BSEDEng1A - Mod2 Module Assessment

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Module 2 Module Assessment

Explain the following in no more than three (3) sentences.

1. Language loss
Language loss happen when a person or people are learning other languages instead of
their native language. This often happens when speakers seek to learn a more-
prestigious language in order to gain social and economic advantages or to avoid discrimination.
The speakers become bilingual and then begin to lose proficiency in their traditional languages.
2. Migrant minorities
Migrant minorities happen when a person learns a new language other than their
traditional language. For example, a migrant person from Japan goes to school in the US then
they tend to meet English people, it simply means that he/she will adjust and try to learn the said
language. They have to use English because it is the only means of communicating with the
teacher and the other students, and it will soon be his/her language for talking to other people.
3. Migrant majorities
Migrant majorities happen when a person needs to speak a specific (e.g. English)
language which is not his/her traditional language and sometimes there are instances that people
needs to shift both location and language. This is because it is needed both for their job and for
their social well-being for them to make friends, but it is more likely because of the political and
economic factors.
4. Language revival
Language revival happen when a community becomes aware that its language is in
danger of disappearing and takes deliberate steps to revitalize it. It is an attempt to reverse the
decline of a language or to bring back an extinct one.

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