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Name: Date: _/_ NSADV QUANTITATIVE ABILITY: NUMBER SYSTEM ADVANCED Number System (Unit's Digit, Ten’s Digit, Base System) Please tick your final level in this topic below and update it on the ADAPTIVE CARD provided to you. if you are a serious CAT aspirant, this is the most important aspect for your improvement. Very Good Good Must improve | “Needs lot of Pere (strength) | (Opportunity) | (Threat) effort (Weakness) ‘Score (+3 for right, -1 Jor wrong) 235 > 201035, >10t020 Upto 10 oo Quantitative Ability Number System Advanced (Unit’s Digit, Ten’s Digit, Base System) Exercise 1 Time: 15 minutes a 10. The unit's digit of 698542°°* is Al)2 B) 4 cl 6 a) ‘What will be the unit’s digit in the expression 78° x 56° x 97! Al 9 Bl 4 cl] 6 D) 3 Find the first non-zero digit of the number 30'”” from right side. Al 3 B) 1 qd 7 Dp) 9 Find the last digit of 1° + 2° + 35+.....+ 99%, a) a) cq 3 pps What is the digit in the unit's place for 3°” x 5% Al 9 B) 3 c) os DD 7 Find the last two digits of 7", Find the ten’s place digit of (23) x (25). The last two digits of 35 x 34 x 33 x 32 x 31 x 30 x 29 x 28 x 27 x 26 is Al 00 B) 40 c] 30 Dd) 10 Convert the number 1982 in base 10 to base 12, Al 1129 B) 1292 Cc] ise D] 1832 A four-digit number N; is written in base 13. A new four-digit number No is formed by rearranging the digits of Ny in any order. Then the difference N, —N> (in base 10) is divisible by Alo B) 10 aq 2 Dd) 3 Roots Education 2 NSADV rag see Quantitative Ability Number System Advanced (Unit’s Digit, Ten’s Digit, Base System) Exercise 2 Time: 30 minutes 1 Find the unit’s digit of 27" — 23°”, Find the last two digits of 698543°°"", Al 07 B) 27 qo D) 47 3. Find the unit digit of 7” 4 Letx=1!+ 2143144! + 0+ 1001, Find the unit's place digit of x and x’ A) 00 B) 3,3 Cc) 37 Dd) 13 5. Ina number system, the product of 44 and 11 is 1034. The number 3111 of this system, when converted to the decimal number system becomes Al 406 B] 1086 cj) 213 D) 6a 6 A positive whole number M less than 100 is represented in base 2 notation, base 3 notation, and base 5 notation. It is found that in all three cases the last digit is 1, while in exactly two out of the three cases the leading digit is 1. Then M equals Al 3I B) 63 qs Dp) 9 3243436 7. The unit's digit of 1967°*3"° js 8, The unit's digit of (63)""” Al3 cq o4 Dl 9. Find the 10th digit from the left in (4007). Al 2 B) 1 a3 Dp) 4 10. If (35!)i9 = (A)is4 Find the ten’s place digit of A. 11, Vis an even number when written in the decimal system. If 5 is the sum of the digits of N, when it is written in base 7, we can surely say that S would always be Al even B) odd C] composite DJ. Both fA] & [C] 12. The unit's digit of 3”' when subtracted from the unit’s digit of 8° yields Al) S BR} 3 aq 7 Dp 4 13. ‘The rightmost non-zero digit of the number 30°” is a) B) 3 aq 7 Dp) 9 Roots Education 3 NSADV 14, 15. Prof, Ajit wrote a number 419 in decimal system on the blackboard and asked Sheetal, Komal and Manju. to convert it into base system of their choice. Sheetal wrote the number as 643 while Manju wrote it as 12203. If Komal’s base system was the average of Shectal and Manju’s base system; and Sheetal's base system was twice Manju’s base system, what number did Komal write? A) 2423 B) 1535 Cc) 1623 D]__ None of the above In what base is the equation 53 « 15 = 732 valid? Roots Education 4 NSADV mb eee Quantitative Ability Number System Advanced (Unit’s Digit, Ten’s Digit, Base System) Exercise 3 Time: 30 minutes 1, If the unit's digit of 234 x 672 x 15* x 437 is 4, find the digit in place of *. Al) 2 B) 4 cq 6 D8 2, ‘What is the digit in the unit’s place of 2°") Ay 2 B) 8 qu D4 3. Convert (3467), to base 9. A) 2472 B) 1847 cy) 2742 D) 6572 4. Find the number of digits when we convert (3) to base 9. A) 97 B) 48 cq 4 Dd) 96 5. What is (6822)i0 written as in base system in which (3333). is written as (2560)? A) 4322 B) 5142 C] 5678 D) 4478 6 16 (52), = 225), then b is B) 8 cq 9 Dp Directions for questions 7 and 8: Refer to the data below and answer the questions that follow. In a certain code, the symbol for 0 is @ and for | is $. There are no other symbols for all other numbers greater than one, The numbers greater than I are to be written only by using the two symbols given above. The value of the symbol for 1 doubles itself every time it shifts one place to the left. Study the following examples: 0 is written as @ 1 is written as $ 2 is written as S@ 3 is written as $$ 4is written as$@@ and soon 7, Which of the following numbers will be represented by S@@S@SS? Al 74 B) 75 Ch EET. DP 83 8 What of the following will represent the value of 18? Al S@@@@S° BB] S@@@S C]_—« S@@S@_—D)_None of these 9, Find the remainder when 47'** is divided by 10. alot B) 3 cl] 0 Db) 7 10, If in the number system of a particular country, 25 means 5 tens and 2 units, 467 means 7 hundreds, 6 tens ‘and 4 units, then find the value of 173 x 425. Al 194404 B) 404491 c) 622744 D] 825376 Il. A palindromic number reads the same forward and backward. A 10-digit palindromic number in base 16 will always be divisible by 12, If isa natural number, find the possible terminating digits of n’ +n in base 5. Roots Education 5 NSADV 19. 20. ~e Let $=(3 +9 +3 +... +3) (74 P+ P+... +7"), The last two digits of S are A] 00 B]) 07 cq 4B DI 93 A number n! is written in base 6 and base 8 notation. Its base 6 representation ends with 10 zeroes. Its base 8 representation ends with 7 zeroes. Find the smallest that satisfies these conditions. Also find the ‘number of values of 7 that will satisfy these conditions. Al 22and4 B] 32and2 C] 24 and3 D) Sand 4 Find the units digit of 28” — 24”. Find the units digit of 43" - 22”, 137 Find the units digit of 7!" Find the units digit of 1° +2°+3° +... + 98° + 99% The last two digits of 4” are A] 96 B) 36 Cc) 84 D) 24 Find the least number such that no factorial has 7 tr zeroes. Al 153 B] 126 Cl 624 D) 8 ing zeroes, or m+ | trailing zeroes or n + 2 trailing Quantitative Ability Number System Advanced (Unit’s Digit, Ten’s Digit, Base System) Exercise 4 Time: 45 minutes EE If (52A)g = (169), and A and B differ by 2, find (A +B). Al 6 B) 8 co Dd) 14 In the land of OZ the people use a number system to a base n,n < 10. Kirk, an inhabitant of the land, one day received thrice this actual wage when the accountant accidentally reversed the two digit of his wage Find the decimal equivalent of Kirk's correct wage. Al 22 B) os cq B D) 35 In a certain base system, the following addition operation is true. Find the sum of digits (in decimal system) in place of question marks. 2375 +7649 42423 Als B) 10 Cea pou Roots Education 6 NSADV 10. ul 12 13. 4 16. 17. oe (On some planet Z, a certain number system is followed. Once there was a concert in a hall in which there were 45 chairs in each row and there were 32 rows. In all, there were 2133 chairs. If from carth, where decimal number system is followed, 460 persons went to the planet Z to attend the concert, then according to planet Z, how many people arrived? TEN = (63) 8 8 gy 4 37) 23997" Than the unit digit of N is A) o2 B) 4 cg 6 DD 8 Find the last two digits of 15 x 37 x 63 x 51x 97 x17, Al 35 B) 45 Cc] 35 Dp) 8s Find the last two digits of 1” +27 +37+.... +99", The last three digits of 12345 « $4321 is Al 865 B] 745 cc] 84s D) 4s ‘What is the unit's digit of 8°! when converted to the base of 9? If unit’s digit of 237 x 43a x 4568 x $632 is 8 and unit's digit of 419 x 32b x 6784 x 9532 is 6, then the unit’s digit of a’ x b° canbe Alo4 B) 8 a 6 D] Any of these Find the ten’s place digit of 21'" + 22! + 23! +. + 29'™, Let p * q = 300 is such that p + q = prime number and when p is divided by q. it gives the remainder 1. Also q’ ends with 1, Find the remainder when (p — 9)" is divided by (p + q). Al 21 B] 36 C} Data insufficient D] None of these Given that x and y are integers and 5x" + 2y* = 5922, what can be the unit digit of y? Al3 B) 5 q 7 Dl 9 303 What are the last two digits of 27°”? Al 56 B) 36 cd 76 Dd) 16 Find the last two digits of 11'° - 9. Al 82 B) 72 Cc) 92 D) 02 What are the last two non-zero digits of 36! ~ 24!? Al 08 B] 36 Cl] 64 DI 88 oe What is the unit digit of 75° 9 Al I B) 3 Cc 7 Dd) 9 What is the unit digit of the expression 1! +2! + 31+... +99! + 100!2 Al 2 B) 3 cq 4 Db) 6 Roots Eatucation 7 NSADV 19. 20. 21. 22, = What is the unit digit of 17° +2" +38 +...+. 49° 4 50°" “Aye B) 3 qos DD 7 The number 6162 in base 10 is written as (222),. Then, the base b is equal to A) 60 B) 35 Cc) 45 Db) 42 Ifin some base x, (563), + (544), + (433), = (2203), then x is equal to The number 2006! is written in base 22, How many zeroes are there at the end? Al 300 B) 430 Cc) 200 Dd] 199 Direction for questions 23 and 24: Read the information given below and answer the question that follows, ‘Two natural numbers @ and b are given in base 10. The number a can be written as 212 in base b and 128 in base b+2, 23. 24, ‘The value of a +b in base 10 is A three-digit number abe is divisible by 7 if A] 3a +b +cisdivisible by 7 B] a+ 2b + cis divisible by 7 C] 2a +3b+ eis divisible by 7 D] — 2a+2b+cis divisible by 7 Direction for question 25: Read the information given below and answer the question that follows: For single digit numbers a, b and c, (abe = (cba)s 25, Roots Education 8 ‘The value of a+b +c = Al 8 B) oot cc] 16 D] Cannot be determined NSADY

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