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Quarter 1 | Week 3

Quantitative Research

SHS—Practical Research 2
Competency/ies: Design a research used in daily life (CS_RS12-Id-e-1);
Write a research title (CS_RS12-Id-e-2); and Describe background of research
Practical Research – SHS
Self-Learning Package
Quantitative Research
First Edition, 2020

Published in the Philippines

By the Department of Education
Schools Division of Iloilo
Luna Street, La Paz, Iloilo City
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Quarter 1| Lesson 1
This Self-Learning Package is published to be utilized by the Schools Division of

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this learning resource may be reproduced or

transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical without written
permission from the Schools Division of Iloilo.

Development Team of Self-Learning Package

Writers: Catherine May E. Malones

Illustrator: Armand Glenn S. Lapor

Layout Artists: Lilibeth E. Larupay, Armand Glenn S. Lapor, Zaldy M. Tondo

Emmanuel S. Sasi

Reviewer: Zaldy M. Tondo, Arleen Ladublan

Division Quality Assurance Team: Lilibeth E. Larupay, Zaldy M. Tondo

Armand Glenn S. Lapor

Management Team: Dr. Roel F. Bermejo, Dr. Nordy D. Siason

Dr. Lilibeth T. Estoque, Dr. Azucena T. Falales
Ruben S. Libutaque, Lilibeth E. Larupay
Zaldy M. Tondo

SHS—Practical Research 2
Competency/ies: Design a research used in daily life (CS_RS12-Id-e-1);
Write a research title (CS_RS12-Id-e-2); and Describe background of research
Introductory Message

The Self-Learning Package for Senior High School is developed to guide you
our dear learners to meet the standards set by the K to 12 Curriculum.

The Self-Learning Package aims to guide our learners in accomplishing

activities at their own pace and time. This also aims to assist learners in developing
and achieving the lifelong learning skills while considering their needs and situations.

For learning facilitator: Quarter 1| Lesson 1

The Self-Learning Package is developed to address the current needs of the
learner to continue learning in the comforts of their homes or learning centers. As the
learning facilitator, make sure that you give them clear instructions on how to study
and accomplish the given activities in the material. Learner’s progress must be

For the learner:

The Self-Learning Package is developed to help you, dear learner, in your needs
to continue learning even if you are not in school. This learning material aims to
primarily provide you with meaningful and engaging activities for independent
learning. Being an active learner, carefully read and understand to follow the
instructions given.

To answer the given exercises, questions and assessment, USE your Activity
Notebook or Answer Sheet. When you are DONE, wait for the teacher/volunteer to
collect your activity notebook/ answer sheet.

Good luck and God bless.

SHS—Practical Research 2
Competency/ies: Design a research used in daily life (CS_RS12-Id-e-1);
Write a research title (CS_RS12-Id-e-2); and Describe background of research

Most Essential Learning Competency:
Design a research used in daily life
Write a research title
Describe background of research
Ready to Launch!
You already learned in your previous module that research seeks solutions to
daily problems. It aims to find answer to questions. Doing your own research will
start at what problem or phenomena you want to solve or/and understand. This is
one of most challenging parts of research.
In this module, you will learn that research problems must be specific and the
background of the study should be anchored with key issues, major findings and
controversies surrounding your research problem. Identifying your research problem
could be challenging and should be guided by broad sources of inspiration. Gear up
and be ready to finalize your research problem!

Aim at the Target!

At the end of this module, you should be able to:
• Design a research used in daily life (CS_RS12-Id-e-1);
• Write a research title (CS_RS12-Id-e-2); and
• Describe background of research (CS_RS12-Id-e-3).

Try This!
Instruction: Read each item if it makes a good research topic. Put [ :) ] if it
makes a good research problem and put [ :( ] if it does not.
Please answer on your answer sheet or research notebook.
____________1. Compelling Topic
____________2. Controversial Topic
___________ 3. Too Broad Subjects
____________4. Availability of sufficient information
____________5. Timeliness and Relevance of the topic
____________6. Highly Technical Subjects
____________7. Vague Subjects
____________8. Interest in the subject matter
____________9. Personal Resources
____________10. Too narrow subjects

Keep This in Mind!

Today, you were told by you mom to prepare your own breakfast. Af-
ter getting out of the bed, you rushed in the kitchen and beat some eggs.
While doing that, you’ve realized how tiring it is to do such “beating of egg.”
You thought that this is actually a problem since it brings discomfort and
uneasiness. Read the discussions below to help you write a research title
and background of the study.
A research problem is a statement about the area of interest or concern,
a problem to be solved, a condition to be improved, or a troubling question in
scholarly literature, in theory or in practice that needed meaningful under-
standing and systematic investigation.
Identifying a problem can be challenging, to facilitate on the selection of
the problem to which the study to be anchored, consider these broad sources
of inspiration:
Deductions from Theory Interdisciplinary Perspectives
Interviewing Practitioners Personal Experience
Relevant Literature

The problem on “beating the egg,” is a personal experience. More often, at

your level research problem can be thought out of a personal encounter or expe-
rience. Try to write a research title about the problem about the “tiring beating
of egg.” Consider the tips listed below.
Checklist/useful tips for drafting a good title for a research paper
• Simple and direct
• Interesting and informative
• Specific, accurate, and functional
• Concise, precise, and should include the main theme of the paper
• Not misleading or misrepresentative
• Avoid whimsical or amusing words
• Avoid nonstandard abbreviations and unnecessary acronyms (or technical
• SPICED (Setting, Population, Intervention, Condition, End-point and Design)
• Place of study and sample size should be mentioned only if it adds to the
scientific value or the title
• Important terms/keywords should be placed in the beginning of the title
• Descriptive titles are preferred to declarative or interrogative titles
Learn more by analyzing some titles used by Tullu (2019) and remark/comment
on their appropriateness (Tullu 2019).
Title Comment/Remark

Study of Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia in The words “study of” can be deleted

a Pediatric Intensive Care Unit
Awareness of Health Care Workers Regarding Slightly long title (18 words); theme well-
Prophylaxis for Prevention of Transmission of captured
Blood-Borne Viral Infections in Occupational
Neurological Manifestations of HIV Infection Short title; abbreviation “HIV” may be allowed
as it is a commonly used abbreviation

Krabbe Disease - Clinical Profile Very short title (only four words) - may miss
out on the essential keywords required for in-
Try Some more!
Title Comment/Remark

Clients’ Satisfaction on the Wellness Massage Place of the study should be included
Provided by TESDA-trained Therapists in the
Province of Iloilo
Does owning a pet improve quality of life for Descriptive titles are preferred to declarative or
older people? interrogative titles

Daily Allowance and Its Relationship to Aca- The respondents of the study need to be includ-
demic Performance ed

Instruction: A. Check the following titles and make a comment or remark on their
appropriateness. Use your answer sheet for the comments and re-

Title Comment/Remark

ONHS SHS level of knowledge on

Satisfaction Level of SHS learners on
ONHS Canteen Services
Butterfly Pea (Clitoria ternatea) Flowers
Extract as DSSC
B. Based on the checklist and the discussion above, suggest a research
title about the “tiring beating of egg.” Write this on your answer sheet.

Background of the Study

Now that you have written the research title, let’s learn this time what is back-
ground of the study.
First things first. As a researcher, you need to explain the reasons why you
have handpicked the problem from among the wide array of problems that surround
you and why the topic interests you.
The Background of the Study provides the introduction or the basic information
about the study and discusses the rationale for choosing the study. It answers the
question: “Why did you conduct the study?” It is composed of at least three para-
graphs (DepEd Action Research Presentation, 2017).

Let’s get back to the “tiring beating of egg,” let’s try writing the back-
ground of the study.
Remember this:
The 1st paragraph provides warm up to the readers on what the problem
is all about and the current situation.
Breakfast is known to people as the most important meal of the day. As the
name suggests, breakfast breaks the overnight fasting period. It replenishes your
supply of glucose to boost your energy levels and alertness, while also providing other
essential nutrients required for good health (Batter Health Channel, 2020). Egg in
every breakfast makes an easy and simple preparation. At a bigger perspective, the
use of egg in bakeries and pastry is a necessity. Egg beating and whipping is part of
food industries.
The 2nd paragraph discusses the existence of an unsatisfactory condition,
a felt need or problem (a gap or discrepancy) that requires a solution. Perhaps it
speaks of the reality.
One of the common breakfast preparation is scrambled egg since it is easy and
simple. It is known to people who are having busy life and need to eat breakfast in a
less complicated manner. Scrambled egg or omelet only needs salt, pepper, and egg
as ingredients. However, the tasky part is the beating of egg. Using a fork can just be
fine. But at a bigger scope such as in bakeries and pastries, using of fork can really
and indeed be tiresome. It takes time to have the work done whenever fork is the only
thing to be used.
The 3rd paragraph discusses the reasons for conducting the study--a con-
vincing case as to why your research would create valuable and useful
knowledge. This identifies the problem/s which will be addressed by the re-
search in terms of investigating or testing an idea; trying out solutions to a
problem; creating a new procedure or system; explaining a phenomenon; or a
combination of any of these.
It seems that using of fork in beating eggs can be tasky and tiring especial es-
pecially in food industries that make food and pastries. Making an improvised egg
beater can be of help. Convenience is needed on this fast paced world. This study
aims to determine the impact of the improvised egg beater in beating eggs.

Instruction: Read and analyze the given sentences. Determine whether each
group of sentences belongs to 1st, 2nd or 3rd paragraph. Write your answer
on your answer sheet.

____ 1) Social media is a fast growing phenomenon with which millennials are
typically attached to. In a study conducted by Levine (2016), it is found
out that 78% of the millennials in Calgary, Canada are involved in social
media use. Here in the Philippines, millennials are discovered to have
been using social media daily (Pamilar, 2015). Philippine Daily Inquirer
published that the most popular social networking sites are Facebook,
Twitter and Instagram.
_____ 2) Because of the foregoing observations, the researcher thought of con-
ducting a study on the level of involvement in social media among stu-
dents of Oton National High School. Hence, this study was conducted.
_____ 3) Social media has become an important part of our lives these
days. Applications like Facebook and Twitter allow us to stay connected
with friends and family around the world. We have instant access to in-
formation, photos, videos and updates of their lives.
Research title should have clarity and precision, key factors or
variables, key concept and terms should be identified, study
delimitations should be articulated, and jargons should be

A research problem is a statement about an area of concern

or interest. A problem to be solved or condition to be im-
proved. The main purpose of a research problem is to intro-
duce the reader to the importance of the topic being studied.
Places the problem into a particular context and provides the
framework for reporting the results.

In creating background of the study, sections are suggested to

be based on:

The first paragraph in writing the background of the study

deals with the “ideal” state. Discuss here what is
“supposed to be.” The second paragraph talks about the
“real” situation, and the real situation does not conform
with the ideal situation. If this exist, then problem exists.
In the third paragraph, discusses how the gap between the
ideal real state will be solved.

Now that you have in mind the things you need to consider in writing
the research title, try to think of three topics that you are interested to work
on for a research paper. Write on your answer sheet.

Consider the ideal state, the reality, and how the gap between the two
can be addressed. Make an outline of your Background of the study on your
Make your official hashtag for this module. Write your hashtag by completing
the statement.

I wrote this hashtag because…

Reinforcement & Enrichment

Write your Research Title and Background of the Study in your answer sheet. Use
separate sheet/s if necessary.



Paragraph 1: Ideal State

Paragraph 2: Reality
Paragraph 3: How to address or solve the gap between the ideal and the reality
Assess Your Learning
True or False

_______________1. A research problem is a statement about an area of concern

or interest.
_______________2. The title needs to be simple and direct.
_______________3. Jargons should be included in the research title.
_______________4. In writing Background of the study, major findings from
other studies should be considered.
_______________5. Place of study and sample size should not be mentioned on-
ly if it adds to the scientific value or the title.
_______________6. The background of the study includes the why the author
would like to conduct the study.
_______________7. The 2nd paragraph discusses the existence of an unsatis-
factory condition, a felt need or problem that requires a solu-
tion. Perhaps it speaks of the reality.
_______________8. The 3rd paragraph provides warm up to the readers on what
the problem is all about and the current situation.
_______________9. The 1st paragraph conveys the reader on what the solution
will be.
_______________10. The background of the study must have more than 3 para-

References & Photo Credits

A step-by-step on how to do a background study for a thesis. Seattle

News. Retrieved on July 20, 2018 from http://
Sacred Heart University Library. 2020. Organizing Academic Research
Papers: The Research Problem/Question. Retrieved on August
13, 2020. Retrieved from
Tullu M.. 2019. Writing the title and abstract for a research paper: Be-
ing concise, precise, and meticulous is the key. Saudi Journal of
Anaesthesia. V 13 (Supp 1) doi: 10.4103/sja.SJA_685_18
Gelera, R.G., Ganancial, M.E., de la Cruz, S.G. (2018). Manual for sen-
ior high school practical research 2 quantitative research.
Schools division of Guimaras

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