The Great Cleansing of The End of Times

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The great cleansing of the end of times


“The “all-powerful” who are very small but who have the impression of being powerful, are nothing!

Of course, they have possibilities that you ignore; they have vessels whose technology was offered to them by the inferior galactic beings
who are evil for humanity.

They think that by going to the bases at the interior of Mars they will be protected. Nowhere, do you hear, nowhere in your solar system or
elsewhere, the beings who have been totally allied with the shadow, who have worked for the shadow, will be protected!

What they forget, is that everything is vibratory, and that certain vibratory frequencies can provoke massive destruction generated,
unfortunately for them and fortunately for you, by the forces of the Alliance, by the forces of Light, to eradicate those who do not wish to
adapt to the new life that will be offered to humanity.

All the “great men” of this world (not in Wisdom and in Love) are not “great men”, these are minuscule beings who see nothing else but
power and money…In a relatively short time, in France as in all countries of the world, all these beings will be eradicated, condemned,
will commit suicide, or just simply disappear.

We will not give you details because they do not have great importance, but know that the new world, the new planet Earth, can no longer
welcome the beings who will still be totally into power, money, and pleasures.

They have partly destroyed your world; they have destroyed a part of humanity and they think they can escape! You have to be naïve or
not very intelligent to think that when a being destroys the world or some populations they can live tranquilly elsewhere, underground,
like a mole? No, this is a great illusion!

Know this well; even if they are deeply buried, the vibratory frequencies attain beings; even in lunar bases, in the bases of Mars, in
terrestrial bases, they will be eradicated, we can assure you of this!

This is the great cleansing of the end of times. You must understand that the new times cannot be born as long as the old time is not totally
cleansed, purified.

There will certainly be panic! Those who thought they were totally protected by going to such and such a country, in Norway or elsewhere,
or on planets like Mars or the Moon, etc., will not be.

Those who will be protected will only be those who have engaged themselves totally in the Light, in Love, in Fraternity, those who have
opted for the new world.

Expect to learn chose that will completely shock people. The period of double shock is approaching, and this will be something very

The first shock will concern those who have been fooled by the governments of all countries who have imposed iniquitous things.

The second shock will concern the beings who did not prepare themselves, and who will learn that there is a battle between beings who
serve the Alliance, therefore who serve Love and who work to liberate the Earth and the beings who, for a very long time, hundreds, even
thousands of years, have taken this planet hostage to put the human population at their disposal.

What you are learning at this moment has always existed, whether at the level of pedo-criminality, at the level of the traffic of human
beings or at the level of the immense manipulation of human beings.”

They are showing me a great anthill upon which the hand of the Light is posed.

“This anthill corresponds to all the beings who have been harmful to their fellow man, to all those who have dominated, soiled, destroyed,
whether it is the Earth or humanity.

This hand of Light will destroy many ants, and the others will only have the choice of changing, of making honorable amends, or
otherwise to be also annihilated.

The Earth will be totally liberated of all that has imprisoned it for thousands of years.

Rejoice! Rejoice!”

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