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My Life

My name is Chloe. I am now 12 years old. Being a mermaid is amazing, right? So,
listen to my crazy story about being a mermaid.
My family and I were playing on the beach on a hot, summer day. We were all having fun when
suddenly I saw a person in the water swimming.
I thought, “She is having fun too, I guess.”
But my thought changed in a second. I saw her with a tail! She seemed to be very suspicious.
After most of the people leaving the beach including my family, I told them to go home and I
will catch up.
I made sure no one was watching. I took a deep breath and jumped into the water. I never really
thought about the underwater. When I jumped underwater it felt very hard to try to hold my
I saw many beautiful creatures. I remember watching a movie about a clownfish which was a
cartoon. I love clown fishes and I saw it underwater too.
I saw too small caves too. After I while, I couldn’t hold my breath anymore. So, I went upwards
and took another deep breath and dived downwards again. I went inside the first cave. It was
very much empty except there were a lot of seaweed there.
Then I went inside the second cave. I didn’t get inside too much because what I saw almost made
me scream. It was two mermaids! They were relaxing in a small pool.
One of them had black hair and the other had blonde hair. They were discussing what it would
like to be to have legs.
“They look weird, with legs don’t you think?” the black haired one said.
“Without question.” the blonde one answered.
I was going to head back home but one of them had seen my legs.
“Stop! Where do you think you are going?!” the blonde one cried.
“Oops!” I cried.
“Why did you come here?” the black haired one asked me.
“Me and my family were playing on the beach and I saw you.” I said looking at the blonde
haired one.
“Jasmine! You need to be more careful!” the black haired one cried.
“Sorry Michelle! This wouldn’t have happened if that irritating crab wouldn’t have chased me!”
Jasmine said.
“Listen you have to promise not to tell anyone that you saw mermaids.” Michelle said.
“But this is so exciting! Two mermaids seen by me!” I cried.
“Please uh what is your name?” Jasmine asked.
“Chloe.” I said.
“Please Chloe!” Jasmine said.
“Well, okay.” I said.
“But you have to turn me into a mermaid.” I said happily.
“Really?!” Michelle cried looking at Jasmine.
“Oof! Alright. But the spell will wear off in 2 days. But if you get seen by anyone don’t come
crying to us!” Jasmine said.
“But how will I stay home at the same time?” I asked.
“Since you are human, when you get on land from water the spell will allow you to become dry
and you can have your legs back for the moment.” Michelle said
“Ok but I need help.” I said
“That is why me and Michelle will be with you.” Jasmine said.
“What?! You are going to get legs?! I can give you a tour.” I said
“I agree with Jasmine but where will we stay?” Michelle said.
“Right. Um you could tell my parents that your parents are out of town, you are sisters, you are
my friends from school and that you will be staying with me for three days.” I eagerly said.
“Okay first of all, good plan. Second, we are sisters.” Jasmine said
“Wow!” I said.
As we three reached the shore Michelle and Jasmine got their legs and they were trying to walk
like I do but instead they were crab-walking. I burst out laughing.
After all of us reached my home my parents allowed them to stay. It was beginning to get dark.
“Michelle come here! Look at those shells!” Jasmine said
Michelle went near the window and so did I.
“Those aren’t shells. Those are stars.” I said
“Really? They should have labels on them.” Jasmine said
“Ha ha ha ha! A star is a luminous ball of gas, mostly hydrogen and helium, held together by its
own gravity. They can’t have labels on them!” I said
“Oh. We didn’t have these subjects in mermaid school.” Michelle said.
The next morning Michelle and Jasmine taught me how to make seaweed lotion. I’ll admit it
smelled wonderful because of the pink powder. It looked like this when we gave it in the
oven. It didn’t come out bright pink because of the seaweed.
The next evening we saw a scary movie while eating arctic marshmallow which was delicious!
Jasmine was amazing at making arctic marshmallow.
Also the last day we three went for a swim at the sea. It felt brilliant to have 2 mermaid friends. I
will never forget my mermaid form and the friends I had. They had welcomed me to their pool
even though I am not a mermaid anymore.

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