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Table of Contents

Introduction Presentation
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Analysis Conclusion
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is the rate of charge flow
past a given point in an
electric circuit, measured in
Coulombs/second which is
named Amperes.
I = Current (Ampere or C/s)
Q = Charge (Coulomb)
t = Time (seconds)

The SI unit for electric current is called Ampere (A) named

after Andre’ Marie Ampere which is equivalent to Coulomb
per seconds.
Example 1:
A steady current of 5A is maintained in a metallic conductor. What charge Q in
coulombs is transferred through it in 1 minute?

Given: I= 5A Q= ? t= 1 min= 60 sec

Q = It
= 5A x 60 s
= 300C
Example 2:
A 2 mm long cross section of wire is isolated and 20 C of charge is determined to
pass through it in 40 s.

Given: I= ? Q= 20 C t= 40 sec

I = Q/t
= 20C / 40 sec
= 0.5 A
Example 3:
A 1 mm long cross section of wire is isolated and 2 C of charge is determined to
pass through it in 0.5 s.

Given: I= ? Q= 2 C t= 0.5 sec

I = Q/t
= 2C / 0.5 sec
= 4A
“Current is directly
proportional to Voltage
and inversely proportional
to Resistance.”
I = Current (Ampere or C/s)
V = Voltage (V)
R = Resistance (Ω)
Example 1:
What current is in an electric iron having a hot resistance of 22 Ω when connected
across a 220V line?

Given: I= ? V= 220V R= 22 Ω
I = V/R
= 220 V / 22Ω
= 10 A
Example 2:
What is the current through an electric toaster of 10 Ω resistance when it is
connected to a 220V source?

Given: I= ? V= 220V R= 10 Ω
I = V/R
= 220 V / 10Ω
= 22 A
Electromotive force

Emf = electromotive force (V)
I = current (A)
R = resistance (Ω)
Example 1:
What potential difference is required to pass 3A through 28 Ω?

Given: Emf= I= 3A R= 28 Ω

Emf = IR
= 3A * 28Ω
= 84 V
Example 2:
What is the electromotive force of a battery with internal resistance of 1Ω and 2A

Given: Emf= ? I= 2A R= 1Ω

Emf = IR
= 2A * 1Ω
= 2V
Self –Inductance.
➢ When the current in a cicuit is
changing, the magnetic flux linking the
same circuit changes. This change in flux
causes an emf to be induced in the circuit.
➢The induced emf ,ε, is proportional to the
time rate of change of current, ∆I/∆t, if the
permeability is constant.

➢Formula : Ԑ = -L ∆I/∆t
 Where : L = is a constant called the self inductance of
the circuit. The negative sign indicates that the self
induced emf (it is a back emf) opposes the charge of
current which produces it.
 The SI unit of self inductance is the Henry, symbol H.
 The self inductance of a circuit is 1 H if an emf of 1 V is
induced in it when the current changes at the rate of
1A/sec, so 1H = 1V sec/A = 1 Wg / A.
 The unit for μo previously written as the Wb/A m can
now be seen to be equivalent to the H/m.
 Energy of a magnetic field of a circuit is
W = ½ L I2
where L = self inductance of a circuit, I is current.

 Self Inductance of a Solenoid.

The emf induced in a coil of N turns when the time rate
of change of flux is
∆Φ / ∆t is
Ԑ = -N ∆Φ / ∆t.
Equating this with Ԑ = -L ∆Φ / ∆t gives L = N ∆Φ /
 If the flux changes uniformly with the current and if
the flux value is Φ when the current value is I, then
L = NΦ / I
which indicates that a circuit has a self-inductance of 1H
if it produces 1 flux linkage (NΦ) per A of current in that
 Consider that a solenoid has a core of permeability μ,
length L and section area A. Then
Φ = BA.

Where B = μNI /L

L = NΦ /I = NBA/ I = N/I ( μNI/L) A = N2 μ A / L

Example Problem 1.
 A direct current of 2A in a coil of 400 turns causes a
flux of 10-4 Wb to link the turns of the coil. Compute
 a) the average counter emf induced in the coil if the
current is interrupted in 0.08 seconds.
 b) the inductance of the coil and
 c) the energy stored in the magnetic field.
a) the average counter emf induced in the coil if the
current is interrupted in 0.08 seconds.

Given : N= 400
∆Φ = 10-4 Wb
∆t = 0.08 s

Ԑ = -N ∆Φ / ∆t
= 400 ( 10-4 - 0) Wb / 0.08 sec
= 0.04 Wb/ 0.08 s
= 0.5 V (neglecting the sign of the emf)
b. the inductance of the coil
Ԑ = L ∆I/∆t
0.5V = L (2 – 0)A / 0.08 sec
0.5 V (0.08 sec)= (2-0)A
0.04 Vs=2A
0.04 Vs/2A
L = 0.02H
c) the energy stored in the magnetic field.

W= 1/2LI𝐼
= ½ (0.02 H) (2𝐴)
=0.01 H (4𝐴)
= 0.04 J
Unit V
Hans Christian Oersted
A Danish physicist
and chemist and a
professor placed a
compass needle
near a wire
through which he
could make
electric current
 Two wires carrying electric current
exert force on each other, just like
two magnets. The forces can be
attractive or repulsive depending
on the direction of current in both
There are two techniques to make strong
magnetic fields from current flowing in
1. Many wires are bundled together, allowing the
same current to create many times the
magnetic field of a single wire.

2. Bundled wires are made into coils which

concentrate the magnetic field in their center.
Field strength near a wire:
The field of a straight wire is proportional to the current in the
wire and inversely proportional to the radius from the wire.

B = μo I/r
B = magnetic field,
in Tesla,
I = Current, A
r = radius, meter
The long parallel wires are 5 cm apart and
carry currents of 7A and 6A. Find the magnetic
field provided by the 7A current carrying wire
on the other.

Given: r = 5 cm = 0.05 m
I = 7A
μo= 1.257x 10-6 Tm/A
B =?
μo I
B= 2πr

1.257x𝟏𝟎−𝟔 Tm/A ( 7A)

2π (0.05 m)
8.799 x10−6Tm
= 0.314 m

=2.80 x 10-5T
Example 2.
The long parallel wires are 1 m apart and carry a
currents of 15 . Find the magnetic field.

Given: r = 1 m
I = 15 A
μo= 1.257x 10-6 Tm/A
B =?
μo I
B= 2πr

1.257x𝟏𝟎−𝟔 Tm/A ( 15A)

2π (1m)
1.886 x10−5Tm
= 6.283m

=3.00 x 10-6T
Example 3.
The long parallel wires are 0.45 cm apart and carry
a currents of 27A . Find the magnetic field.

Given: r = 0.45cm =0.0045

I = 27A
μo= 1.257x 10-6 Tm/A
B =?
μo I
B= 2πr

1.257x𝟏𝟎−𝟔 Tm/A ( 27A)

2π (0.0045m)
3.394 x10−5Tm
= 0.028m

=1.20 x 10-3T
The magneticfields
field at thein a coil
center of a coil comes
from the whole circumference of the coil.

B = μo NI/r

B = magnetic field, Tesla
N = number of turns of wire
I = current, A
r = radius of coil
Example 1
A closely wound flat circular coil of 125 turns of
wire has a diameter of 10 cm and carries a current
of 3A. Determine the magnetic field at its center.

Given: N =125 turns

r = 10 cm = 0.1 m
I = 3A
B =?
μ NI

=1.257x 10-6 Tm/A(125) (3A)

2π (0.1 m)

= 4.714 x 10-4 Tm
0.628 m

= 7.50 x 10-4 T
Example 2
What is the field inside a 0.02m long solenoid that
has 2000 loops and carries a 1600 A current?

Given: N =2000 loops

r = 0.02 m
I = 1600 A
B =?

=1.257x 10-6 Tm/A(2000) (1600A)

2π (0.02m)

= 4.022Tm

= 32 T
Example 1
A closely wound flat circular coil of 30 turns of
wire has a diameter of 2 cm and carries a current of
5A. Determine the magnetic field at its center.

Given: N =30 turns

r = 2 cm = 0.02 m
I = 5A
B =?
μ NI

=1.257x 10-6 Tm/A(30) (5A)

2π (0.02m)

= 1.886 x 10-4 Tm

= 1.50 x 10-3 T
Activity 1: Magnetism
Analyse and solve the following problems. (5 points each)
1. The long parallel wires are 4 m apart and carry a
currents of 8A . Find the magnetic field .
2. The long parallel wires are 2.8 cm apart and
carry currents of 12 A and 6A. Find the magnetic
field provided by the 6 A current carrying wire
on the other.
3. What is the field inside a 3.2m long solenoid that
has 1200 loops and carries a 500 A current?
4. A closely wound flat circular coil of 1618 turns of
wire has a diameter of 27 cm and carries a
current of 10A. Determine the magnetic field at
its center.
Assignment :

Search the different sources of magnetic

field. (20 points)
Electromagnetic spectrum
• The electromagnetic spectrum represents the range of energy from
low energy, low frequency radio waves with long wavelengths up to
high energy, high frequency gamma waves with small wavelengths.
Electromagnetic waves travel VERY
FAST – around 300000 kilometres
per second (the speed of light).

At this speed they

can go around the
world 8 times in one
Speed of Electromagnetic Waves

 All electromagnetic waves travel at 3.0 x 108

m/s in a vacuum.
 Speed of a wave formula:
Speed = Frequency x Wavelength
◼ Asthe frequency increases, the wavelength
Electromagnetic Spectrum
 Gamma
Highest frequency
rays Shortest wavelength

 X – rays

 Ultraviol
 Visible
light Lowest frequency
Longest wavelength
 Infra-red

 Microwa

 Radio
Electromagnetic Spectrum
 Diagram of Electromagnetic Spectrum
(including the relationship between frequency
and wavelength).
Electromagnetic Spectrum

 ………………………………………………
complete EM wave
spectrum (the waves
below in→ ascending order of wavelength;
→descending order of frequency )

Gamm x-rays Ultra- Visibl Infra- Microwav Radio

a violet e red e wave
rays ray light ray

t f


Gamma rays
Gamma rays have the shortest
wavelengths and highest
frequencies in the EM spectrum.
It is generated by :
Changes in energy levels in the nucleus

Some radioactive substances and certain

nuclear reactions produce gamma rays.

Because of their great penetrating

ability, gamma rays can cause serious
illness. However when used in controlled
conditions, gamma rays is useful in cancer
Uses of GammaRays

 Kill cancer cells

 Study the nucleus
in atoms
Gamma Rays
 Gamma rays are the highest
energy electromagnetic wave.
 They usually come from
radioactive elements or stars
Uses include:
◼ Killing cancer cells
◼ Making pictures of the brain
◼ Inspection tools in industry

X rays is generated by :
a) Rapid deleceration of fast moving
b) Changes in energy of innermost orbital

X-rays are used for :

• diagnostic tool in dentistry and medicine.
Doctors and dentists can examine the
condition of a person’s bones, the root of
this teeth or the state of other inner partof
the body.
• Custom officers at airports inspect the
content of your luggage using X-rays.
• Industry wise, it is used to find cracksin
structures just like cracks in bones.
 X-Rays have high energy and can penetrate
some material.
Used in:
◼ Medicine
◼ Industry
◼ Transportation

X - Rays
 X-Ray radiation has a high
ability and can pass right
through our bodies.
 X-rays film forms images
depending on the
………frequency………….. of
the X-rays falling on it.
Uses ofX-rays

 Take ‘pictures’ of
bones in the body
 Study the crystal
structure of crystalline
 Check for cracks in
metal plates
Ultraviolet Waves
 UV Light that is at a higher frequency and
energy than violet light.
 UV light can kill micro-organisms.
 Too much exposure can cause:
Sunburn,and skin cancer
As it damages cell DNA
The main source of ultra-violet radiation is sunlight and it is this radiation

Ultra-violet radiation is used in hospitals to sterilize the surgical

instruments and operating theatres as it kills bacteria and viruses.
UV can be detected by:
a) Photographic plates
b) Photoelectric cell
Uses of Ultraviolet

 Detect counterfeit
 Sterilise medical
Visible Light

 Visible light is made up of the 7 colored light.

Visible Light
Visible light is the part of the EM
spectrum which can be detected by the

• human eye.

•The visible light has its own spectrum which consist of the 7 colours of
light : Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Indigo Violet

•An example of visible light is the colourful laser light or the light
from a firework.

•Some of the uses of light is in optical fibres in medicine and

Visible Light
 Our eyes detect
electromagnetic energy in a
small portion of the
electromagnetic spectrum
called the visible light region.

 The visible light region

corresponds the wavelengths
and frequencies of
red, orange, yellow, green, bl
ue, indigo, and violet light.
Uses of VisibleLight

 Enable us to
see things
 Photosynthesi
s in plants
through infrared
We often think of infra red as being the same
thing as 'heat', because it makes our skin feel
Most of you might have seen infra-red waves in use
during the SARS period. (picture on the top right hand
corner). It shows a thermo-detector which is placed
outside hospitals/airport to identify the warm and cool
parts of a person by analyzing infra-red radiation
emitted from the person’s body. And through this we
can see if someone is having a fever.

Infra red is useful for:

-Medical treatment : to warm injured muscles/sports
Uses ofInfra-red

 Heating
Infrared Waves
 Infrared waves are heat waves.
 All objects emit infrared waves because all objects
possess heat.
 Night vision goggles detect infrared waves and allow
the user to see the movement of objects in the dark.
 Many TV remotes use infrared.
One of their most common uses is in
microwave ovens. When you switch on
a microwave oven , it gives off
electromagnetic waves that bounce
around inside the oven, penetrating the
food. Water molecules in the food
absorb the energy from the
microwaves, causing the food to get hot.

Other uses of microwaves:

a) Radar communication (as it is not easily
blocked of by buildings/trees)
b) Telephone communication (mobile
phones, etc)
Uses of Microwaves

 Radar
 Analysis of the
molecular and
atomic structure
 Telephone
Radio waves
Radio waves are the electromagnetic waves
with the longest wavelengths and lowest

Like all electromagnetic waves, radio waves

can travel through a vacuum. However
most of the radio waves we receive have
traveled through air. Take the radio as an
example. The radio converts the
electromagnetic waves into the sound
that comes out of the radio speakers.

Uses of radio waves:

a) Radio and television communication
(to transmit sound and picture
information over long distance)
b) Radar & satellite communication
c) Navigation or ships & aircrafts
Uses of RadioWaves

 Radar
 TV and radio
Radio Waves
 Radio waves have the
wavelengths in the
electromagnetic spectrum.
 Radio waves do more
than just bring music to
your radio.
 THANK YOU ……..

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