NS ADV01 - Number Systems Advanced - Solutions

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EXERCISE 1 [D] 4 [BI ae) 1. [cl] EXERCISE 2: Lo4 4 [BY iP HEES| 10. 0 1B. Al EXERCISE 3: LB) 2 [B} 3. TAl 4 (C) 5. [BI 6 [BI 7 [B] Roots Education NSADV - Solutions 2 m1 3 cs [c] 6. ol a 2 [A] 3. 3 Sie TAl eae 820) 8 fal 9. (Dy) ise [Aledo 0H) 14, [BP 15, 13 Unit’s digit of 234 x 672 « 15" x 437 = CMe Mee MT) = Cobo A) which ends with 4. This is possible only when * is 4 Since 2 has a cyclicity of 4 ie. 2!=2,2° 4,2) ~ 8, 2 = 16, 2° = 32, = 64... the last digits (2, 4, 8, 6) reappear in a cyele of 4 (On dividing 51 by 4, the remainder is 3. 2. The last digit has to be 2° = 8 GB46T)p= 3 8 44x 6K BETA 1847. Now convert 1847 to base 9. We get 2472p. When 3” is divided by 9, the quotient is 3° and remainder is 0, When 3° is divided by 9, the quotient is 3° and remainder is 0 and so on. This will 20 on 48 times and in the end we will be left with 3, So, the result is (30000... where O'S appear 48 times. So, there are in all 48+ 1 = 49 digits. (3333)io_when converted to base 11 yields (2560). So, (6822)i0=(5142)}). 5b +2=2(2b + 5)orb=10-2=8 Given code= 64+8+2+1=75 8. (Cl (B} {B] (0) 18 = 16 + 2. Therefore, code is s@ase, ‘The remainder is same as the unit's digit of 47°. So, 47° = (...77 = (3) 173 means 371 and 425 means $24. So, 173 x 425 = 371 > 524 = 194404, which im the number system of that country ‘would mean 404491. Ifa number has even number of digits in base N, the number is divisible by base N+ 1 ifthe digits equidistant from each end are the same. Therefore, the number will be divisible by 16+ 1 = 17. For a natural number nm, 9? + 1 will always end in either 0, or 2 or 6. Therefore, when written in base 5, the first remainders will be 0, | or 2 Therefore, the units digit of n> n ‘written in hase $ will be 0,1 or 2 Le’s see the last two digits of summation in the groups of 4 3443+ 3 = 03409427481 353% 37 + 3" = 4342918746) 3? 31031 43! = g3sgoe4Tsal Similarly, for 7, T+ P+ P+ T= 07449443401 = 00 Pe PT +7 = 07249-43401 = 00 G+ 4 P43 HET 4 T+ 1 +3 = (20) + (20) +. +20= 00 CHPAP EI AE ERAT 4 D+ + 7%) +720) = 00+ 00+ 00+ + 00 + 07 = 07. Therefore, difference = 00 =07=93. Base 6 representation ends with 10 zeroes, or the number is a multiple of 6° If nt has to be a multiple of 6", it has to be a multiple of 3". The smallest factorial that is 2 multiple of 3" is 241, So, when m = 24, 25 of 26, n! will be a multiple of 6" (but not 6"), Similarly, for the second part, we need to find n! such that itis a multiple of 2, but not 2 When 2! is a multiple of 2". So, when n = 24, 25, 26, 27, n! will be a multiple of 2! but not 2. The smallest 1m that satisfies the above conditions is NSADV Sol 15. 16. {Cc 18. i (C) 20. TA] Roots Education 24, n = 24, 25 oF 26 will satisfy the above conditions. We have to find the units digit of & 4% Since 28 and 24 are both multiples of, the units digits of both 8" and 4* will be 6. Hence the units digit of the ifference will be 0 Units digit of 434 is 7 and units digit of 22 is 4, Hence the units digit of the expression will be 7-4 = 3, Again, we find the remainder when the power is divided by 4. Therefore, we 7 find the remainder when 7!! is divided by 4. Now 11 = 12 - 1 > Remainder ay = Remainder{(1)™ Therefore, units digit of digit of 7 Unit digit of 1.22, 7.4, S467. 8, 9 are 1, 8, 7, 4, §, 6,3, 2, and 9, respectively. The ‘sum of these units digits gives a unit digit of 5. Now these units digit will repeat 10 times each. Therefore, units digit of the sum 10-0. Let’s see the cycle of the last two digits for powers of 4 # = 16,49 = 64, 4" = 56, 4° = 24, 48 96, 4" = 84, 4 = 36, 4? = 44, 4! ~ 76, 4208, Therefore, 4! and 4!" have the same last wo digits, Le. the last two digits of 4 repeat afer every increase of 10 in the exponent. Therefore, 4” will have the same last two digits Therefore, 4°%" will have the same last two digits as 47 = 84 We see that 24! has 24/5 = 4 zeroes 251 ends with [25/5] + [255] = 6 zeroes. There is no natural number m such that m! has exactly 5 zeroes. Similarly, we see that 49! ends with(49/5) + [49/25] = 10 zeroes, whereas 50! ends with (50/5) + [50/25] ~ 12 zeroes. No factorial ends with 11 zeroes. So, any time we have a multiple of 25, ‘we ‘skip’ a zero, This is because a EXERCISE 4 1 2 [Al 3. [Bl] ruiple of 25 adds two zeroes to the factorial Extrapolating this, we can see that 125 right actually ‘skip! (wo zeroes. 1241 ends with [124/5] + (124/25] = 24 +4 = 28 zeros, whereas 125! has [125/5] + [125/25] + [125/125] = 25 +541 31 zeros, There iS no factorial with 29 or 30 zeros. In order to jump three zer0s, think about ‘what we need to look at. Every mute of 25 gives us one ‘skipped? zero. Every multiple of 125 gives us two ‘skipped’ retoes In order to have three skipped zeroes, we need to look at 624! and 625! 24! has (624/5] + [624/25] + [624/125] = 124 +24 4 4 = 152 zeros £6251 has (625/5] + [625/25] ~ (625/125] + [625/625] = 125 + 25+5+1= 156 zer0s There is no factorial with 153, 154 or 155 zeros. Or the least value of n such that no factorial ends with n, (n + 1) or (n+ 2) zeroes is 153 SB+2B+ A= 1x1 H6x 11+ 196. Now, B has to be more than 5, because 5'is one of the digits in the number in base B. Let B= 6. Then, we get 5(6)' + 266) + A= 196 oF A 4, Which differs from B by 2. So, A+B 446-10. Let the actual wages of Kirk be (ab), AAs per the data given, (ba), = 3(ab), => bn + a= Han +b) = (a 3)= an aGn-D 1D orb 3) (because denominator is m3). fn = 4, then 5 = 11a, which is not possible, If» = 5, then b= 7a, which means a= 1 and ‘b= 7, but then in base 5, digit 7 is not allowed Hin = 6, then b= 172, whic is also not possible. Lf = 7, then = Sa and hence a = 1, b = 5. So, correct wages = (15))= (Iho Let the question marks be replaced by variables, a, band c. NSADV Sot 4, Ss. (Dl 6 [Al Roots Education me Q3 65a + (le 642) 42423 Here, a will be 1. Now, 5 +4 is 9, but the answer written is 2 which is the remainder when 9 is divided by the base. The only possibility is when base is 7. Continuing the calculation, we get the cary-over as 1. Now, 1+ 6 + 6 when divided by 7 leaves remainder 4, which is possible when 5 = 4. The carry-over is I. Now, 1+ 3+ © when divided by 7 leaves remainder 2. The carry-over being 1 when added to 2 and 1 gives 4, which is the left most digit in the answer. So, ¢ = 5. So, a= 1. and ¢= 5. Therefore, a + bte=1+4+ 3=10. Let the base on planet Z be x. Then, (45), « (32), # (2133),. Now, 5x 2= 10 which when divided by x leaves remainder 3. So, x = 7. Now convert 460 t0 base 7. ‘Therefore, (460)19 = (1225), The unit digit is found by finding the remainder of the exponent with 4. 4! ‘And onwards the remainder with 4 will be 0. Therefore, we need to find the remainder of 1! + 2! +3! With 4 remainder = |, Therefore the unit digit of the expression = Unit digit of 63" + Given expression = (3 « 5) x (37) « (7 9) x Bx 17) x (97) x (17) = $x Bx 31) x (21 x 9) x 289 x 9T= 5% (a1) % (0089) X (89) 97 = 5% (dD) (21) x 97. = 5 x (31) x 97 = (2.55) 97 =(...38) 2, (8) (D1 {B] (1D) Rewriting, we get: (17 + 99") + (2) + 98) +... (49" + $1’) + ($0') = Each pair ean be factorized where one of the factors is 100 itself So, the last two digits of each pair of terms is always 100. Since $0” also ends will ‘00°, the given number ends with 00”. (600343) (60.321) = (748) Unit's digit upon the said conversion is same as the remainder when 8°” is divided by 9, which is = (-1)"" =-1=8 Unit's digit of 287 « 43a» 4568 « 5632 = (0TH BM 2) (2-20) (..8) and hence a = 4 or 9. Similaly, Unit's digi of 419 « 32b x 6788 « 9832 = (09M BW 4-2) = (6.2K. BY (..6) and hence 8 ~ 3 ot 8. Now check ail the possibilities: When a= 4, Unit digits will be (04) 6) When a = 9, Unit digits will be a= 9 =(..9) = (1) When b= 3, Unit digits will be Base (1) P= (3) When b= 8, Unit digits willbe =8'=(..6) 87 =(...8) Since power is a multiple of 20, the last two digits willbe O1 incase of odd base ‘except in case of 25™ in which case the last to digits wil be 25, The last digits will be 76 in case of even base. So, given expression = 4% (..01) #4 > (76) + (-25)=6.33). ‘There ate two possible sets of (p, 4), ie (100, 3) and (25, 12), which satisfies the given conditions, Since ¢ ends with 1, the only possibilty is (100, 3). The remainder when (p — 4)" = (100 — 3)° is divided by 100+ 3 = 103, the remainder is (-6) = 36, Sx? + 2y? = 5922, the R.H.S. is even and therefore, LHS. should also be even NSADV So! 16, 20, 21 Roots Education [A] (cl Ic] Ia (5) () {B) (} maguru 2y" is even therefore, 5x” should also be even, therefore x will be even = Sx will end in 0. As the unit digit of RS. is 2, the unit digit of 2y" should also be 2.5 unit digit of * should be 1 => unit digit of y ean be 9 Since we look for 210 to determine the last two digits in case of 2, we first need to find the last two digits of the power, ise, 2, Now, 27 = (2!) x 9° = 76 = 08 = 08. Therefore 2° = NO8 where N is some large number. 22 _ p08 _ Nw N08 = Last two digits = 76 « 56= 56 The last two digits of 1110 are 01 ‘Therefore the last two digits of 1110 ~9 are 92. 36! Ends in 8 zeroes and 24 Ends in 4 zeroes = last two digits of 36! ~ 24! = 100 ~ last two digits of 24! 248 ~ 222% 310 « 54x 73 +112 «13 17 «19% last two digits of 3 64 Remainder of 15, 16, 17 with 4=1 Unit digit = 7 We only need to add tll 4! To get the unit digit. = unit digit = 3 After 4! And beyond, the powers will be multiples of 4. having aside 1°42" + 3% esse + 19", the pattern 11 412°" Sct 19°” Will repeat 4 times unit digit = 156+ 146¢5+6411641= 1 ‘Therefore unit digit=2+1 = 3 (222)y = 6162 = 26? + 26+2 b= 55 6162 > Adding the unit digit of the numbers on LIS. we get 3+ 4 +3 = 10. But the unit digit is 3. Therefore, base x is 3 less than 10 (the sum of unis digit or x 7 When we write 2006! In base 22, we successively divide 2006! by 22 and keep writing down the remainders. The first remainder will become the units digit, the second remainder will become 23, 24, 25. {c] {A} the tens digit, the third remainder will become the hundreds digit and so on. Therefore, the number of zeroes that 2006! written in base 22 will have will bbe equal to the number of times 22 divides 2006! completely. The number of times 22 divides 2006! completely is equal to the highest power of 22 in 2006! or equal to highest power of 11 in 20061 The highest power of 11 in 2006! = 2006) ,[ 2006 | {2006 nm f*Liar "1331 +1= 199) 182 +16 Q12).= (128, +2 > 28 +b +2= (64 2) #206 +2) +89 6-56-1409 beT=114 abe = 100a + 10b + c= 98a~2a~ 7b + 3b+e=Tk+2a+3be, (abe); = (cbay = 49a + Th +0 = Ble + 9b +a b= 2a ~ 4c = 8(3a ~ 5c). The solution to these equations are a , ¢ = (2, 1) and (5, 3). Therefore b = 8 or 0. But b= 8 is not possible in base 7. Therefore,a +b bem 5 +043 NSADV Sol

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