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Hello, I am Maya. This is my little sister Victoria. This story isn’t about me. It
is about Victoria. Recently something terrible happened to our family. Victoria always goes riding with

her friend, Moana on Sundays on horses. She has a horse. Its name is Caramel.
He is very beautiful and new. So last Sunday, as usual Victoria went out riding with her friend at 4pm.
Then I got a call from Moana at 4:20pm.

“Hello? Yes, it is me, Moana.” I said to Moana on the phone

On phone: “Maya! Victoria fell down from her horse! She hit her head and is out cold! Get help and come
to the big field at Hollow Street! Hurry!” Moana said and cut the line quickly.

I raced downstairs and told my mom and dad. My dad called the hospital and told them to bring a
doctor and an ambulance. My mom picked us up and drove the car to the field as quickly as she could.
When we arrived at the field, we saw Moana sitting beside Victoria, panicking. The ambulance came and
took Victoria to the hospital.

In the hospital room, only mom was allowed to get in. My dad and I sat outside when my

grandpa and grandma came to see if Victoria was okay. I was outside the room so I

hadn’t heard anything the doctor said. After an hour, Victoria and my mom came out of the
room. Victoria seemed strange. She was hiding behind my mom giving a slight peek on us.

“Is she okay?” Grandma asked

“Um no. She has a-a. A memory loss.” My mom said stammering

“Is she going to be alright?” I asked

“I hope so. The doctor said to treat her normally and not to put any pressure on her for remembering
things.” My mom told us.

Then she told in a soft voice to Victoria, “Sweety, this is our family. That is your grandpa and grandma
and that is your dad and your big sister, Maya. And I am your mother.”

Victoria then came out from my mom’s back and in front of us, staring for a while at each and every one
of us. Then she said, “Family?”

“Yes, family.” My mom said hugging her.

Then we all went home and my grandma made us all some soup. We ate it and then I was going outside
to a shop when my mom said, “Where are you going, Maya?”

“To the kids shop.” I replied

“Well, alone you’re not.” My mom said

“Mom.” I said with a face of kindness to her

Then my mom sighed and said, “Fine. But if you need anything call me, okay?”

“Sure mom.” I told mom

Then I went to the kids shop to buy something for Victoria. I bought a pack of brand-new crayons and a
stuffed teddy bear doll. I went home and gave them to Victoria and then she said, “Thank you Molly.”

Then I smiled and said, “It’s Maya.”

“Okay.” She replied smiling a bit.

When it was 5:30pm, my grandpa saw Victoria at the dining table singing in a tune and coloring with her

“Family are people who care about you.

I love my family and I know you do too.” Victoria sang

My grandpa called the rest of us and then we all were standing at the door looking at her but she
couldn’t see us. We all smiled. After a while Victoria came to mom and showed her a drawing which was
very colourful and the drawing was of our family. My mom liked it a lot and then she had an idea for

The next day, in the morning when Victoria came down from her room, she gasped in surprise. My
mom, my grandparents, dad and I decorated the house. There were balloons and 2 big papers which
said :

Family are people who care about you.

I love my family and I know you do too.


We love you
“Yay! I love you all too!” Victoria came and hugged us all.

The day-by-day Victoria again started to get close to people and she returned to her old self again!


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