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The Gentle Maid

In the city Columbus, most people were rich. But there was a sixed-story building of very successful
people. The following chart states who lives in each floor:

1st floor Mrs. Sabina Lawyer

2nd floor Dr. James Doctor
3rd floor Peter and Emma Scientists
4th floor Mrs. Anna Teacher
5th floor Justin Brook Footballer
6th floor Teresa Artist

This mansion was very modern looking. The floor was made of marble and the walls were covered with
diamonds at the bottom. All the people were very rude as well but Mrs. Anna was very kind and

One day Dr. James said, “Take a break today. We want to talk alone.” to the maids.

The rooftop was free to all the maids that evening.

“What’s the plan?” the maid of Justin, Gem said

“What plan?” The maid of Mrs. Anna, Julie asked.

“We are leaving now. My master treats me like a stupid, old rat. I can’t stay here anymore. We must
run.” The maid of Peter and Emma, Sarah said.

“Run?! I do not wish to leave my master!” Julie said

“Suit yourself mate. I’ve got a plan. We must to wrong things on purpose and when our masters can
tolerate it anymore, they will kick us out!” The maid of Mrs. Sabina, Roxy said.

“Nice!” Gem said.

“I agree!” The maid of Teresa, Moana said.

“I…. think we shouldn’t do that. At least now we have a… a place to live in.” Julie said

“Really Julie?!” Sarah said.

“What?! You don’t believe me?! Fine! Just don’t come back running to me, okay?!” Julie said.

After a while Mrs. Anna came and said, “C’mon everyone. Back inside please.” to the maids.

After 2 days all the maids were kicked out of the house except Julie.

“I just got a promotion! My teaching skills led me to be a principal! Hurrah!” Mrs. Anna cried.

“Congratulations Mrs. Anna! How about I make you spaghetti? I know it is your favorite!” Julie asked.

“Thank you, Julie! I will go take a shower.” Mrs. Anna said.

“Sure.” Julie said.

Julie went into the kitchen and started by adding water under the stove to make boiling water in a large
pot. After a while her pasta was almost ready and Mrs. Anna came out of the bathroom.

“Is my lunch ready Julie?!” Mrs. Anna cried.

“Almost Mrs. Anna!” Julie cried.

Julie was making a small congrats card and she was almost done. She put a plate of spaghetti and her

card in front of Mrs. Anna.

“Thank you, Julie! The card is beautiful!” Mrs. Anna said.

“I am glad you liked it Mrs. Anna.” Julie replied.

After 2 weeks, Mrs. Anna became very busy because being a principal of a school also means being
responsible and hard-working.

While Mrs. Anna was away, one day Julie heard a knock on the door.

“Julie its us! Open up!” A familiar voice said at the door

Julie opened the door and she saw all the maids.

“All! Come in!” Julie cried

“Julie! You were right! We’re sorry! We don’t have any home or food or anything left!” Sarah cried

“And…?” Julie asked

“We will tell our masters why we were doing wrong things.” Roxy said.

“Good. Now sit down please. I am preparing 6 hot cups of tea.” Julie said.

“Thank you, Julie.” Sarah said.

The End. �

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