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100 Must Solve

Arithmetic Questions

Andheri|Borivali|Powai|Mira Road|Pune|Online 8999-11-8999

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100 Must Solve Arithmetic Questions
1. While working alone, Aaron can complete a piece of work in 24 days, Betsy in 30 days and
Caleb in 40 days. Initially, all the three started working together but Caleb left midway.
The remaining work was completed by Aaron and Betsy together. If the entire work was
completed in 12 days, then after how many days did Caleb leave?
A.4 B.2 C.6 D.8
2. The compound interest (compounded annually) at a certain rate on a certain principal for
2 years is same as the simple interest at the same rate for 6 years on the same principal.
Find the rate of interest per annum.
A.200% B.150% C.300% D.400%

3. Aston and Damian live in cities D and A respectively. D is on a higher elevation than A.
Due to this, whenever someone drives from D towards A, their driving speed becomes
10% more than their speed on plain ground. Also, whenever someone drives from A
towards D, their driving speed becomes 10% less than their speed on plain ground. Aston
and Damian simultaneously start driving from their respective cities towards the other
city. When they reach the other city, they immediately turn back and return to their own
cities. When they reach their own cities, they immediately turn back towards the other
city and meet exactly at the midpoint between the two cities. What is the ratio of the
speeds of Aston and Damian on plain ground?

A.9:11 B.49:51 C.39:41 D.29:31

4. St.Paul school has 2 sections, namely section A and section B. Each section has students
in either Gandhi house or Nehru house. The number of students in Gandhi and Nehru
houses of sections A and B are in the ratio 4 : 1 and 9 : 1 respectively. If 3 students from
section A’s Gandhi house are transferred to section B’s Nehru house and 3 students from
section B’s Gandhi house are transferred to section A’s Nehru house, then the ratio of the
number of students in Gandhi and Nehru houses of both the sections A and B becomes 3
: 2. What is the total number of students in class 10?
5. Ramu sells milk after adulterating X litres of pure milk with 0.75 litres of tap water. If he
sold milk after adulterating X litres of pure milk with 0.75 litres of mineral water instead,
his profit would reduce by 15%. What is the cost of pure milk per litre? (The cost of mineral
water is Rs. 12 per litre and tap water comes for free. Ramu always sells at cost price.)
A.45 B.53.33 C.60 D.63.33
6. Five politicians – A, B, C, D & E – contested the elections. The number of votes earned by
A, C and E are in the ratio 7 : 5 : 3. The number of votes earned by B, C and D are in the
ratio 2 : 5 : 1. If 10% of the total votes were to candidates other than these five, then what
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percentage of the total votes was won by C?
A.5% B.15% C.25% D.35%
7. The average of the first ‘4m’ natural numbers is ‘x’. What will be the average of the first
‘6m’ natural numbers?
6X−4 5X−1 5X−1 6X−1
A. B. C. D.
3 3 4 4

8. Varys travels along a straight line at a certain speed for the first minute, then reduces his
1 th 1 th
speed by in the second minute, then reduces his speed by in the third minute,
7 6
1 th
then reduces his speed by 5 in the forth minute, and so on, finally reduces his speed
by in the seventh minute, what is the ratio of his original speed to his average speed?

A.7:5 B.7:4 C.7:3 D.7:2

9. A container contains a total of 160 ml of a solution of A, B and water such that the volumes
(in ml) of these three liquids in the container are in AP in that order. 120 ml of B-water
solution is added into this container such that the volumes of the three liquids are still in
AP in the same order. What is the concentration of the B-water solution that was added?

A.40% B.13.33% C.50% D. data insufficient

10. Jane’s expenses are 28% of the income of Ben. Jane’s savings are 58% of her income. By
what percentage is Ben’s income more than Jane’s?
A.150% B.100% C.50% D.75%

11. A numerical lock can be opened using any possible combination of these five digits 0, 1, 0,
3 and 2 (example 20031). John used all possible incorrect combinations on the 5-digit lock
before finally opening the lock at the next attempt. How many total attempts did he make?
The digits available on the lock are from 0 to 5.

12. A shopkeeper sells wheat after marking up the price by 40% per kg. During Diwali, he
wants to offer 8 kg of wheat free to any customer who buys more than a certain quantity
of wheat. What should be the least value of the quantity bought (ordered for) by a
customer so that the shopkeeper does not suffer any loss?
A.30kg B.20kg C.25kg D.18kg

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13. The speed of a boat is 21 kmph. A stream flows at the rate of 4 kmph. While moving with
the stream, the boat travels 100 km. Now, going against the stream how much distance
can be covered in the same time?

14. A man initially invests Rs.10000 with a bank at 30% compound interest per annum for 4
years. (interest compounded annually). After 4 years, he uses this money (including the
principal and the interest earned) to buy a car which depreciates at 10% per annum. If 3
years after buying the car he sells his car for the amount he initially invested with the
bank, then by what percent is the price at which he sold his car greater than or less than
its depreciated value?

A.56.77%more B.42.98%less C.51.97%less D.42.98%more

15. Machines A and B together produce 2205 components in 7 hours. Machine A produces
one component in 0.75 minutes. In which hour will both the machines finish the
assignment of 1600 components, given that machine A works first and both the machines
work alternately, each time only for one hour?
A.10th hour B.11th hour C.8th hour D.12th hour

16. Ram and Raj started running from a common point A on a circular track of radius 10.5 km,
in opposite directions. Initial speeds of Ram and Raj were 15 km/h and 25 km/h
respectively. After each hour, Ram increased his speed by 10% and after each half an
hour, Raj decreased his speed by 10%. How much distance did Ram travel when Raj and
Ram met for the first time?

A.27.47km B.31.5km C.28.32km D.29.64km

17. A dairy farm owner removes 8L of milk from a milk can containing 40L of pure milk, adds
in equal quantity of mineral water to it and sells it to a milk wholesaler. The milk
wholesaler removes 10L of mixture, adds an equal quantity of mineral water to it and sells
to a local shopkeeper. The local shopkeeper pours the contents of the milk can into a dairy
container which already contains 50L mixture of milk and mineral water, costing Rs.22/L.
If the cost of pure milk is Rs.23/L and that of mineral water is Rs.18/L, then what is the
quantity of pure milk in the local dairy container at the moment?

18. John sells an item to Jane with a profit of 38%. Jane sells the same item to Cho. Cho buys
the item for Rs.4692 with Jane suffering a loss of 15%. Find the cost price of the item for
John. A.3700 B.4000 C.4200 D.4125

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19. The average price of a share is the arithmetic average of 6 readings taken at regular
intervals in a day. The index price is taken by a weighted arithmetic average price of a
class A and a class B stock. The respective weights are 1.1 and 0.9 for the two kinds of
stocks (i.e., for A and B respectively). If the five readings of a class A stock were 21, 29,
34, 38, 41, 44 and for a class B stock the readings were 11, 12, 17, 23, 27, 33 then what
was the index price that day?
A.28.2 B.27.5 C.27.2 D.28.5

20. A certain transport company has two types of trucks - Minelli and Hightower. Minelli truck
can carry out 15 deliveries per day while Hightower carry out 20 deliveries a day. Fuel cost
for a Minelli truck is Rs.20 per delivery and that for a Hightower truck is Rs.22 per delivery.
Maintenance cost of a Minelli truck is Rs.110 per day and that of a Hightower truck is
Rs.155 per day. If a minimum of 6 and a maximum of 12 Hightower trucks can be used,
then what is the number of Minelli trucks to be used so as to carry out 700 deliveries per
day at the minimum cost using only both these type of trucks? (Assume each type of truck
makes the exact number of deliveries per day as mentioned above and no less)

21. Van Pelt food processing company received fresh consignment of oranges from Rigsby
corporation containing 'Q' kgs. of oranges. After analysis these oranges were found to
contain 99% water. After 20 days, sample of oranges from the same lot found to contain
98% water. What must be the weight of the same (original) lot of oranges at that time?
A.0.67Q B.0.5Q C.0.8Q D.0.33Q

22. Dexter offered discounts of 10%, 12%, 15% and 20% to four customers who bought 1 kg,
2 kg, 3 kg and 4kg of rice respectively and is able to just recover the cost of rice. If he were
to give the same discount rate for all the five customers such that he would neither gain
profit nor suffer loss, what would be the approximate value of that discount rate?
A.15.9% B.14.25% C.14.7% D.31.8%

23. Box 1 contains 10 cyan balls, box 2 contains 15 magenta balls and box 3 contains 25 yellow
balls. Patrick picks some balls from boxes 1 and 2. Kimball picks the remaining balls from
box 2 and some balls from box 3. Wayne picks the remaining balls from boxes 1 and 3.
The ratio of the number of cyan and magenta balls with patrick is 2:3, the ratio of the
number of magenta and yellow balls with Kimball is 7 : 5 and the ratio of the number of
green and red balls with Wayne is 10 : 3. Find the ratio of the number of total balls picked
up by Patrick, Kimball and Wayne.

A.5:7:8 B.5:12: C.2:5:8 D.3:4:5

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24. A tap fills an empty tank in 14 hours, but due to a leak at the bottom of the tank it took
22 hours to fill the tank that was initially empty. If the tap is opened at time t = 0 and
closed at time t = 11 hours, after how many hours since the beginning, the tank will be
empty again?
3 1
A.19hours B.244hours C.30 4hours d.25hours

25. The ratio of the compound interest earned over 2 years when compounding a principal
annually to the simple interest earned for the same principal at the same rate for the
same duration is 15 : 14. Find the ratio of the compound interest earned over 3 years
when compounding the same principal annually to the simple interest earned for the
same principal at the same rate for 3 years.
A.217:192 B.169:142 C.8:7 D.64:21

26. Two persons Grace and Teresa start running simultaneously around a circular track from
the same point in opposite directions with speeds 5 m/s and 7 m/s respectively. How
many rounds around the track will Grace make before she meets Teresa for the first time
at the point which is diametrically opposite the starting point?
A.2.5 B.1 C.3.5 D.3

27. Robert, Mark and Chris entered into partnership by investing money in the ratio 4 : 6 : 5
respectively. Mark left 2 months before Robert left the partnership whereas Chris
continued the business. At the end of 16 months, the business was closed and the profit
was divided among Robert, Mark and Chris in the ratio 3 : 3 : 10. For how many months
did Chris run the business by himself?
A.10 B.6 C.14 D.12

28. There are two beakers such that beaker 1 contains 120L of 20% acid solution and beaker
2 contains 150L of 15%acid solution. Now, two cups A and B having equal volumes are
filled to the brim with the solutions from beakers 1 and 2 respectively. After this the
contents of cup A is transferred to beaker 2 and contents of cup B is transferred to beaker.
What is the volume of either of the cup so that the acid in both the beakers are now

29. A is x% more than b and C is 2x% less than B. if a is 3x% more than C, then find x (x ≠0).
A.25 B.66.67 C.35 D.33.33

30. Six numbers are given. All possible sets of three numbers out of these six are chosen and
their individual averages are computed. The average of these individual averages is 15.
Which is the sum of all the original five numbers?
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31. Four women take 10 days to complete a piece of work. Two men and five children take 4
days to complete the same piece of work. One man working alone can complete twice
the amount of work in 20 days. In how many days can one child and one woman complete
70% of the work?

A.20 B.15 C.22 D.25

32. The average age of Adam, Brad, Chuck and Dave is three more than the average age of
Adam, Brad and Chuck and also four more than the average age of Adam and Brad. The
average age of Chuck and Dave is more than Chuck’s age by
A.3yrs B.4yrs C.5yrs D.6yrs

33. A solution has milk and water in the ratio 9: 6. ‘P’ percent of the solution is removed and
replaced with milk. The concentration of milk in the resulting solution is more than 65%
but less than 90%. Which of the following best describes the value of 'P'?
A.11.5<P<73 B.12.5<P<75 C.13.5<P<77 D.14.5<P<79

34. The ratio of the present ages of Oliver and Gulliver is same as the ratios of ages of Aram
and Oliver 9 years ago. 9 years from now, Gulliver will be as old as Aram was 9 years ago.
The present ages (in years) of exactly two of them are perfect squares, which is not true
for their ages 9 years hence. Which of the following can be the sum of the present ages
of Aram and Oliver?
A.59 B.69 C.49 D.79

35. George and Howard simultaneously start running towards each other from opposite ends
of a linear racing track and take 100 seconds and 64 seconds respectively to reach the
other end after crossing each other. If George and Leonard also simultaneously start
running towards each other from the opposite ends of the same track and George takes
96 seconds to reach the other end after they cross each other, then how much time does
Leonard take to run the entire length of the racing track?

36. A shopkeeper sells pens in economy packs of 4 pens per pack, each pack being charged
at the listed price of 3 pens. For every set of 5 such packs bought by a customer, the
shopkeeper gives him one extra pen as a free gift. If the customer buys 16 economy packs,
what is the approximate effective percentage discount that he gets?
A.22 B.28 C.25 D.30

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37. A milk vendor sells milk at 35% more than the cost price and also adds ‘L’ litres of water
to every 6 litres of milk. If he gains 65% in all, find the value of ‘L’.
A.2.67 B.0.33 C.1.67 D.1.33

38. Bonnie and Clyde start a business in which Bonnie contributes entire capital and provides
consultancy while Clyde takes care of running the business. Clyde is paid Rs. 130 per
month out of the profit of the business for his work. After making payment to Clyde, the
remaining profit is equally divided between Bonnie and Clyde. Further Clyde pays Rs.
2,500 to Bonnie at the end of the year towards fees for consultancy provided by Bonnie.
Calculate the total yearly profit if Clyde’s income from the business is one half of Bonnie’s
income from the business. A.9356 B.9180 C.9000

39. The selling price of a suit is 65% less than its marked price and is 5 times its cost price.
What is the ratio of the percentage profit obtained and the percentage discount offered
on the sale of the suit?
A.17:3 B.8:1 C.80:13 D.16:3

40. 40 marbles are distributed among A, B, C and D such that the ratio of marbles received by
A, B and C is 3 : 5 : 7. Which of the following can be the absolute difference between the
marbles received by B and D?
A.15 B.20 C.25 D.10

41. In a city, the ratio of the number of men to the number of women is 3 : 4. Also, the ratio
of the number of literate people to the number of illiterate people in the city is 3 : 25. If
the ratio of the number of literate men to the number of illiterate men is 1 : 11, what is
the ratio of the number of illiterate women to the number of literate women in the city?
A.7:1 B.7:2 C.13:2 D.13:1

3𝑥 6𝑧 3𝑥+6𝑦
42. Given that =4𝑥+2𝑧 = then find x:z, where x,y,z>0.
4𝑦 2𝑧
A.1:3 B.3:1 C.2:1 D.1:2

43. Two acid solutions A and B; with different concentrations are mixed in equal proportions
to get 35% acid solution. If are mixed in the ratio 3 : 5, then the concentration of the
resultant solution is 38%. What will be concentration of the resultant mixture when
solution A and solution B are mixed in the ratio 3 : 7?
A.33% B.35% C.40% D.42%

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44. A class has three houses; red, blue and green. The ratio of the number of students in red
house to the number of students in blue house is 1 : 2 and the total number of students
in green house is 20. In all, 5 green house students and 2 red house students are replaced
by equal number of blue house students. Now, the ratio of the number of red house
students and the number of blue house students in the class is 1 : 3. Find the total number
of students in the class.

A.56 B.59 C.62 D.65

45. The average of S numbers decreases by 1.6 when 80% of the S numbers are reduced by 4
each and remaining numbers are increased by P. The value of P is:

46. The number of oranges Sanji need for 12 days is two-fifth of the number of oranges Luffy
needs for 20 days. By what percentage is the number of oranges needed by Luffy more
than that by Sanji for 150 days?
A.50% B.80% C.75% D.125%

𝑝−𝑞 3 p+3x
47. If p:q=x:y and = 5, then what is the value of ? A.1
𝑝+𝑞 2q+6y
B.2 C.0.5 D. cannot be determined

48. A shopkeeper uses false weights and thereby cheats customer by giving 800 gm instead
of 1 kg. He also claims that he sells wheat at cost price. In order to increase his sales he
offered 100 gm of rice free with every 1 kg of wheat. What is his overall percentage
(approximate) profit if a customer buys 1 kg of wheat and if the shopkeeper uses false
weight to measure 100 gm also?

A.15.46% B. 18.52% C.11.11% D.13.64%

49. The price of an article is first increased by 10%, then decreased by 20%, then increased
by 30% and finally decreased by 40%. Approximately, what was the price of the article,
when expressed as a percentage of its initial price?
A.69% B.65% C.105% D.55%

50. In a kilometer race, Edward beats Shanks by 57 seconds, and gets beaten by Roger by 35
seconds. If Shanks ran at 4 m/s, at what speed did Roger run?

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51. Two identical samples of 375 ml of a composite liquid M, which is a mixture of liquids A,
B and water, were sent to two testing labs P and Q to determine the ratio in which A, B
and water is present in M. While transporting the 375 ml sample to lab P, some water
accidently seeped into the sample and the lab gave the test results as 3 : 4 : 7. While
transporting the other sample to lab Q, some water got evaporated and the test results
came out to be 9 : 12 : 16. If the amount of water that got added in the first sample is four
times the amount of water that got evaporated in the second sample, find the ratio in
which the three liquids A, B and water are present in M.
A.9:12:21 B.3:4:5 C.9:12:17 D.3:4:21

52. Lisbon has 20 test-tubes – some of type A and others of type B. The length of each test-
tube of type A is 5 cm while that of type B is 8 cm. Lisbon gave ‘x’ test-tubes of type A to
Rigsby. In return, Rigsby gave ‘x’ test-tubes of type B to Lisbon. If the average length of
test-tubes with Lisbon is increased by 1.5 cm, then what is the value of ‘x’?

53. The age of Doflamingo ‘A’ years ago was three-fifths of what his age would be ‘A’ years
from now. His age ‘B’years from now would be five times of what his age was ‘B’ years
ago. The ratio A : B is:
A.8:3 B.3:8 C.1:4 D.4:1

54. A group of workers (all work with equal efficiency) working together can build a house in
X hours. Instead of working together, after every 4 hours, half of the workers leave the
job. Continuing this way, the house is built in 20 hours.
A.15hrs 30min B.15hrs C.15hrs 15min D.15hrs 45min

55. Abish, Kenny and Kannan are at points A, B and C respectively on a straight line. Initially,
at time t = 0, distance between Abish and Kenny is same as the distance between Kenny
and Kannan. At time t = 0, Abish and Kenny start running towards each other at speeds of
12 m/s and 9 m/s respectively. At t = 0, Kannan starts running towards Kenny with
constant speed ‘s’ such at any instant, the distance between Abish and Kenny is same as
the distance between Kenny and Kannan. What is the value of ‘s’?
A.12 B.21 C.30 D.39

56. Which of the following discount scheme on the marked price is most favorable to the

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A. Three successive discounts of 10%, 15% and 20% in any order.
B. Three successive discounts of 15% each. C.
Buy 3 and get 2 free. D.
The successive discounts of 5%, 20% and 30% in any order.

57. As a sales gimmick, a cloth merchant began measuring the cloth with a yardstick that was
x inches longer, because of which his profit reduced from 60% of his cost to 20% of his
cost, find x.(Given: 1 Yard = 36 Inches)
A.9 B.12 C.11 D.10

58. A milkman bought some quantity of milk at Rs.42/L and added 10.67L of water to it. He
then sold it at Rs.45/L to earn a profit of 30%. What is the original quantity of milk?
A.50L B.55L C.60L D.65L

59. Shin sold a wallet to Kai at Rs.50 profit. After a couple of days, Kai sold the same wallet
back to Shin at Rs.50 profit. Was it an even (i.e. no profit, no loss) deal for Shin? If not,
then find his profit or loss (in Rs)?
A. even deal B.50 profit C.50 loss D.100 loss

60. A scientist puts 50 litres of pure sulphuric acid solution in a container .He removes 10
litres of the solution from the container and replaces it with an equal quantity of water
.Thereafter, he again removes 10 litres of the solution in the container and replaces it
with an equal quantity of water. What will be the concentration of acid of the solution in
the container now? If he repeats this process till the concentration of acid of the solution
in the container falls below 35%, then how many times from the beginning does he carry
out the process of replacing the solution in the container with water?
A.64% ,5times B.80%, 6times C.64%, 4times D.80, 7times

61. Given that 'x' and 'y' are non-zero integers such that. x : y = (x + y) : (y – 2x) =(2y – x) : (3y-
x). Find the value of (x:y).
A.4:3 B.3:4 C.-4:3 D.5:3

62. Erza is writing a book. Every morning she starts writing vigorously and completes a lot of
pages. However, each day, post lunch she goes through all the material she has written
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this far (right from Day 1) and deletes one-fifth of the material completed from Day 1. She
doesn’t write anything more on that day. At the end of each day, the content of his book
is still 40% more than that at the end of the previous day. As a percentage of the content
at the end of a particular day, how much new content does Erza add in the morning the
next day ?
A.20% B.75% C.60% D.50%
63. 10ml, 20ml and 30ml are drawn from 3 solutions where the concentration acids in the
solution is x%, 1.5x% and 2x% respectively, to form a resultant solution of concentration
66 %. Find out the value of x.
A. 40 B.42 C.50 D.80
64. Lillith wrote 6 hours 15 minutes incorrectly as 5.75 hours. The difference between the
correct and incorrect time (due to the error in writing) is what percent of 1 hour?
A.150% B.50% C.75% D.40%

65. A milkman has a certain quantity of pure milk. He sells 25 litres of it and replaces the sold
quantity of milk with water. He then sells 20 litres of the adulterated milk . He replaces
the sold quantity of the adulterated milk with water. Now the mixture that he has
contains milk and water in equal quantity. Find out the (approximate) original quantity of
pure milk that he had

A.85litres B.94litres C.13litres D.77litres

66. A jar of milk was 90% full. 80% of the contents of the jar were emptied into a glass and
205 ml juice was added to the can. Then the can was completely full. What is the capacity
of the jar?
A.200ml B.225ml C.250ml D.275ml

67. XYZ company has a certain number of employees, whose combined average age is 40
years. Exactly after 4 years, 5 employees at the age of 60 retire. Also, at the same time, 2
employees each aged 42 years, and other two employees, aged 43 years each , leave the
company for better opportunities. For some time, there are no new joinees. Exactly after
another two years, 10 people , whose sum of ages is 240 join the company. Now, the
average age of all the employees of the company is 38 years. What was the original
employee strength of the

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company? A.40
B.30 C.35 D.38

68. Samuel sold some books to Rafael at the rate of 5 books for the cost price of four. After
few days Rafael sold the same books back to Samuel at the rate of 4 books for the price
he had paid for five. Find the percentage loss incurred by Samuel for the transaction.
A.20% B.25% C.35% D.15%

69. A 20 m long boat with a speed of 8 kmph is crossing a river which flows with a speed of 4
kmph. The width of the river is 800 m. What is the total distance covered by the boat
while crossing the river in minimum possible time?
A.872 B.850 C.894.5 D.890

70. The average of N numbers is 4A. if 0.25N having an average A are replaced by 0.5N
numbers having an average 2A, then what is the new average?
A.3A B.3.75A C.3.25A D.3.8A

71. In India, when the price of eggs dropped by 25%, 25 more eggs could be obtained for
Rs.30. What was the price (in Rs) of 1 egg earlier?
A.0.7 B.0.6 C.0.5 D.0.4

72. A group of people has an average weight of 68 kgs. If group B, consisting of people having
an average weight of 72 kgs joins them, then the average weight of the group becomes
69.33 kgs and if group C of a certain number of people having an average weight of 65 kgs
joins the original group, their average weight comes down to 66.2 kgs. What will be the
combined average weight of group B and C?
A.67.5 B.66.75 C.68 D.69.15

73. Thrissur has three railway stations, Thrissur City (TC), Thrissur town (TT) and Thrissur
Suburb (TS). The Trivandrum Express starts from TC at 6 a.m. in the morning and passes
only through TS before reaching Trivandrum. At the same time when Trivandrum Express
reaches Trivandrum, the Trivandrum Passenger starts from Trivandrum and passes
through TS, then TT and finally reaches TC. The speed of the Trivandrum Express is twice
that of the Trivandrum Passenger and the rail distance is same between any two
consecutive stations. If Trivandrum Express reaches Trivandrum at 8 a.m., then when
does Trivandrum Passenger reach TC?
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A.2pm B.12am C.11am D.1pm
74. In a particular college, the number of the students increased by 20% over the previous
year. Due to a new ordinance passed by the government, education for SC students was
made free from this year. To collect the fee, which was numerically equal to what was
collected last year, the college had to charge 25% more from the boys in comparison to
the last year. Find the ratio of general to SC students this year.

75. A ship is to be built by Ace, Sabo and Luffy. Ace and Sabo first start working together for
3 days, then Ace takes a break and Sabo and Luffy work together for 4 days. After this,
Sabo takes a break and Ace and Luffy work together for 3 days and are able to finish the
job. Had Ace not contributed at all in the efforts, then Sabo and Luffy would have taken
14 days to finish the job (without taking any breaks). Had Ace, Sabo and Luffy worked
together on all days without any breaks, how many days would it have taken for them to
build the ship?

5 4 5 4
A.46 B.56 C.56 D.65

76. The profit obtained when 60 books are sold is equal to the cost price of 45 books(all the
books have the same cost price). What is the percentage profit obtained when 21 books
are given free with the sale of 77 books?
A.37.5 B.32.5 C.47.5 D.42.5

77. Robin walks at a constant speed on a road parallel to the railway track joining Saobody
and Arlong park stations in the direction towards Arlong park. Trains shuttle between the
two stations throughout the day. Trains start from either station at the same time with
same speed (which remains constant throughout the journey). The time between the
consecutive trains starting from either station is also same. She observes that the train
from Saobody to Arlong park crosses her after every 16 minutes while the train from
Arlong park to Saobody crosses her after every 9 minutes. What is the time interval
between the two consecutive trains travelling in either direction?
A.10.42min B.11.52min C.11.46min D.12min

78. Every evening, Mohan goes for a walk to a temple located at a distance of 4 km from his
home. Today, his dog also accompanied him. The dog starts with Mohan and runs towards
the temple. On reaching the temple, the dog reverses his direction and starts running
towards Mohan, who is on his way to the temple. On meeting Mohan, the dog again
reverses his direction and starts running towards the temple. This process continues till
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Mohan reaches the temple. Calculate the total distance run by the dog in the direction
towards the temple if Mohan’s speed is 4 km/hr and the dog runs at 8 km/hr.

A.6 B.4 C.2 D.8

79. Luke, Alex and Manny are walking in a park with uniform speeds. The distances
covered by 6 steps of Luke, 2 steps of Manny and 3 steps of Alex are all equal. Further
the time taken by Luke to cover 18 steps is same as the time taken by Alex to take 15
steps as well as the time taken by Manny to take 8 steps. Find the ratio of the speeds
of Luke, Alex and Manny.

A. 6:3:2 B.2:1:2 C.3:5:4 D.3:4:5

80. Andrew started a business in the month of January with an investment of Rs.10000.
After few months, Bastille, who is twice as efficient as Andrew, joined him with an
investment of Rs.6000. Five months after Bastille joined, Charlie, who is thrice as
efficient as Bastille, joined with an investment of Rs.4000. At the end of the year, the
profit was distributed equally amongst them. When did Charlie join the business?
A.March B.August C.July D.June

81. There are two milk-water solutions A and B. The sum of the volumes of the two
solutions is 12 litres. Had the volume of solution A been 3 litres less and the volume
of solution B remained unchanged, then the quantity of pure milk in solution A would
have been same as that in B. If the ratio of concentration of milk in solutions A and B
is 5 : 3, then what was the ratio of the volumes of solutions A and B?
A.1:1 B.4:5 C.3:1 D.3:2

82. An engine pulls railway coaches. The unloaded engine runs at a speed of 120 kmph. The
reduction in speed is directly proportional to the fourth root of the number of coaches
pulled. When 16 coaches are attached, the speed drops to 100 kmph. What will be the
maximum number of coaches which could be pulled by the engine such that the speed
does not drop below 101 kmph?

83. Kirishima increased the price of sugar by x% in January and then by 2x% in February.
Because of backlash from customers, he reduced it first by x% in March and then by
2x% in April. By what percentage was the price of sugar changed in April with respect
to its original price before January? Given x2 = 20.
1 624 624
A.5% B.625% C.62500% D.625%

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84. A bath can be filled by a cold water pipe in 15 min and by hot water pipe in 10 minutes.
A person leaves the bath room after turning on both, he returns just when the bath
should be full. After finding the waste pipe open, he closes it. In 5 min more, the bath
is full. In how much time will the waste water pipe empty a completely filled bath?

85. Romeo and Romero started a business with equal investments. After 5 months,
Romeo withdrew Rs.5000 and after 6 months Romero withdrew Rs.4912. At the end
of the year, the profit was distributed in the ratio of 9 : 10. What was Romeo's initial

A.7063 B.10000 C.5088 D.5500

86. Jay takes twice as long as Jack to build a sand castle. Jean takes thrice as long as Jane
to build the same sand castle. Jane, being the sister of Jay takes the same amount of
time to build the sand castle. If all four work together, the castle can be built in 1
day. How long will Jane and Jack working together take to build the castle?
13 13 13 13
A. 9 B. 6 C.11 D.12

87. An engine pulls railway coaches. The unloaded engine runs at a speed of 120 kmph. The
reduction in speed is directly proportional to the fourth root of the number of coaches
pulled. When 16 coaches are attached , the speed drops to 100 kmph. What will be the
speed when 81 coaches are attached?

88. Two workers, Samuel and Konan were engaged to make 1200 articles of a machine
part. Samuel worked for 2 hours and Konan for 5 hours, and they did half of the entire
work. They worked together for another 3 hours and found that 1/20th of the work
was yet to be completed. How much time do Samuel and Konan take to complete the
whole work on their own?
A .11hrs, 15hrs B. 12hrs, 15hrs C.6hrs, 10hrs d.12hrs, 14hrs

89. To form a government, a party or an alliance should have at least two-third majority.
In the assembly, the strength of the ruling and opposition alliances is in ratio of 16 : 7.
Three parties A, B and C formed the ruling alliance, while the opposition consisted of
D and X. Initially, the ratio of assembly members from A, B and C was 3 : 8 : 5 and that
of D and X was 13 : 8. After a major political controversy, all alliances broke and a new
government was formed. Now the ruling party consisted of D, Band C and it had 30
MLAs more than what was required to form two-third of the total assembly strength.
Find the strength of the assembly.
A.365 B.355 C.345 D.335

(Questions 89-90 are a set)

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90. A invested Rs.P on 1st January 2000, to start a business. After some months (in 2000), B
joined the business investing Rs.Q.A and B divided the profit at the end of the year 2000
in the ratio 2:5. At some time during 2001, they were joined by C who invested Rs.R. At
the end of 2001, they divided profits in the ratio of 3:10:1.Sometime during 2002 , B
leaves and immediately after that, D joins A and C with an investment of Rs.S in 2002.At
the end of 2002, they divide the profits of the year in the ratio of 6:5:12:3.For how many
months did B invest his capital in the business?

91. What is ratio P:R:S ? A.3:6:2

B.2:4:9 C.7:2:9 D.2:1:3

92. Brian tied Joseph in a tunnel at a point 200 mts away from one end of a 500 m long tunnel.
Salvatore heroically freed Joseph just when they heard a train approaching. In resulting
chaos both Salvatore and Joseph started running in opposite direction (Salvatore towards
nearer end) with speeds 10 m/s each. If both barely escape from the tunnel ahead of the
approaching train, find the speed of the train (in m/s).

93. Rodney took coal, cement and sand and mixed them in the ratio 6 : 7 : 9 . But his brother
wants a ratio of 8 : 6 : 9 for the same . So Rodney added ‘x’ grams of sand and ‘y’ grams
of coal to get the desired ratio. Find the ratio of y : x?
A.19:20 B.15:7 C.14:9 D.20:9

94. Two trains simultaneously start towards each other at speeds 40 km/hr and 30 km/hr
respectively. A bird is perched on the engine of one train. The moment the trains start,
the bird starts flying towards the second train. Immediately on reaching the second train,
the bird heads back towards the first train. Immediately on reaching the first train, the
bird reverses the direction and starts flying towards the second train. This process
continues till the two trains meet. If the distance between the trains is 210 km and the
speed of the bird is 100 km/hr, what is the total distance travelled by the bird in the
forward direction (i.e. in the direction towards the second train)?
A.210KM B.300KM C.120KM D.100KM

95. Two wheels of diameters 7 cm and 14 cm start rolling simultaneously towards each other
from X and Y, which are 1980 cm apart. Both the wheels make the same number of
revolutions per second. If both the wheels meet after 10 seconds, find the speed of the
smaller wheel.

A.22cm/s B.66cm/s C.33cm/s D.44cm/s

96. Rakesh goes on a drive from Mumbai to Ahmednagar. He reaches Lonavala which is 100
km from Mumbai with an average speed of 50 kmph. After reaching Lonavala he realized
that the journey from Lonavala to Ahmednagar would have taken 1 hour less, if he would

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have driven at an average speed that is 20% more than his current average speed. What
is the distance between Mumbai and Ahmednagar and what is the average speed
throughout the journey, if he covers the remaining distance with the increased speed?

A.400km, 57.14kmph B.400km, 53.75kmph C. 300km, 53.75kmph


97. Ram and Shyam are 200 m apart. They start walking towards each other with speeds of 6
m/sec and 4 m/sec respectively, they cross each other and then after reaching each
other's initial positions they turn and start walking back, maintaining their speeds
throughout. Find the distance of their 2nd meeting point from Ram’s initial position (in

98. A thief steals a car at 5:00 pm and drives it away at 60 kmph. The theft is discovered at
5:30 pm. The owner sets off in pursuit immediately in another car at 65 kmph. He will
catch up with thief in how many hours?

99. Two cars leave a place at the same time. One moves at 15 kmph in the North-west
direction at 42o with respect to North and the other travels at 20 kmph in the South-west
direction at 48o with respect to the South. Find the distance between the cars at the end
of 4 hours.

A.25km B.40km C.100km D.120km

100. Meera and Meena got a punishment of running along the 400m long border of
their school ground, till they meet for the 1st time. They start running in the same
direction from the same place with speeds of 2 m/sec and 1 m/sec respectively. How long
will it take for them to meet?
A.6min40sec B.3min20sec C.2min30sec D. None of these

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1. A.4
Let there be 120 units of work to be done, Aaron, Betsy and Caleb can complete 5, 4 and
3 units of work in a day respectively. Caleb left midway i.e. 60 units of work was
completed by 3 of them together. Therefore, work done in one day = (5+4+3)=12units.
Had Caleb worked for whole 12 days then the total work done would have been 144units.
Which 24units more than required and Caleb takes 8 days(24/3) to do 24units of work.
Thus, Caleb left after 4(12-8) days.

2. D.400%
P[(1+R/100)2-1]=PRx6/100 =>R2+200R=600R =>R2=400R =>R=400

3. B.49:51

4. [25]
Let the number of students in Gandhi of section A be 4a and Nehru of section A be a
similarly for section B Gandhi is 9b and Nehru is b.

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5. B.53.33
Profit when tap water is added = 0.75C, Profit when mineral water is added = 0.75C-4.5.
Therefore, 0.75C-4.5=0.85 (0.75C)which gives C=53.33
6. C.25%
7:2:5:1:3, let the total votes earned by these 5 politicians be 18x which 90% of the total
votes. Therefore, total votes =20x and Percentage of votes won by C politicians
7. D. 4
As the average of n natural numbers is (n+1)/2, (4m+1)=X which average gives M=(2X-
1)/4. Now for 6m natural numbers we get average= (6 (2X-1)/4+1)/2= 4

8. B.7:4

9. A.40% Let
the volumes be (a-d), a and (a+d). Now, take the amount of B in the new solution be x.
Therefore, the new AP is (a-d), (a+x) and (a+d+120-x), such that (a-d) + (a+d+120-x) =
2(a+x) =>2a+120-x=2a+2x =>x=40.

10. A.150%
Let Jane’s income be 100, which means her savings is 58 and expenses is 42.Now, Jane’s
expenses are 28% of the income of Ben, that means Ben’s income is 42/0.28=150.

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11. [7717]
65-( 2!-1)=7717 ; 5! As there are digits and divided by 2! Because 0 is repeated twice and
65 is the total ways.

12. B.20kg
Let the cost price be 100/kg so the marked price becomes 140/kg. Take the break even
quantity as X, which gives 140X=100(X+8) =>X=20.

13. [68km] The

speed of the boat along the stream=(21+4 )kmph. Thus the time taken to cover 100km is
4hrs. Now the speed of the boat against the stream is (21-4)kmph, so it covers 68km in

14. C..51.97%less Initially

invested amount=Rs 10000 Total
amount after 4 years=(1.3)4x10000=28561
Original price of car=Rs 28561
Depreciated value after 3 years=(0.9)3 x28561=20820
Selling price of the car=Rs. 10000
% difference=(20820-10000)/20820=0.5197

15. B.11th hour

A and B together produce 315 components in 1hr. A makes 1 component in 0.75 minutes
I.e.80 components in an hour. Therefore, B makes 235 components in an hour. Now as A
and B work alternately they make 315 components in 2hrs. Thus, 1575 components are
made by the 10th hour and 1600 components are completed in 11th hour when only A is

16. A.27.47km
Total distance of the track =66km
Distance travelled by ram in 1st hour=15km, increased speed =16.5km/h
Distance travelled by raj in 1st half hour=12.5km, reduced speed =22.5km/h
Distance travelled by Raj in 2nd half hour=11.25km,reduced speed=20.25km/h
Distance travelled in 1st hour =38.75km
Distance travelled by Ram in next half hour=8.25km
Distance travelled by Raj in next half hour =10.125km, reduced speed=18.225km/h
Distance travelled till now=57.125, remaining distance before 1 st meet=8.875 km
Now, the relative speed for next half hour=34.725km/h

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Time required to cover the remaining distance =8.875/34.725=0.256hrs
Distance covered by ram in 0.256 hrs=4.224km
Thus, total distance covered by Ram=27.47km

17. [64L]
Dairy farm owner sells 40L of 80% milk solution to the wholesaler. The wholesaler
replaces 10L of this solution with mineral water, thus changing the milk concentration to
60% and sells to the shopkeeper. Taking the weighted average of the 50L solution at the
shopkeeper we get its milk concentration is 80%. On mixing 60% milk solution of 40L with
80%milk solution of 50L, we get 64L of pure milk in the total solution.

18. B.4000
4692 is the 85% of cost price for Jane. Therefore, cost price for Jane is 5520. Now, 5520 is
138% of the cost price for John. Thus, cost price for john is 4000.

19. A.28.2
21+29+34+38+41+44 11+ 12+ 17+ 23+27+33
A= , B=
6 6
Therefore, index price= =28.2

20. [31] Let Minelli be A and Hightower be B

21. B.0.5Q

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22. A.15.9%
Let cost price =C, taking the weighted average of all the discounts
=> =0.159C i.e. 15.9% of C

23. B. 5 : 12 : 13
Let the number of cyan and yellow balls with Patrick be 2x and 3x respectively.
Let the number of yellow and magenta balls with Kimball be 7y and 5y respectively.
Let the number of magenta and cyan balls with Wayne be 10z and 3z respectively.
Therefore, 2x + 3z = 10, 3x + 7y = 20 and 5y + 10z = 30.
The only possible integer solutions to this set of linear equations is x = 2, y = 2 and z = 2.
Therefore, the total number of balls picked up by Patrick, Kimball and Wayne are 10, 24
and 26 respectively.
Therefore, required ratio = 5 : 12 : 13

24. C..30 4hours
let the capacity of the tank be 14units. Therefore the tap fills 1 unit in 1 hr but due to the
leak it had to fill a total of 22units. So, 8units of water was leaked out in 22hrs i.e. 4/11
units of water leaks out in 1hr. In 11 hrs, 7 units of water will be filled in the tank
considering the speed of the tap and the leak. The leak removes water at the rate of 4/11
units per year, therefore 77/4 hrs would be required to empty the tank.

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25. B.169:147

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26. A.2.5
Since Grace and Teresa are running in opposite directions and their speeds are co-prime,
they will meet in 5 + 7 = 12 distinct points. These 12 points will be equidistant from each
other. Thus, the 6th point will be the one diametrically opposite the starting
point. Therefore, after completing 2.5 rounds (in the third round), A will meet B at the
point diametrically opposite the starting point.

27. D.12
Let the number of months that Robert and Mark worked be ‘x’ and ‘x – 2’.
4 ×x :6 × (x – 2) : 5 × 16 = 3 : 3 : 10
4x : (6x – 12) : 80 = 24 : 24 : 80
x = 4
Therefore, Chris ran the business for 16 – 4 = 12 months by himself.

28. [15L]
Let the volume of each cup be ‘m’ litres.
Final volume of pure acid in beaker 1 = 0.2 × (120 – m) + 0.15 × m = 24 – 0.05m
Final volume of pure acid in beaker 2 = 0.15 × (150 – m) + 0.2 × m = 22.5 + 0.05m
24 – 0.05m = 22.5 + 0.05m
m = 15 litres.

29. A is x% more than b and C is x% less than B. if A is 3x% more than C, then find x (x ≠0).
A.25 B.66.67 C.35 D..33.33

30. [90]
Consider a case where all the numbers are equal to 15.
Average of any three chosen = 15
Average of averages of all the sets = 15
Hence, sum of original six numbers = 15 × 6 = 90.

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31. A.20
Let there be 40units of work to be completed. Therefore, one woman can complete one
unit of work in one day, one man can complete 4units of work in 1 day and a child can
complete 2/5units of work in one day. So, one child and one woman can complete 7/5
units of work in a day and 70% of the work is 28 units which can be completed in 20 days
by one child and one woman.

32. C.5yrs

33. B.12.5<P<75

34. A.59
G+9=A-9 =>A=G+18
O/G=(A-9)/(O-9) =>O/G=(G+9)/(O-9) => O2-9O=G2+9G => O2-G2=9(O+G) => O-G=9 or
O=9+G If G=1 then, A=19 and O=10 hence, conditions are not satisfied.
If G=4, then A=22 and O=13 hence, conditions are not satisfied.
If G=9, then A=27 and O=18 hence, conditions are not satisfied.
If O=16, then G=7 and A=25 hence, conditions are not satisfied.

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If O=25, then G=16 and A=34 for these values the conditions are satisfied. Thus, the sum
is 59.

35. [157.5]

36. B.28
16 packs=4x16+3=67pens. Pens paid for =16x3=48pens. Discount =100(67-48)/67 =28%

37. D.1.33
Let Cost price of milk be 100, therefore selling price is 135. Given that
1.65(100 x 6)=135(6 + L)=>L=1.33

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38. D.10320

39. C.80:13

40. B.20
Let the marbles received by A, B and C be 3x, 5x and 7x respectively.
Value of x can be 1, 2 or 3.
Therefore, marbles received by D = 40 – 15x
Difference between the marbles received by B and D = |40 – 15x – 5x| = 20|2 – x| = 0 or

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41. A.7:1

42. D.1:2
3x 6x+6y+6z 3 3x+6y 6x 3
= 4x+4y+4z = => x=2y => = 2z = 2 => x:z=1:2
4y 2 2z

43. C.40%
Concentration of A=35-x and concentration of B=35+x. Now, 3(35-x) + 5(35+x) = 8(38)
=>x=12, therefore A=23% and B=47%. So, [3(23)+7(47)]/10=39.8≈40%

44. B.59
Let the initial number of red marbles and blue marbles be x and 2x respectively.
Total number of marbles = x + 2x + 20 = 3x + 20
If 2 red and 5 green marbles are replaced by blue marbles, the bag will have (x– 2) red
marbles, (2x + 7) blue marbles and 15 green marbles.

By the given conditions

45. [8]
=A-1.6 => A+ 0.2P - 3.2 =A – 1.6 => P=8
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46. A.50%
Let us assume Luffy needs 60 oranges for 20 days, then Sanji needs 24 oranges for 12 days
i.e. Luffy needs 3 oranges for 1 day and Sanji needs 2 oranges for 1 day. Therefore, Luffy
needs one orange more than Sanji on 1 day so irrespective of the number of days Luffy
needs 50% more oranges than Sanji for any given number of days.

47. B.2
First use Componendo and Dividendo and obtain the ratio of p:q, then by adding the
numerator to numerator and denominator to denominator of the given ratio we can get
the value

48. D.13.64%
Let cost of 1kg of wheat be x, then Cost price for the shopkeeper = 0.8(1+0.1)X = 0.88X.
Now, selling price for the shopkeeper = X. Therefore, profit=0.12X = 0.12/0.88 = 13.64%

49. A.69%
Let initial price be X, then final price=[(1.1)x(0.8)x(1.3)x(0.6)]X ≈ 0.69X i.e. 69% of X
50. [6.33 m/s]
Time taken by Shanks=1000/4 =250sec, time taken by Edward =250 – 57 = 193sec and
time taken by Roger = 193 – 35 = 158sec. Therefore, speed of Roger =1000/158= 6.33 m/s

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51. C.9:12:17
Suppose x = quantity of water evaporated from the sample sent to lab Q.
Therefore the quantity of water got added to the sample sent to lab P = 4x.
Volume of the sample tested by lab P: 375 + 4x
Volume of the sample tested by lab Q: 375 – x
Report given by lab P is 3 : 4 :7 and the report given by lab Q is 9 : 12 : 16
Suppose volumes of liquid A, liquid B and water in the sample reached to lab P are 9a, 12a
and 21a respectively. Sample sent to lab Q has same volume of liquid A and liquid
B. Therefore volume of liquid A and liquid B in the sample sent to lab Q is also 9a and
12a respectively. The liquid A, liquid B and water in the sample sent to lab Q are in the
ratio 9 : 12 : 16. Therefore volume of water in the sample reached to lab Q = 16a

Lab Liquid A Liquid B Water Volume

P 9a 12a 21a 375+4x
Q 9a 12a 16a 375-x
From the table, we can see that 5a = 5x or a = x.
In order to calculate the ratio of the three in original sample, we need to add water with
volume ‘a’ to the sample sent to lab Q.
Therefore, the volume of liquid A, liquid B and water will become 9a, 12a and 17a or the
required ratio will be 9 : 12 : 17

52. [10]
The total number of test-tubes with Lisbon remained the same after the exchange.
Also, net increase in the sum of lengths of test-tubes with Lisbon = (8– 5)a= 3a
Increase in average length of test-tubes with Lisbon = 1.5 × 20 = 30
therefore, 3a = 30 => a = 10

53. B.3:8
Let his age be X, X – A =0.6(X+A) => X = 4A
X+B= 5(X – B) => 4X= 6B. Hence, A:B = 3:8
54. A..15hrs 30min
Work was completed in 5 slots of 4 hrs

Slot no No. of men Work done by a

group in 4hrs
1 16x 64x
2 8x 32x

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3 4x 16x
4 2x 8x
5 X 4x
Total work done =124x. Thus, a group of 16x men finish work in 124x/16x =15.5hrs
55. C.30
As Abish and Kenny move towards each other, relative speed=12+9=21m/s
Kenny and Kannan move in one direction. So, relative speed=s-9
Note that in order to maintain the distance as per the condition, Kanna’s speed has to be
more than Kenny’s. Also, relative speed between Abish and Kenny must b e equal to the
relative speed between kannan and Kenny. Therefore, 21=s- 9 =>s=30

56. D. The successive discounts of 5%, 20% and 30% in any order.

57. B.12

58. A.50L
Let the original quantity be x, therefore cost price is 42x and selling price is (x+10.67+x)45.
The profit earned is 30% =>1.3(42x))=45 (10.67 +x)………………..Thus, we get x=50.

59. B.50 loss

let cost price for Shin be X, so his selling price is X+50. Now, cost price for Kai is X+50 and

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selling 2price is X+100. Thus, Shin incurs a loss of 100 and earns a profit of 50, hence total
loss of Rs.50.

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60. A.64%, 5times
1 time->80%
2 time->32L+18L=>64%
3 time->25.6L+24.4L=>51.2%
4 time->20.48L+29.52L=>40.96%
5 time->16.38L+35.62L=>32.7%

61. C. – 4 : 3

62. B.75%
Let the number of pages written by Erza be 100 and the no of pages written on next
morning be x. After deletion of 1/5 of the book we are left with 4(100+x)/5 which is equal
to 1.4(100) i.e. 400 + 4x=5(140) => x=75 which means Erza writes 75% new content in
the morning.

63. A.40
(10x + 30x +60x)/60 = 663  x=40

64. B.50%
5.75 hours is 5 hrs + 0.75hrs i.e. 5hrs and 45min, therefore the difference is 30min which
is 50% of 1 hour.

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65. D.77litres

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66. C.250ml
let the capacity of the jar be X. (0.8 x (0.9 x X)) was emptied i.e. the contents remaining in
the jar = 0.9X-0.72X = 0.18X. Now, 0.18X + 205 = X => X=250

67. B.35.75
Suppose original employees strength was x.So total age of all employees at the beginning
= 40x. Total age of all employees after 4 years= 44x – 5 × 60 – 2 × 42 – 2 × 43 = 44x – 470.
Total age of all employees after another two years = 44x – 470 + 2x(x – 9). After 2 years,
when 10 employees join, total age of all employees= 44x – 470 + 2 × (x – 9) + 240 = 38(x
+ 1). On solving we get x = 35.75.

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68. A.20%

69. A.872

70. D.3.8A
N.4A − 0.25N.A +N.A
= 4.75N.A/1.25N= 3.8A

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71. D.0.4

72. B.66.75 `
=69.33  x=2y,
=66.2  1.8x=1.2z  z=3y.
65z+72y 195y+72y
= = 66.75
z+y 4y

73. A.2pm
Let the distance between any two stations be x kms. lewt the speed of the Trivandrum
passenger be y kmph. then the speed of the Trivandrum express will be 2y kmph. The
total distance travelled by the trivandrum Express will 2x kms while for trivandrum
passenger it will 3x kms. As trivandrum express takes 2 hrs to reach trivandrum, we have
2x/2y=2 which gives x/y = 2. Thus, 3x/y=6. Thus, trivandrum Passenger will reach TC at
8+6=14 =2pm

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74. [2:1]
Let the initial number of the students be 100, therefore increased number of students is
120. Let the fee amount be x, so total fee collected the previous year is 100x. considering
the number of SC students to be y, we get (120 – y)1.25x = 100x. Solving this we get y=40.
Thus the ratio is 2:1.

75. [7813]
3(a+s)+4(s+l)+3(a+l)=1 => 6a+7s+7l=1
s+l=1/14 => 6a+1/2=1 => a=1/12  a+s+l = (1/12) + (1/14) = 13/84.
Therefore, days required to build the ship when 3 of them work together without

76. A.37.5
Let cost price be C and selling price be S. Therefore, 60S=60C+45C =105C => S=7C/4. Now,
cost for 77 books with 21 free books is 98C=56s, selling price is 77S. Thus, Profit =(77 –
56)S =21S and profit%=(21S/56S)x100=37.5%.

77. B.11.52min
Suppose x = speed of the train and y = speed of Robin
The relative speed of the train going from Saobody to Arlong park w.r.t Robin= x – y
The relative speed of the train going from Arlong park to Saobody w.r.t Robin= x + y
If Robin is stationary at a point, relative speed of the train w.r.t her = x
Suppose‘t’ is the time interval between two consecutive trains.
We can see that speeds (x – y), x and (x + y) are in AP.
Therefore times 16, t and 9 should be in HP

78. A.6
Total time taken by Mohan to reach the temple=1hr
The dog continuously runs for one hour. Therefore the total distance run by the dog = 8 x 1=
8 km.
The temple is at a distance of 4 km from the home. Therefore the dog finds himself at a point
4 km
away after having run 8 km. This is possible only if the dog runs additional 2 km in the
towards the temple and 2 km in the backward direction i.e. Therefore the total distance run
by the dog in the direction towards the temple = 4 + 2 = 6 km.
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79. C..3:5:4
Let the speed of Luke, Alex and Manny be x/18, x/15 and x/8. Now, as the distance
covered by Luke, Alex and Manny by 6 steps, 3 steps and 2 steps respectively, are
same. Thus, the ratio of speeds are 6/(x/18) : 3/(x/15) : 2/(x/8) = 3:5:4.

80. B.August

81. A.17:15
Therefore, the volume of solution B be(12 – V) litres.
Let the concentration of solutions A and B be 5x and 3x respectively.
Therefore, (5x)(V – 3) = (3x)(12 – V)
5V – 15 = 36 – 3V
Therefore, V = 6.375 litres
Required Ratio = V : (12 – V) = 17 : 15

82. [13]

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83. D.625%

84. [75 min]
Let the volume of the bath be 30units. Cold pipe fills 2units in 1 minute and the hot
pipe fills 3 units in a minute, when both of the pipes are on then they fill 5units per
minute. Therefore, it will 6 minutes to completely fill the bath. Both pipes were kept
turned on for extra 5 minutes i.e. the waste pipe empties 25units in 6min. Thus, it will
empty 30units in 36/5 min = 75 min

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85. A.7063
Let the investment by Romeo and Romero be A.

solving this equation we get A≈7063.

86. A.. 9
let time taken by Jack be x, so time taken by jay and jane will be 2x and jean will 6x.
1 1 1 1 1 13
+ + + = 1 => 1 1 = 9
x 2x 2x 6x +
x 2x

87. [90 kmph]

120 – 100 = 20, 20 = x (√√16) =2x => x=10. Now, no of coaches is 81, therefore reduction
in speed= 10(√√81) = 30 120 – 30 = 90.

88. B.12hrs,15hrs
2s+5k=0.5 and 5s+8k=0.95 solving these equation we get s=1/12 and k=1/15i.e.
Samuel takes 12 hrs and Konan takes 15 hrs to complete the work individually.

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89. C.345

90. [24]

91. A.3:6:2

92. [50 m/s]

As both of them barely escape we can safely assume that the train was coming from the
direction of the nearer end of the tunnel. Now, Salvatore escapes the tunnel in 20s and
Joseph escapes the tunnel in 30s. Therefore, the train is at the entrance of the tunnel in
20s and it covers 500m in the remaining 10s, which means the speed of the train is 50

93. D.20:9
Let initial ratio be 6z : 7z : 9z after addition of x and y the ratio becomes
6z+y : 7z : 9z+x = 8 : 6: 9. Now, 6z+y: 7z=8 : 6 => 10z/3=y and 7z : 9z+x = 6: 9 => x=3z/2.

94. A.210km
let bird be on 30km/hr train. Relative speed of train and bird is 140km/hr.210km is
covered in 1.5hrs, in this the distance between the trains has reduced to 105km. Now,
the relative speed of bird w.r.t 2nd train is 130km/hr and the bird covers the difference
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between the trains in 0.807hrs at the same time the difference between the trains
reduces to 48.5km. Now gain the relative speed of bird and 1 st train is 140km/hr and it
covers the difference between the trains in 0.35 hrs in which time the distance between
the reduces to 24km, and continuing this we get the forward distance travelled by the
bird as 210km.

95. B.66cm/s
Let the no of revolutions be x. We get the relative speed as 198cm/s and the distance
covered by the wheels in one revolution as 22cm and 44cm respectively. Therefore, the
speed of the wheels are 22x and 44x which is 22x+44x=198 => x=3. Thus, speed of the
smaller wheel =22x= 66cm/s.

96. A.400km, 57.14kmph

97. [40]
Let the starting point of Ram be A and Shyam be B. The relative speed is 10m/s, so they
meet for the 1st time in 20s.Ram covers a distance of 120m and Shyam covers 80m. Ram
reaches B in 13.33s and Shyam reaches A in 30s. By 30s Ram has reached B has started
walking towards B and covers 100m by the time Shyam started to turn back. Now, the
distance between them is 100m and the relative speed is 10m/s. But this time Shyam is
walking from B, their 2nd meeting is 40m away from Ram’s initial position.

98. [6]
Distance covered by the thief in half an hour before the pursuit starts is 30km. Now, the

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relative speed of the thief and the owner is 5kmph. Thus, time required to cover 30km by
the owner is 6hrs.

99. C.100km

100. A.6min 40sec

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