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Hi there. I am Amanda Hawk. I know

you are wondering why there are two pictures. The first
one was very I was 9 years old and the next one is now,
13 years old. I have had a very strange transformation,
right? Brown hair to blonde hair? Weird.

Last week my cousin Leo came to visit us from Australia.

He is 14 years old. We played all day and we had lots of
fun but that night I was studying and he was disturbing
me a lot. He was making faces at me and throwing
pencils at me. I got angry so I punched him across the

“Ow!” He cried.

My parents came running into my room.

“What happened?! Leo! Are you okay?!” My mom cried

“No! Amanda punched me across my face! Ow!” He

cried looking at me angrily

“Amanda Hawk! Apologize to-.” My mom said and was

interrupted by my dad.

“It’s okay. She didn’t mean to. Leo, don’t disturb her
anymore.” My dad said.
“Hmm.” I nodded without thinking.

The next morning, I called my friend Amy.

She can make wonderful clothes. She has a very small
shop. We were friends from Grade 1. I told her to make
a costume for me in yellow, orange and white color.
She wanted $350. It was a bit much for me because she
never made a costume, only frocks for girls. So, I
agreed to that price. During evening Leo was watching
TV and…...

“Amanda, come look at the TV!” Leo cried from


“Coming!” I said but wasn’t in the mood for television.

“Look! The striker just destroyed the parliament! Cool,

huh?!” Leo said

“Seriously Leo? How can that be good?! Who is the

striker?” I said

“Uh, you don’t know? The striker is a 16-year-old girl

who is just a maniac! She has a big suit like a robot
one.” Leo told me.

“Ohhhhhhhhhhhh.” I said with my finger on my chin

Then the doorbell rang. I went to open it. It was Amy.

“Hi Amanda. Your order is done!” She said.

“You are already done? I said with my mouth hanging

“Yep! Here is your suit!” Amy said handing me a packet.

“Wow! Thanks, Amy! Here is your money.” I said

handing her $4.

“Okay. See you tomorrow! Bye!” She said and started to

trot towards her home.

“Bye!” I said

I was going to my room when my dad called me.

“What’s that, Amanda?” He said.

“Uh…. Amy gave this.” I said

“What is it?” He asked

“Uh…. costume.” I said outing the packet around my


“Well, okay.” He said

Then I walked to my room. I opened the packet and the

costume…was… mesmerizing!

It had a white collar. It had a big golden star in the

middle and the rest was shiny yellow. The pants had a
pattern of orange, yellow and white. It was perfect!

You maybe wondering why I ordered the suit. I am

going to:

1. I’m going to a party
2. I am going to defeat The Striker
3. I am preparing a present for my mom

It is answer number 2! Crazy, I know! My superhero

name is Afistral. He, he. You know, it took me ages to
find that name. I had a hunch that The Striker would
destroy another place tomorrow.

I headed out at dawn. I was in front of the old bank.

Then I saw her a teen like me but only taller. She had
black hair with purple strands of hair in front of her. She
had a weird looking gun with a purple liquid in it. Her
eyes were as blue as October skies.

“He he. Good. No one’s here.” She said

“Think again!” I cried
“Oh, who are you? Goldilocks?!” She cried
“I….am Afistral!” I cried
“Aww! How cute.” She said, bullying me

She pointed her gun at her hand and shot herself but
didn’t die! She had changed into a suit.
“Come on kid. Whatcha got?” She said pointing another
gun at me which had extra grenades on its side.
“You’ll see!” I said punching her
“Uh!” She said and we started fighting.
Slowly some people started appearing in the footpaths.
At last when I saw her suit was damaged, I gave a mega
punch and she went away in the air. I don’t know, she

may appeared on the moon.

Then I could see some people were staring at me, so I

made a dash for home. I reached my room. Phew! I
hope my family doesn’t find out that “Afistral” was

actually me. My mom would ground me for life!

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