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Research on Intelligent Decision Support System Based on

the Machine Learning

Yisu Liu Yingjie Zhao
Northeastern University at Qinhuangdao, Control Northeastern University at Qinhuangdao, Control
Engineering Institute, Qinhuangdao, Hebei, China, Engineering Institute, Qinhuangdao, Hebei, China,
066004 066004

ABSTRACT system is mainly composed of knowledge base and its

The rapid development of machine learning technology provides a management system and reasoning machine. The traditional
foundation for the construction of the new generation of intelligent approach is to integrate ES technology into different components
decision support system. In this paper, the latest development of of DSS, or ES as a separate component of DSS.
intelligent decision system and machine learning technology is Intelligent Decision Support System (IDSS) not only takes
studied. Some problems in intelligent decision system based on advantage of the expert system to solve the problem of qualitative
machine learning are discussed. The concrete architecture and the analysis in the form of knowledge reasoning, but also exerts the
problems are discussed. characteristics of solving the quantitative analysis problem with the
model calculation as the core, and fully combines qualitative
CCS Concepts analysis and quantitative analysis. , So that the ability to solve
• Information systems ➝ Computing platforms • Security and problems and scope has been developed. Therefore, DISS is a
privacy ➝ Security protocols • Security and privacy ➝ combination of decision support system and artificial intelligence
Software security engineering • Networks ➝ Network protocol technology. It introduces the idea of knowledge representation and
design • Networks ➝ Network management • Human-centered knowledge processing into DSS, and its unique research method
computing ➝ Graph drawings • Theory of computation ➝ and wide development prospect make it appear Become the
Mathematical optimization • Computing methodologies ➝ hotspot and main development direction of decision support
Planning for deterministic actions • Computing methodologies system.
➝ Computational control theory • Computing methodologies
➝ Image and video acquisition
Research; Intelligent Decision Support System; Machine Learning SUPPORT SYSTEM
Decision-making is the conscious and selective action that people
1. INTRODUCTION take to achieve a certain purpose. Under certain human, material,
In 1980, R.H. Sprague proposed the structure of decision support financial, and time constraints, it is the decision-making process
system based on database and model base. Later, people have put that people make decisions from a variety of alternative strategies
forward a variety of DSS structure. in order to achieve a specific goal for optimal or better results. It is
now increasingly recognized that decision-making is a major
In the 1970s, DSS, which is based on data processing and model-
activity of human society, involving all areas of human life, and
driven, focuses on quantitative analysis. It cannot do anything
socio-economic development plays an important role. The basic
about uncertainty and unstructured problems. It lacks human
elements of decision-making are decision-makers and decision-
intelligence, lack of knowledge and expert support. Level is not
making objects both constitute a contradictory unity - decision-
high. The knowledge base-based expert system has the ability to
making system. Decision-makers and decision-making objects
simulate the level of human experts, focusing on qualitative
interact with the most general abstraction of information, so
analysis. Thus, 80 years began in the decision support system
information is a necessary condition for decision-making, but also
based on the integration of artificial intelligence expert system, the
the basic factors of decision-making. In addition, decision-making
development of intelligent decision support system. Decision
activities are also inseparable from the decision-making theory and
support system mainly by the database system, model library
methods, and the final decision-making results (behavioral
system, human-computer interaction system and so on. Expert
principles, principles of action and methods of action, etc.).
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for Traditional decision-making depends on the decision-maker's
personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are
not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that
personal experience, intuitive judgments, and thus decision-making
copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. Copyrights is considered an art and skills. In the last 40 years, due to the
for components of this work owned by others than ACM must be expansion of the scale of production and the application of
honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or automation technology, the nature and environment of
republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior management have changed drastically. The change of management
specific permission and/or a fee. character is more complex and the management function is more
Request permissions from complex. The change of environment is more and more closed
IHIP’2018, September 22–24, 2018, City, Manchester, United Kingdom. between the production departments, and the influence factors of
© 2018 Association for Computing Machinery. the social economy status are more and more complicated.
ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-6546-8/18/09…$15.00 Therefore, management decision-making is not only a large
DOI: number, but also a high degree of complexity and difficulty. In this

case, traditional decision-making methods based solely on the art, decision-makers. In this case, Boncezk and others in the early
insight, reason, and experience of the leader are far from meeting eighties proposed intelligent decision system DISS thought, the
the demands of increasingly complex management decisions. As a artificial intelligence expert system and knowledge processing
result, people began to seek a variety of decision support systems methods into decision support, respectively, the DSS numerical
to help them make scientific decisions. Decision support system is analysis and artificial intelligence symbol processing, which solves
based on information technology as a means to apply the theory the problems of quantitative and qualitative combination and
and method of decision science and related disciplines. By unstructured in the system, enlarges the scope of DSS processing,
providing background materials, it helps to clarify problems, revise and improves the decision - making ability. It is generally believed
and perfect models, enumerate possible solutions, and analyze and that the intelligent decision support system is the use of artificial
compare such decision-making problems. Way, for managers to intelligence technology in decision-making, simulating human's
make the right decisions to help the human-computer interactive thinking and decision-making process, taking expert decision-
information system. Intelligent Decision Support System (IDSS) is making process as a model, refining expert decision-making
a new kind of information system which introduces the idea of experience as heuristic rules.
knowledge representation and knowledge processing into artificial
decision support system. In the wave of information revolution The development of artificial intelligence technology, expert
sweeping the world, intelligent decision support system as a system technology, database technology and Internet technology
management area of information systems has become a major has provided powerful technical support for the intelligent decision
aspect of computer management application research hot spots and support system since the beginning of the 80s. Since then, the four
the main direction of development. Practice shows that decision representative decision-making technology tools, Which is the data
support system can provide more effective decision support only if warehouse, online analysis, data mining, Internet decision support
it has more knowledge and strong knowledge processing ability. system), they have an enormous impact on the evolution and
development of intelligent decision support system.
Two key issues in intelligent decision support systems have long
plagued intelligent decision support systems (IGS), namely how The concept of machine learning is derived from the theories and
intelligent decision support systems acquire and accurately relate methods of artificial intelligence, pattern recognition, taxonomy
to the decision process (eg knowledge about models, Domain and cognitive psychology. The knowledge of solving new
knowledge and model manipulation knowledge), and how to make problems is derived from the analysis of data, observation and past
the intelligent decision support system have certain adaptability experience. At present, the research and development of many
and evolution ability, make it accumulate the experience in the research areas of artificial intelligence, such as induction learning,
process of using constantly and improve oneself's performance. case-based reasoning, fuzzy processing technology, distributed
The introduction of machine learning into an intelligent decision artificial intelligence and multi-agent technology, and data mining,
support system is precisely for this purpose. provide strong technical support for IDSS. The use of artificial
intelligence, the latest research results, machine learning will be
3. MACHINE LEARNING introduced IDSS is for this purpose; this needs to be achieved
Learning is an important intellectual behavior of mankind, but through the following channels:
what is learning, has long been different opinions. Sociologists, (1) Through the dialogue with the decision-makers to obtain user
logicians and psychologists all have different views. According to input data description information, according to the information
Simon, the master of artificial intelligence, learning is the ability of provided by decision-makers to generate decision-making
the system to reinforce or improve itself in repetitive tasks, making examples of different decision-making problems for automatic
the system perform better or more efficiently than it does the next identification, and an explicit way that the decision-making based
time it performs the same task or the same task. Simon gives the on inductive learning and case-based reasoning Intelligent
definition of learning itself, to illustrate the important role of Decision Support System (DSS) is an important part of intelligent
learning. In human society, no matter how deep a person's decision support system (DSS). It can automatically obtain the
knowledge, how much ability, if he is not good at learning, we do knowledge of model manipulation for a given domain task, and
not have too much value him. But if a person has a strong ability to guide the decision-maker to solve the problem according to the
learn, you cannot be taken lightly. The machine has the ability to existing knowledge in inexperience.
learn, and the situation is completely similar to people.
(2) Establish the decision model, provide the method of model
What is machine learning? There is no uniform definition so far, auto-construction, recombination and re-use, establish the adaptive
and its name can be understood as: Machine learning is the study problem-solving strategy; encapsulate the model's calling method
of how to use the machine to simulate human learning activities of and the required data, Method and data of three independent.
a discipline. A slightly more rigorous formulation is that machine
learning is a learning machine that acquires new knowledge and (3) Establish the knowledge structure that can represent the past
new skills and identifies existing knowledge. The term "machine" observation experience, support the establishment and application
as used herein refers to a computer, a computer, a seed computer, a of domain knowledge. For the repetitive decision-making scene,
photon computer, a neural computer, or the like. establish the example template with the standard solution steps and
use experience to solve the similar decision problem directly.
4. IDSS BASED ON MACHINE LEARNING Based on the existing DSS framework and learning framework,
The application of decision support system has deepened to the
this paper combines the two, improves the problem-solving system,
enterprise management, business, finance, office and daily life and
adds the learning system, proposes a new-generation IDSS
other fields, for economic development, social progress has made a
architecture based on learning, IDSS based on machine learning,
significant contribution. With the development of the application,
Referred to as ML-IDSS. On the basis of the existing DISS
more and more information appears in the decision-making process,
architecture, on the basis of dialogue system, problem solving
more and more complex, the original decision support system
system, data system, model system and knowledge system, the
simple numerical analysis method cannot meet the needs of

learning system is added, and the architecture of DISS based on [2] Yunhui, W., and Qunyong, W. Computer Engineering. Vol.
machine learning is formed. 12 (2015) No. 27, 74-76.
Although the study of machine learning in the field of intelligent [3] Jianfen, J. Journal of Zhejiang Wanli University. Vol. 30
decision support system has just started, but the machine learning (2014) No. 19, 144-145.
in intelligent decision support system has a wide range of [4] Kuailiang, W. Journal of Xidian University. Vol. 29 (2008)
applications. As the database system and expert system have had a No. 27, 21-23.
great influence on the intelligent decision support system in the
past ten years, machine learning will play an important role in the [5] Gongxu Z., and Sun, J. Aeronautical Computing Technology.
research of the new generation of intelligent decision support Vol. 8 (2013) No. 27, 57-60.
system, so that the intelligent decision support system the earth to
broaden the application space.


Machine learning has a wide range of applications in intelligent
decision support systems. Holsapnle and other machine learning as
a new component into the problem-solving subsystem, language
subsystems and knowledge subsystems of the traditional decision-
making support system framework, the decision support system
knowledge base to refine the decision support system to enhance
the adaptation problem Ability. The framework has been applied to
production scheduling problems, and the use of genetic algorithms
to obtain the function of machine learning;
In recent years, there has been great interest in applying
experimental studies based on similar inductive learning to various
business analysis activities. The results show that this method has
great potential for analyzing operational data, but it is difficult to
evaluate the results because the method is nonparametric.
Although the study of machine learning in the field of intelligent
decision support systems has just started, as in the past 10 years,
database systems and expert systems have had a tremendous
impact on intelligent decision support systems, machine learning
will be a new generation of intelligent decision support system Of
the study played a role in adding fuel to the flames. If the research
of intelligent decision support system is focused on the processing
of data and knowledge, then machine learning is to study the
intelligent decision support system at the strategy level. If the
intelligent decision support system has certain learning ability, it
can store the knowledge of problem solving in the appropriate way
under the guidance of domain knowledge for future use, so that the
intelligent decision support system can self-perfect in the
application. This shift from data to knowledge to strategy is the
right direction for intelligent decision support systems to evolve.

In this paper, we first study and discuss the related technology of
machine learning in intelligent decision support system, discuss the
technical problem and the new intelligent decision support system
based on reinforcement learning and statistical machine learning.
There are still many problems to be solved in the theory, design
and construction of intelligent decision support system based on
machine learning. With the development of decision-making and
computer technology, the study of intelligent decision support
technology based on machine learning will have broad application
prospects, which has important theoretical value and practical

[1] Xinzhang, J., and Jingyuan L. Journal of Systems Engineering.
Vol. 6 (2014) No. 53, 25-26.


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