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This is Rachel. She lives in a very small cottage with her parents and granny. Her
mom is a maid and works for a very rich family. Her father works in a toothpaste factory.
Her granny takes care of her while they are away.

Rachel studies in a school which is very broken and dirty. The windows are broken and the
teachers scare the children. Most of the tables are broken and when the children gets
accused for it, the teachers punish them by making them fix it. Her parents try to make
her a wonderful person when she grows up. Rachel was always curious about her mother
because one night she heard her mother sobbing in an old and dusty blanket. She was a
wreck. Rachel was peeking through the hole in the door of her mom’s bedroom. Seeing her
mother cry made her heart shatter into pieces. All she could hear was the soft whispers
of her grandma trying to calm her down.
Next morning her dad dropped Rachel off to school. After she attended all the classes her
mom picked her up. She went home. After a while, Rachel’s mom went back to the rich
house where she was working. Granny came inside the room.

Laura told granny, “Granny, can you make me something to eat? Mama forgot to cook today
and I am hungry.”

“Sure, my child! You go take a shower.” Said granny.

“Thank you. “replied Rachel.

After Rachel took shower her granny placed a warm plate of food in front of her.
It had a small sandwich, an apple and a glass of cold milk.

“Yum! Thanks granny.” said Rachel.

“Your most welcome. “replied granny.

A plate of these food is enough for Rachel who doesn’t care about what she gets. She only
cares about how much fun she gets with it.


The next day Rachel peeked out of a window with a lot of cracks on it and she saw another
small cottage with a man and a little girl inside. Later that afternoon Rachel went
there and knocked on the big and broken door, a little girl opened the door.

She said,” Hello. Who are you?” in a whispering voice hugging her dirty teddy bear in her

arms real hard. Then she sat in the ground. Then Rachel said, “Hello! I am
Rachel. I live next door. I brought a chocolate cake for you.”

“Chocolate cake! Ooh I love chocolate cake! Thank you. I am Hannah Bolk.” cried the girl.

“So, do I! Whom do you live with?” asked Rachel

“My dad.” replied said Hannah.

“Ok. If you need anything just come over at the cottage just like yours across the street.”
said Rachel.

“I will.” said Hannah.

The next day a man came to Laura’s cottage with an axe in his hand. Rachel opened the

“Hello. I am Mike Bolk, Hannah’s dad. I am on my way to work now but I don’t have anyone
to look after my daughter. Would you please babysit her for this week? I will pay
you, of course!” The man said.

“I don’t need your money. I am happy to do without it.” Rachel said.

“Really? It is still not enough! How can I repay you? Mike cried.

“Can you treat us to dinner tomorrow? My mom is very busy and I don’t think she can cook
tomorrow.” said Rachel.

“Of course! Is that all?” Mike asked.

“Yes Mr. Bolk.” Rachel replied.

“Then, Rachel please do come over.” Mike said.

“Of course, I will.” said Rachel.


Later that night Rachel’s parents came home. They were covered with dust and their pants
were muddy so were their shoes. Rachel hugged them as tight as a saddle on a
rambunctious pony's back. Rachel then noticed that they were blue and her
mother’s tears run down her soft and dirty cheeks. Her father’s eyes were red
as red as strawberries in the month of May.

“What’s wrong?” asked Rachel.

“Rachel………. your friend from school………Summer.” Rachel mother said and stopped.

“She perished in a fire…” Rachel’s father said.

Rachel started to cry and she sat on the ground crying loudly. Her dress got wet and
her vision was blurry because it was covered in tears. She started to sweat. Her
parents and her grandma tried to get her up but she was stuck to the ground
like glue.

“Please get up Rachel……… I know this is hard for you.” Her grandma said slowly.
“We will visit Mary’s dad tomorrow. Don’t you want to go?” Her father whispered into
her ear.

Rachel moaned and ran up to her room which just had a table, a bed and a small
carboard box which she had made her dollhouse. It had a little teddy bear with
a red ribbon round its neck, a small plastic doll with a pretty green frock and
brown hair and a small rabbit doll with red eyes. She lied down in her bed which
was also starting to get wet from her tears. Rachel’s mother came into her room
with a tissue in her hand.


“Rachel, um, do you want to eat anything? I can make anything you want.” said Rachel’s

“Why were you crying? Two weeks ago?” asked Rachel.

“Uh, never mind that. Do you want-.” Rachel mother said and was interrupted

“I asked you a question, mother.” Rachel stared at her.

“We are sort of broke. Your father looking for another job where we can make a little
more money.” Rachel’s mother said shakily

“That’s all? I can open a puppet show where I can make money and give it to you.” said

“I don’t think it will work that way.” replied Rachel’s mother.

“Why not? Please mother. Give me a chance!” Rachel begged.

Rachel’s mother sighed and said, “Ok but you have 3 days to make it work.”

“Don’t worry.” Rachel said.

“I will try not to. You are my daughter, Rachel. I don’t want you to grow up to be a
hopeless maid like me. I will do whatever it takes for you to be a
wonderful and obedient person.” Rachel’s mother said.

“Oh, mother, you know the house you work for?” Rachel asked

“Yes.” Rachel’s mother replied.

“They don’t know what they are missing out. They think you are just a maid but you are
the best mother a child can ever imagine for.” Rachel said.

“Oh, my dear Rachel!” Rachel’s mother cried and ran towards her beloved daughter and
they hugged each other.

Chapter 5

The next day, Rachel then put on a black frock and white shoes. She took a bunch of
flowers and her family went to the graveyard. Rachel’s mother tried not to cry for
Rachel. Rachel’s dad held Rachel’s hand very tight. After everyone went home Rachel
stared at the huge stone which said:

Here lies…….

Rachel’s father approached towards her and said,” Summer was a nice girl, you know.
She was good at studies, she was kind.”

“Yes, dad she was…………. everything.” Rachel replied.

“So are you. C’mon let’s go home. Its getting dark.” Rachel’s dad said.

Rachel smiled and said,” Sure,dad.”

Chapter 6
Next morning Rachel got up, got ready, had and went to babysit Hannah.
She knocked on the door and Mr. Bolk opened the door.

“Rachel! Thank you for coming. Hannah is in her room. I will leave for work now, looking
forward to dinner tonight.” Mr. Bolk said.

“No problem. I am also looking forward to dinner tonight.” Rachel said.

After Mr. Bolk left Rachel went to Hannah’s room. It had a bed, a small table with a
lamp on top and a basket with some toys inside. Inside the basket

there was a cheap toy tea set , two puzzles

and two dolls .

“Rachel, you’re here! Let’s play!” Hannah cried.

“No. Breakfast first, remember?” Rachel said.

“Aww! Can we play after the breakfast?” Hannah moaned

“Sure.” Rachel said.

“Yay!” Hannah said looking down to 2 small hair clips in her hand. Then started to look

“Hannah? Are you alright? You look sad suddenly.” Rachel said.

“I am fine, I just miss my mom. She used to play with me and you look a lot like her.

See this hair clip?” Hannah told Rachel showing the 2 hair clips.

“Yes, I do.” Rachel said.

“The pink one was mine and the blue one was mom’s one. She died last year. In a fire.
Our house was burnt down. This reminds me of mom. Then me and my dad had to move
here. All our money was gone. So, until we get a new house we have to live here. My dad
built it. It is not that bad. He tried his best.” Hannah said.
“You know, our house is like yours. Your mom would not want you to be miserable. Would
she?” Rachel asked.

“I guess not.” Hannah replied.

“If you keep on thinking about this incident it will bring you more pain. Try thinking of
something happy all the time. Tell me 3 things that makes you happy.” Rachel said.

“Hmm. Ok. Playing with my toys and my friend, Anna . Dad’s jokes and pranks

. Listening to my grandma’s early childhood stories .” Hannah said.

“Good. Whenever you feel sad about anything just think of these things.” Rachel said

“Huh. Thanks.” Hannah said

“Happy to help.” Rachel replied.

Chapter 7

After babysitting Hannah, Rachel finished all her homework, took shower, had lunch and
went to her room to play with her dollhouse.

“Rachel! We are home!” Rachel’s mother and father cried.

“Yay!” Rachel replied.

Rachel parents freshened up and sat down at the small dining table which was round,
had 4 chairs round it and had a lot of cracks on it.

“Mother, I went to babysit the child who lives across the street this morning and they
have invited us to dinner tonight. They are really nice.” Rachel told her mother.

“I wonder why they would. We don’t even know them properly.” Rachel’s mother said.

“I might have helped the child recover from her miserable incident and babysitting her
made her dad happy.” Rachel said.

“Wonderfully done my child!” Rachel’s grandma said.

“Thanks granny!” Rachel said.

“Oh! Why not? It has been months since we’ve been invited to dinner.” Rachel’s father
agreed with her.

“Yay! Please mother.” Rachel begged.

“Hmm. Ok. Less cooking for me!” Rachel’s mother said.

“Then all of you get ready, it’s almost time for dinner!” Rachel’s grandma cried.

“Yes granny.” Rachel said.


“Mother! Dad! Granny! I am ready!” Rachel cried.

“Rachel change your dress! It is such a lurid one.” Rachel’s grandma said.

“But it is simple and the color is nice. We are not going to a party, granny.” Rachel said.

Granny who was wearing a grey dress, put on her glasses and said,” Hmm…… now
that I can look at it a bit clearly it’s alright, I suppose.”

“Yes!” Rachel said.

“Cooper, Brittany get down here, will you?!” Granny cried.

“Okay mom!” Rachel’s mother cried.

After they arrived the Bolk’s house Mr. Bolk opened the door.

“Hello everyone! My name is Mike. I have already met Rachel, a sweet girl she is. It is a
great pleasure to welcome you to my home.” Mr. Bolk said.

“Rachel you are here! C’mon we have to play!” Hannah cried.

“Ok!” Rachel cried.

Hannah took out all her toys. She first gave Rachel a puzzle and she kept one. Then
she announced in an adult voice that they will have a puzzle race. After Rachel won 3
races Hannah begun to look cross.
“It is not fair! Why do you always win?” Hannah cried.

“Don’t worry, you will get there soon. It just takes a little bit of practice.

After the puzzle race was over Hannah went to her toy basket but her thumb got
stuck inside the broken handle.

“Rachel help! My hand! It is stuck!” Hannah cried.

“Uh oh! Don’t worry! I will be back.” Rachel said.


Rachel hurried into the kitchen, grabbed some butter and went to Hannah.

“Don’t worry. This ought to fix you up!” Rachel said.

Slowly Rachel rubbed some butter onto Hannah’s thumb. Then it came out.

“Thanks Rachel!” Hannah said.

“Hmm. Next time be careful.” Rachel said.

After having dinner that night, Rachel and her family went to their house and fell
asleep. Rachel could not think of anything but only the graveyard. She set out at night.
The cold wind was embracing her body and her hands were as cold as ice. Suddenly she
saw a small ghastly figure with a torch at the end of the footpath. She didn’t know who
it was and she was hesitating. She quickly hid behind a bush. The figure started to
walk away. Rachel was scared but she followed it. She was able to get and grab it.
When the figure turned towards her Rachel gasped.

Rachel cried at it.” Hannah?! What in the tarnation are you doing in the street at the
middle of the night?”

“I am searching for a dog.” Hannah said looking down at the ground.

“In the night!? What for?” Rachel asked.

“Yesterday after you had dinner a dog was waiting outside our cottage. It looked very
hungry so I bent down to give it food. Instead it snatched my mom’s clip from my
pocket and ran away!” Hannah said.
“Oh dear! That can be accepted but you running around the street at night cannot be
accepted! Ok? Let’s get you home now. Don’t worry about the clip. We will search for it
tomorrow.” Rachel said.

“Alright. But what were you doing at night running around the street?!” Hannah said.

“Hannah! That is none of your concern. A little girl like you Hannah, it is not safe,
alright? Rachel said, held Hannah’s hand and quickly went home.

“C’mon! I almost had the chance to go to the graveyard. Oh Hannah! Do you always have
to do exactly the opposite of what I want?!” Rachel said to herself after she went

Chapter 10

Soon after that Rachel fell asleep. Next morning Rachel had figured out where the
Hannah’s clip would be. She collected it from a place where most stray dogs take
shelter and gave back to Hannah at evening. Then after that she went to the
graveyard. She searched for Summer’s grave for almost 15 minutes! Finally, she found
it but she was so surprised when she looked at it. The stone was broken and the name
Shallow was not there!
To be continued….

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