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Two Different Homing Pathways Involving Integrin b7 and

E-selectin Significantly Influence Trafficking of CD4 Cells to the
Genital Tract Following Chlamydia muridarum Infection
Kathleen A. Kelly1,2, Ann M. Chan3, Anthony Butch1, Toni Darville4
Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, Geffen School of Medicine, University of California, Los Angeles, CA, USA;
California NanoSystems Institute Geffen School of Medicine, University of California, Los Angeles, CA, USA;
Department of Physiological Science, University of California, Los Angeles, CA, USA;
Department of Pediatrics, Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh, PA, USA

Keywords Problem
Cell migration, chemokines, Chlamydia, Chlamydia trachomatis causes STI and reproductive dysfunction world-
lymphocytes, murine
wide which is not preventable with antibiotics. Identifying a population
of endocervical T cells to target in vaccine development would enhance
Kathleen A. Kelly, Department of Pathology & efficacy.
Laboratory Medicine, Geffen School of
Medicine, University of California, Los Method of study
Angeles, 10833 Le Conte Ave., mailroom Trafficking of murine CD4+ lymphocytes to Chlamydia muridarum
A7-149 CHS, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1732, USA. infected genital tract (GT) tissue in vivo was measured using adoptive
E-mail: kkelly@mednet.ucla.edu transfer studies of fluorescent CD4+ T cells from integrin b7) ⁄ ) mice or
mice which lack E-selectin on endothelial cells.
Submitted December 30, 2008;
accepted March 4, 2009. Results
Murine in vivo migration studies showed that lack of a4b7 or E-selectin
Kelly KA, Chan AM, Butch A, Darville T. Two
significantly reduced trafficking of CD4 T cells to the GT of mice infected
different homing pathways involving integrin with C. muridarum.
b7 and E-selectin significantly influence
trafficking of CD4 cells to the genital tract Conclusion
following Chlamydia muridarum infection. CD4+ T cells use at least two different adhesive mechanisms involving
Am J Reprod Immunol 2009; 61: 438–445 an integrin of the mucosal homing pathway and selectin pathway to
accumulate in the GT during C. muridarum infection.

can define the homing properties of a memory T cell

Animal models of chlamydial genital tract (GT) Studies have shown that CD4 T cells primed in
infection have demonstrated that CD4 Th1 cells are lymphoid organs which drain mucosal sites increase
necessary for eradication of chlamydiae from the surface expression of a4b7 integrin, also called the
murine GT.1,2 Using the mouse model, we have mucosal integrin; whereas those primed in lymph
shown in direct comparison that primary exposure nodes draining peripheral or non-mucosal sites lose
of chlamydial antigens via mucosal routes induces a4b7 integrin expression following antigen exposure,
an immune response that more rapidly eradicates a and instead express P-selectin ligand and accumulate
subsequent genital infection compared with primary in peripheral tissues.4 Further, a murine T cell clone
exposure of chlamydial antigens via a subcutaneous that mediates protection upon adoptive transfer
route.3 This result is consistent with the tenet that expresses high surface levels of a4b7 and these
the anatomical location of initial antigen exposure clones appear in the GT significantly earlier than
American Journal of Reproductive Immunology 61 (2009) 438–445
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non-a4b7-expressing lymphocytes.5 In addition, we guidelines. Experimental procedures and breeding

found that the expression of ligands for adhesion of colonies were approved by the UCLA Institutional
a4b7+ (MAdCAM) and non-a4b7+ cells (E-selectin, Animal Care. All mice, 5–7 weeks of age, were first
P-selectin, ICAM-1 and VCAM-1) was transiently injected subcutaneously with 2.5 mg of Medroxypro-
induced in infected genital tissues indicating that gesterone acetate (Upjohn, Kalamazoo, MI, USA)
expression of endothelial ligands in the GT is regu- in 100 lL of sterile phosphate-buffered saline.
lated by infection.6 Taken together, these data indi- Medroxyprogesterone acetate drives mice into a state
cate that both mucosal and non-mucosal homing of anestrous, thus eliminating the variability in the
interactions contribute to recruitment of murine rate and severity of infection due to the estrus cycle.
CD4 T cells to the GT. Seven days later, anesthetized mice were vaginally
Identifying the set of homing receptors that are inoculated with 1.5 · 105 inclusion-forming units
important for rapid lymphocyte migration to the (IFU) of Chlamydia muridarum grown in McCoy cells
female GT would enhance the accumulation of an (50% infective dose = 2.5 · 103 IFU). Infection was
anti-chlamydial specific cell-mediated response and monitored by obtaining vaginal swabs (Dacroswab
reduce infection levels. Previous in vitro studies Type 1, Spectrum Labs, Houston, TX, USA) every
revealing expression of adhesion molecules on 3 days. Swabs were stored in sucrose-phosphate buf-
human Fallopian tube tissue explants infected in vitro fer at )70C until analyzed.
with Chlamydia trachomatis suggest that lymphocytes
may use multiple adhesion pathways to migrate to
Isolation of Chlamydiae from Cervical-vaginal
human tissues.7 We reported a significant upregula-
Swabs of Mice
tion of the mucosal adhesion molecule, MadCAM-1,
and also a non-mucosal adhesion molecule associ- Swabs were prepared and chlamydial load was deter-
ated with inflammation: vascular adhesion mole- mined by quantifying the number of chlamydial
cule-1, VCAM-1. We also noted the marked increase inclusions as described elsewhere.11,12 The inclusion
of additional non-mucosal adhesion molecules; bodies within 20 fields (·40) were counted under
P-selectin and intracellular adhesion molecule-1 fluorescence microscope and numbers of IFU per
(ICAM-1). We sought to determine whether both a milliliter were calculated.
mucosal homing pathway and a peripheral homing
pathway influence trafficking of CD4 T cells to the
GT by using adoptive transfer and knock-out mice
depleted of b7-integrin on T cells (mucosal) and The following rat anti-mouse Abs were purchased
selectin molecules (inflammatory ⁄ peripheral) on from PharMingen, San Jose, CA, USA; CD8-biotin
endothelial cells. (clone 53-6.7), kappa-biotin (clone 187.1), and
CD45R-biotin (clone RA3-6B2), and were used for
negative selection over magnetic columns with
Materials and methods
streptavidin conjugated to microbeads from Miltenyi
Biotec, Auburn, CA, USA.
Female BALB ⁄ c (Harlan Sprague–Dawley, Indianap-
Flow Cytometry
olis, ID, USA), C57BL ⁄ 6 mice (Jackson Laboratories,
Bar Harbor, ME, USA), beta 7 integrin knock-out Single cell suspensions (3 · 105 to 5 · 105 cells)
mice on the C57BL ⁄ 6 background developed by were stained in DMEM containing 1% bovine serum
Dr. Norbert L. Wagner8 at the Institute for Genetics, albumin (Sigma, St Louis, MO, USA) and 0.1%
at the University of Cologne, Germany, and kindly sodium azide using the microplate method as
provided by Dr. L Lefrancois, at the University of described elsewhere.6 Isolated cells were first incu-
Connecticut Health Sciences, were used.9 P-selectin bated with10 lg ⁄ mL of fluorescently tagged or
and E-selectin knock-out mice on the BALB ⁄ c back- unconjugated mouse anti-human cell surface mark-
ground were kindly provided by Dr. Daniel C. Bul- ers (see ‘‘Antibodies’’) for 25 min on ice and then
lard, University of Alabama at Birmingham.10 All washed twice with DMEM containing 10% bovine
mice were housed according to the American Associ- serum albumin. The cells were then resuspended in
ation of Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care 20 lg ⁄ mL of PE-conjugated goat anti-mouse F(ab¢)2
American Journal of Reproductive Immunology 61 (2009) 438–445
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(Biosource International, Camarillo, CA, USA) for mixture of either red PKH-26 (b7) ⁄ )) (1 · 107) or
25 min on ice. Following the washing step described red PKH-26 (b7+ ⁄ +) (1 · 107) and green BODIPY
earlier, the cells were fixed in phosphate-buffered (b7+ ⁄ +) (1 · 107) cells from infected mice was
saline containing 1% paraformaldehyde and kept at adoptively transferred to recipient C57BL ⁄ 6 mice
4C until analyzed. Flow cytometry was performed infected 7 days previously with C. muridarum.
on a fluorescence activated cell sorting analyzer GT tissues were harvested 18 hr after adoptive
equipped with a 488-nm argon laser and CellQuest transfer, and single cell suspensions were prepared
software (FACScan; Becton Dickinson, San Jose, CA, as previously described.14 The percentage of red
USA). The instrument was calibrated with beads labeled cells is a measure of the dependence of
(CaliBRITE; Becton Dickinson), using AutoCOMP cells expressing beta 7 integrin to enter the GT.
software. Dead cells were excluded on the basis of Percentages that are greater than 50 indicate
forward-angle and 90 light scatter, and 10,000 gated enhanced migration. As a positive control for a4b7
cells were analyzed for each sample. migration, we also measured the ability of beta 7
integrin cells to accumulate in mesenteric lymph
nodes as previously described.15
Fluorescent Labeling
CD4 cells were purified from the spleens of beta 7
Adoptive Transfer of Th1-MoPn Clone to P- and
integrin knock-out and wild-type (WT) C57BL ⁄ 6
E-selectin) ⁄ ) mice
mice on day 7 following a GT infection. To purify
CD4 cells, CD8 cells and B cells were removed by To examine the necessity of selectin molecules on
negative selection over magnetic columns using the endothelium, we adoptively transferred 1 · 107
anti-CD8, anti-kappa, and anti-CD45R. The resulting red fluorescent clone cells (Th1-MoPn) labeled with
lymphocytes were >95% pure for CD4 in select PKH-2614 to P-selectin ) ⁄ ), E-selectin ) ⁄ ), or
experiments. Purified CD4 cells or a Chlamydia-spe- BALB ⁄ c mice on day 7 following C. muridarum
cific CD4 Th1 cell clone (Th1-MoPn)13 were labeled infection. GT, iliac (ILN), and MLN tissues were
with the red fluorescent dye, PKH-26 (Sigma, harvested 18 hr after transfer, and single cell sus-
St. Louis, MO, USA) or the green fluorescent dye, pensions were prepared and measured on a flow
BODIPY-green (Molecular probes, Carlsbad, CA, cytometer. The percentage of clone Th1-MoPn (red
USA) as described elsewhere.14 fluorescent cells) was determined among total GT
cells present in various tissues as previously
Adoptive Transfer of Beta 7 integrin Positive or
Negative CD4 Cells
Genital Tract Homogenates
CD4+ cells were purified from the spleens of beta
7 integrin) ⁄ ) (knock-out, b7) ⁄ )) mice 7 days after Genital tract tissues were divided into the cervical-
GT infection to enrich for C. muridarum responsive vaginal region (lower GT), uterine horns (middle
T cells and labeled with the red fluorescent dye, GT), and oviducts (upper GT) with the ovaries
PKH-26 (Sigma, St. Louis, MO, USA) as previously removed as described elsewhere.16 Tissue sections
described.14 A second group of CD4+ cells which from individual mice were placed in 1 mL of RNAzol
expressed beta 7 integrin (b7+ ⁄ +) were purified B (Tel-Test Inc., Friendswood, TX, USA), and
from the spleens of C57BL ⁄ 6 mice 7 days after homogenized as described elsewhere17, using a
infection and also labeled with the red fluorescent hand-held homogenizer (Omni International, War-
dye, PKH-26. With each adoptive transfer, an renton, VA, USA). Aliquots of each homogenate
equal percent (50:50) of CD4+ cells also isolated were removed for isolation of chlamydiae. The
from infected b7+ ⁄ + WT mice, but labeled with a remaining homogenate volumes were sonicated at
green fluorescent dye called BODIPY-green (Molec- 20 kHz for 1 min and then centrifuged at 900 · g for
ular probes, Eugene, OR, USA), were added sepa- 15 min at 10C to remove cellular debris. Supernatants
rately to both the red labeled (b7) ⁄ )) and (b7+ ⁄ +) were filtered through 0.2-lm-pore size Acrodisks
CD4 cells to normalize in vivo migration assays (Gelman Sciences, Ann Arbor, MI, USA) to remove
using donor cells from different strains of mice chlamydiae, and samples were stored at )70C until
(b7 knock-out and wild-type cells). Thus, a 50:50 analyzed.
American Journal of Reproductive Immunology 61 (2009) 438–445
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mRNA Isolation and Polymerase Chain Reaction Results

Most adhesion interactions are not species dependent,
Total RNA was isolated from murine GTs homoge- so we utilized the mouse model of chlamydial genital
nized in RNAzol B (Tel-Test, Inc., Friendswood, TX, infection to confirm the role of the mucosal homing
USA), quantitated on a spectrophotometer at 260 nm receptor (a4b7:MAdCAM-1) in lymphocyte migration
wavelength, and stored at )80C until used. As a posi- to the chlamydial-infected GT in vivo during a sexually
tive control, mice were injected i.p. with 30 lg tumor transmitted infection (STI). We have previously
necrosis factor-a (TNF-a) (R&D Systems, Minneapolis, shown that a4b7 was used by cloned CD4 cells specific
MN, USA) and the GT tissue harvested 4 hr later. Five for C. muridarum to gain entry to infected murine GT
microgram mRNA was reverse transcribed into cDNA tissues.14 To examine a polyclonal T- cell population,
using a reverse transcription kit (Pharmacia Biotech, we focused on the beta 7 integrin chain to examine
Piscataway, NJ, USA). The primers used were 5¢-gAC mucosal homing by adoptive transfer as T cell homing
AgC AgA AAA CTT TCg TgC-3¢ (sense) and 5¢-TCC integrins are heterodimers of the alpha 4 integrin
AgC CAC TCA gTC TTg g-3¢ (antisense) for cyclophilin chain, with other integrins to form mucosal as well as
and 5¢-CgT CCT CAT TgC TCT ACT TgT-3¢ (sense) and non-mucosal homing receptors. As expected, the
5¢-Cgg TgT TTC TgT TCC CAA AT-3¢ (antisense) for adoptive transfer of an enriched population of CD4+
E-selectin. The amplification buffer contained 50 mm anti-chlamydial responsive cells required beta 7 inte-
KCl, 10 mm Tris–HCl (pH 8.3), and 2.5 mm MgCl. grin for migration to the MLN15,18, verifying that our
Specific oligonucleotide primer was added (200 ng assay measures beta 7 integrin dependence. Analysis
per sample) to the buffer, along with 1 lg of the of infected GT tissues during a C. muridarum STI
reverse transcribed cDNA samples and a HotstartTaq revealed that the absence of beta 7 integrin signifi-
DNA polymerase (Qiagen, Valencia, CA, USA). The cantly reduced cell recruitment to the GT (Fig. 1a)
cDNA was amplified after determining the optimal and indicates that a4b7 does impart an increased
number of cycles. The mixture was first incubated for ability of lymphocytes to migrate to the infected
15 min at 95C, then cycled 35 times at 95C for genital mucosa. A set of mice were also monitored for
1 min 30 s and 58C for 1 min 20 s, and elongated at the course of infection. We did not observe a
72C for 2 min. These conditions allowed optimal difference between the groups in time of resolution
amplification with little or no non-specific amplifica- (Fig. 1b) but noted a marked but insignificant increase
tion of contaminating DNA. After amplification, the in the bacterial burden of mice lacking b7-integrin on
sample was separated on a 3% agarose gel containing their CD4 cells. This finding corroborated our transfer
0.3 lg ⁄ mL (0.003%) ethidium bromide. The bands studies and suggests that the absence of a single
were visualized and photographed using UV lymphocyte adhesion pathway is not sufficient to
transillumination. significantly alter bacterial shedding. Thus, access of
T cells to the GT during C. muridarum infection was
enhanced by expression of beta 7 integrin.
The percent of red fluorescent (PKH-26) labeled cells
To Dissect the Influence of Non-mucosal Homing
from wild-type (C57BL ⁄ 6) and b7-integrin knock-
Integrins Which Bind to CLA
out mice were compared by Student’s t-test. In addi-
tion, the percent of red fluorescent (PKH-26) labeled (CLA:selectin) on GT migration during C. muridarum
Th1-MoPn clone cells within isolated GT cells were infection, we employed mice deficient for P-selectin
compared among wild-type (BALB ⁄ c), P-selection) ⁄ ), and E-selectin, which previously have been shown to
and E-selectin) ⁄ ) mice using anova. The course of bind to CLA expressed on human cells,19 and
infection was compared among mouse strains using compared adoptive transfer of a protective Chlamydia-
repeated measures anova. The above-mentioned specific Th1 clone.14 As can be seen in Fig. 2a, the
statistical tests were suggested by and performed absence of E-selectin but not P-selectin on GT tissue
using SigmaStat software based on the distribution endothelial cells significantly prevented the ability of
of the data and sample size (Jandel Scientific, the protective T-cell clone (P-MoPn) to rapidly gain
San Rafael, CA, USA). Groups were considered access to the GT during C. muridarum infection
statistically different at P values of <0.05. (P < 0.05). This effect was limited to infected tertiary
American Journal of Reproductive Immunology 61 (2009) 438–445
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Fig. 1 Beta 7 integrin, contributes to lymphocyte migration to the

murine genital tract. (a) CD4 cells purified from beta 7 integrin KO and
wild-type (WT) C57BL ⁄ 6 mice 7 days after infection with Chlamydia Fig. 2 The absence of E-selectin on endothelial cells influences the
muridarum. Cells were labeled with the red fluorescent dye, PKH-26. trafficking of CD4 cells to the genital tract (GT). (a) CD4 Th1 clone spe-
To control for individual variability in the migration assay, CD4 cells cific for Chlamydia muridarum was labeled with PKH-26 and adoptively
were also purified from WT mice and labeled with the green fluores- transferred into BALB ⁄ c mice infected 7 days previously with C. muri-
cent dye, BODIPY-green. The labeled red (beta 7+ or beta 7) ⁄ )) and darum. The cells were harvested 18 hr later. n = 4 mice per group,
green cells were mixed in equal proportions and adoptively trans- *P = 0.014 by ANOVA. (b) Shedding of C. muridarum was determined
ferred to 7-day post-C. muridarum infected WT C57BL ⁄ 6 mice. Cells every 3 days after vaginal inoculation with 1 · 107 IFU. Data points
were harvested 18 hr later. n = 3 mice per group, *P < 0.001 by t-test. represent the mean from five mice. There were no significant differ-
(b) Shedding of C. muridarum was determined every 3 days after vagi- ences between groups. Representative of two experiments with simi-
nal inoculation with 1 · 105 IFU. Data points denote means from five lar results.
mice. There were no significant differences between groups. Repre-
sentative of two experiments with similar results.
these data identify E-selectin as an important ligand
expressed in chlamydial-infected GT tissues for medi-
tissue sites as no differences were found in the lym- ating the binding and accumulation of T cells within
phoid organs of the iliac (ILN) and MLN (data not GT tissues.
shown). We also monitored the course of infection in The inflammatory cytokine, TNFa, induces the
mice lacking selectin molecules on the endothelium. expression of E-selectin on endothelial cells20, and
As seen with b7-integrin knock-out mice, we did not TNFa and other inflammatory cytokines are produced
observe a difference between mice lacking selectin during chlamydial genital infection21 The involve-
adhesion molecules on the endothelium (Fig. 2b). ment of E-selectin in lymphocyte trafficking to the GT
This finding supports the idea that deletion of a single strongly suggests that inflammation enhances
lymphocyte adhesion pathway is not sufficient to sig- lymphocyte accumulation in the GT. To confirm this
nificantly alter bacterial shedding. Taken together, finding, we attempted to demonstrate the appearance
American Journal of Reproductive Immunology 61 (2009) 438–445
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using animal models.24 We have previously shown

in the murine model that CD4 cells expressing
a4b7+ migrate more rapidly to the C. muridarum-
infected murine GT.5 These studies were performed
using a Th1 clone specific for C. muridarum, which
provides protection from vaginal infection with
C. muridarum when adoptively transferred to naı̈ve
mice. In this study we confirmed that the mucosal
pathway, dependent on the a4b7 homing receptor,
is involved in CD4 cell accumulation in the C. muri-
darum infected GT. Further, we show that E-selectin
expressed on the endothelium also controls the
accumulation of CD4 cells in the infected GT. These
data are the first to show that multiple pathways
regulate CD4 cell trafficking to the GT during chla-
mydial infection. These data further demonstrate
that both a mucosal and a non-mucosal pathway
can mediate CD4 T cell trafficking to the GT.
Fig. 3 E-selectin is present in the upper genital tract (GT). GT tissues Although we did not observe a significant differ-
were harvested 7 days following vaginal infection as described and ho- ence in the course of infection in mice deficient in
mogenates were prepared of the upper GT (oviducts, UGT), middle GT
only one lymphocyte trafficking pathway, we noted
(uterine horns, MGT), and lower GT (cervico-vaginal region, LGT) from
two representative mice (1 & 2). Homogenates of the spleen from a
that the a4b7 and selectin adhesions appear to influ-
tumor necrosis factor-a (TNFa) injected mouse served as positive con- ence different segments of the infection; early and
trol. Polymerase chain reaction analysis was also performed on GT tis- late, respectively. For instance, mice lacking the
sue using primers against the housekeeping gene, cyclophilin. mucosal homing pathway showed more variation in
the early phase of infection consistent with our
study, showing that the mucosal trafficking pathway
of E-selectin in the GT. We previously reported that influences the ability of cells to rapidly accumulate
non-infected murine GT tissues do not express in the genital tract.5 Recently, a mouse model was
P-selectin, but rapid expression is seen by immuno- made where the MAdCAM-1 adhesion molecule on
histochemical analysis following C. muridarum infec- endothelial cells can be conditionally knocked out.
tion.14 However, immunohistochemical analysis of Experiments using this mouse lacking MAdCAM-1
E-selectin is technically difficult in murine tissues and at the initiation or resolution phase of the infection
does not conclusively show expression.22 Thus, we would substantiate this possibility. Further, crossing
investigated the appearance of E-selectin mRNA and mice that lack E-selectin with those that lack MAd-
found that E-selectin mRNA was present in the CAM-1 would be predicted to statistically increase
oviducts or upper GT region but not in the uterine chlamydial burden in the GT.
horns or middle GT and only variably expressed in the The regulation of lymphocyte homing has impor-
lower GT of infected mice, suggesting that inflamma- tant implications for vaccine design and dictates that
tion is more apparent in the upper GT region (Fig. 3). an efficacious vaccine stimulates the expression of
These results indicate that inflammation induced by a4b7 on T cells. There is little evidence that induction
chlamydial infection influences the trafficking of CD4 of systemic T cell-mediated immunity alone can
cells to the GT. Chlamydia infection is also associated protect from infection in mucosal surfaces.25
with tissue damage23 and it will be important to Unfortunately, we do not understand how to induce T
determine if upregulation of P- and E-selectin cell-mediated mucosal immunity, but selective induc-
molecules is associated with GT tissue damage. tion of the mucosal homing receptor would enhance
the entry of T cell-mediated immune cells in mucosal
tissues.26 Our current knowledge has demonstrated
that induction of T- cell lymphocyte homing receptors
Resolution of acute Chlamydia infection of the female occurs during T- cell activation. Mora et al.27 reported
reproductive tract requires Th1 CD4 T cells as shown that murine dendritic cells (DCs) program the expres-
American Journal of Reproductive Immunology 61 (2009) 438–445
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sion of homing receptors on murine T lymphocytes out. This study was supported by National Institutes
during activation. A subset of murine DCs found in of Health Grants AI026328.
the intestine preferentially induced expression of b7
integrin compared with peripheral DCs, regardless of
the source of T cells. In contrast, DCs isolated from
peripheral tissues regulated the expression of homing 1 Morrison RP, Caldwell HD: Immunity to murine
receptors which bound selectin molecules on endo- chlamydial genital infection. Infect Immun 2002;
thelial cells.19,28 Thus, murine DCs dictate the homing 70:2741–2751.
properties of T cells during activation, and specific 2 Rank RG: Models of Immunity. Washington, DC,
subsets of DCs appear to differentially program the ASM Press, 1999.
homing properties of T cells. 3 Kelly KA, Robinson EA, Rank RG: Initial route of
Parallels can be drawn between the results of this antigen administration alters the T-cell cytokine
migration study and C. trachomatis STI in humans. profile produced in response to the mouse
We have previously reported that the mucosal adhe- pneumonitis biovar of Chlamydia trachomatis
following genital infection. Infect Immun 1996;
sion molecule MadCAM and E- & P-selectin are
increased in the fallopian tube upon infection using
4 Campbell DJ, Butcher EC: Rapid acquisition of tissue-
the in vitro fallopian tube infection model.7 Although
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the murine analog which mediates the binding of
activated in cutaneous or mucosal lymphoid tissues.
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fied, in humans CLA binds to E-selectin. Also, 5 Hawkins RA, Rank RG, Kelly KA: Expression of
human T cells expressing CLA bind to murine mucosal homing receptor alpha4beta7 is associated
P- and E-selectin molecules.19 Thus, C. trachomatis with enhanced migration to the Chlamydia-infected
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Recently, Haddad et al.30 showed that the migration 65:5198–5208.
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P-selectin. Here, we report that a selectin molecule, mucosal addressin cell adhesion molecule-1 and
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9 Lefrancois L, Parker CM, Olson S, Muller W, Wagner
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double knock-out mice will help clarify the necessity Doyle NA, Doerschuk CM, Ley K, Beaudet AL:
of a4b7 and E-selectin in vaccine models. Infectious susceptibility and severe deficiency of
leukocyte rolling and recruitment in E-selectin and
Acknowledgments P-selectin double mutant mice. J Exp Med 1996;
We thank MiHyang Chang and Alisa Skinner for 11 Caldwell HD, Kromhout J, Schachter J: Purification
excellent technical assistance, and Drs Dan Bullard and partial characterization of the major outer
and Leo Lefrancois for kindly contributing knock-
American Journal of Reproductive Immunology 61 (2009) 438–445
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American Journal of Reproductive Immunology 61 (2009) 438–445

ª 2009 John Wiley & Sons A/S 445

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