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Directions for the Chapter Summary and Questions, BIBL 318 (Wallace)

There are six of the eight General Epistles that require chapter summaries and answers to questions, and
these will be divided into four assignments: James 1-5, due Unit 2; 1 st Peter, due Unit 4; and 1st-3rd John,
due Unit 6 (Hebrews and Jude are optional—I have removed the summary assignment for these two
books simply to reduce your course load for the final two weeks of class in preparation for the final paper
and exam). The assignment requires three parts:

1. A summary of each chapter (by section; aim to honor the author’s arrangement and emphasis
when possible).
2. A response to two key questions at the end of the whole summary (i.e., James)
3. A list of three of your own questions (relevant to the text).

Below is an example of a summary of James, chapter 1:

James 1:1
James greets the “twelve tribes” among the nations.

James 1:2-8 -- Wisdom

He begins with stair-step parallelism encouraging his readers to ask God for wisdom. Trials are to be faced
with joy because faith that is tested produces, perseverance, and maturity. At any time a believer may petition
God for wisdom and know that God gives wisdom (1) generously and (2) without finding fault. James warns
believers not to doubt God’s gift of wisdom, for this leads to instability.

James 1:9-11 – Poor and Rich

The poor should take pride in their “high position” before God, and the rich in their low position. James
compares wealth to a fading flower in the sun, and he compares those who persevere in trial to a runner
receiving the promised “crown of life,” revealing God’s love.

James 1:12-18 – Sin and Death; Word and Life

The author elaborates on “temptation” stating that the source is not God but one’s own evil desire. This desire
when conceived gives birth to sin, and when sin is full-grown it leads to death. The answer is to seek the word
of truth which always comes from the Father, bringing life and bearing fruit.

James 1:19-27 – Hear and Obey

Practical admonitions are given in this section: “Be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry.”
Anger of man does not produce righteous fruit but can lead to immoral decisions. The word of God is
“planted” in a person and this is what saves. But more than listening to God is needed. Believers are to do
what God says. Forgetting what God says is like looking in a mirror and not remembering what one looks like.
Hearing God’s word, the law, brings freedom to do the law, which results in blessing. True religion is
controlling one’s speech, looking after orphans and widows, and keeping oneself from being polluted by
current culture.

After summarizing all of the chapters (i.e., James 1-5), now respond to key questions in for this section:

 In four to seven sentences, state succinctly the author’s main message to his audience.
 In four to seven sentences, describe what God is saying to you this week from this letter.

Then list three questions that sparked your interest about the text, themes, persons, application, etc.).

This assignment assists in exploring the biblical text from our own perspective to engage and understand the important developments in the
General Epistles and its major theological topics. This assignment prepares our minds in knowing what direction and interest we might have for
study (and/or research), which then aids in our evaluation of the biblical and theological implications for today in a critical manner.

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