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Afryan Mirza Pratama




In this chapter, the writer discusses background of the study, statement of

the research problems, the objectives of the study, the significances of the study,
scope and limitation, and definition of key terms.

1.1 Background of the Study

Nowadays, millennials live with modern technology, they usually use

smartphone or gadget for almost all their daily activities. It is in line with Samuel
(2013) saying that millennials often spend much of their time with their gadget. It
means that millennials depended on technology. Therefore, technology is now
familiar to millennials generation. Millennial mostly use technology for their daily
life, but some millennials realize that the technology can be used to support their
learning activity.

Technology is now widely used in various fields including education.

There are many ways of using technology to support their learning activity such
as looking for pictures, videos, and audios in the internet to support them in
learning. Students also can use a social media as platform to discuss with their
friends and their teachers about learning. Chandra (2019) state that technology can
be equipped as learning media. One of the media is called M-learning. It makes
students easier to develop their knowledge.

M-learning is a facility that provides education information to purpose of

learning without questioning place and time. Quinn (2009) said, “Intersection of
mobile learning and e-learning accessible resources wherever you are, strong
search capabilities, rich interaction, powerful support for effective learning, and
performance-based assesment”. Aripurnamayana (2012) defined that “M-learning
is a learning model that harness information technology and communication.”
Based on explanation above, students can study without worrying about place and
time by using M-learning, as it covers online tutoring media.
Online tutoring is a teaching and learning process based on an online. It
means student can learn by using their gadget or smartphone. Samuel (2018)
states that online tutoring media as a learning phenomenon, which student no
longer to attend the course because they can study as long as they bring their
gadget. In other word, online tutoring is new thing on education to used the
internet for learning purposes. Some well-known online tutoring media are
Quipper video,, and Ruangguru.

Many similarities are facilitated by online tutoring which is exactly the

same as the learning experiences at school. Learning materials that students obtain
at school can be learnt by using online tutoring media. Online tutoring media also
used the same curriculum as formal school that assigned by the goverment.
Purbasari (2012), said that online tutoring media gives a chance for students to
repeat the materials from school whenever and wherever.” Hence, online tutoring
media has more advantages than just learning directly at school.

There are several advantages of using online tutoring media. Lidwina

(2012) classified the advantages into four advantages. The first is be flexibel in
learning. It means that students can learn whenever and wherever using their
gadget. The second is less cost. It means students no longer taking cost on
transportation and no need to buy stationery, just paid on internet acces. The third
is full of materials. It means online tutoring media provide all the materials that
exist at school. The fourth is parent can control students activity. It means parents
and mentors know what students do when they access their gadget to learn.

There are several researches about online tutoring. The first is “Examining
the relationship among student’s perception of support, course satisfaction, and
learning outcomes which online learning”, written by Lee (2011). The aim is to
find out online tutoring media support the student’s learning activity and online
tutoring media is a key in optimizing student learning experiences. He identified
three categories of support: instructional, peer, and technical support. The second
is “Improving online learning: Student perceptions of useful and challenging
characteristics”, written by Song (2004). The aim is online tutoring media as a
new learning experience can develop the students learning activity at school. His
result of the study indicated that most learners agreed that course design, learner
motivation, time management, and comfortableness with online technologies
impact the succes of an online learning experience. Both studies provide positive
thing to online tutoring media and very useful for students to improve their
learning to achieve learning goals.

From the previous studies about online tutoring media, they confirmed the
fidings of study succeeded to support the student learning activity. Therefore, the
writer wants to know the response on student in Indonesia about online tutoring
media. This new topic is rarely disscussed by other researcher, so the researcher is
interested in conducting a study on this topic for senior high school students
responses toward online tutoring media.

1.2 The Statement of research problems

Based on background of study above, the problems are defined as follows:

1. How do senior high school students response toward online tutoring media ?
2. Why do senior high school students use online tutoring media ?

1.3 The Objectives of study

According on statement of the problems above, the purposes of the study


1. To identify senior high school students’ response toward online tutoring


2. To identify the reasons of senior high school students’ use of online tutoring
1.4 The Significances of study

The results of this research is expected to be useful and beneficial for

education community, public and society. Through out what has been explained in
the background study, the writer certainly has a positive expectation that can be
given by the existence of this study. This will be giving out the benefit to :

For the students, the result of this study is expected to give some
references or information to improve learning strategies at school. Additionally,
the students will response about understanding the differences online tutoring
media between learning activity at school. This research can be helpful for the
students in minimizing the difficulties on learning and improving the learning
activity by their own.

For the future users of online tutoring media, this research is expected to
give understanding about online tutoring media definition and features for the
users who will use the online tutoring media.

1.5 Scope and limitation

The scopes of this study is the responses of senior high school students
toward online tutoring media. This study is limited to the responses by students at
MAN Kota Batu and Ruangguru application because the school is one of the
schools that has high popularity in Batu City and the school is known to be
actively following technological developments in the field of education.

1.6 Definition of key terms

The current study have four key terms that are described below:

1. Online Tutoring Media

Online tutoring is a learning media that can be use by student to learn by
using their gadget or smartphone (Samuel,2013). Online tutoring media
can support and improve students learning activity wherever they are.
2. M-learning
M-learning is a learning model that harness information technology and
communication (Aripurnamayana, 2012). M-learning is a learning facility
toward mobile devices.
3. Response
an answer, in particular an answer to a question or a questionnaire or
across behaviors, either clearly visible or outward or hidden or disguised
(Kartono and Rahayu 2014).
4. Senior high school student
A student is primarily a person enrolled in a senior high school that after
graduating from junior high school.


In this chapter, the researcher wrote all of theories used in the

investigation for this research. It incorporates the Response, Student’s Response,

Online Tutoring Media, M-Learning, and Ruangguru. Those theories support the

researcher in answering the questions of research that were referenced in the next


2.1 Response

According to Skinner & Jones that is cited by Rosita (2018), there are two

kinds of responses, namely; response respondents or flexible and the response of

the operand or the response involved. Response respondents or flexible is the

response that produced by a particular stimulus. This stimulus is called elitist

stimulation because the response they produce is relatively fixed. While the

response of the operand or the response involved is the emergence of response

which is then developed and followed by certain stimuli. This stimulus is referred

to as strengthening because it stimulates a response.

In accordance with Kartono & Rahayu (2014), response is an answer, in

particular an answer to a question or a questionnaire or across behaviors, either

clearly visible or outward or hidden or disguised. Judging from psychology itself,

the term response is something general, and the most used in psychology, it is

usually in conjunction with giving traits. The response is very close to the

stimulus, so that if the stimulus appears first it is likely followed by the response.
Receiving behavior that appears after the stimulus is transmitted to the

communication is a form of response, response is the result of behavior that arises

because of the stimulus. Meanwhile, according to Rakhmat & Surjaman (1999),

the response is an organizing activity, it is not only positive movements, but also

all of types of activity that caused by stimulants. It can be interpreted as results or

impression obtained by observation. From the explanations above, it can be

concluded that response is the subject experience, event, or relationship obtained

by summarizing information and interpreting messages.

In communication, the term response is an activity that is expected to have

an effect or result. Communication is an activity that involves two or more people

and gives the effect as the response of communication itself. Therefore, Steven M.

Chaffe that is cited by Rakhmat & Surjaman (1999) divided the response into

three parts:

a. Cognitive: Cognitive is a response related to information about a

person and knowledge skills. When there is a change in something that

is understood, this response will appear.

b. Affective: Affective is a response related to emotion. Emotion is a

conscious mental reaction (such as anger or fear) experienced as a

subjective strong feeling. This response appears when there is a change

in what is like by someone.

c. Conative: Conative is a response related to intention, determination,

effort, which tends to be an activity or action or behavior habit

(Effendy, Löffler, and Maibach 2000).

From the explanations above, it can be concluded that the response is

formed from an action or stimulation process that produce a reaction and result

from stimulus action itself. The response will appear from receiving messages

after a series of communications. According to Subandi (2014), a feedback has an

important or significant influence in determining whether something can be called

communication or not. There are two factors that cause a person responds

something, both positive and negative responses.

2.1.1 The Factors of Response

Someone can respond if the causative factors or stimuli are met. Even so,

not all stimuli get individual responses, because individual does the right stimulus

and are attractive to his/her self. Therefore, the emergence of the response

depends not only on the stimulus, but also on each individual itself.

According to Walgito (2010),There are two factors that will get individual


1. Internal Factors: Internal Factors are factors that exist in human

individuals. It consists of two elements; those are spiritual and physical and

physical or physiological elements. Spiritual and physical element: someone who

respond to a stimulus still affects only one element, they will survive as a result of

the response intensity that is different between the response of the person with
others. Physical or physiological element: it includes the existence, integrity, and

workings of certain sensory, nerve and brain parts. Spiritual and physiological

elements consist of existence, feeling, reason, fantasy, mental, thoughts, and


2. External Factors: External Factors are factors that exist in the

environment. People refer to these factors as factor of intensity or stimulus factor.

According to Walgito (2010), psychological factors associated with the object

because of the stimulation, and the stimulus will be regarding the sensing device.

Meanwhile, according to Sarwono (2010), the response is influenced by

several factors as follows:

a. Attention: Our attention does not reveal all the stimuli around us at

once, but we will focus our attention on one or two objects only. The

difference in focus between one person and another causes a difference

in response between them.

b. Needs: Each person’s needs will produce differences in perceptions

that arise, differences will have an impact on different responses.

c. “Set”: Set is someone’s expectation of stimuli that will arise. Different

sets lead to different responses.

d. Value System: The prevailing value system and society also influence

the response
2.1.2 Students Responses

In accordance with Rosenberg & Hovland (1960), there are three

components of attitude called the tripartite model. The first one is cognitive

component; this component can be identified by what someone believes or thinks

about something. The dependent variable measured from the cognitive component

is based on verbal responses and verbal belief statements.

The second component is effective, it is defined as an emotional feeling

toward something. Generally, emotional reactions are influenced by someone’s

trust in something. It can be favorable and unfavorable to something. The last

component is the conative (behavior), it is a response related to the real behavior,

including the action, verbal statement and habit. An action occurs once, while

habit occurs continuously.

2.2 Online Learning

According to Hoban & Leino that is cited by Ariyani (2010), the most

appropriate learning media to be used in the current era is technology-based

learning media. The definition of the word technology itself is a complex blend of

human beings, machines, ideas, procedures, and management. Galbraith in AECT

(2004), states that technology cannot be separated from science. In essence,

technology is the application of organized knowledge or knowledge to practical

tasks. Technology is the systematic application of the concepts of behavioral and

physical science and other knowledge to solve a problem.

Internet is a global network of world computers, large and very broad

where each computer is connected tone another from country to other countries

around the world and contains various kinds of information, ranging from text,

images, audio, video, and others. The Internet itself comes from the words

interconnection networking, which means the relationship of many computer

networks with various types and kinds, using communication types such as

telephone, satellite, and others (Sadiman, 2000). Referring to Munir (2008),

Internet is a multifunctional technological medium that can be utilized in the

world of education. A learning that utilizes internet media as a learning aid is

called online learning, or it can be also called e-education. In education world,

online learning is called the distance learning model.

The term e-learning has a very broad definition. E-learning consists of the

letter E which stands for electronic and word learning which means learning.

Thus e-learning can be interpreted as learning by utilizing the help of electronic

devices, especially computer devices. Munir (2008) stated that the term e-

learning can be also defined as a form of information technology that is applied

in the field of education in the form of cyberspace. E-learning can also be

interpreted as an internet-based application program that contains all information

about education that is clear, dynamic, accurate, and up to date as well as making

it easy for students to learn online.

Dragan & Behr (2001) stated that there are two online teaching models

generally. Those are synchronous and asynchronous. In the asynchronous model,

students learn at their own pace, look at lecture material and notes and take input
from teacher when students have time. Students communicate with instructors and

fellow students through chat, e-mail, and group discussion. Students learn in

accordance with the pace of learning and busyness. Only assignments and test are

usually scheduled to follow the deadline. While in the synchronous model,

students learn in virtual classes in real time as in conventional classes. The teacher

leads the class by showing a slide presentation or students can see the teacher

through a web-based video directly.

In addition, the synchronous model rely on chat features that allow

teachers and students to interact with one another and can use private channels

when they need help without interrupting ongoing teaching. However, the

necessity to follow the teaching according to a predetermined schedule as in

conventional classes causes the synchronous model to be less popular than

asynchronous model. In accordance with Pannen (2014), online learning or e-

learning is the development of distance learning systems. In general, distance

education is based on the separation of students and instructors in space and time,

the use (package) of learning materials that are designed and produced

systematically, the existence of non-continuous communication between students

and students, tutors, and educational organizations through various media, as well

as the intensive supervision and monitoring of an educational organization.

According to Hashemi et al., (2011), distance education system has two

components, namely distance learning system (distance learning) and distance

teaching system (distance teaching). The distance learning system gives emphasis

to students and the learning process (learning-centered), while the distance

teaching system focuses more on the teaching process, the organizational system,

and the instructor (teacher and system centered). Meanwhile, the distance

education system focuses on both sides as a whole, both on students and their

learning processes, as well as on the teaching process, organizational system, and

instructors. There are several elements by Uno (2010), that must be supposed by

web-based distance learning are as follows:

1. Students’ activity center; as community web based distance learning

must be able to make this facility as a place for student activities,

where students can add ability, read subject matter, find information

and so on.

2. Interaction in group; students can interact with each other to discuss

material provided by the teacher. Teachers can be present in this group

to give a little review of the material they provide.

3. Student administration system; where students can see information

about student status, student achievement and so on.

4. Deepening of material and examinations; the teacher usually conducts

short quizzes and assignments aimed at deepening what has been

taught and conducting tests at the end of the learning period. This must

also be anticipated by web-based distance learning.

5. Digital library; in this section there is a variety of library information,

not limited to books, but also on digital literature such as sound,

images, and so on. This section is as a support and in the form of

6. Online material outside the course material; to support lectures we

also need reading material from other websites. Therefore, in this

section teachers and students can be directly involved to provide other

material to be published to other students via the web.

Pursuant to Moran (2002), distance learning methods and information

technology meet with classroom learning strategies to create a new environment

called flexible learning programs. While Belawati & Zuhairi (2007) stated that

this flexible learning program needs to be examined because this is a challenge

that must be realized immediately in order to anticipate the future.

Bates (2005) and Wulf et al. (2010) stated that there are several

advantages and disadvantages of e-learning or online learning. Below are some

of the advantages of e-learning or online learning:

a. Increasing the learning interaction (exchange interactivity).

b. Facilitating learning interactions wherever and whenever (time and

place flexibility).

c. Having a wider reach (potential to reach a global audience).

d. Facilitate the improvement and storage of learning materials (easy

updating of content as well as achievable capabilities).

While, below are some disadvantages of e-learning or online learning

according to Munir (2008):

a. The separation between instruction and student causes the interaction

between teacher and student to be less than optimal.

b. E-learning technology tends to be more focused on the technological

aspects rather than the educational aspects.

c. The learning process tends towards training and less attention to the

affective aspects.

d. Teachers are required to know and master strategies, methods, or

learning techniques based on information and communication

technology that may not have been mastered.

e. The learning process of e-learning requires high learning motivation

because in practice learning is done independently. If student

motivation is lacking then the learning process will fail and the

learning objectives will be not achieved.

f. Not all students can use the internet because of limited facilities they


g. Lacking of knowledge and skill to operate the computer and utilize

internet maximally.

2.3 Mobile Learning

The term mobile learning (m-learning) refers to the use of mobile

information technology (IT) devices, such as PDAs, cell phones, laptops, and
tablet PCs in teaching and learning. Mobile learning is unique learning because

learners can access material and applications related to learning anytime and

anywhere. This will increase attention to learning material, making learning

persuasive, and encouraging the learner motivation for lifelong learning. In

addition, compared to conventional learning, mobile learning allows more

opportunities for collaboration on an ad hoc and interacting informally among

learners (Tamimuddin, 2013).

According to Hashemi et al. (2011), mobile learning has several

advantages, as follows:

a. Helping students improve their abilities.

b. Strengthening individual or collaborative learning.

c. Helping students identify areas where students need guidance and


d. Helping to bridge the gap between mobile hardware, such as mobile

phone and communication and information technology.

e. Helping students learn and manage their level of interest.

f. Helping students to stay focused for long periods.

g. Helping in improving self-appreciation in students.

h. Helping in increasing self-confidence of students.

Judging from the use of mobile learning, Chee et al. (2010) stated that

there are three functions of mobile learning in learning activities in the classroom

(classroom instruction), those are as a supplement (supplementary), complement

(complementary), and substitution (substitute).

Mobile learning as a supplement has the understanding that there is

freedom for students to choose and utilize mobile learning as learning medium, so

there is no compulsion or obligation to access subject matter through mobile


Mobile learning can be a complement to the subject matter provided in

class. As a complement, mobile learning can function as an amplifier or remedial

and enrichment.

Mobile learning as a substitute has the understanding that students are

given the freedom to choose to use the learning model they want. There are three

choices, those are: 1) fully use conventional learning model, 2) some use

conventional learning and some use technology, and 3) fully use technology.

2.4 Smartphone

Smartphone is a device that has the ability as a means of communication

(sending messages and calling) as well as other capabilities, namely PDA

(Personal Digital Assistant) that allows users to do work like on a personal

computer (PC) (PRIHADI 2010). In other words, a smartphone is a small

computer that has the ability of a telephone and has a usability for humans. At the

beginning of its development, HP can only be used for communication via

telephone. On the other hand, PDAs can only be used as a PC replacement device,

which allows users to do jobs such as processing data, sorting contacts, and

adding notes. Along with its development, both of these devices have added

features, namely the ability of wireless internet connection on a PDA that allows

users to send email, as well as the ability to send messages to a cellphone.

In the end, the two devices complement their capabilities with capabilities

that they do not yet have, so as to create a new device that allows users to carry

out activities that involve communication skills and PDAs. This device was later

better known as a smartphone.

2.5 Ruangguru

In the modern era like now, the development of technology has been

increased fast and sophisticated making it easy for everyone to obtain or spread

information, discuss and share ideas with one another. One of them is

smartphones and gadgets with Android operating system. In smartphones and

gadgets that have an Android operating system there is an application to make it

easier to find information, but it can also be done for learning, for example the

Ruangguru application. Ruangguru application is a learning application with

complete learning for all learning difficulties.

Ruangguru provides a learning governance system that can be used by

students and teachers in managing virtual classroom learning activities. Equipped

with thousands of question banks whose content is adjusted to the applicable

curriculum in Indonesia, as well as test results analysis tools, users can use them
free of charge. The content of the Ruangguru app includes elementary, middle,

and high schools in accordance with the national curriculum and specifically

designed by the best and experienced teachers.

Whereas what is meant by education is learning the knowledge, skills, and

habits of a group of people who are passed down from one generation to the next

through teaching, training, or research. With the development of this age, humans

are very easy to learn easily and quickly. From the above, it can be concluded that

Ruangguru in the world of education is a place or forum where all people seek

and provide information, discuss and share thoughts between one or more people

only by using mobile devices or technology connected to the internet.

The existence of a merger between the application of Ruangguru and the

world of education makes it easy for students to learn and add insight about

various sciences, because all learning at this time is very easy to obtain and access

wherever students are. Students do not need to go to the school library or public

library coming and pay a fortune to go to tutoring, but students only need to use

smartphones and gadgets to study and search for information. The Ruangguru

application is able to provide education to members in chat group forums,

members can communicate among members, with teachers to discuss an issue.

In the Ruangguru application, there are various practice questions

arranged based on the topic of the subject. The most up-to-date concepts available

in this online question exercise are intentionally presented to add to the nuances of

learning to make it more fun. Private learning using the Ruangguru application
can be done anytime and anywhere in a fairly easy way, namely by photographing

difficult questions, uploading and sending messages or telephone with the teacher

online, making students able to further utilize the use of their smartphones and

gadgets. The Ruangguru learning management system provides dashboard panels

and insight data for governments to support data-based policymaking, in a way

that was not possible before (Ruangguru 2020).

Ruangguru is the largest and most comprehensive technology company in

Indonesia that focuses on education-based services, has more than 6 million users,

and has managed more than 150,000 teachers offering services in more than 100

subject areas. The company was founded in 2014 by Belva Devara and Iman

Usman, who both made it into the ranks of successful entrepreneurs less than 30

years through Forbes 30 under 30 for consumer technology in Asia. Ruangguru as

a local company is committed to being a partner of the local government to

improve the academic results of students throughout Indonesia with technology.

Through utilizing access to content through mobile devices, Ruangguru

strives to provide world-class educational content through technology to students

at a cost more affordable than conventional learning methods. In addition,

Ruangguru also offers subscription learning videos, private tutoring marketplaces,

on-demand tutoring services, online test tryouts, and more. On the other hand,

students can also get quality tutors from reliable sources. In addition, Ruangguru

is also part of the profits obtained to advance the education of Indonesian

children. This was realized concretely by sending Indonesian children through the
GNOTA program, where each student studied for 1 hour in Ruangguru the same

as sending one Indonesian child for 1 day.

In addition, most of the profits are also used for youth empowerment and

community development empowerment programs that are managed by youth

voluntarily through the Indonesian Future Leaders organization. So learning with

the Ruangguru forum is not only beneficial for those who use it, but also directly

advances education and youth development in Indonesia (Ruangguru 2020).

As explained above, the application of Ruangguru has many advantages

and uses. like the Ruangguru application has various features that support the

learning process of students who use it. Various features of the Ruangguru

application are provided to students who use it as a learning medium.

2.5.1 Ruangguru Application Features

In supporting the learning process, Ruangguru is equipped with various

features in learning such as study room, digital boot camp room, online tutoring

room, tutoring room, and test room. An explanation of Ruangguru's features is as


1. Ruangbelajar

The Ruangbelajar is a place for students to study independently online

through learning missions (learning journey) consisting of thousands of

videos, infographics summaries, as well as thousands of quizzes and practice

questions for each sub-topic. In addition, it can monitor student-learning

progress directly every day through student report cards.

Pic 1 RuangBelajar.

2. Digitalbootcamp

Digitalbootcamp is online tutoring that supports all student learning

preparations, from grade 6 elementary school to grade 12 high school to

SBMPTN. Here, students will get a complete range of learning facilities

ranging from group chat subjects with teacher (tutor) standby which will

help students learn from learning modules, online tryouts, and other

learning facilities both in the app and outside the Ruangguru app.

Pic 2. Digitalbootcamp

3. Ruangles

Ruangles is a private teacher search portal provided by the Ruangguru

Application, where users or students have the freedom to choose tutors as

needed. The existence of this space, allows students to further enhance

their abilities academically and non-academically. Students can order

private teachers who are experienced in their fields.

Pic.3 RuangLes

4. Ruanglesonline

Ruanglesonline is a feature that is almost the same as Ruangles, if the

space feature provides a service to order tutors and their learning activities

face-to-face then Ruanglesonline is an application that only provides live

chat that is used by teachers/tutors with students to assist students in

solving questions or questions.

Pic.4 Ruanglesonline

5. Ruanguji

The Ruanguji is a place for students to measure their readiness to take the

exam by doing a tryout. Not only National Exams, but children can also

find SBMPTN, UTS, UAS, and UKG questions. Finished doing, the child

can immediately get a discussion, analysis of your weaknesses, and

ranking topics. ( accessed July 08, 2020, at 2:15

Pic.5 Ruanguji


In this chapter, the researcher explains the process by the research

performed, including research design, research subject, research instrument, data

collection, and data analysis.

3.1 Research Design

There are many methods for the researcher to collect and analyze the data.

According to Draper (2004), the study design is a structure to explain how, when,

and where data is collected and analyzed. Ary et al., (2016) describes the research

design as the planning of how to proceed to the discovery, depending on the

researcher, of a certain group or phenomenon in its natural environment. In short,

Santoso (2008) describes research design as a structure or a comprehensive and

precise plan can enable the researcher to gather, evaluate, and interpret research


According to Ary et al., (2016), the study design are two types, those are

qualitative and quantitative. Qualitative methods of study use descriptive

techniques in order to establish context and comprehension of the investigated

phenomenon, quality analysis is mostly inductive (Creswell 2007). Meanwhile,

quantitative methods to collect numerical and statistical data for quantitative

analysis (Ary et al. 2016).

This research is qualitative research, because descriptive data from

observed fields of study is provided in the form of written or oral data. The
researcher explained or demonstrated the students’ response toward online

tutoring media especially by using the Ruangguru application using this tool.

3.2 Research Subject

Research subject is the participant or persons to be investigated by the

researcher (Arikunto,2019). The research subject included 20 students who were

joining online learning through the Ruangguru application.

3.3 Research Instrument

Arikunto (2019) stated that research instruments are used to gather

knowledge in order to promote the conduct of study by researchers. It can be said

that the research tool is a method or function that has been used to collect research

data. The research used interview for collecting the data in this report.

3.3.1 Interview

Ary et al., (2016), argued that interviewing is one of the most commonly

used and straightforward methods of gathering qualitative data. In this analysis,

researchers used structured interviews because they wanted to focus on the

findings. The researcher asked the students a range of questions about their

experience joining to online tutoring media, in particular Ruangguru, and how

they use online tutoring media. The researcher's questions are tailored to the

formulation of the research problems set out in chapter one. The researcher

interviewed 10 MAN Kota Batu students who have been uisng Ruangguru as their

online tutoring media. The results of the interviews were recorded in the form of

voice recordings and copied as analytical data in the form of written texts.
3.3.2 Questionnaire

A questionnaire is described by Ary et al. (2016) as a method to gather the

actual data and information from respondents who provided written answers. Gay

et al. (1992), further said that the questionnaire is a written questionnaire to which

a small group of study participants would respond. It requires a series of questions

on a document to gather information and data related to the study. In order to

collect data on student response in online media tutoring, the researcher used a

questionnaire as an analytical tool. Ary et al. (2016) divided questionnaires into

two types, namely structured (closed-ended), and unstructured (open-ended)


The structured (closed-ended) questionnaire gives respondents alternate

questions and answers. Answers must be in choosing the given options or

multiple choices. Normally, multiple options are required, for example, yes or no

or the question scale on which the options are graded. In the meantime, there were

no suggested answers to the unstructured questionnaire. The respondents will

receive subjective questions. These questions encourage respondents to accurately

answer questions in their opinion. The survey consists of a series of questions

which the respondent must answer. Unstructured questionnaires were used by

researchers to collect data. In order to express their views, researcher gives

respondents the opportunity. The students’ response online media tutoring using

this method was correlated with problem. In this study, there will be 10 students

who will be respondents to the questionnaire and 10 other students will be

respondents to another research instrument.

3.4 Data Collection

The data is obtained from the interview and questionnaire. Data from 20

different respondents are obtained, 10 respondents of interview, and 10

respondents of questionnaire. The steps by which data from this research are

obtained are explained:

1. Preparing interview questions and questionnaire sheets that will be

asked and distributed in interviews and questionnaires with students of

MAN Kota Batu

2. Conducting interviews and questionnaires with one by one students

from 20 different students of MAN Kota Batu in the agreed place, 10

students for interview and 10 others for the questionnaire

3. Recording the interview process using voice recording

4. Questionnaire data in the form of answers in question sheet that have

been distributed and retrieved

5. Voice recording data is copied into written text

3.5 Data Analysis

There was also one stage for the analysis of the results. This step includes

investigating the respondents’ answer to questionnaires to figure out the students’

responses toward online tutoring media especially by using the Ruangguru

application. Ary et al. (2016) defined that data analysis as a formal method of

researchers’ searching and organizing of data to improve their comprehension and

to enable them to present their lesson. The researcher therefore analyzes the data

as follows after the discovery of data:

1. Reading all the details of the respondents’ responses to the interview

and questionnaire

2. Analyzing all respondents’ answers in interview and questionnaire

3. Classifying the data on the basis of the statement issue

4. Describing the data that have been analyzed and graded

5. Making the conclusion



In this chapter, the researcher presents findings and discussion to answer

the research problems that have been listed in chapter one.

4.1 Findings

The findings of the research written below are obtained from interviews

and questionnaires between the researcher and twenty students of MAN Kota

Batu. The findings of this research are related to the research problems that have

been written in chapter one of this research as follows: (1) How do senior high

school students response toward online tutoring media?, (2) Why do senior high

school students use online tutoring media? The research findings are presented as


4.1.1 Senior High School Student’s Response toward Online Tutoring


To answer the research problem about how the students respond to online

tutoring media, the researcher conducted interview and questionnaire to twenty

students of MAN Kota Batu, ten students for interview participants, and ten

students for questionnaire participants on December 14th, 2020. The researcher

used unstructured questionnaire in this research. This aims to provide

opportunities for participants to answer freely and express what is on their mind in

more detail.
Below are the results of interviews that researcher has conducted with several

students at MAN Kota Batu which show how the students think about the

application of online learning media:

“It is very helpful, it makes me easier

in understanding the material provided by my teacher”
(Appendix 1)

Based on the results of interview above, the participant stated that the use of
online tutoring media was very helpful and made it easier for him to understand
the material from the teacher.

“It makes me more enthusiastic about studying

Because I used to always study in classroom,
Now, it’s online, so it has different atmosphere.
I am happy”
(Appendix 1)

Based on the results of interview above, the participant stated that the use of
online tutoring media made him more enthusiastic about learning because online
learning has a different learning atmosphere from offline learning as usual.

“It makes the learning process easier and more fun.

The application is complete and easy to use”
(Appendix 1)

Based on the results of interview above, participants stated that the use of online
tutoring media made learning easier and more enjoyable. Besides that the
Ruangguru application is also easy to use.

“It’s fun, I can often do practice questions for studying”

(Appendix 1)

Based on the results of interview above, the participants stated that the use of
online tutoring media, especially the Ruangguru application, made him feel happy
because he could do more practice questions for learning.

“It makes me easier in understanding the material”

(Appendix 1)

Based on the results of interview above, the participant stated that the use of
online tutoring media, especially the Ruangguru application, made it easier for
him to understand the subject matter.
“It is great, there are so many features I need
In the learning process”
(Appendix 1)

Based on the results of interview above, the participant stated that the use of
online tutoring media, especially the Ruangguru application, was good because it
had complete features that he needed in doing online learning.

“I became lazy to study because I didn’t

Face the teacher directly”
(Appendix 1)

Based on the results of interview above, the participant stated that the use of
online tutoring media, especially the Ruangguru application, made him become
lazy because he did not face the teacher directly.

“I like it, it has a lot of benefits”

(Appendix 1)

Based on the results of interview above, the participant stated that he liked the use
of online media tutoring because it has many benefits.

“Good, I got better grades since I used

this application in studying”

Based on the results of interview above, the participant stated that the use of
online tutoring media was very good and made her get more grades than before.

“It makes me enthusiastic in learning because

the application is very cool”

Based on the results of interview above, the participant stated that the use of
online tutoring media made him more enthusiastic about learning, besides that, the
application was cool.

In line with the results above, the results show that students at MAN Kota

Batu had positive responses toward online tutoring media, especially Ruangguru

application. The results were evidenced by the answers from the participants who

had been interviewed by the researcher as follows:

“It is more fun because learning can be more relaxed,

Then if I do not understand, I can find explanations
and answers easier”
(Appendix 2)
Based on the results of interview above, the participants stated that Ruangguru
application learning became more relaxed. When he encountered difficulties, he
was also able to find explanations and answers more easily

“The application is fun; there are many videos I can

watch for learning”
(Appendix 2)

Based on the results of interview above, the participants stated that with the
Ruangguru application learning became more fun and less boring

“It is interesting; the application is easy to use.

Lots of material in the application, complete explanations,
There are practice questions, if the answer is wrong, there
is also a correct explanation. It is really good”
(Appendix 2)

Based on the results of interview above, the participants stated that the Ruangguru
application is an interesting and easy to use application. There are many study
materials with complete explanations inside. In addition, when he gives an answer
wrong, there will be a justification and an explanation.

“It is fun; my grades went up because of Ruangguru.

The problem is that it looks attractive, so learning is
more enthusiastic”
(Appendix 2)

Based on the results of interview above, the participants stated that the Ruangguru
application is a fun application. It looks attractive and makes users more
enthusiastic about learning.

“Very helpful because the application is light but

The content is complete. You can choose the material according
To the subject, then I like the videos the most.
It makes me easier in understanding”
(Appendix 2)

Based on the results of interview above, the participants stated that the ruangguru
application really helps learning. The application is light and complete. There are
lots of material, questions, and explanatory videos inside.

“I like it so much, it’s helpful and cool”

(Appendix 2)
Based on the interview results above, the participant stated that he really liked the
Ruangguru application. Cool app and helps learning.

“Ruangguru helps me in learning during

the pandemic period. Thank you Ruangguru”
(Appendix 2)
Based on the results of interview above, participants stated that the Ruangguru
application helped the learning process during the pandemic period

“I can learn easily by using Ruangguru,

It can be anywhere and anytime as long as
There is a quota”
(Appendix 2)

Based on the results of interview above, the participant stated that with the
Ruangguru application he could learn more easily anywhere and anytime.

“It is cool, the best application”

(Appendix 2)

Based on the results of interview above, participants stated that the Ruangguru
application was very cool and good

“Ruangguru makes you even more enthusiastic about

learning, you don’t feel like going back to school
So it’s so comfortable, but we can still understand
The material or assignments that the teacher sends”
(Appendix 2)

Based on the results of interview above, the participant stated that with the
Ruangguru application he became more enthusiastic about learning and easier to
understand the material that was delivered by the teacher

The results above are consistent with the results of the previous

questionnaire. Students have a good response to the use of online learning media,

especially the Ruangguru application. They responded positively and well because

they felt that the facilities provided by the Ruangguru application met their


4.1.2 Senior High School Student’s reason using Online Tutoring Media
In this subchapter, the researcher describes the answers to the research

conducted through questionnaires and interviews related to the reasons why MAN

Kota Batu students use online learning media, in particular the Ruangguru

application. The following are the data obtained by the results of researcher’s


“Following the teacher’s instruction”


Based on the participant's statement above,, it shows that the participant used the
Ruangguru application because he followed the instructions from the teacher

“Our teacher ask us to use the application”

(Appendix 1)

Based on the participant's statement above,, it indicates that the participant used
the Ruangguru application because he followed the teacher's request

“To do the learning process during the pandemic”

(Appendix 1)

Based on the participant's statement above,, it shows that the participants used the
Ruangguru application so that she could continue to learn during the pandemic

“Following the teacher’s instruction”

(Appendix 1)

Based on the participant's statement above, it show that the participant used the
Ruangguru application because he followed the instructions from the teacher

“Our teacher use Ruangguru application,

So we follow her to use it”
(Appendix 1)

Based on the participant's statement above, it shows that the participant used the
Ruangguru application because he followed the teacher who used the application

“The application is light for the RAM

of my phone, and it is chosen by the teacher”
(Appendix 1)
Based on the participant's statement above, it shows that the participants used the
Ruangguru application because the application was light for the RAM of his
phone and this application was the choice of the teacher

“To submit the assignments given by teacher”

(Appendix 1)

Based on the participant's statement above, it shows that the participants used the
Ruangguru application so that he could still collect the assignments given by the

“Because we are learning online,

So we need Ruangguru application”
(Appendix 1)

Based on the participant's statement above, it shows that the participant uses the
Ruangguru application because he feels he needs it to learn online

“It is the instruction by my teacher”

(Appendix 1)

Based on the participant's statement above, it shows that the participant used the
Ruangguru application because he followed the instructions from the teacher

“Because the application is easy to use and

Has many benefits”
(Appendix 1)

Based on the participant's statement above, it shows that the participants used the
Ruangguru application because the Ruangguru application was easy and had
many benefits

Based on the results above, it shows that most of students replied that their

teacher asked them to use the Ruangguru application. In addition, a small

proportion of them also explained that they used it to continue learning during this

pandemic. In the meantime, on the basis of the results of this questionnaire alone,

it can be concluded that the use of online learning media in MAN Kota Batu is at

the initiative of  the teacher towards his/her students.

The researcher also conducted interviews with 10 students from MAN

Kota Batu to find answers that are deeper and more accurate on this issue. The

results of interviews between researchers and 10 participants from MAN Kota

Batu are as follows:

“Because now there is pandemic, and we have to study online”

(Appendix 2)

Based on the interview results above, the participant said that the pandemic period
was what required him to do online learning.

“My teacher told me to use Ruangguru during

Online learning process”
(Appendix 2)

Based on the interview results above, the participant said that he used the
Ruangguru application because he was told by his teacher

“Because my teacher told me to download Ruangguru,

and the application is helpful evidently”
(Appendix 2)

Based on the interview results above, the participant said that she used the
Ruangguru application because she was told by her teacher

“We use Ruangguru to learn during pandemic, even from home”

(Appendix 2)

Based on the interview results above, the participant said that he used the
Ruangguru application so that he could still learn even from home

“Because the teacher told us to use it”

(Appendix 2)

Based on the interview results above, the participant said that she used the
Ruangguru application because she was told by her teacher

“Our teacher’s request”

(Appendix 2)

Based on the interview results above, the participant said that he used the
Ruangguru application because he was told by his teacher
“Because we have learn remotely, therefore
the teacher told us to download the Ruangguru application”
(Appendix 2)

Based on the interview results above, the participant said that he used the
Ruangguru application because he had to learn remotely and the teacher advised
him to use the Ruangguru application.

“To keep learning even remotely”

(Appendix 2)

Based on the interview results above, the participant said that he used the
Ruangguru application so that he could continue to do remote learning

“Just following the teacher’s instruction”

(Appendix 2)

Based on the interview results above, the participant said that he used the
Ruangguru application because he followed what the teacher said

“Because it was chosen by teacher”

(Appendix 2)

Based on the interview results above, the participant said that he used the

Ruangguru application because he followed the teacher's choice.

The conclusion is that students at MAN Kota Batu use the Ruangguru

application because of their teacher's choice. It can be said that this is an

alternative way for teachers to learn online during the pandemic. Regarding to the

results of research on the first research issue, it can be concluded that the efforts

made by teachers at MAN Kota Batu to carry out online learning and teaching

activities during the pandemic using online learning media, in particular, the

Ruangguru application has been successful.

4.2 Discussion

According to Kartono and Rahayu (2014), the response is an answer, in

particular, an answer to a question or questionnaire or across behaviors, either

clearly visible or outward or hidden or disguised. The theory explains that

response is a response to stimuli in the form of questions, behavior, and others. In

accordance with this theory, in this study, the researchers examined the responses

of MAN Kota Batu students to the use of applications as online learning media

that they used during the pandemic, the Ruangguru application. Ruangguru

application is a learning application with complete learning for all learning

difficulties (Ruangguru 2020).

According to the definition that has been disclosed by Ruangguru itself,

the results of this study indicate that students’ responses to the online learning

media they use to learn online during the pandemic, namely Ruangguru

application, are good or positive responses. Those positive responses are

supported by the reason expressed by the students on the results of the

questionnaires and interviews conducted by the researcher to 20 students at MAN

Kota Batu on December 14th 2020. Most of the students who became respondents

to this research expressed their satisfaction with the features provided by the

Ruangguru application. Some revealed that they were happy because there were

many practice questions in Ruangguru application, some revealed that there were

many videos containing explanations of material that were easy to understand on

Ruangguru, some revealed that the Ruangguru application was easy to use, and

many more.
The results of this study are consistent with the results of previous research

conducted by Amalliah (2019) which showed that the Ruangguru application was

able to improve student learning efficiency. In line with the reasons expressed by

students, such as those expressed in the data from this study, the features and ease

of use of the Ruangguru application are the basic reasons for the impact of the

Ruangguru application on student learning effectiveness. In addition, the results of

the study are in accordance with the results of previous research related to online

learning held by Lee et al., (2011) entitled “Examining the relationship among

student perception of support, course satisfaction, and learning outcomes in online

learning”. His result indicated that most learners agreed that course design, learner

motivation, time management, and comfortableness with online technologies

affect the success of an online learning experience. Both studies provide positive

things to online tutoring media and very useful for students to improve their

learning to achieve the learning goals.

From the results of this study and some of the results of previous studies

described above, it can be concluded that online learning and its media have been

well received by students in Indonesia, in particular by students at MAN Kota

Batu in this study. This is demonstrated by the positive response of MAN Kota

Batu students to interviews and interviews held by the researcher on December

14th, 2020. It is therefore necessary for developers to continue developing the

quality of existing online learning media so that they can better maximize the

learning needs of students in the current era. In addition to the developers,

teachers are also expected to monitor the development of existing education

technology so that they can operate and communicate it well to students.

According to Febrianto et al., (2020), online learning is particularly

necessary in difficult times such as the current Covid-19 pandemic, and it needs

efforts to maximize progress in learning. In a lesson, the teacher has the most

important role in matters or regulating the course of the learning process itself. In

accordance with Alvarez et al., (2009), there are five roles of a teacher, those are

designer or planning role, social role, cognitive role, technological domain, and

managerial domain.

As a result, a teacher must always be creative and innovative in order to

run an effective learning process. The results of this study responded to the second

research problem of this study, namely the reasons why students at MAN Kota

Batu use online learning media, namely the Ruangguru application. The results of

questionnaires and interviews conducted by researchers on December 14th 2020

with 20 students from MAN Kota Batu show that they followed the advice of the

teacher to apply for Ruangguru. The results of this study indicate that it is an

alternative or method used by MAN Kota Batu teachers to carry out an online

learning process during this pandemic. When the results of this research problem

are linked to the results of the first research problem, it can be concluded that the

efforts of MAN Kota Batu teachers to conduct online learning using the

Ruangguru application media have been successful.



In this chapter, the researcher clarifies the conclusion and suggestions

gained from the research findings and discussion that have been written in the

previous chapter.

5.1 Conclusion

Based on the findings and discussions that have been mentioned in

previous chapter of this research, the researcher can take few conclusions related

to research problems and research objectives listed in chapter one. Those

conclusions are as follows:

The researcher found that student responses at MAN Kota Batu to the

online learning media they use, namely the Ruangguru application are positive

responses. This is evidenced by the results of research conducted by the

researcher. The researcher has distributed questionnaires to 10 students of MAN

Kota Batu and conducted interviews with 10 students of MAN Kota Batu to

obtain these data. Most of them were satisfied and greatly helped by the

Ruangguru application. They expressed this on the grounds that the Ruangguru

application has complete features and suits their needs as students. Not a few also

said that their scores had increased and their understanding of the material they

studied easier after using the Ruangguru application as their online tutoring

media. Related to the findings about the use of the Ruangguru application as an

online tutoring media in MAN Kota Batu which has been concluded above, the
researcher also examines the reason for the students of the MAN Kota Batu using

the Ruangguru application. The researcher found that the main reason students of

MAN Kota Batu use the Ruangguru application as their online tutoring media is

because of the teachers’ initiative. Most of the students who participated in this

research said that their teachers had asked them to use the Ruanguru application,

especially on distance learning during this pandemic.

From the two findings that have been concluded above, the researchers

found new conclusion. Researchers concluded that the Ruangguru application as

an online tutoring media in MAN Kota Batu was an effort made by teachers for

the success of the online learning process during a pandemic. Students of MAN

Kota Batu who use the Ruangguru application have a very positive response, so it

can be said that the made by teachers at MAN Kota Batu are successful and the

use of online tutoring media is very welcomed by students of MAN Kota Batu. It

can be said that students are now ready to use the new technology engaged in


5.2 Suggestions

Based on the conclusions above, there are several suggestions are

recommended as follows:

For Students

Learning is not an easy thing, there are always obstacles that will continue

to arise, be it factors from yourself or factors from outside. Even so, there will

always be solutions that can help you. As you experience right now, where you
have to study online or remotely, but there is still one solution that can be used,

namely using online learning media in the form of the Ruangguru application.

Increase your enthusiasm for learning, use all the learning facilities that you can

use to achieve your learning goals.

Follow technological developments, especially in the field of education. Prioritize

learning activities because that is the most important thing for a student.

For Teacher

Being a teacher is not easy, there are always challenges that come from

both inside and outside. To achieve the main goal of learning, a teacher is

expected to always be creative, patient, and agile. A teacher is expected to always

follow the development of educational technology in order to be able to master it

and be able to convey it to their students. That way, it will be easier for a teacher

to achieve the main objectives of a lesson.

For Other Researchers

Online tutoring media is one of the media designed to help the learning

process so that the main objectives of learning are achieved. Online learning

media is specially designed for distance learning. An example is the Ruangguru

application, an online learning media that has been researched in this study.

Through this research, the researcher hopes to motivate further researchers to

research other online tutoring media or research the use of online tutoring media


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