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In this day and age, if a person wants to end his life in peace and safety then one of the

answers is euthanasia. Euthanasia itself means an action to end someone's life in order to end the
suffering or illness they are suffering from. At this time, euthanasia is still being debated,
whether it can be done or not. In an article entitled "We have a right to die with dignity. The
medical profession has a duty to assist" written by Anton van Nierkerk agrees that euthanasia is
allowed. The article believes that the right to suicide is included in democracy and that the
medical profession should help the euthanasia process. It is inhumane to forbid someone who is
seriously ill from euthanasia. I don't think euthanasia is part of democracy and shouldn't be
practiced even if someone who is seriously ill asks for it. The medical profession should not be
helpful in euthanasia.
Is euthanasia an act of democracy?
Everyone has the right to live in this world, but that does not mean they have the right to
end their own life. it is not a right that everyone has. Tom Coburn, US senator, said, “Do we
want doctors deciding who lives and who dies? No, we do not want that. This is a slope, a real
slope where we are going to become God. We do not have that power. The Declaration of
Independence says that we should have the right to pursue life, liberty, and the pursuit of
happiness. Nothing in it says we have the right to pursue death, nothing.” we cannot deny that
the right to self-termination does not exist in the declarations of independence. From a human
rights perspective, euthanasia is a violation because the patient's right to life must be protected.
We reserve the right to have any freedom of thought about euthanasia, but we shouldn't. In a
democratic country, human rights and democracy itself are inseparable. Human rights are
indispensable for building a democratic country. That means that euthanasia is not a form of
democratic action because euthanasia itself is a violation of human rights. So it is not true that
euthanasia is an act of democracy.
Whether helping euthanasia is more humane and should medical personnel assist in the
In some cases, people who practice euthanasia or people who agree with euthanasia think
that it is better to end their life than to continue suffering from a long-term illness. This is a
strange thing in my opinion. I think doctors or nurses have a very crucial role in this. The
doctor's job is to heal the patient, prevent the patient's death, and tell the best about the patient's
future. People need a doctor or make a doctor a place for treatment, they believe that the doctor
will be responsible for the well-being of the patient and the patient's own death is not among
them. Doctors or nurses are not a form of assistive suicide. What a doctor or nurse or people
around him should do when a patient thinks of euthanasia is to provide counseling guidance and
give confidence to the patient that the possibility of recovery is still there. The main task of
medical personnel is not to prolong the patient's life or to improve the patient's health because
there must be certain factors beyond the control of medical personnel that can cause death to
patients, but that does not mean that medical personnel help patients to die. It's the same as you
giving up before going to war. If euthanasia keeps happening, people will think doctors, nurses,
hospitals, and other medical establishments are not safe places for treatment. legalizing
euthanasia is tantamount to increasing the suicide rate. For example, in Belgium during the ten
years from 2003 to 2013 alone the number of people who practice euthanasia increased
eightfold. Even what makes me wonder there how can a 9 year old child be given permission to
do euthanasia.
Basically, euthanasia is an unnecessary thing and is not a form of freedom of expression.
So that prevention action is needed from all groups, especially from the government. As the
government is responsible for providing good health services to every citizen of its country. So
that it reduces people who think about euthanasia. If there are people around us who want to do
euthanasia, get close to them, listen to what they say and what they can't remember. Advise them
and give them hopes that all the suffering is temporary and that things will get better.

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