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Page 1 of 38
Content List
1 Introduction........................................................................................................................5
2 Reference ...........................................................................................................................5
3 Pipe Arrangement ..............................................................................................................6
3.1 Layout ....................................................................................................................6
3.2 Spool breakin g .......................................................................................................6
3.3 Conductivity and Grounding (App licable on conductive sy stem only ).................6
4 Supp orts .............................................................................................................................7
4.1 General guid ance....................................................................................................7
4.2 Supp ort span...........................................................................................................7
4.2.1 M aximum Sup p ort Sp an ................................................................................7
4.2.2 Sup port sp an at Double O-Ring Expansion Joint ..........................................8
4.2.3 Sup port Sp an at M echanical Exp ansion Joint................................................9
4.3 Axial load on anchor supp ort...............................................................................11
4.4 Supp ort typ e and detail ........................................................................................12
4.4.1 Guide supp ort...............................................................................................12
4.4.2 Fixed sup p ort (Light anchor) .......................................................................13
4.4.3 Anchor support.............................................................................................13
4.4.4 Flange Frame................................................................................................14
5 Receiv in g, Handlin g, Storage ..........................................................................................15
5.1 Receiv in g .............................................................................................................15
5.2 Handlin g...............................................................................................................15
5.3 Transp ortation ......................................................................................................15
5.4 Lifting...................................................................................................................16
5.5 Storage .................................................................................................................16
5.5.1 Pip e...............................................................................................................16
5.5.2 Fittings .........................................................................................................16
5.5.3 Fabricated Spools .........................................................................................16
5.5.4 Adhesives .....................................................................................................17
5.5.5 Accessories...................................................................................................17
5.5.6 Tools.............................................................................................................17

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6 Installation of Fiberglass Pip e..........................................................................................17
6.1 Adhesive bondin g joint ........................................................................................17
6.1.1 Sp ecial Tools for adhesiv e bondin g jo int.....................................................17
6.1.2 Bonding Procedure.......................................................................................18
6.2 Flange assembly ...................................................................................................18
6.2.1 Gaskets.........................................................................................................18
6.2.2 Bolts.............................................................................................................18
6.2.3 Assembly......................................................................................................19
6.2.4 Flange mountin g misalignment tolerances ..................................................19
6.2.5 Recommended bolt torque ...........................................................................20
6.2.6 Tightenin g Sequence....................................................................................21
6.3 Double O-Ring Joint Assembly ...........................................................................21
6.3.1 Prep aration and p reset..................................................................................21
6.3.2 Insertion depth and Accessories...................................................................22
6.3.3 Insp ection p rior to assembly ........................................................................23
6.3.4 Assembly integral DOF – DOM Joint .........................................................24
6.3.5 Assembly Double o-ring expansion coup ling ..............................................24
6.4 M echanical Couplin g Joint Assembly .................................................................25
6.4.1 Prep aration and p reset..................................................................................26
6.4.2 Insp ection.....................................................................................................27
6.4.3 Assembly......................................................................................................27
6.5 Connection to Other M aterials .............................................................................28
6.6 Connections to equip ment, tanks, p ressure vessels..............................................28
6.7 M aximum allowable misalignment tolerances ....................................................29
6.8 Installation in Hull Block .....................................................................................30
7 Test of Fiberglass Pip e System........................................................................................31
7.1 Hydro-test.............................................................................................................31
7.1.1 Test general recommendations.....................................................................31
7.1.2 Test medium and test p ressure.....................................................................31
7.1.3 Insp ection, accep tance criteria, and ap p roval ..............................................31
7.1.4 Effect of temp erature ...................................................................................32

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7.1.5 Reinstatement...............................................................................................32
7.1.6 Safety ...........................................................................................................32
7.2 Conductivity test (For Conductive Sy stem Only)................................................32
7.2.1 Test methods................................................................................................32
7.2.2 Acceptance criteria.......................................................................................33
8 Field M odification and Rep air .........................................................................................34
8.1 M odification and rep air procedure.......................................................................34
8.2 M odification and rep air gen eral concerns............................................................34
8.3 Common modification and rep air methods..........................................................34
8.3.1 Partial rep lacement.......................................................................................34
8.3.2 Over-wrap ....................................................................................................35
8.3.3 Surface rep air ...............................................................................................36
8.4 Temp orary rep air..................................................................................................36
8.5 Other methods and solutions................................................................................36
9 Safety Recommend ation ..................................................................................................37
9.1 Dust Hazards........................................................................................................37
9.2 Chemical Hazards ................................................................................................37
9.3 Spill and Disp osal ................................................................................................38
Imp ortant Notice ......................................................................................................................38
Copy right .................................................................................................................................38
Revision Notes.........................................................................................................................38

Page 4 of 38
1 Introduction
This installation manual is to p rovide installers a co mp rehensive overview for installation
of Ameron fiberglass p ip e sy stems, on marine projects, such as, ship s, FPSOs, Drilling
Units, Etc.
Characteristics for marine installations are, p ip ing is arranged in confined sp ace; and the
installation work is sign ificantly affected by hull structure design, fabrication and
erection. Therefore it is necessary to take sp ecial p recaution and follow the included
recommendations for installation.
This manual contains material on receivin g and handlin g, p ip ing lay out and support
p rincip les. The manual also covers various typ es of joint assembly , followed by hydro
test and conductivity test procedures.
In case any site modification is required, or any damage on fib erglass p ip ing sy stem
occurs, modification and rep air recommendation are p rovided.
General health and safety recommendations are given in the last chap ter of the manual.

2 Reference
AME/INS-004 Hydro-testing procedure for bondstrand GRE/GRV pip e
AME/INS-003 Procedure for condu ctivity and grounding of GRE p ipe
MOD-01 Modification and Repair Recommendation

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3 Pipe Arrangement
3.1 Layout
Fiberglass p ip ing shall be routed in such a way that:
- It is in accordance with sp ecification and p ip ing diagram;
- The number of direction change are minimized to reduce the surge effect on the
fiberglass p ip ing sy stem;
- It allows sufficient exp ansion joints in approp riate locations for ship saggin g and
hogging effect, and also be able to accommodate minimal fabrication, erection
and installation deviation of hull structure and pip ing work;
- It p rovides for ease of installation;
- Ease of supporting. Supp orts can be easily located and fabricated;
- Certain flexibility is provided in the sy stem to enable joint assembled to the
correct dimensions without the need to p ull/push a spool into p osition.
3.2 Spool breaking
The use of p refabricated sp ools shall be maximized to minimize the amount of site
adhesive jo inting work. Fiberglass p iping shall be broken for sp ooling in such a way :
- To avoid/minimize site adhesive bonding joint;
- To not exceed handling cap acity of installation, and transp ortation equip ment or
- To make it feasible to bring the sp ool into position after hull-block erection;
- That no sp ool will p rotrude through the hull block after installation in block;
- That the breaking point shall be located at accessible location.
3.3 Conductivity and Grounding (Applicable on conductive system only)
Ameron conductive fiberglass p ip e, fittings and flanges incorp orate high strength
conductive filaments to p revent accumulation of p otentially dangerous levels of static
electrical ch arges by the flow of liquids or other environmental causes.
Accumulated charges are harmlessly drained from the fiberglass p ipe sy stem into the
metallic hull structure by means of:
- Flange connection to metallic flange of metallic pip ing, equip ment, tanks,
bulkhead p enetration and so on;
- Flange frame support at fiberglass flange. The flange frame is bolted at the back
of fiberglass flange, and the base of flange frame will be connected to steel
- Grounding saddle with embedded stainless steel cable, one end is bonded onto
pip e surface, and the other end is bolted to steel structure.

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Sufficient electrical drainage p oints shall be installed to enable a comp letely conductive
sy stem.
Grounding saddles shall b e mounted on the p ip e section that is isolated from other
means of electrical drainage. Mechanical coup lin g joints and double o-ring jo ints are
considered as isolating p oints or conductivity breaking p oints.
In gen eral, the groundin g saddle shall be p ositioned near a supp ort, so that the
extension cable of the groundin g saddle can be fixed on the supp ort structure,
avoidin g disruption to the p rimary hull structure.

4 Supports
4.1 General guidance

Pip ing supp orts shall be arran ged in such a way that:
- Sup p orts shall be arranged to avoid sag and/or excessive v ibration;
- Valv es, and other heavy in line items shall be indep endently supp orted;
- Hose connections, utility or loadin g stations shall be supp orted to avoid
excessive bend in g stress;
- Fiberglass p ip e shall not be used to supp ort other p iping;
- Enough sp ace is p rovided between supp ort and fittings to ensure that pip e
movement is not obstructed either axially or laterally;
- Sup p orts shall be located at convenient and accessible location;
- Sup p orts shall be p referably located on p lain-p ipe sections rather than at
fittings or joints;
- A fixed sup p ort must be located along the len gth of the straight p ip e/sp ool if
its both ends are connected with unrestrained mechanical joints;
- An anchor sup port shall be installed between an unrestrained mechan ical joint
and an elbow, a tee or a reducer.
4.2 Support span

4.2.1 Maximum S upport S pan

Recommended maximum sp ans for Ameron p ip e at op erating temp eratures
66°C and below are listed below. These sp ans are intended for normal
horizontal p ip ing arrangements. The tabular values are for p artial sp an that
rep resent a comp romise between continuous and simp le sp ans.

Page 7 of 38
Product Series: 2000M & 7000M
Size (mm) Sp an Size (mm) Sp an Size (mm) Sp an
(m) (m) (m)
1” (DN25) 3.0 10” (DN250) 6.0 26” (DN650) 6.0
1-½” (DN40) 3.5 12” (DN300) 6.0 28” (DN700) 6.0
2” (DN50) 3.8 14” (DN350) 6.0 30” (DN750) 6.0
3” (DN80) 4.3 16” (DN400) 6.0 32” (DN800) 6.0
4” (DN100) 4.9 18” (DN450) 6.0 36” (DN900) 6.0
5” (DN125) 5.2 20” (DN500) 6.0 40” (DN1000) 6.0
6” (DN150) 5.5 22” (DN550) 6.0 - -
8” (DN200) 6.0 24” (DN600) 6.0 - -
Note: Consult Ameron for p roduct series others than 2000M & 7000M .

4.2.2 Support span at Double O-ring Expansion Joint

Sup p orts shall be arranged at both sides of Double O-Rin g Exp ansion Joint.
The supp ort shall be p ositioned in such a way that it will not cause obstruction
to dismantling/assembly of the joint, and it p rovides good sup port for the
weight effect of the joint assembly .

Neylon Key

S upport Clamp

Double O-ring
Expansion Coupli ng

Support Clamp

Page 8 of 38
Product Series: 2000M & 7000M
Size A-min (m) A&B-M ax (m) C-min (m)
2” (DN50) 0.23 1.0 0.30
3” (DN80) 0.23 1.0 0.30
4” (DN100) 0.23 1.0 0.30
5” (DN125) 0.25 1.0 0.36
6” (DN150) 0.25 1.5 0.36
8” (DN200) 0.30 1.5 0.44
10” (DN250) 0.33 1.5 0.46
12” (DN300) 0.38 1.5 0.53
14” (DN350) 0.40 1.5 0.55
16” (DN400) 0.43 1.5 0.58
18” (DN450) 0.45 2.0 0.54
20” (DN500) 0.49 2.0 0.56
22” (DN550) 0.53 2.0 0.62
24” (DN600) 0.55 2.0 0.62
26”(DN650) 0.60 2.0 0.70
28” (DN700) 0.63 2.0 0.72
30” (DN750) 0.63 2.0 0.73
32” (DN800) 0.68 2.0 0.82
36” (DN900) 0.68 2.0 0.95
40” (DN1000) 1.00 2.0 0.95

A-min denotes the recommended minimum distance for Double O-rin g
M ale (DOM) end to avoid interference b etween clamp and fiberglass
comp onent;
A&B-max denotes the recommended maximu m distance of the supp ort;
C-min denotes the minimum clearance for assembly /dismantlin g of
Double O-ring Expansion Coup ling;

4.2.3 Support S pan at Mechanical Expansion Joint

Sup p orts shall be arranged at both sides of Mechanical Expansion Joint. The
supp ort shall be p ositioned in such a way that it will not cause obstruction to
dismantlin g/assemb ly of the mech anical expansion coup ling, and it p rovides
good supp ort for the weight effect of the joint assembly .

Page 9 of 38
Support Clamp Mechined End A

Product Series: 2000M & 7000M

Size (mm) A-min (m) B-Max (m) Size (mm) A-min (m) B-M ax (m)
50 0.35 1.0 450 0.39 2.0
80 0.35 1.0 500 0.42 2.0
100 0.35 1.0 550 0.42 2.0
125 0.36 1.0 600 0.42 2.0
150 0.36 1.5 650 0.42 2.0
200 0.37 1.5 700 0.42 2.0
250 0.38 1.5 750 0.42 2.0
300 0.38 1.5 800 - 2.0
350 0.38 1.5 900 - 2.0
400 0.38 1.5 1000 - 2.0

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4.3 Axial load on anchor support
When a mechanical jo int and/or double o-ring jo int is in p lace together with a bend,
the strength of the steel structure of axial stop type supp ort is the essential to the
reliab ility of the p ip ing system. The steel supp ort shall be designed, fabricated and
installed to withstand the full axial force (thrust) with minimal deflection.



Estimated Axial Force (Unrestrained Joint + Bend) at 5Bar Pressure

Size (mm) Axial Force (Kg) Size (mm) Axial Force (K g)
50 155 450 5075
80 275 500 6040
100 415 550 8200
125 620 600 8475
150 780 650 10150
200 1540 700 11745
250 2825 750 13060
300 3470 800 15115
350 3485 900 18825
400 4310 1000 22825
Note: For other p ressure ratings, the estimated axial force can be comp uted
linearly to the p ressure. Sy stem hydro-test p ressure (1.5 times of sy stem
design pressure) shall be considered for sup p ort design.

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4.4 Support ty pe and detail
The following sup p ort typ es are most common used for fiberglass p ip ing sy stem on
the shipboard and offshore p rojects.
4.4.1 Guide support
Guide supp orts p ermit longitudinal mov ement of the p ip e but restrain lateral
movement. A guide supp ort on horizontal p ip e also hold the p ip e against
movin g up and down. Guide supports shall be designed, fabricated and
installed that:
- No direct contact between fiberglass p ipe and steel supp ort base/clamp
occurs. Protective material such as p olyethy lene, or PVC, or fiberglass
blank saddles shall be installed p ermanently ;
- A gap 0~5mm shall be maintained between pip e clamp and fiberglass
p ip e.
- Nut locking dev ice (Extra nut, lockin g washer) is reco mmend ed.




Note: Where the supp ort is exp osed to strong lateral force, the U-Bolt/Clamp
typ e guid e supp ort will NOT be recommended. In such circumstance, the
two-half clamp s shall be installed.

0~3mm GAP


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4.4.2 Fixed support (Light anchor)
Generally , fixed supp orts areinstalled on straight fiberglass pipe where both
ends are connected to mechanical exp ansion joint such as Mechanical
Exp ansion Coup ling, Mechanical Flange Adap tor, Double O-Ring Exp ansion
Coup ling, Double O-Rin g Flan ge Adap tor, etc. The fixed supp ort p rovides
restrain to both lateral movement and axial mov ement. Fiberglass saddles are
fixed onto fiberglass p ip e as a stopp er collar. The fixed sup p ort shall be
design ed, fabricated and installed that:
- No direct contact between fiberglass p ip e and steel support clamp occurs.
Protective material such as rubber, or p oly ethy lene, or PVC, or fiberglass
blank saddles shall be installed p ermanently ;
- Double nuts shall be installed for clamp bots to prevent excessive
clamp in g force on pip e;
- Axial gap between blank saddle and steel clamp shall not be greater than

0~3mm GAP


4.4.3 Anchor suppo rt

Generally , anchor supp orts are installed to p rovide restrain to both lateral
movement and axial movement. Fiberglass saddles are fixed onto fiberglass
pip e as stopp er collars. Strong force is exp ected on an anchor supp ort. The
anchor supp ort shall be designed, fabricated and installed in such a way that:
- No direct contact between fiberglass p ip e and steel support clamp ,
p rotection material such as rubber, or p oly ethy lene, or PVC, or fiberglass
blank saddles shall be installed p ermanently ;
- Double nuts shall be installed for clamp bolts to prevent excessive
clamp in g force on pip e;
- Axial gap between blank saddle and steel clamp shall not be greater than

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- Sup port structure shall be strong enough to stand force caused by internal
p ressure, sep aration force gen erated by free joint such as Double O-Rin g
Joint and Mechanical Exp ansion Joint, calculated surge and so on.


4.4.4 Flange Frame

Flange frames are used for supp orting flan ged v alves and flan ged heavy inline
items indep endently . Flange frames can also be installed to p ip e flange for
other supp orting p urp ose. The flange frame can be fully welded to structure,
thus being a fixed ty pe or anchor type supp ort; also the flange frame can sit
loose on a support base with guide bars, thus bein g a guid e typ e supp ort.
The flange frame is connected to p ip ing with bolts, and it might be exp osed to
high axial force, thus it shall be designed, fabricated and installed that:
- It must p rovide clearance with p ipe body ;
- It is of the correct size and covers app rop riate number of bolt holes;
- The p late shall not be too high, thus to minimize bendin g stress on steel;
- It is installed with reinforcement wed ge plate if necessary;
- It shall be bolted to flange p rior to being fully secured to structure.




Page 14 of 38
5 Receiving, Handling, S torage
5.1 Receiving
Insp ect all shipments of fiberglass materials and accessories and do the followin g:
- Verify packing list and material
- Check material for any damage

Fiberglass p ip e, fittings, fabricated sp ools, tools, accessories shall be insp ected

immed iately upon receivin g and shipp ing agent is to be informed of any deficiency .
In the event of damage or missing items, relevant p arties shall be informed
immed iately .
5.2 Handling
The following recommendations are made to p rotect the fiberglass p ip e, fittings and
fabricated sp ools against damage:
- End p rotection shall remain in p lace during handling and transp ortation. End
protection can be removed for receiving inspection, but is shall be p ut back
immediately .
- Fiberglass components shall be handled with care and p rotected from impact.
Throwing, dropp ing, bump ing or hitting the fiberglass comp onent is p rohibited.
Fiberglass component shall not be dragged or pushed over sharp objects.

The use of a forklift truck is tolerated, p rovided that the forks are p added with carp eting
or some other suitable soft material.
5.3 Transportation
It is recommend ed to transp ort fiberglass materials in their original container and
original p ackin g. In case the contents of the containers would be altered, attention
shall be p aid to the following:
- Do not let the fiberglass p ip e and sp ools rest on the floor of the container where
nails, studs or other sharp objects might damage them;
- The fiberglass p ip e and sp ools shall be securely fastened directly over the
timbers with tie-downs such as ny lon straps or rop es. Do not use steel wire rop es
or other sharp material, which might cause damage;
- No other materials shall be loaded on top of the fiberglass comp onents;
- Do not drop the fiberglass p roducts, walk or stand on them;
- When stacking 12m lengths, a minimum of 4 wooden supp orts must be used to
sep arate each length;
- Do not allow the fiberglass p ipe to extend more than 2 meters bey ond the truck
or trailer bed to prevent excessive bowing.

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5.4 Lifting
When the p ip e and sp ool have to be lifted, the following has to be taken in to account:
- When mechanical lifting is required, canvas or ny lon slings are to be used. No
steel chains, wire ropes or clamps shall be used for lifting fiberglass pip e
comp onents;
- Pip e/sp ools up to 3m in len gth may be lifted with a crane usin g at least one
sling. Lon ger sections, up to 6m in len gth, may be lifted with a 3m sp reader
bar and two slings. Twelve-meter long sections may be lifted with a 6m
sp reader bar and two slings;
- Cartons can be lifted by hand or, in case of pallet cartons, by using a forklift
truck. Do not throw or drop the cartons.
5.5 Storage

Storage of p ip ing components may be required p rior to installation. Sp ecial precautions

shall be taken to avoid damage.
5.5.1 Pipe
Fiberglass p ip e may be safely stored outside for extended p eriods p rovided the
following reco mmend ed storage p rocedures be observed.
- Supports shall be sp aced at 3-meter intervals and approximately not more
than 1½ meter from each end. The supp orts should have a minimum 100mm
(4-inches) wide bearing surface. The supports (timbers) used in the Ameron
containers can be used for this p urpose at the storage area.
- The p ip e stack should not exceed 3m in height and should have side supports
or blocks to prevent rolling or slipping in the stack.
- It is not recommended to stack p ip es directly on the ground.
- Protective end coverin gs must be left intact until the time of installation.
5.5.2 Fittings
Fittings shall be kept in cartons, stored on shelves, preferably inside a
5.5.3 Fabricated S pools
Pip e spools are p acked by Ameron to avoid damage durin g transp ortation.
Sp ools shall be stored with temp orary p rotection in p lace. If p ossible, spools
shall be stored in the original p acking and shipp ing skid. When spools are
stacked after receiving insp ection, sufficient wood sp acers shall be p laced in
between lay ers.

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5.5.4 Adhesives
Adhesives shall be stored indoors at temp eratures between 5°C and 35°C.
Extended storage at higher temp eratures will degrade the catalyst and the resin,
and reduce adhesive strength. Avoid storage of the adhesive in direct sunlight.
Adhesive shall be kep t in original p acking; it shall not be stored upside down.
Each adhesive kit is stamp ed with an exp iration date. FIFO (First In First Out) is
recommended for adhesive usage.
5.5.5 Accessories
Accessories such O-Rings, Nylon Keys, etc., shall be stored away from direct
sunlight and rain. The minimum storage temp erature for O-Ring and Ny lon Key
is 10°C.
5.5.6 Tools
Pip e shavers, arbors and p ower drive shall be kep t in original toolbox after use.
These tools shall be kept in dry location.
Heating blankets shall be rolled up when not in used. Heating b lankets shall
be kep t in box or on a rack to avoid damage from any heavy objects. The
storage shall b e away from direct sunlight and rain.

6 Installation of Fiberglass Pipe

6.1 Adhesive bonding joint
Site adhesive bond in g jo int shall be min imized so that to facilitate an efficient
installation. In the situation that adhesive bondin g jo int is inevitable, the adh esive
bonding jo int shall be carried out by well-trained and qualified bonder in accordance
with Ameron adhesive bondin g jo int procedure.



6.1.1 Special Tools for adhesive bonding joint

Pip e shavers – to machined p ipe end to required dimensions:
- B1F for 1” ~ 6” Quick-Lo ck Male (QLM );
- M 74 for 2”~16” Quick-Lock Male (QLM ) & M achined End (M E);
- M 86 for 2”~6” Tap er Male (TM );
- M 87 for 6”~16” QLM, TM & M E;
- M 87XL for 16”~24” QLM , TM & ME;

Page 17 of 38
- M 88 for 26”~40” QLM, TM & M E
Power Drive – is the power unit to drive M74, M 86, M 87, M 87XL & M88
Pip e Arbor – is required to fix shaver (M 74, M86, M87, M87XL & M 88) onto
p ip e;
Heating Blanket – to heat cured adhesive bond in g joint.
Note: Refer to relevant p roduct literature for safety and p roper use of tools.

6.1.2 Bonding Procedure

Brief adhesiv e bondin g jo int procedure is as follows:
- Cut the p ip e to required len gth;
- Shave the p ip e end to required dimensions (Diameter and len gth for
QLM ; Nose thickness, Tap er angle and len gth for TM)
- Bonding surface p rep aration to ensure all bondin g surfaces are clean,
non-glossy , fresh finish without oil and water contamination;
- Dry fit and mark alignment and reference;
- Select and mix adhesive;
- App ly adhesive to all bondin g surfaces;
- Assemble the joint and remove excessive adhesive;
- Heat cure with heating blanket
- Comp lete necessary documentation
Note: Refer to relevant bonding p rocedure, or adh esive p roduct literature for
detail gu idance for adhesive bondin g p rocess and concerns, measures and
p recautions for making qu ality bonding joint.
6.2 Flange assembly
6.2.1 Gaskets
Use full-face gaskets of an elastomeric (Shore A Hardness 55~65) or other
comp atible material, suitable for the service p ressure, temperature and fluids
in the system. Gaskets shall be at least 3 mm thick.
6.2.2 Bolts
Well-lubricated new bolts shall be used. Bolt material and treatment shall be
in accord ance with project technical sp ecification. Plain washers shall be
installed on all fiberglass flanges to prevent damage. Sp ring washer shall not
have direct contact with fiberglass flange.
In gen eral, stud bolts shall be used. Bolts shall be placed only when they are
ready to tighten the flan ge jo int. In the situation where it is difficult to p lace
bolt after sp ool/flan ge placement, the bolts shall be preset in the flange.

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6.2.3 Assembly
Mount lubricated washers under both nuts and bolt heads to avoid damage of
the flange b ack-face. Tighten all nuts following the sequences giv en in
"Tightenin g sequence";
Do not exceed the torque increments given in "Recommended Bolt Torques";
After all bolts have been tightened to the recommended torque, recheck the
torque on each bolt in the same sequ ence, sin ce previously tightened bolts
may have relaxed;
Excess torque can damage the flan ge;
6.2.4 Flange mounting misalignment tolerances
The alignment of the flan ges is very imp ortant. Force the bolts to align a
mismatch flan ge p air will result in damage on fib erglass comp onents and/or
leakin g at bondin g joint. When a flan ge joint is assemb led, the maximum
misalignment shall not exceed the recommendation shown below. Otherwise,
the p ip e work must be rectified to correct the alignment.

Maximum Misalignment Allowance

Up to 16” 1/16” 1.6 mm 1/8” 3.2 mm
18” – 40” 3/32” 2.4 mm 3/16” 4.8 mm

Flange p air offset results in difficulty of bolt installation. The maximum

offsets are given in table below.

Page 19 of 38
OFFSET Maximum Offset Allowance (mm)
2” to 22” 3.0 3.0 2.0 3.0
24” – 40” 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0

6.2.5 Recommended bolt torque

To achieve full p ressure seal, bolt tightening shall achieve “Recommended
Torque” as minimu m. To p revent damage, the bolt torque for Heavy Duty
typ e flange shall not be more than “Maximu m Torque” shown in the table.
Torque Recommended M aximum
Flange size
Increments Torque Torque
Inch mm N.m N.m N.m
1” – 4” 25 – 100 7 27 56
6” – 8” 150 – 200 14 41 82
10” – 14” 250 – 350 14 68 150
16” 400 14 68 250
18” – 20” 450 – 500 27 81 400
22” – 30” 550 - 750 34 102 500
32” – 40” 800 - 1000 45 210 500

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6.2.6 Tightening Sequence

6.3 Double O-Ring Joint Assembly

6.3.1 Preparation and preset
Insp ect all connectin g surfaces of fiberglass Double O-Ring to ensure there
are no scratches and damage on Double O-rin g M ale (DOM) end, Double O-
ring M ale Key (DOMK) end, and inn er surface of Double O-ring Female
(DOF). Clean all connecting surfaces so that there are free of oil, dirt, loose
scale, and so on.
The Double O-rin g Expansion Coup ling shall b e p reset onto DOMK end. The
preset work shall be done durin g blo ck installation stage and/or p rior to
placement of connection sp ools.

Page 21 of 38
Hull Block Joint
DOMK End Double O-Ring
Expansion Coupling


The Double O-ring Exp ansion Coup ling shall be p reset in right direction, i.e.
the key -hole side of the Double O-ring Exp ansion Coup ling shall be at the far
side of the joint.
The Double O-ring Exp ansion Coupling shall be secured onto pip e, and it
shall be wrap ped together with DOM end to p revent burning damage and
imp act damage, and also to p rotect against contaminated of dirt and debris.
6.3.2 Insertion depth and Accessories
Refer to below table for standard insertion depth, O-ring size and Nylon-Key


Insertion Insertion O-Ring Nylon Key
(Os) mm (O) mm
50 2” 81 91 7 x 59.7 6 x 305
80 3” 81 91 7 x 88.3 6 x 400
100 4” 81 91 7 x 113.7 6 x 483
125 5” 102 112 9 x 135 8 x 580
150 6” 105 115 10 x 161.3 8 x 660
200 8” 138 149 10 x 225 10 x 840
250 10” 148 158 12.5 x 302 12 x 1270
300 12” 175 185 12.5 x 342.3 15 x 1270
350 14” 185 195 12.5 x 342.3 15 x 1360

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Insertion Insertion O-Ring Nylon Key
(Os) mm (O) mm
400 16” 195 205 12.5 x 393.1 18 x 1585
450 18” 178 188 15 x 445 15 x 1750
500 20” 186 197 15 x 490 15 x 1930
550 22” 210 220 18 x 556 18 x 2100
600 24” 210 220 18 x 580 18 x 2240
650 26” 247 257 18 x 622.3 18 x 2510
700 28” 250 260 20 x 685 20 x 2700
750 30” 257 267 20 x 740 20 x 2700
800 32” 292 302 20 x 790 20 x 3065
900 36” 347 357 25 x 890 25 x 3175
1000 40” 340 350 26 x 987 20 x 3500

6.3.3 Inspection prior to assembly

To ease installation, to obtain p rop er assembly , and to avoid unnecessary
stress to Double O-ring Joint and its comp onent, following dimension al
criteria shall be insp ected p rior to final assembly :


50 ±10 (FOR 2"-6")

50 ±20 (FOR 8"-40")

− Gap between connecting p ip es (For Double O-ring Coup ling joint), the
gap shall be 50mm for standard design, the tolerance is ±10mm for
pip e size 6”(DN150) and below, and ±20mm for p ipe size 8”(DN200)
and above;
− Offset between connecting p ip es shall be within allowable tolerance
sp ecified in table below;
DOR Joint – Allowable Offset
Pip e Size Range (mm) Offset (mm)
2”-5” (DN50-125) 3.0

Page 23 of 38
DOR Joint – Allowable Offset
6”-8” (DN150-200) 4.0
10”-12” (DN250-300) 5.0
14”-16” (DN350-400) 4.0
18”-20” (DN450-500) 6.0
22”-40” (DN550-1000) 5.0
− All connecting surfaces are in good condition without scratches and/or
structural damage;
6.3.4 Assembly integral DOF – DOM Joint
When ready to joint the p ip e, remove the dirt and debris from o-ring grooves
using comp ressed air, a clean rag or a p aintbrush;
Brush or rub a lay er of Vy noleo grease into o-rin g grooves, p ipe end, and
male end surface, and all inside surfaces of the female end. (Ap p ly lubricant
only when y ou are ready to assemble the jo int) Keep lubricated surfaces clean
and free of sand and d irt.
Lubricate entire surface of o-rin gs and slip them into both grooves on the male
end, distribute each o-rin g evenly in the groove by slip ping a screwdriver
under them and slidin g the screwdriv er around the joint;
Mount band clamp s (with D-rings) a convenient distance on each side of the
joint, hook up band clamp s with come-a-longs or lever hoists;
Tighten the come-a-longs or lev er hoists to pull matin g p ipe to join together
until the center scribe lin e is aligned with the leadin g ed ge of the female end.



6.3.5 Assembly Double o-ring expansion coupling

When ready to joint the p ip e, remove the dirt and debris from o-ring grooves
and inner surface of Double o-rin g exp ansion coup ling using co mpressed air,
a clean rag or a p aintbrush;
Brush or rub a lay er of Vy noleo grease into o-rin g groov es, key groove, pip e
end, and male ends surface, and inner surface of the Double o-ring exp ansion

Page 24 of 38
coup ling. (Ap ply lubricant only when y ou are ready to assemble the joint)
Keep lubricated surfaces clean and free of sand and dirt.
Lubricate entire surface of o-rin gs and slip them into grooves on the male
ends. Distribute each o-ring ev enly in the groove by slipping a screwdriver
under them and slidin g the screwdriv er around the joint;
Using band-clamp s (with D-rings) and come-a-lon gs/lever hoists to pull
Double O-ring Exp ansion Coup ling to the DOM end till the leading ed ge of
Double O-ring Exp ansion Coup ling is aligned with scribe lin e on the DOMK
Lubricate the nylon-key and insert it into keyhole till the leadin g end of ny lon-
key can be seen fro m key hole. (Note: Over insertion will result in difficu lty of
key extraction);
After installation, inspect the insertion depth; the edge of Double O-Ring
Exp ansion Coup lin g shall fall in between maximu m and minimu m insertion
scribe lines. Check an gu lar deflection to ensure alignment is within tolerance.


DOR Joint – Allowable Angu lar Deflection

Pip e Size Range (mm) α
2”-16” (DN50-400) 0.5º
18”- 28” (DN450-700) 0.7º
30”-36” (DN750-900) 0.5º
40” (DN1000) 0.7º

CAUT ION: Ensure all rubber o-rings are not exposed to sunlight. Prolong exposure
will cause the o-rings to crack. Do not use o-rings with cracks. Replace them

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6.4 Mechanical Coupling Joint Assembly
Mechanical coup lin g can b e used to join fibreglass p ip e to fibreglass p ipe, and also
fibreglass p ip e to metallic p ipe. For mechanical expansion coup ling installation and
joint assembly, and its requirement on p ip e outside diameter, insertion len gth,
alignment tolerance and so on, refer to specification and reco mmend ation from
product manufacturer.

6.4.1 Preparation and preset

Insp ect machined fiberglass pip e ends to ensure there are no scratches or
damage. Clean p ip e-ends so that p ip e ends are free of oil, dirt, loose scale and
The p reset work shall be carried out during blo ck installation stage, and/or
prior to p lacement of connection sp ools.
Hull Block Joint

Mechanical Machined
Expansion Joint Pipe End

Detail steps are as follows:

− Slip one follower rin g over p ipe end;
− Wip e one gasket clean and immerse in soap y water (Gly cerine may be
added in freezing weather) and slid e the rubb er gasket over the pip e
− Loosen (Screw out) the stop bolt of middle ring;
− Clean coup ling middle rin g, pay ing attention to flares on ends where
gaskets will seat, then slip the middle rin g over on e pip e-end;

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− Wip e the other gasket clean and immerse in soap y water, and slide it
over the p ip e end;
− Slip the other follower rin g over p ip e end;
− If final joint assembly is not carried out immed iately, slide gaskets and
followers together with middle ring; insert bolts and temp orary
assemble the exp ansion coup ling.
6.4.2 Inspection
When connecting p ip es are p laced. The followin g shall b e insp ected p rior to
final jo int assembly :
− Gap between connecting p ip es, the gap shall be 70 mm for “Long”
typ e expansion joint;
− Angular d eflection and offset between connectin g p ipes shall be within
allowable tolerance sp ecified by manufacturer;

− Connecting p ipe ends are in good condition without scratches and/or

structural damage;
6.4.3 Assembly
Dismantle all bolts of preset mechanical couplin g;
Clean p ip e-ends so that p ip e ends are free of oil, dirt, loose scale and rust;
Slip one follower rin g over the other pip e end;
Wip e one gasket clean and immerse in soapy water again if necessary , and
slide the rubber gasket over the other pip e end;
Slip the middle rin g over the joint and center it;
Slip rubber gaskets and followers into p lace, mak in g sure gaskets are p ushed
under middle ring flare all the way round;
Insert bolts and tighten bolts to uniform bolt torque sp ecified by manufacturer.
Tightenin g sequence shall fo llow flan ge-tightenin g sequ ence.
Screw in the stop bolt of middle ring.

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6.5 Connection to Other Materials
Where possible, conn ect fiberglass pip ing to either metallic or thermop lastic p iping
using flan ges. Fiberglass flanges may be bolted directly against raised-face steel
flan ges. Fiberglass flanges also seal well against lined steel configurations.
Flanged valves and other equip ment are frequently supp lied with different flange
facin gs. The configuration of these facings may vary widely . Unless it has been
demonstrated that these facings are co mp atible with the face of fiberglass flan ges,
consult Ameron Engineerin g.
Where fiberglass p ip ing is connected to metallic p ip e, securely anchor the metallic
pip e at the p oint of connection so that exp ansion and contraction or weight of the
metal line is not transferred to the fiberglass lin e.
All weldin g work on metallic p ip ing that is
adjacent to fiberglass pip ing shall be comp leted
prior to jointing to fiberglass pip ing; otherwise,
coolin g d evices shall be in p lace to p revent heat
When instrumentation and metallic p ip ing is
threaded on fiberglass comp onent, the fiberglass
comp onent must be p rop erly held with sp anner
to p revent damage caused by torque force.

6.6 Connections to equipment, tanks, pressure vessels

Bondstrand p ipe will safely absorb vibration from p ump ing or other conditions if
stresses are controlled within reasonable limits. In general, p ipeline vibration is
severe only when the gen eratin g frequ ency is at, or near, the natural resonance
frequency of the p ip eline. This frequency is a function of the support sy stem, layout
geo metry , temperature, mass, and p ip e stiffness, and is often difficult to p redict.
To control stress caused by vibration. It is usually to observe the stability of the
system during initial op eration and add restraints or supp orts as required to reduce
effects of equipment vibration. In sp ecial cases where source v ibration is excessive,
an elastomeric exp ansion joint or other vibration absorber should be consid ered.

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The wall flexure of a tank/pressure vessel as it is filled and emp tied p roduces
movements at nozzles that must be accommodated in the design. These movements
can be absorbed by a loop or turn, or by an exp ansion joint. Avoid direct, straight-line
connections between tanks.
6.7 Maximum allowable misalignment tolerances
Force to joint misalign ed fiberglass p ip ing will result in damage on fiberglass
comp onents and/or leaking at bonding joint. When fiberglass p iping is jointed, the
misalignment shall not exceed maximu m allowab le misalignment tolerances shown

Maximum Tolerance – h 6m (C=6m)

Pipe S ize Range
Up to 4” 25
6” – 12” 19
14” – 20” 12.5
24” – 40” 10
Maximum Toleran ce for sup p ort sp acing “C” can be comp uted in followin g formula:
h = h6m x C / 36
“h” – M aximum Allowable Misalignment;
“C” – Supp ort Sp an in M eter
“h6m ” – M aximum Allowab le M isalignment when supp ort sp an is 6m.

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6.8 Installation in Hull Block
Fiberglass fabricated sp ools shall be p laced into hull blocks in block stage. The
fiberglass sp ools shall be installed into hull b locks after block p aintin g and blasting. If
fiberglass sp ools have to be installed into hull blocks p rior to blasting and p ainting,
the fiberglass spools shall be wrap p ed with protection canvas or equivalent p rotection
When the fib erglass p iping is exp osed to the p ossibility of damage by falling objects,
the fiberglass pip ing shall be p rotected by wooden p lanks on top . The p rotection
wooden p lank shall be secured.
During installation in hull block, fiberglass p ip e/spool shall be handled with care,
surrounding hazards shall b e observed all the time, thus to p revent:
− Imp act damage due to dropp ing to hull structure or collision with hull structure;
− Scratch damage when p ip e/sp ool p assing through a manhole and/or op ening on
non-watertight bulkhead.
During blo ck installation stage, it is recommended to:
− Not fully weld the bulkhead p enetration p iece so that adjustment at steel can be
done at later stage to accommodate minor p ip ing misalignment;
− Not fully weld the support structure so that p ip ing align ment can be easily
adjusted after block joint;
− Install Mechanical Exp ansion Coup ling on the p ip e end in accordance with
p redetermined location shown on lay out, or,
Install Double O-Ring Exp ansion Coupling at pip e end with Key -Groove,
The M echanical Exp ansion Coup ling or Double O-Rin g Exp ansion Coup ling
shall be secured on the pip e during block transportation;
Hull Block Joint

Hull Block Joint

Mechanical Machined
Expansion Joint Pipe End DOMK En d Double O-Ring
Expansion Co upling

− All p ip e/sp ools installed shall b e secured durin g block transp ortation.

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7 Test of Fiberglass Pipe S ystem
7.1 Hydro-test
‘The hydrotest is considered to p rovide the best assurance of a GRP p ipe system’s
integrity’ (ISO14692:4, Annex-E). Installed fiberglass p ip ing shall be hy drotested to
ensure successful installation. Refer to AM E/INS-004, ‘Hydro-Testing Procedure for
Bondstrand GRE/GRV Pipe’ for co mprehensive recommendations and gu ides.

7.1.1 Test general recommendations

Every part that has to be tested shall be v ented until free of air. Be aware that
there is alway s a p ossibility of the p resence of entrapped air in a sy stem.
Before testing, all lines or sy stems shall be inspected to ensure that all
connected p arts to be excluded from the test are removed and/or isolated.
The p iping sy stem must be comp leted with supp ort installation.
During p ressure testing the fiberglass p ip e sy stem shall be continuously
monitored in order to p revent damages, especially at branches and elbows,
due to snaking and expansion of the fiberglass p ip e.
Pressure gau ges and instrument must be calibrated and within 6 months
period. App ropriate p ressure gau ge shall b e used, the test p ressure shall be
between 30% to 75% of the read in g ran ge. If p ossible, p ressure recorder shall
be used.
7.1.2 Test medium and test pressure
The sy stem shall be hy drostatically tested with fresh industrial water; water
used for testing shall b e clean and free from filth or un-dissolved solids of any
descrip tion.
The test p ressure shall be 1.5 times of the sy stem design p ressure, the test
pressure shall be h eld for one hour minimu m or sufficient time to carry out
line ch eck, which ever is lon ger.
The test p ressure shall be brou ght up slowly and gradually to allow for
equalizing for strain during the test, and in stages to allow checking for leaks
and inspection of the sy stem. In doing so, no fast closin g valv es and booster
pump s shall be used. In any case, the test p ressure shall b e raised over a
period of 30 minutes or longer.
7.1.3 Inspection, acceptance criteria, and appro val
Insp ection shall be carried out by means of instrument read in g and visual line
check to ensure the sy stem is:
− No sign of leakin g or weep in g;
− No sign of significant p ressure lost. The p ressure lost during hy dro-
testing must be accountable;

Page 31 of 38
− No deflection / damage due to hy dro-test p ressure on any support
The hy drotest rep ort shall be endorsed by all relev ant p arties after successful
comp letion of hy dro-test.
7.1.4 Effect of temperature
The test p ressure gau ge/recorder has to be kept under observation so that any
chan ge in p ressure can be controlled and comp ensated immediately . An
increase of p ressure could cause damage to the fiberglass sy stem.
It should be noted that variation of water-temp erature in the system, could
affect the p ressure significantly.
When amb ient temp erature falls below 0°C, gly col antifreeze shall be added
into test medium.
7.1.5 Reinstatement
After system hydro testing, all items that were removed b efore hydro testing
shall be reinstated.
7.1.6 Safety
As in any system where p ressure is emp loyed, adequate safety precautions
shall be exercised. The followin g safety precautions are recommended as
minimu m, but not limited to:
− The p ip ing sy stem is free from air;
− Safety devices are installed in test system;
− Qualified and exp erien ced p ersonnel shall op erate p ressurizing equip ment.
Untrained and unauthorized p ersonnel shall not be n ear the test equip ment
and test area.
− Necessary signs, notice boards and barricade shall be in place.
7.2 Conductivity test (For Conductive System Only)
For installed p ip ing, conductivity test shall be carried out to verify the conductivity
between fiberglass p iping and earth p oints.
Ohmmeter (0~20 M -Ohm) shall be used for conductivity test. The end of p robe of
Ohmmeter shall be wrapp ed with wet sp onge. This increases the “footp rint” of the
probe and gives better indication of suitability.
7.2.1 Test methods
When conductivity of installed p ip ing is checked, ap ply one p robe with wetted
sp onge to the pip e surface as indicated on sketch below. The p ip e surface
must be sanded to exp ose the carbon fiber p rior to checking. The sanded
surface shall b e p ainted after testing.

Page 32 of 38
To avoid additional work on sanding and p ainting pip e surface, alternatively ,
back of fiberglass flan ge and adhes ive bonding fillet between p ip e and fitting
could be used as testing p oint.

App ly the other p robe directly onto metallic structure that is near to earth
point, and record the reading.
7.2.2 Acceptance criteria
For installed pip ing, the resistance readin g must not exceed 1.0 Mega Ohm
between two sides of site bondin g joints, and also between p ip ing and earth

Page 33 of 38
8 Field Modification and Repair
Recommendations here are b ased on the p hilosop hy that the modification/repair should
be permanent. It is therefore recommended that all damaged, imp acted or sheared areas
be cut out and rep laced with new pip e/fitting.
8.1 Modification and repair procedure

When field modification is required, or when damage, imp act and leak in g are
observed and necessary site rep air is required, it is recommended to carry out
following p rocesses:
- Site insp ection, collecting necessary information/document (such as drawings,
reports, safety requirement, etc);
- If app licable, study the cause of defect/failure and work out corrective action
p lan to p revent re-occurrence;
- Prep are modification/repair p roposal and submit to relevant p arties for app roval,
the p rop osal shall contain, but not limited to:
M odification/Rep air method;
Work description;
M aterial requirement;
Tools/Equip ment requirement;
- Carry out modification/rep air work in accord ance with relevant p rocedures;
- Rep ort and/or Record modification/rep air work.
8.2 Modification and repair general concerns
The modification/R epair work shall be carried out by qualified fiberglass pip e
The modification/rep air p ip ing must be dep ressurized and emptied p rior to
modification/repair work;
It is recommended to preheat existing p ip e if the p ip ing has been filled with water;
After modification or rep air, the p ip ing section containin g the mod ification and repair
shall be re-certified by p erforming a pressure test.
8.3 Common modification and repair methods
8.3.1 Partial replacement
Partial rep lacement is to rep lace p ip e and fitting (Includin g flan ge) which has
problem on the body and/or at the bonding joint. The new p ip e and fitting
shall be jointed with existing p ip ing in accord ance with app rop riate jointing
procedure. It is recommend ed to assemble the existing p ip e and new p ip e with
coup ling. Alternatively, “Lamination (Butt & Wrap )” is commonly used
jointing method for p ipe-to-p ipe joint.

Page 34 of 38
Adhesive Alternative: Lamination
Bonding (Butt & W rap) Joint

When partial rep lacement is app licable:

- Careful inspection should be made to ensure that all imp erfections/leaks
etc. are identified;
- Cut out damaged section with consid eration of extension of the damage,
sufficient left-over p ip e length for shaving or lamination, sufficient length
to accommodate new p ip e and fitting;
- Assemble new p ipe, and/or new fitting, and/or new spool with existing
p ip ing in accordan ce with ap p rop riate joint assembly p rocedures.
8.3.2 Over-wra p
Over-wrap can be app lied to minor damage p ip e and fitting, and minor
leakin g adhesive bondin g joint. The Over-wrap is good to use in p laces where
it is not p ractical to partial renew due to space constraint, insufficient time
schedule, lack of rep lacement pip e/fittings, and so on.

When Over-wrap is applicable:

- The sharp corner of bell of p ip e or bell of fitting shall be chamfered to
obtain a smooth transition area;
- All loose fiber must be removed, and the damage p art must be coated with
adhesive or resin p rior to lamin ation;
- Following over-wrap p ing p rocedure for surface p reparation, building
structural laminates, curin g, and post work finishing, and so on.

Page 35 of 38
- Lamin ation len gth and number of layers depends on system design
p ressure.
8.3.3 Surface repair
The method can be used minor defects that p ipe/fitting structure is not
damaged and there is no sign of leaking, such as minor scratch; surface crack;
adhesive fillet crack; minor surface burn in g; and so on.
The repair work shall be carried out in followin g sequen ce:
- Lightly sand down the affected area (Such as minor scratch, surface
- Apply a thin coat of adhesive, or sp ray paint, the adhesive and p aint shall
be comp atible with p roduct material;
- Leave the coating for self-curin g at ambient temperature.
8.4 Temporary repair
A temp orary repair should only be utilized when it is unfeasible to shut down the pip e
system to install a p ermanent rep air. Temp orary repair may be carried out as agr eed
by owner, rep air kit manufacturer and Ameron.
A range of techniques are av ailable which includ e, but are not limited to, laminating
with water activated resin-glass tap e, self-sealin g clamp s.
It must be reco gnized that Ameron does not endorse the long-tem performance of the
temp orary rep air, and it is reco mmend ed to install a p ermanent rep air as soon as
circumstances permit.
8.5 Other methods and solutions
When abov e methods are not app rop riate for the defect and f ailur e, when it is
difficulty and limitation to adop t above methods, consult Ameron engineer in g for
other modification/r ep air method and case-to-case solution.

Page 36 of 38
9 S afety Recommendation
Alway s refer to the M aterial Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) p rior to working with unfamiliar
materials or if there are questions concernin g the contents of the fiberglass product and
9.1 Dust Hazards
When machin ing f iber glass pip e, worker may be exp osed to dust. This dust is
considered as non-hazardous, however, in h igh con centrations it may cause a
temp orary irritation of the skin. This exp osure can be minimized by the following
guid elines. Keep the dust concentration below the MAC value (10 mg/m ).
- Keep working area p rop erly ventilated to maintain low dust concentration;
- Wear lon g-sleeved shirts alon g with long trousers;
- Wear safety glasses, goggles or a face shield to p rotect ey es from dust. A
disp osable dust mask shall be used when grind in g or sandin g the material;
- Shower in coo l water with mild soap to reduce irritation;
- Do not rub or scratch irritated skin;
- Wash work clothes sep arately ;
- Follow below mentioned p rocedures if irritation caused by contact with glass
o Skin-wash with cool water.
o Ey es-flush with running water for at least 15 minutes and seek medical
attention if irritation does not stop at the comp letion of the flushing.
9.2 Chemical Hazards
The adhesive is comp ound of resin and hardener. The h ardener is irr itating to skin,
ey es and resp iratory tract. It is toxic orally and may cause sensitization. The resin
may be mildly irritating to skin, ey es and resp iratory tract. Avoid contact with eyes,
skin or clothing, and avoid br eathin g vap or.
Disp osable p oly ethy lene gloves or equivalent shall be used to avoid contact of
adhesive with the skin. Wear safety glass to avoid contact of adhesive with ey es.
In case of contact:
- Eyes: Immediately flush ey es with p lenty of water for at least 15 minutes, then
call a p hysician;
- Skin: Wash skin with soap and water;
- Clothing: R emove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse;
- Inhalation: Remov e to fresh air. Give oxygen or artificial respiration if

Page 37 of 38
9.3 Spill and Disposal
When hand lin g r esin and /or adh esive, the surroundin g area shall be covered with
pap er carton to avoid spill.
For small sp ill, ap p ly sand or other absorbent material onto the resin and shovel the
mixture into a container. Lar ge sp ill should be contained with a dik e and the excess
resin shall b e co llected in contain er. Any residue resin should be remov ed from the
floor with hot, soapy water.
Caution: The use of solvents in the fin al cleanup can p ose unnecessary hazards from
breathing v ap ors and possible ign ition.
Disp osal p ractice shall be in comp liance with lo cal laws and regulations, and other
regu lations app licable. The p referred waste man agement option for unused,
uncontaminated, unformulated, unaltered resins is to send them to a licensed or
permitted recy cler, reclaimer, or incinerator. The same waste management op tions are
recommended for used or contaminated materials.

Impo rtant Notice

This literature and the infor mation in it are based on d ata believed to be reliable.
However factors as environment, app lication or installation, changes in op eration
p rocedures, or extrap olation of data may cause different results. Ameron makes no
warranty , exp ress or implied, includin g warranties of mer chant ability or fitness for
p urpose, as to the accuracy , adequacy or comp leteness of the recommendations and
information contained herein. Ameron assumes no liab ility whatsoever in connection
with this literature or the information or recommendations it contains.

All Rights Reserved. This document contains information p rop rietary to Ameron (Pte)
Ltd. Any disclosure, or use is exp ressly p rohibited, except up on exp licit written
p ermission by Ameron (Pte) Ltd.

Revision Notes
13 Ap r 2007, General rev ision and corr ection for langu age clarity .
16 M ay 2008 Added caution statement on exp osure of o-rings to sunlight (6.3)
12 Aug. 2009 Add in Double O-ring adap tor joint supp ort sp an sketch (4.2.2)

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