of mathematics and of relevant empirical and theoretical design codes. Structure A Structure can be defined as an assembly of interrelated or interdependent parts forming a more complex, unified whole and serving a common purpose. For instance, a Building can be defined asa structural system designed and constructed to support and transmit applied lateral and gravity loads safely to the ground without exceeding the allowable stresses in its members. ‘The Super Structure is the vertical extension of a building above the foundation which includes columns, beams and load bearing walls, floor and roof structures. The substructure is the underlying structure forming the foundation of a building. ‘A Bridge has to support live loads due to traffic and the dead load of the bridge itself. The structural support of a bridge has to be designed in such a way that it can safely transfer the loads to piers, abutment to foundation. Any structure develops internal forces in its component members known as “Structural Elements” a ge Types of Structures Different types of structures supported by STAAD.Pro are, SPACE structure = Acceptable for any configuration of model geometry and loading. © Permits three dimensional structures. * Permits loading in any direction. Permits deformations in all three global axes. * Coordinate system follows right hand rule. PLANE Structure ‘Acceptable only for two dimensional modes in the XY plane with no loading or deformations perpendicular to this plane. * Allloads and deformations are in the plane of the structure. ‘TRUSS structure = Permits loading in any direction, but members only provide axial resistance. Members cannot resist bending or shear loads. = Permits three dimensional structures. ‘© Permits deformations in all three global directions. © Coordinate system follows right hand rule. FLOOR structure: = Acceptable for two dimensional models in the XZ plane with loading and deformations perpendicular to this plane. = Allloads and deformations are parallel to the global Y axis. Basic Definitions in Structural Analysis and Design Stress The force of resistance offered by a member per unit area is called stress The external force acting on itis called load. The load is applied on the body and the stress is induced in the material of the body. ‘Stress = Force/ Area (P/A) N/mm2 Strain Due to the application of load, the length of a member will change. The ratio of change in length to the original length of the member is called Strain. Strain e = dl/ Tensile Stress The force of resistance offered by a section of a member, against an increase in length, is called tensile stress. The corresponding strain is called tensile strain. Compressive Stress The force of resistance offered by a section of a member due to pushing, against a decrease in length, is called Compressive stress. The corresponding strain is called Compressive strain. CADD CENTRE STAAD.ProVBi reterrcs Gude Temperature Stresses (a) A member will offer stresses if natural change in dimensions is restricted due to rise and fall in temperatures. Temperature stress = aTE Where a = Coefficient Of thermal expansion, T= temperature rise. Elastic Modulus. Temperature Strain = Expansion or Contraction prevented /Original length. Young’s Modulus The Young Modulus, E is a material property that describes its stiffness and is therefore one of the most important properties in engineering design. Within the limits of elasticity, the ratio of the linear stress to the linear strain is termed the modulus of, elasticity or Young's Modulus. Young’s Modulus, E = Stress/Strain This property determines how much a bar will sag under its own weight or under a loading when used as a beam within its limit of proportionality. Poisson Ratio Poisson's ratio deals with the way stretching or compressing an object in one direction ‘causes it to compress or stretch in the other direction. The ratio measures the extent of this effect in a particular substance, ‘The technical definition of Poisson's ratio is “the ratio of transverse contraction strain to longitudinal expansion strain” In most cases, Poisson's ratio is positive, meaning a material stretches in one direction by a greater degree than it contracts in other directions. In most cases, a material's Poisson ratio will range between 0 and 0.5. Among common materials, rubber has a Poisson ratio very close to 0.5, whereas steel has one of 0.3. and cork is much closer to 0. Density Density isa physical property of matter, as each element and compound has a unique density associated with it. Density defined in a qualitative manner as the measure of the relative “heaviness” of objects with a constant volume. Density is defined as the mass per unit volume of a substance. It can be expressed as follows: Density = mass / volume Shear Modulus The shear modulus is one of several quantities for measuring the stiffness of materials. In materials science, shear modulus or modulus of rigidity, denoted by G, is defined as the ratio of shear stress to the shear strain. Co-efficient of thermal expansion All materials change their size when subjected to a temperature change as long as the pressure is held constant. The coefficient of thermal expansion describes how the size of an object changes with a change in temperature. Specifically it measures the fractional change in volume per degree change in temperature at a constant pressure. Shear Force The sum of vertical forces at a given section of a member is defined as shear Force. a Bending Moment The algebraic Sum of all the moments at a given section of a member is defined as the Bending moment. Structural Analysis Structural analysis is defined as the calculation of the response of structures to actions. Design Design of a structure is to assess the loads and to provide members of sufficient proportions to resist the assessed loads with a sufficient margin of safety. Design Basics All the component members are to be arranged so that they transmit their self-weight and other superimposed loads to foundation or supporting structure by cheapest means to satisfy the requirements of architecture and structural stability. Design should be made in accordance with the principles of mechanics, recognized methods of design and sound engineering practice. Consideration should be given to the effects of continuity on the distribution ‘of bending moment and shear force due to monolithic construction, Structural members should be designed to have strengths at least equal to the structural effects of design load at all sections. Idealization of Structures To carry out practical analysis it is necessary to idealize a structure. Their censorial axes normally represent the members. There may be difference between clear spans and centre-to-centre spans ordinarily used in analysis. ‘These differences can be ignored unless the cross-sectional dimensions of members are sufficiently large to influence the results. The idealized form of a structure is shown in the following image. SAR STAAD.ProV8i Reterce Guse Idealized Structure Usually, a single line represents the centroidal axes or the edges of the members. Sometimes two lines are drawn to indicate the depth of the members and unless the depth of the member is specified, it is disregarded in analysis. STAAD.Pro V8i STAAD.Pro is the leading Structural Analysis and Design software from Bentley. STAAD.Pro is the professionals choice for steel, concrete, timber, aluminum and cold-formed steel design of virtually any structure including culverts, petrochemical plants, tunnels, bridges, piles and much more. The “i” in the new V8i version stands for: intuitive, interactive, intrinsic, incredible, and interoperable. Bentley calls V8i the most comprehensive and significant release in its history, which took a total investment of over a billion dollars and spans across the vast array of disciplines with underlying theme and mission: Continues to be “Sustaining Infrastructure’, Salient Features = State-of-the art graphical environment with standard MS Windows functionality. Full range of analysis including static, P-delta, pushover, response spectrum, time history, cable (linear and non-linear), buckling and steel, concrete and timber design. = Object-oriented intuitive 2D/3D graphical model generation. = Supports truss and beam members, plates, solids, linear and non-linear cables, and curvilinear beams. = Advance automatic load generation facilities for wind, area, floor, and moving loads. = Toggle display of loads, supports, properties, joints, members, etc. Joint, member/element, mesh generation with flexible user-controlled numbering scheme. “The basic activities which are to be carried out in STAAD.Pro to achieve the goal are; = Model generation: Define the basic geometry of the structure using Members and Plates or Solids. # Section Properties: Define the sizes of members. © Material Properties: Specify the materials such as Concrete or Steel to define Poisson’ ratio, Young's modulus, Density, ete. = Member Specifications: Define Member orientations, offsets, releases. = Supports: Define support locations and boundary conditions. = Loads: Assign loads such as Self-weight, Dead, Live, Wind, Seismic and Load combinations. = Analysis: Indicate the type of analysis to be performed with associated options. = Post Processing Commands: Extract and review analysis results. © Design: Specify the suitable commands for Concrete or Steel design. gi Chapter 1 STAAD.Pro Screen Organisation A sample of the STAAD screen is shown in figure below. The screen has five major elements as shown, ee ery Se Figure 1.3 1. Menu bar Tool bar Page control Main window Data area In STAAD-Pro Geometry is the “skeleton of your structure” or in other words Geometry is “the members (beams ant columns), and the plates (slabs, walls, and raft foundations)". Node means Stiffed joint with 6 reactions. It is located at each end of Beam, and each corner of Plate Nodes considered the essence of the Geometry of any structure in STAAD.Pro. Each Node will hold he following informatior = Node Number. = Node Coordinate in XYZ space. STAAD.ProVBi Reteerce Gude Beam means any member in the structure. Itcan be beam, column, bracing member, or truss member. Beams are actually defined based on the Nodes at their ends. Each Beam will hold the following information: = Beam Number. = The Node numbers at its ends. Plate means a thin shell with multi-nodded shape starting from 3 nodes, and more. It can be anything of slab, wall, or raft foundation, Each Plate will hold the following information: ® Plate Number. = Node Numbers at each corner of it. Unit Systems The useris allowed to input data and request output is almost available in all commonly used engineering uunit systems including MKS, SI and FPS. In the input file, the user may change units as many times as, required. Mix and match between length and force units from different unit systems are also allowed. ‘The input-unit for angles (or rotations) is degrees. Structure Geometry and Coordinate Systems A structure is an assembly of individual components such as beams, columns, slabs, plates and others. In STAAD, frame elements and plate elements may be used to model the structural components. Typically, modelling of the structure geometry consists of two steps: © Identification and description of joints or nodes. = Modelling of members or elements through specification of connectivity (incidences) between joints. In general, the term MEMBER will be used to refer to frame elements and the term ELEMENT will be used to refer to plate/shell and solid elements. STAAD uses two types of coordinate systems to define the structure geometry and loading patterns. ‘The GLOBAL coordinate system is an arbitrary coordinate system in space, which is used to specify the overall geometry and loading pattern of the structure. ALOCAL coordinate system is associated with each member (or element) and is used in MEMBER END FORCE output or local load specification. Command Reference New (Creating a new file in STAAD Pro can be done in two different ways: * Once you started the software. © Ifthe software is already running and you want to create new file, select File/New, or click the New Structure button in the File toolbar. In both ways, the same dialog box will be displayed. STAAD Pro can deal with single file at a time, so, if you attempt to create a new file, while another file is opened, STAAD Pro will close it right away. The files will be stores with * STD extension. Creating Nodes When you select the Nodes command in Geometry ‘menu, it shows a dialog box where you can enter the joint co-ordinates. Figure 2.1 Co-ordinates dialog box er display of N shorteut keys. Joints in the modeling area use Shift + K and to show the joint id use Enhanced Grid Tool ‘The options in Snap/Grid Node tools in the geometry menu have f been enhanced to 1. Allow multiple different grids to be created. 2. Import a DXF file and use it as a template 3. Import grid files created in another STAAD-Pro model Beams, plates (both triangular and quadrilateral) and 8 nodes solid —2%=_|_s=~-_|_vom_ elements can be generated using the appropriate Snap/Grid Node | | “™*O“teesete ] tool. When this function is launched, the following dialog is opened which includes a Default Linear Grid. fn | Figure 2.2 Snap Node/Beam STAAD.ProVBi fcterecs Guo As new grids are added or modified, the information is stored in the STAAD.Pro data folder with a GRD extension that allows other STAAD files to re-use these defined grids. To change the settings of the ‘current grid, click on the Edit button (Figure. 2.3), The current plane of the grid is set by selecting the required option. This can be rotated about one of the global planes by selecting the axis of rotation and setting the angle. The origin of the grid is marked on the graphics with a small circle. The location of the origin, specified in global co-ordinates, can either be defined explicitly in the given X.Y and Z co-ordinates, ort can be set to the co-ordinates of an existing node by clicking on the icon, J) (the cursor changes to ®) and then on the node itself in the graphical window. Note that at this point the origin co-ordinate is. updated. * The construction lines are used to specify how many gtidlines are created either side of the origin, the spacing between the gridlines and if there should be a skew in degrees along either axis. oer ttn ae x» ar arp | Fa aie | Figure 2.3 Lincar Grid Sectings, Additional grids can be defined by clicking on the Create button. Three different types of standard grid (Linear, Radial and Irregular) can be created. = The type of grid required should be selected from the drop list of types available at the top of the property sheet. = Each new grid should be identified with a unique name for future reference. Radial = Start Angle is the angle in degrees about the orthogonal axis to the plane from the axis first referred to in the definition of the plane. E.g. ifthe selected plane is X-Y, then the angle is measured abut the Z axis (using the right hand rule) from the axis parallel to the X axis. = Sweep is the angle in degrees measured from the start, angle which is divided into the selected number of Bays (Figure. 2.4). Irregular The plane of the grid can either be set in one of the global planes X-Y, X-Z or Y-Z and rotated about one of the global axes. This method is identical to that described for the Regular or Radial Grids. Alternatively, the directions of the two axes can be specified as relative co-ordinates from the origin (Figure. 2.586):- Tigre 2.4 Radial Grid Settings CADD CENTRE seaees FE i= oweenety [> Figure 2.5 ireguar Gnd Seaings Figure 2.6 Aes Direction ‘= The gridlines are defined by the distance to the next gridline and the numbers separated with a space, Add Beam ‘This option in geometry menu allows you to add members by connecting existing nodes. Choosing this option brings up the following sub-menu. ‘tN Member Aiba Fo s48 team arent Point 1 Add eam bebren Md Points 7 Add team by Perpendicular ntesection 48d Curved Bear Figure 2.7: Add Beam ‘Add Beam from Point to Point In prior versions of STAAD.Pro, the Add Beam option was a facility for adding a beam between two existing nodes. This has now been extended to be able to create beams from nodes that have not been previously defined. The nodes can now be dynamically generated at the time of creating the beam similar to the way beams are created using the Snap/Grid Beam command. To create a beam dynamically without the start and end nodes defined, go to Geometry | Add Beam | Add Beam from Point to Point from the main menu, The Add Beams cursor appears. Click on any point on the existing beam where the starting node of the new beam will lie. If an existing node is not present at that point, a dialog box will prompt for a new node to be created. Figure 2.8: add Beam STAAD.ProVBi fetes Gace ke Click on Yes to create a new node. The Insert Nodes dialog box will prompt for the exact location where the node is to be created. Once the desired node or nodes have been input in that box, click on the OK button to generate the new node(s) on the selected beam. If the new node input is not within a close Proximity of the point clicked on the screen (prior to this dialog box coming up), no “draggable” line will be shown. Click on the new node to start the creation of the beam. Then, drag the mouse to another ‘existing node location or repeat the same steps again to dynamically create another new node. ‘Add Beams from Mid-Points This option allows you to add members between the midpoints of two existing beams. Any new node(s) required on either of the beams will automatically be generated. To create a beam from the midpoint of one beam to the midpoint of another beam, go to Geometry | ‘Add Beam | Add Beam between Mid- Points from the main menu. Select the first beam on which the starting joint of the new beam will lie. Drag the mouse across and select the second beam on which the ending joint of the new beam will le. Add Beam by Perpendicular Intersection This option allows you to add members between an exist- ing node and the perpendicular bisection of an existing beam. Any new node required on the beam will automatically be generated. The newly added beam will intersect the existing member at a 90 degree angle. To create a beam from a node to the perpendicular bisection point of another beam, go to Geometry | ‘Add Beam | Add Beam by Perpendicular Intersection menu option. Select the node from which the starting end of the beam is to begin and drag the mouse towards the beam on which the bisection is to occur. And click on the beam where the ending point of the new beam. will lie. The program will automatically find the perpendicular bisection point on that beam with respect to the original node selected. A new node (if necessary) will be created along with the resulting beam The beam will also be split into two parts with all the attributes from the original beam being passed onto its parts. Figure 2.9: Perpendicular Intersection Add Curved Beam This option allows you to define curved members. The curve must be a segment of acircle and the internal angle subtended by the arc must be less than 180 degrees. To add a curved beam graphically, the following procedure may be adopted. * Create the nodes for the two ends of the beam using one of the several methods available. © Select the Add Curved Beam tool. The Add Curved Beam cursor will now appear on the screen, © Click on the two nodes (representing the two ends of the curved beam) in succession. The dialog box for specification of the radius of curvature and the gamma angle will appear. After typing the values, click OK. 2 Support Specification Support Page When the General | Support Page is opened, a Supported Nodes table and a Supports dialog box appear in the data area. ‘We may specify supports in two ways. We may first create a support specification and then select the ‘nodes to which this support is to be attached to. Alternatively, we may first select the nodes and then specify a support to be assigned to the selected nodes. In the second case, a new support specification is created along with a support reference number. Also note that the Assign button becomes active ifwe have already selected the nodes to which the support is to be applied. ‘Supported Nodes Table lists all nodes for which supports have been defined. The type of support is also displayed. The Supports dialog box allows us to define supports ‘and assign them to nodes. All supports that have been defined for the model are listed in the Supports dialog box (Figure. 2.11). Create The Create button is for creating supports to be applied on the structure. When this button is selected, a Create Support dialog box appears on the screen. Edit For certain types of supports, the parameters of the support can be modified after the support is created. ‘The Edit facility does not exist for support types like FIXED, PINNED, ENFORCED, etc. Delete Use this button to delete a previously assigned support. Assignment Method The options under the Assignment Method offer different choices for assigning supports to the structure. Figure 2.11 Supports Dialog Box © Assign To Selected Nodes: To assign a support to selected nodes, first select the support from the Supports dialog box. The support selected is highlighted. Then select the nodes to which this support is to be assigned. When all desired nodes are selected, click the Assign To Selected Nodes radio button, then click the Assign button. © Assign To View: To assign a support to all free nodes in a view, first select the support from the ‘Supports dialog box. The selected support is highlighted, Select the Assign To View radio button, and then click the Assign button. All free nodes in the structure are assigned this support after getting the confirmation. © Use Cursor To Assign: To assign a support to nodes using the cursor, first select the support from the Supports dialog box. The selected support is highlighted, Select the LIse Cursor To Assign radio button, and then click the Assign button. The button will appear depressed and the label will change to Assigning. Make sure that the Nodes Cursor is selected so that we can select the nodes. Using the cursor, click on the nodes to which this support is to be assigned, Click on the Assign button again to finish. STAAD.ProVBi Retwence Gude k& Assign To Edit List: To assign a support using a typed list of node numbers, frst select the support from the Supports dialog box. The selected support is highlighted. Select the Assign To Edit List radio button, and then type the list of node numbers and click the Assign button. Mirror This option allows us to copy or move the entire structure or a portion of it by “mirroring” about any plane parallel to one of the three global Cartesian planes. When we choose the Mirror menu item after selecting some or all the geometry, the Mirror dialog box appears, as shown below. ‘This dialog box has been enhanced to remain open so that the selection of beams, nodes, etc. can be accomplished even while the box is open. Also, selection of critical points such as the node, point or plane where the axis of rotation crosses can now be selected graphically while the box remains open. This, eliminates the inconvenience in the past where ifthis location was not known before selecting one of the ‘geometry options, the box had to be closed down to determine the location first. Figure 2.12: Mirror Mirror Plane Choose one of the three global planes to mirror the selected geometry about. Plane Position The highlight node buttonselects the Node on Plane. Click on this icon to enable selection of the node from the main model. Once the cursor changes the shape, select a node from the model by clicking on it. You can keep the dialog box open while you select the node. The Nodes and Points boxes will automatically fill up with the appropriate information. Otherwise, type in the Node on Plane in the edit box. Alternatively, you may provide the normal distance of the plane of reflection from the origin in the Plane at X box. Mirror Member Orientation _ In previous versions of STAAD.Pro, limitation of the Mirror feature was. that the member orientation (Beta angle or member reference point) was not taken into consideration during mirroring. This limitation has been addressed now. If the Mirror Member Orientation feature is turned on, the program will attempt to mirror the member orientation also, besides the member geometry. Generate Mode Select either the Copy or Move radio button. The Copy option generates new geometry, and the Move option changes the coordinates of the selected geometry. eeeeeeeeeTresseeeee mg Chapter 2 Translational Repeat ‘This option allows us to copy (or repeat) the entire structure or a portion of the structure in direction. We may generate one or several copies of the selected components. Select the structural elements (beam/plate/solid) to repeat. Choose the Translational Repeat option from the geometry menu. The 3D Repeat dialog box appears as shown in the image. lear Figure 2.13: Translational Repeat Global Direction Choose any one of the three possible global directions along which the selected structural entities should be copied. No of Steps Specify the number of copies you want. Default Step Spacing ‘Type the default spacing between steps (or copies) in the edit box in current length units. For each step, the default value of spacing will be what we provide in the Default Step Spacing box. We may change spacing of individual steps if we choose to do so. Step Spacing table This table consists of two columns: Step and Spacing. We may change the spacing of any step in this table. Renumber Bay This is a way of instructing the program to use a user-specified starting number for the members generated in each step of the translational repeat activity. Geometry Only The Translational Repeat facility allows the copying of entities without having their loads, properties, steel design parameters, et. being copied with it. By default (when the Geometry Only ‘option is not checked), all loads, properties, design parameters, member releases, etc. on the selected ‘entities will automatically be copied along with the entities. By checking the option labeled Geometry Only, the translational repeating will be performed using only the Geometry data. Link Steps/ Open Base If we want to automatically connect the Steps or copies by new members, along the specified global directions, check the Link Steps check box. In other words, the Link Steps option is applicable when the newly created units are physically removed from the existing units, and when one wishes to connect those using members. To avoid joining the base of the copied structures, check the Open Base box. STAAD.ProVBi Reternce Gude Rotate Rotate the selected portions of the structure about the specified axis through a specified distance. The selected portions may be copied or moved. Figure 2.14: Rotate Angle Define the angle of sweep. Axis Passes Through/Nodes/Points The highlight node selects the Nodes on Plane. Otherwise, we may define the axis of rotation by specifying two Nodes, defining two coordinates of Points, or by specifying one node and one point. Generate Mode Select either the Copy or Move radio button. The Copy option generates new structural elements, and the Move option changes the coordinates of the selected structural elements. Link Bays If we choose Copy from Generated Mode, we may choose to connect the copy with the original geometry. In this case, check the Link Bays check box. Circular Repeat ‘This option allows us to make copies of the entire structure or a portion of it in a circular direction. Figure 2.15: Cireular Repeat Axis of Rotation Click on the radio button to choose the axis of rotation for repeating the selected ‘components. CADD CENTRE gy Chapter 2 In previous versions of STAAD.Pro, one of the limitations of the Circular Repeat feature was that the member orientation (Beta angle or member reference point) was not taken into consideration during the circular generation. This limitation has been addressed now. the Use this as Reference Point for Beta angle generation switch is turned on, the point through which the axis for circular repeat operation passes will be used as the member reference point forall the generated members. This point along with the local X axis of the generated member will define the local X-Y plane ‘of the member and hence the member orientation gets automatically set. Total Angle Provide the total sweep angle of rotation between the original structure and the last copied structure. No of Steps Provide the number of steps (or copies) we want over the specified Total Angle. Move ‘This is a tool for physically shifting, a, The location of the structure with respect to the origin of the axis system. b. The location of existing nodes, beams, plates and solids. By a user-specified value in the global X, ¥ and Z directions. First, select the geometry to move. Then, select the appropriate Move option. Figure 2.10: Move “The following dialog box appears, as shown below. Enter the X, Y and Z values for the distance that the geometry has to be moved, Press the OK button to finish. Tigure 2.17: Move Beam Selection STAAD.ProVBi Reterence Gude Ph) Renumber This allows you to renumber selected nodes, members or elements starting with a specified number. The ‘numbering sequence can be in an ascending or descending order. ‘The Renumber menu item has four submenu items, as shown below. Figure 2.187 Reoumber When say, the Renumber | Nodes option is selected, the following message box appears. Figure 2.19: Renumber Nodes Choosing the No option will cancel the renumbering operation. When we click on Yes, the Renumber dialog box will appear, prompting for the new start numbering point. Ifthe ascending option is chosen, the selected entities will be numbered from the starting number on up (i. 1, 2, 3, 4, etc.). Ifthe descending ‘option is chosen, selected entities will be numbered from the starting number on down (ie. 25, 24, 23, 22, etc.) Enter the initial node number and click the Accept button. Figure 2.20: Renumber Nodes Ina similar fashion, beam numbers, plate numbers and solid numbers can be renumbered. Chapter 2 Enhancements to renumbering of entities The capabilities of the program in renumbering entities, such as joints, members, plates, etc. have been enhanced. In the past, only a limited amount of control was available in the manner in which renumbering was to be done. The current enhancements enable a user to set multiple criteria and assign them an order of priority. ‘+The order of importance of the sort critena can be changed by clicking on the Up and the Down arrow keys as shown below. + For the individual enteria,ifyou wish to change the order from Ascending to Descending or vice versa double click on the iter inthe lst. Run Structure Wizard ‘The Run Structure Wizard option offers a library of pre-defined structure prototypes, such as Pratt Truss, North light Truss, Cylindrical Frame, etc. We may parametrically generate a structural model and then transfer and superimpose it on the current structure. When we select the Run Structure Wizard option from the Geometry menu, the Structure Wizard window appears as shown below. Figure 2.217 Structure Wizard ‘The Prototype Models and Saved User Models options appear on the top of the left side of the screen. If the Prototype Models option is selected, the Model Type will list the types of prototype structures available (such as Trusses, Frames, Plates, Solids, etc.) as shown below. Ifthe Saved User Models option is selected, the Model Type will display the list previously done and saved models by the user. Figure 2.22: Model Type STAAD.ProVBi Reieerce Gude Adding and Deleting items to the library: Items can be deleted or added with certain settings from and to the list. The modified item list can be saved in different files and called when required. In brief, the item list is customizable. Td Page. { nets Mece Pugs) | Rev fa Figure 2.23: Customize To insert any customized item under any Model Type, select that Model Type, (like, Trusses, Frames etc.) and click the mouse at the bottom of the same pane (showing existing structures). Right-click the ‘mouse and from the context menu, select Add Plug-in and you can load the corresponding “ll” file. We can also delete a particular structural item by selecting that particular item and by clicking the Delete ‘Model Plug-in(s) from the context menu. A structural item under any Model Type may be renamed by using Rename Model Generator from the context ment. ‘The customized list of the Prototypes can be saved in different files. By default, STAAD.Pro/Structure- Wizard uses the default.STP file. We can save any changes in this file. Also, changes can be saved in any file other than default. STP. To save the changes, select Save As... from the File menu in the Structure Wizard window. Provide the path and name of the STP file and press OK. To open any STP file to use the customized Structure Libraries, select the File | Open menu option from the Structure Wizard main menu. Specify the path and name of the .STP file and press OK. Use the View, Zoom, Pan and Rotate icons to change the orientation of the model. Generation of Structure from Models In this section, the process of generating a structural model and combining it with the existing STAD. Pro structure will be explained using a Howe Roof truss. Follow these steps to create the other truss types also. Selection of Unit The unit of length should be specified before the generation of a model. From the File menu, click Select Unit and the Select Unit dialog box will appear, as shown below. We can select, any unit of length from Imperial (inch, feet) or SI/Meteic (millimeter, centimeter, meter) system of unit Figure 2.24: Units Model Type: Truss Select the Howe Roof structure type under model type Trusses. Drag the item into the right-side window and release the button. The Select Parameters dialog box will appear to specify the Truss parameters as shown in Figure 2.25. ADD CENTRE Figure 2.25: Select Parameters After defining the parameters click Apply and the prototype truss will appear with the X, Y and Z-axes on the screen. Figure 2.26; Howe Roof Right-click in the right-side window containing the generated model. The context-menu will display the options Change Property, Scale and Delete. We can edit the values of the parameters by clicking Change Property, which will pop-up the Select Parameters dialog-box. Enter the length, height and width of the truss and the number of bays along those directions. To modify the spacing of individual bays, click the browse button and in the dialog ox that appears, type new spacing and click OK. Click the Apply button to parametrically generate the truss model. Click Close to finish, ‘We can re-scale the model in X, ¥ and Z-directions separately using Scale from the context menu. You can also delete a particular model by clicking Delete from the context menu, ‘Transfer of the generated Model to STAAD.Pro_ Select the Merge Model with STAD. Pro sub-menu from the File menu to combine the generated model to the current STAAD.Pro structure. Figure 2.27; Merge Model with STAAD.Pro Model PR STAAD.ProV8i Roioence Gude A dialog box as shown below appears, Select YES from that option, icone 2 | 2). wos youme to trrtemarge tis preaype no THAD Po? Figure 2.28: Confirmation Box ‘The Structure Wizard window will now close. In the STAAD.Pro window, the Paste Prototype Model dialog box will appear, in which we can type the shift of the origin of Structure Wizard model from the origin of the STAAD.Pro axis system or we can type the co-ordinate of a node of the STAAD.Pro structure with which we want to connect the Structure Wizard model. Or, click on the Reference Pt button to connect anode of the existing structure in STAAD.Pro with the Structure Wizard model by clicking on the joints where they will be connected, Click OK to finish. aa a vt Fo aya ce a poner = *-_- a xf el” Figure 2.29: Paste Prototype Model In case the newly generated model superimposes on existing members, STAAD Pro will display the following message notifying that the duplicate nodes and members have been ignored. In the Frame Models Continuous Beam, Bay Frame, Grid Frame and Floor Grid have similar parameters in the Select Parameter dialog box. Type values for Length, Height and Width (length only for Continuous Beam and Length and Width for Floor Grid) and the number of bays for each. To modify the spacing of bays, click the browse button and in the dialog box that appears, type new spacing and click OK. Click the Apply button to parametrically generate the model. ‘The Cylindrical Frame, Reverse Cylindrical Frame and Circular Beam have similar parameters in the Select Parameter dialog box. Type values for Length, Radius and Angle (except Length in case of Circular Beam) and the number of bays along length and periphery. To modify the spacing of bays, click the browse button and in the dialog box that appears, type new spacing and click OK. Click the Apply button to parametrically generate the model. CENTRE Command Reference Member Property This allows the user to provide the cross sectional properties of members with or without the material specification. The same options can also be gained access from the General | Property page. ‘The Member Property menu option is used to create a property tag and then assign the specified property tag to selected members through the Property Page. Alternatively, we may first select members and then define the member property to be assigned to these members. ‘The Member Property menu offers several sub-menu options as shown below. Figure 3.1: Member Property Prismatic This allows the user to assign Circular, Rectangular, Tee, Trapezoidal, General (arbitrary), etc, cross sections to the frame members, ‘When we select the Prismatic option, the Property dialog box appears, as shown in the image. Also note that the Properties dialog box also opens simultaneously letting us utilize some of the other options available from that dialog box. Figure 3.2: Prismatic Property STAAD.ProV8i Reterence Gude Material Check this box and select the material from the drop down list if the new member property tag should include the material constants. Circle To define a circular section, click on the Circle tab and enter the section diameter YD and select the material. Rectangle To define a rectangular section, click on the Rectangle tab. Enter the height YD and width ZD of the section and select the material. Tee To define a tee section, click on the Tee tab. Enter the height YD, width ZD stem height YB and stem width ZB and select the material. Trapezoidal To define a trapezoidal section, click on the Trapezoidal tab. Enter the height YD, top width ZD, bottom width ZB and select the material. General To define an arbitrary section, click on the General tab. Enter the cross sectional area of the section AX, effective shear area in local y-axis AY, effective shear area in local z-axis AZ, torsional constant 1X, moment of inertia about the local y-axis IY, moment of inertia about the local z-axis Z, depth of the member in the local y-direction YD, depth of member in local z-direction ZD, depth of stem YB (if any) and width of stem ZB (if any). If AX is not entered it will be calculated from YD and ZD. Tapered [This allows the user to specify a I-section having a varying depth over the length of the member by using seven parameters as shown below (Figure 3.3), Tapered Tube To define a tapered tube section, click on the Tapered Tube tab. Select the type of tube. Enter the depth di at the start node, d2 at the end node, wall thickness of the tube (th), and select the material Assign Profile This allows the user to instruct the program to choose a ‘PHSUFE 3-3: Tapered 1 suitable steel section based on profile specifications such as Beam, Column, Double Angle etc. Material Specification ‘The material constants are: © Modulus of Elasticity (E) = Weight Density (DEN) © Poisson's Ratio (POISS) * Co-efficient of Thermal Expansion (ALPHA) © Composite Damping Ratio and "Beta Angle (BETA) E value for members must be provided or the analysis will not be performed. ‘Weight density (DEN) is used only when self-weight of the structure is to be taken into account. - a Chapter 3 Poisson's ratio (POISS) is used to calculate the shear modulus (commonly known as G) by the formula G=0SxE/(1+ PO) If Poisson's ratio is not provided, STAAD will assume a value for this quantity based on the value of, Coefficient of thermal expansion (ALPHA) is used to calculate the expansion of the members if temperature loads are applied. The temperature unit for temperature load and ALPHA has to be the same, Material Constant command allows the user to provide material constants such as Density, Elasticity, Poisson's Ratio, Coefficient of Thermal Expansion etc. “The Material Constants menu offers several sub-menu options, as shown. Loading ‘The Loading menu option in the Commands menu allows the user to define and apply loads to the structure (These options can be accessed from the General | Load page also). We may create several load cases for a structure. Each load case may contain several individual load specifications. We may also create a load case by combining several existing load cases. A load case consisting of explicitly defined loads is called a primary load case. A load case which combines the results of previously defined cases is called a combination load case. Primary Load ‘The Primary Load menu item under the Loading menu allows users to define new load cases. When you select the Primary Load menu item, the following dialog box will appear. ResucuieperUCCIBC Figure 3.4 Primary Load Number We may select the load case Number the program recommends, or specify one of our own. Title The Title, which is optional, may be specified for better identification of that load case if we wish to revisit this model at some future date. Loading Type/Reducible ‘The drop-down list box against Loading Type is available in case we wish © associate the load case we are creating with any of the ACI, AISC or IBC definitions of Dead, Live, Ie etc. This type of association needs to be done if we intend to use the program's facility for automaticaly generating load combinations in accordance with those codes. STAAD.ProV8i Reteonce Guce ‘The UBC 1997, IBC 2000 and IBC 2003 codes permit reduction of floor live loads under certain situations. Load Commands When we select the option Command menu > Loading > Load Commands, it opens a dialog box which support different load types. Primary Load. Moving Load Generation. Loed Combination... Automatic Load Combination. Define Primary Load Types Load List.. Edit Auto Load Rules Figure 3-5: Load Commands Selfweight The Self-weight tab allows the user to apply the self-weight of the structure as a load. Self-weight of all active components of the structure are calculated and applied asa uniformly distributed load. Please note that the material (or the density parameter) of the members must be defined before this command is used. Tigure 3.6: Self-weight Direction Specify the direction in which the self-weight load is to be applied by clicking on the X, Y, or Z buttons. Factor Specify the factor with which the calculated self-weights are to be multiplied. A negative value indicates that the load is applied along the negative direction of the chosen axis Nodal Load The Nodal Load tab allows the user to apply nodal loads.Two options are available under Nodal Load: Node and Support Displacement. Figure 3.7: Nodal Loads Node To specify a joint load, select the Node tab and enter values for Fx, Fy, Fz (forces in corresponding global directions), Mx, My and Mz (moments in corresponding global directions), as needed. Then, click the Add button to add this load under the current load case in the Loads dialog box. Support Displacement To specify support displacements, select Support Displacement tab and specify the value of the displacement in the Displacement box. Select the direction of the displacement as Fs, Fy or Fe (translational), or Mx, My or Mz (rotational). Then, click the Add button to add this load under the current load case in the Loads dialog box. Figure 3.8: Joint/ Nodal Load Member Load The Member Load tab allows the user to apply loads on the span of frame members ‘The Member Load tab offers several options as shown below. Figure 3.9: Member Load Uniform Force or Moment: To specify a Uniformly Distributed Force or Uniformly Distributed Moment select the Liniform Force or Uniform Moment tab. The data items are explained below. "© WI: Value of the load in currently selected units. dl, d2: Distance of the start and the end points of the load from the starting node (Nod® ‘A) of the member. If these values are zero, then the load is applied over the entire lengt of the member. L STAAD.ProV8i Reterence Gude & #3: Perpendicular distance from the member's shear center to the plane of loading. = Direction: Click on the appropriate radio button to specify the direction of the load. =X, ¥,Z indicate the direction in local coordinates; * GX, GY, GZ indicate the loads in global coordinates; = PX, PY, PZ indicate the loads along the projected length of the member in the corresponding global direction. However, di, d2 and 43 are still measured along the length of the member and not along the projected length. Concentrated Force or Moment: To specify a concentrated force or moment, select the Concentrated Force ot Concentrated Moment tab. The data items are explained below. Figure 5-10: Nodal Load = P: Value of the load in currently selected units. = dl: Distance of the load from the starting node (Node A) of the member. If this value is zero, then. the load is applied at the midpoint of the member. = d2: Perpendicular distance from the member's shear center to the plane of loading. © Direction: Click on the appropriate radio button to specify the direction of the load. X, ¥; Z indicate the direction in local coordinates; GX, GY, GZ indicate the loads in global coordinates; PX, PY, PZ indicate the loads along the projected length of the member in the corresponding global direction. However, d1 and d2 are still measured along the length of the member and not along the projected length. Linear Varying: To specify a linearly varying load on a member, select the Linear Varying tab. The load is applied over the entire length of the member. The data items are explained below (Figure 3.11). "= W1, W2: For a linearly increasing or decreasing load, enter the values of force W1 at the start of the beam and W2at the end of the beam in currently selected units. ® W3: Fora triangular load distribution, enter the value W3 of the force in the middle of the beam. "Direction: Select the direction of the force in local coordinates from the radio buttons X, Yor Z. ADD CENTRE Figure 3.11 Linear Varying Load Trapezoidal: To specify a trapezoidal load on a member, select the Trapezoidal menu tab. The dats items are explained below. ef ef SS ~ (oxen Co cme [ore or cor | zee Car cee Figure 3.12: Trapezoidal Load = WI, W2: Starting and ending load values in currently selected units. © di, 2: Distance of starting and ending points of the load from the starting node (Node A) ofthe member. If these values are zero, the load is applied over the entire length of the member. * Direction: Click on the appropriate radio button to specify the direction of the load. X, ¥,Z indicate the direction in local coordinates; GX, GY, GZ indicate the loads in global coordinates; PX, PY, PZ indicate the loads along the projected length of the member in the correspondi global direction. However, d1 and d2 are still measured along the length of the member and not along the projected length. Perform Analysis To do the analysis first we need to add the command from Commands | Analysis | Perform Analysis. (Figure 3.13) ‘This allows the userr to specify the instruction for the type of analysis to be performed using the STAD yn, this command may be used to print various analysis-related data such as load engine. In addi information, statics check information, mode shapes etc. eee ‘The Analysis menu offers several sub-menu options. When you select one of the analysis commands, you may specify the analysis-related data to be printed in the STAD output (ANL) file by selecting the Print Option radio buttons, explained below: Load Data: Prints all the load data Statics Check: Provides a summation of the applied loads and support reactions as well as a summation of moments of the loads and rea ns taken around the origin. STAAD.ProVBi Retererce Guse Figure 3.13: Perform Analysis Statics Load: Prints everything that Statics Check does, and a summation of all internal and ‘external forces at each joint (generates voluminous output). Mode Shapes: Prints mode shape values at the joints for all calculated mode shapes. Both: This option is equivalent to the Load Data plus Statics Check options. All: This option is equivalent to Load Data plus Statics Load. Run Analysis “The Analysis. performed using the commands under the Analyze menu in the Modeling Mode. Select the Run Analysis option to perform Analysis/Design (Figure 3.14). ‘The Analysis Status dialog box shown below appears (Figure 3.15). ["eiyee” Hoos Widow Heb) un Anaya. Cute Figure 3.14: Rum Analysis Creating Diepiecemeet Fale, (08F) Geastiog Reaction Fale (HEA) Sr Gelcatstaas Section Force Sh Grestits Sletten force St Gaeeiag Seeeioe Oiaplace Fide. (3a Peseion File (oi) (mo. Figure 3.15: Analysis Status Dialog Box DD CENTRE Tay? = ra | chapter 8 This dialog box displays the status of the analysis process. If an error occurs during the analysis, the above dialog box displays the error message. In this dialog box, we are also presented with three options, View Output Fide: It will invoke the STAAD Viewer with the analysis results presented in a textual format, Go to Post Processing Mode: It will take you to the STAAD-Pro Post-processor where you can graphically view your results. Stay in Modeling Mode: It will keep you in the Pre-processor or modeling environment. During the analysis (and design, if specified), an output file is generated. This file may contain selected input data items, results and error messages. To include a report of the input data items in the output file, use the menu options under Commands | Pre Analysis Print. To obtain the analysis and design results in the output file, use the menu options under Commands | Post Analysis Print. The generated output file may bbe viewed using the menu option File | View | Output File | STAAD Output. Any errors that occur during the analysis process may be viewed using the menu option File | View | Output File, Pre Analysis Print “The Pre Analysis Print menu option in the Commands menu allows the user to request output of various information pertaining to the input data in the STAAD Output (NL) file. ‘The Commands menu > Pre Analysis Print option is used to specify Pre Analysis Print statements. The Pre Analysis Print menu offers several sub-menu options. Each of these sub-menu options prints a specific set of information in the Output file. Figure 3.16: Pre Analysis Print Problem Statistics: Prints structure information such as total number of joints, members, supports, disk space requirements, the estimated bandwidth of the stiffness matrix, etc. Joint Coordinates: Prints the joint coordinate values, Element Information: Prints element incidences, element thickness, and Poisson ratios for plate elements. Member Information: Prints member length, member incidences, beta angles, and member specifications such as truss member and the member release conditions at start and end of the member (1 = released, 0 = not released). FARR

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