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UT) Be thnk dats RY aka A Treatise on Ce EERO /L I om vm ™ < & 4 NT CAPT Avelar & rare Ribeiro Contents Preface by Sue Ward Introduction ‘Chapter I, Astrology ‘The Heavens in Motion Prediction ‘The Branches of Astrology Astrological Types Brief History of Astrology Origins of Astrology Mesopotamic Period Greek or Hellenistic Period Medieval Period The Renaissance Decline of Astrology Revival Modem Approach, Chapter I, The Universe According to Astrology Models and Perspectives The Astrological Reality ‘The Celestial Spheres Model The World of the Elements Primary Qualities Formation of the Elements The Temperaments Choleric ‘Sanguine Melancholic Phlegmatic Chapter III, The Astrological Chart ‘The Representation of the Astrological Chart ‘The Horoscope Through History vii ‘Chapter IV, The Planets Planetary Symbols Planetary Hierarchy The Luminaries and the Planets Superior and Inferior Planets ‘The Modem Planets Nature of the Planets ‘The Temperaments Malefic and Benefic Planets Gender: Masculine and Feminine Sect: Diumal and Nocturnal Sect Implications in Planetary Expression Characteristics of the Seven Planets Saturn Jupiter Mars Sun Venus Mercury Moon Rulerships and Associations of the Planets Colors (Odors and Flavors Places Minerals Physical Appearance Professions Meteorology Planetary Periods The Ages of Man Phases of Gestation Chapter V, The Zodiac and the Signs ‘The Zodiac and the Signs The Images and Symbols of the Signs ‘The Nature of the Signs The Modes ‘The Temperament of the Signs The Planetary Rulers ‘The Nature of the Signs Additional Characteristics Interpretation of the Signs Planets in Signs: How to Interpret 25 26 26 26 Py a 7 SseR 31 31 32 32 32 33 aeee Characterization and Description by Sign Rulerships and Sign Associations Body Parts Physical Appearance ‘Spatial Directions Locations Countries or Regions Cities ‘The Momentum of the Planets in the Zodiac Velocity Retrogradation Effects of a Retrograde Planet Stations Latitude of the Planets Cycles of the Planets Zodiacal of Sidereal Cycle Synodic Cycle ‘The Auge of the Planets ‘The Zodiac in Astronomy and History Constellation versus Sign The Astrological Ages Chapter VI, The Essential Dignities ‘The System of Essential Dignities and Debilities The Major Dignities Domicile or Rulership How Rulership is Assigned Joy By Sign Exile or Detriment Exaltation Fall How the Exaltations and Falls Are Assigned The Degrees of Exaltation Secondary Dignities Triplicities Terms Faces Dispositors and Rulers The Dispositor Interpretation of Dignities and Debilities of the Planets in Nativities Scoring of Dignities and Debilities The Scoring System Example Scoring of the Essential Dignities The Almuten £e2n BRR 38 38 6 61 62 62 63 63 65 67 67 67 67 70 70 70 7 n n n n n 15 75 n 9 9 si ‘Chapter VII, The Houses ‘The Hemispheres ‘The Quadrants ‘The Twelve Houses Classification of the Houses Angularity Gender ‘The Significations of the Twelve Houses First House Second House Third House Fourth House Fifth House Sixth House Seventh House Eight House Ninth House Tenth House Eleventh House ‘Twelfth House Benefic and Malefics Houses Derived Houses Derived Significations of the Houses House-Sign-Planet Interaction Sign-House Interaction House Cusp Sign House Ruler Intercepted Signs House-Planet Interaction Planets in Houses Degrees of Angularity The Joys Integration of Essential Dignity, Angularity and Joy ‘Chapter VIIL, The Aspects ‘The Five Aspects Inconjuncts Light as a Basis for the Aspects The Orbs Partile and Platic Aspects ‘Out-of- Sign Aspects Variations in the Definitions of an Aspect Aspects in Motion: Applications and Separations Specific Cases: Void of Course and Feral BRRRRAEES Ss 2ese 2 SFFSEseaaaesersssss 110 ul 13 Dexter and Sinister Aspects Aspects to Non-planetary Points Representing Aspects in the Horoscope Aspect Notation ‘A Guide for Mapping Aspects in a Chart Interpretation The Nature of the Aspects Conjunction Opposition Trine Square Sextile Aspects and the Rulership Scheme Interpreting the Aspects Importance and Intensity of an Aspect Basic Significations ‘The Friendship and Enmity of the Planets ‘A Guide for Planetary Combinations Specific Signification in the Context of the Chart Interpretation of non-planetary aspects aa Calculating Antiscia Other Relationships Between Signs ‘Chapter IX, Chart Dynamics ‘The Aspects in Motion ‘The 30-Degree Ruler Combined Movements Translation of Light Collection of Light Prohibition of Light Frustration of Light Refranation of Light Assisted and Besieged Planets Assistance Besiegement Examples of Assistance and Besiegement Reception ‘Some Additional Concepts Emission of Virtue Retum of Virtue Chapter X, The Condition of the Planets ‘Sun and Planet Relationships 4 us 16 116 7 120 120 121 121 121 121 121 121 123 124 124 125 125 128 129 129 129 131 135 135 136 135 138 139) 140 14 142 143 143 143 144 145 148 148 148 149 143 Increase and Decrease in Light Practice Example: Increase and Decrease in Light Under the Beams, Combustion, and Cazimi Orientality and Occidentality How to determine Orientality and Occidentality Example for Orientality and Occidentality ‘The Conditions of the Moon ‘The Lunation Cycle Orientality and Occidentality of the Moon How to Determine the Moon’s Phase ‘The Syzygies or Lunations Occidentality and Orientality of the Planets to the Moon Conditions Specific to the Moon The Via Combusta Gemini Moon Late Degrees of a Sign ‘The Lunar Mansions Other Planetary Conditions Hayz Example for Planets in Hayz Dustoria or Security Almugea (or Proper Face) Practice Example for Planets in Almugea Reconciling Apparently Contradictory Conditions Chapter XI, Lunar Nodes Interpretation of the Nodes The Exaltations of the Nodes Eclipses Solar Eclipses Lunar Eclipses ‘The Periodicity of Eclipses Interpreting Eclipses ‘Chapter XII, The Fixed Stars ‘The Nature of the Fixed Stars Principal Fixed Stars Movement of the Fixed Stars Fixed Stars in the Horoscope Interpreting the Fixed Stars Fixed Stars Example Constellations Parans List of Fixed Stars and their Nature 143, 150 150 153 153, 155 155 Iss 156 156 187 158 158 158 159 159 159 161 161 163, 164 165 165 166 167 168 169 169 169 170 im 2 173, 173, 174 176 17 178 178 179 179 180 ‘Chapter XIII, The Parts The Various Parts and their Use The Part of Fortune Example: Calculating the Part of Fortune Interpretation Examples for the Part of Fortune Houses from the Part of Fortune ‘The Part of Spirit ‘The Part of Faith The Part of Substance The Part of Marriage The Part of Children ‘The Parts of the Father and the Mother ‘Chapter XIV, The Power of the Planets ‘Strength of the Planets: Accidental Dignities Accidental Dignities and Debilities and Their Scoring Position by House Relationship to the Sun Motion Aspects Conformity Conjunction to the Lunar Nodes Lunar Condition Conjunction to Fixed Stars Other Accidental Dignities and Debilities Final Scoring: Table of Strengths and Debilities of the Planets Scoring Example Important Considerations Regarding the Practical Use of the Table Examples of the Scoring Table Example 1: Florbela Espanca Example 2: Friedrich Nietzsche Example 3: Agatha Christie Example 4: Broken Computer Example 5: Sports Championship Example 6: Home Purchase Appendix 1, The Astrological Symbols Planetary Symbols The Symbols of the Signs ‘The Symbols of the Nodes Appendix 2, The Modern Planets ‘The Modem or the Trans-saturnian Planets Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto 185 186 188, 188. 190 190 190 191 192 192 193, 193 195 195 196 196 197 197 197 198 198, 198, 199 199 19 201 205 206 206 207 208 209 209 210 2 2 2 212 213 214 214 The Question of Modern Rulerships Astrological Associations of the Trans-saturnian Planets ‘The Matter of Speed The Matter of Visibility Conclusion ‘The Asteroids and Other Minor Bodies ‘The Matter of Interpretation Hypothetical Planets Modern Non-Planetary Points Appendix 3, Minor Dignities, Zodiacal Degrees and Additional Tables Minor Dignties Novenaria Duodenaria or Duodecimae (Twelfth-Parts) Practical Application ‘The Degrees of the Zodiac and their Properties Masculine and Feminine Degrees Light, Dark, Smoky and Void Degrees Pitted Degrees Azemene or Unlucky Degrees Fortunate Degrees Additional Tables Variants of the Terms Appendix 4, Additional Considerations Concerning the Houses Brief Notes on the Origin and Development of the Houses ‘The Problem of House Systems Different Methods of Division Various House Systems Most Popular Systems Which is the Best System? Higher Latitudes ‘Technical Notes on Traditional House Systems ‘The Triplicities of the Houses How to determine the Triplicity Rulers Interpretation Examples Co-significators of the Houses Appendix 5, Minor Aspects and Aspect Configurations Minor Aspects Minor Aspect Symbols Parallels and Contra-parallels Aspect Configurations ‘T-Squares and Grand Cross Grand and Small Trine xiv 215 215 216 217 217 217 219 219 20 221 221 221 2 222 223 223 223 224 224 224 224 27 27 228 228 228 29 230 230 231 232 234 234 235 237 237 238 238 239 239 29 Appendix 6, The Planetary Hours Planetary hours and official hours Calculation of the Planetary Hours Practical Application General meanings of the planetary hours Combining Planetary Days and Hours Appendix 7, Astrological Chart Calculations Materials Calculations Part I, Calculating the House Cusps Part Il, Calculating the Longitude of the Planets Chart Calculation Examples Technical Bibliography Addendum, The Basics of Chart Delineation ‘Temperament Scoring Individual Temperament Considerations about the Assessment of Temperament Personal Motivations ‘The Ascendant and its Ruler Practice Examples Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Case 4 The First Step . Final Thoughts Annotated Bibliography Chart Data x 241 243 244 246 246 247 251 251 251 252 253 234 262 263 263 264 267 268 268 269 269 269 269 270 2m 23 215 278

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