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 THE DIFFERENT KIND OF SPORT: In my opinion, sport has an important

role in climate change and unfortunately its impact is very negative for the
environment that surrounds us and the strong damage it causes to nature, the
sports industry is responsible for the emission of polluting gases with the
continuous trips, the use of electrical energy, the construction of the different
fields that they have worldwide and the chemical products they use for the
construction that ends up impacting in an incorrect way and these actions I
sincerely consider it very alarming, because human beings are in charge of
generating sad destruction to such a beautiful and precious place that is the
earth, which causes the climate to change uncontrollably and we find abrupt
modifications such as going to low temperatures and high in a couple of hours
due to the pollution we cause and it`s for that reason that I wonder how much
sport, in general, and athletes in particular, are aware of Climate Change? How
many athletes use the car to go to the gym, even if it`s three blocks away? How
many liters of water are used to care for a golf course? How many kilos of
garbage are collected on cycling Sundays? we must be aware from now on so
that together we can leave a great positive green footprint on the road.
and recognize that climate change is a problem that must be addressed quickly,
we can all change negative actions, the most efficient tool to combat it`s
ourselves by knowing what is happening and controlling our own pollution, for a
better present, for a better tomorrow and for a better future.
 THE WEATHER: From my personal consideration, the climate is undoubtedly a
fundamental element for these types of changes to appear constantly, since the
natural variability of the climate increases more and more and we can analyze
how in one day it can be so cold and in another we can reach high temperatures
, as we have been presenting it these days in Cali and it is there, where this
situation becomes completely worrying, because it also affects our health due
to weather changes and in fact a figure that causes me concern is that the
average global temperature increase It`s already at 0.8ºC (in relation to the
records of the last century) and those that already make us face a loss of
biodiversity, melting glaciers, extreme climatic phenomena, ocean acidification,
changes in habitats.
The current impacts of climate change are severely worrisome, but an average
global temperature rise of 2ºC would lead to much more dangerous and
irreversible projected impacts. We still have time to avoid an even bigger
tragedy, but we must act now!

 THE POLLUTION: From my point of view, pollution sadly is part of the strong
climatic changes that we can find today. There are different types of air
pollution. Some types make our planet heat up at a faster rate. Others slow
down the rate of global warming, causing temporary cooling. Air pollution
includes greenhouse gases. One of them is carbón dioxide, from the emission
of vehicles and trucks. Greenhouse gases cause global warming
By trapping heat from the Sun in Earth's atmosphere. Greenhouse gases are a natural
part of Earth's atmosphere, but the amount in our atmosphere has increased in the last
150 years. This increase comes from the large amount of emissions from motor vehicles
and from pollutants emitted by factories and power plants.
In Addition to the aforementioned, human beings through our own pollution have
caused climate changes, for the reason that we do not have enough environmental
awareness and we do not have a sense of belonging to what is truly important but we
don`t appreciate it, so are we going to change or will we let this affect even more? Let's
try to make good decisions in the face of these problems and let's not forget the
importance of conserving the beauty of our nature and the paradise that we have but
that we do not love it the way it should be done, it is time to act but this time excellently.
Let us think about future generations and what they can do if we take care of what
belongs to us.

 THE HUMAN INVENTIONS: In my opinion, human inventions have influenced

climate change and pollution, although we have to know that these have helped
all of us to advance and learn about new world technologies that are totally
important to have knowledge about a much more globalized world as time goes
by, however this has also led to an increase in production and the industries and
companies of these inventions to generate even more carbon dioxide and
greenhouse gases, which is totally negative for the air we breathe, affecting the
health of millions of people, but beyond that negative problem we also harm the
environment and the climate begins to have very significant changes where heat
and cold begin to have an important role and they make, for example, forest fires
more frequent, alter the routes of migratory birds.
In context, climate change affects us all. Its potential impact on the planet is
enormous with projections of lack of drinking water, major changes in the
conditions for food production, melting of the poles and as a consequence a rise
in sea level, coastal erosion, loss of food security and a increase in death rates
due to floods, storms, droughts and heat waves. Ultimately, climate change is
not just an environmental phenomenon but also has profound economic and
social consequences.
Environmental impact is the enemy of the present, but together
we can make a difference and make everything change.
Let's not normalize the environmental problems that we have today, because after we
won't have time to do something about it, let's not normalize that climate changes and
the serious consequences they produce are common in our daily lives because then we
will find ourselves in chaos and not We will have some solution, so it is better to start
from today, small actions can totally change the course or destiny of our paradise
called earth, always have a sense of belonging and never forget that it is important to
solve the environmental problems that occur so that society have the ability to move
forward and tomorrow we can enjoy, laugh and be happy but in an environment where
everything is clean and we are not afraid of what may happen to nature, with love,
dedication and awareness, everything is possible, this is the moment where everyone's
collaboration is required.
It doesn`t matter if your action is large or small, it doesn`t matter if few people start with
the project of changing their thoughts to save the world, we must first change ourselves
so that others can know it and change what they do, the important thing is that know
that we still have the opportunity to be kind to nature that offers us endless benefits, do
not wait to be able to thank it and help in many ways.

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