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Blank Quiz

Questions Responses 59 Total points: 40

59 responses
Accepting responses

Summary Question Individual


Average Median Range

24.12 / 40 points 25 / 40 points 11 - 30 points

Total points distribution

# of respondents

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Points scored

Frequently missed questions

Question Correct responses

Compared to brittle materials ductile materials required _______________for shearing operation. 9 / 59

Only axisymmetric cup shapes are produced by this process. 7 / 59

High velocity forming is mostly suitable for ________. 3 / 59

In blanking operation the clearance is provided on _________. 15 / 59

The electro-hydraulic forming process become un-economical beyond ___________. 3 / 59

In explosive forming, the pressure developed will depend upon the compressibility of the
3 / 59

In stretch forming operations, the process requires the metal to be stretched beyond it’s
10 / 59

The high velocity forming method is also called as ____________. 0 / 59

Most sheet metal forming operations are carried out with a punch and die commonly called as
16 / 59

Electro-hydraulic forming is mainly used for the production of ________. 6 / 59

The following is not a high energy rate or a high velocity forming process. 12 / 59

In powder metallurgy process, the compacting of powder 5 / 59

For joining of powder metallurgy components, the best suited process is __________. 10 / 59

Powder metallurgy products are porous, and therefore _______________. 3 / 59

Scores Release scores

Email Score / 40 11 19 24 24 24 24
Email Score / 40 25 24

59 responses




Vasusubramaniam P





Naveen Raj
Roll No,
59 responses











Which of the following sheet metal operation induces only compressive stresses in the part?
56 / 59 correct responses

Blanking 0 (0%)

✓ Coining 56 (94.9%)

Drawing 3 (5.1%)

Trimming 0 (0%)

0 20 40 60
Spring back during the sheet metal operation is caused because of the __________.

50 / 59 correct responses

Release of the stored energy

during the elastic and plastic 5 (8.5%)

Release of the stored energy

3 (5.1%)
during the plastic deformation

✓ Release of the stored energy

50 (84.7%)
during the elastic deformation

Excess energy that was utilised

1 (1.7%)
during the forming process

0 10 20 30 40 50

Compared to brittle materials ductile materials required _______________for shearing

9 / 59 correct responses

Clearance based on material

5 (8.5%)
thickness only

Lower clearances 43 (72.9%)

✓ Higher clearances 9 (15.3%)

Same clearance 2 (3.4%)

0 10 20 30 40 50
In a blanking die, to reduce the possibility of slug clinging to the die, the following provision is
48 / 59 correct responses

Shear on the punch 5 (8.5%)

Shear on the die 3 (5.1%)

✓ Angular clearance in the die 48 (81.4%)

Cutting land on the die 3 (5.1%)

0 10 20 30 40 50

Only axisymmetric cup shapes are produced by this process.

7 / 59 correct responses

Blanking 0 (0%)

✓ Spinning 7 (11.9%)

Deep drawing 51 (86.4%)

Shallow drawing 1 (1.7%)

0 20 40 60
Bending produces the following types of stresses in the parts.
45 / 59 correct responses

Tensile 0 (0%)

Compressive 7 (11.9%)

✓ Tensile and compressive 45 (76.3%)

Shear 7 (11.9%)

0 10 20 30 40 50

The following sheet metal manufacturing process do not experience any spring back.
44 / 59 correct responses

Blanking 3 (5.1%)

Shallow drawing 3 (5.1%)

Deep drawing 9 (15.3%)

✓ Stretch forming 44 (74.6%)

0 10 20 30 40 50
In drawing operation, increase of punch radius _______.
55 / 59 correct responses

Has much influnce on punch load

2 (3.4%)
and it decreases

✓ Does not influnce the punch

55 (93.2%)
load much

Punch load increases 2 (3.4%)

Punch load depends on other

0 (0%)

0 20 40 60

High velocity forming is mostly suitable for ________.

3 / 59 correct responses

✓ Axisymmetric components 3 (5.1%)

Unsymmetrical components 0 (0%)

Any shape of components 23 (39%)

Large size of comonents 33 (55.9%)

0 10 20 30 40
In blanking operation the clearance is provided on _________.
15 / 59 correct responses

The die 43 (72.9%)

✓ The punch 15 (25.4%)

Both die and punch equally 1 (1.7%)

Neither the die nor the punch 0 (0%)

0 10 20 30 40 50

If the minimum bend radius of the material is small, this indicates that the ________.
51 / 59 correct responses

✓ Metal is highly ductile in nature 51 (86.4%)

Metal is highly brittle in nature 4 (6.8%)

Metal will easily crack on bending 1 (1.7%)

Metal will have high tensile

3 (5.1%)

0 20 40 60
The electro-hydraulic forming process become un-economical beyond ___________.
3 / 59 correct responses

20 kJ energy 0 (0%)

40 kJ energy 0 (0%)

✓ 100 kJ energy 3 (5.1%)

60 kJ energy 56 (94.9%)

0 20 40 60

The process used to improve fatigue resistance of the metal by setting up compressive
stresses in its surface is known as __________.
55 / 59 correct responses

hot piercing 0 (0%)

extrusion 1 (1.7%)

✓ cold peenig 55 (93.2%)

cold heading 3 (5.1%)

0 20 40 60
Lancing is the operation of ______________.
55 / 59 correct responses

Removal of excess metal from

the edge of a strip to make it 3 (5.1%)
suitable for drawing without wri…
Cutting of the excess metal at
edge which was required for 1 (1.7%)
gripping purpose during press…
✓ Cutting in a single line across a
part of the metal strip to allow 55 (93.2%)
bending or forming in pregressi…
Punching in which punch is
stopped as soon as the metal 0 (0%)
fracture is completed and metal…
0 20 40 60

In deep drawing of sheets, the values of limiting draw ratio depends on_________.
39 / 59 correct responses

Percentage elongation of sheet

2 (3.4%)

✓ Yield strength of sheet metal 39 (66.1%)

Type of press used 1 (1.7%)

Thickness of the sheet 17 (28.8%)

0 10 20 30 40
Which of the following methods of forming is not the part of electromagnetic forming?
58 / 59 correct responses

Compression 0 (0%)

Expansion 0 (0%)

✓ Shearing 58 (98.3%)

Counter forming 1 (1.7%)

0 20 40 60

The holding force in deep drawing is most likely to be _________ the maximum drawing force .
56 / 59 correct responses

greater than 1 (1.7%)

equal to 0 (0%)

✓ less than 56 (94.9%)

greater than or equal to 2 (3.4%)

0 20 40 60
Flange wrinkling is the defect found in _________.
57 / 59 correct responses

Blanking 0 (0%)

Spinning 1 (1.7%)

✓ Deep drawing 57 (96.6%)

Bending 1 (1.7%)

0 20 40 60

In explosive forming, the pressure developed will depend upon the compressibility of the
3 / 59 correct responses

Work material 10 (16.9%)

Explosive material 38 (64.4%)

Dies 8 (13.6%)

✓ Transmitting medium 3 (5.1%)

0 10 20 30 40
Process of forming metal powder by directing molten metal through an orifice after which it
is break into small particle using high pressure fluid is known as?
58 / 59 correct responses

✓ Atomization 58 (98.3%)

Reduction 0 (0%)

Crushing 0 (0%)

Electrolysis 1 (1.7%)

0 20 40 60

Sintering is done to _____________.

56 / 59 correct responses

✓ Increase final strength 56 (94.9%)

Decrease final strength 0 (0%)

Initially increase and then to

1 (1.7%)
decrease the strength

Initially decrease and then to

2 (3.4%)
increase the strength

0 20 40 60
In stretch forming operations, the process requires the metal to be stretched beyond it’s
10 / 59 correct responses

✓ yield strength but less than its

10 (16.9%)
tensile strength

below the yield strength 3 (5.1%)

tensile strength but less than its

5 (8.5%)
fracture strength

yield strength but less than its

41 (69.5%)
fracture strength

0 10 20 30 40 50

The high velocity forming method is also called as ____________.

0 / 59 correct responses

sheet metal Forming 2 (3.4%)

✓ billet Forming method 0 (0%)

electro Hydraulic method 52 (88.1%)

electromagnetic method 5 (8.5%)

0 20 40 60
In Electromagnetic forming to minimize the magnetic cushion effect, the die material should
be __________.
56 / 59 correct responses

high electric conduct material 2 (3.4%)

non wooden material 1 (1.7%)

✓ low electric conduct material 56 (94.9%)

wooden material 0 (0%)

0 20 40 60

In which method, the materials can elongate beyond 100% of its original size.
58 / 59 correct responses

explosive forming 1 (1.7%)

electro hydraulic forming 0 (0%)

magnetic pulse forming 0 (0%)

✓ super plastic forming 58 (98.3%)

0 20 40 60
Which of the following method is used to make powder for brittle metals?
57 / 59 correct responses

✓ Mechanical pulverisation 57 (96.6%)

Electrolytic process 1 (1.7%)

Chemical reduction 0 (0%)

Atomization 1 (1.7%)

0 20 40 60

The process of infiltration in sintered products is to improve __________.

56 / 59 correct responses

✓ porosity 56 (94.9%)

dimensional accuracy 1 (1.7%)

surface finish 1 (1.7%)

coherent property 1 (1.7%)

0 20 40 60
In the calculation for force required for a sheet metal cutting operation, if the shear strength
of material is not known, a general practice to take it as ____________.
30 / 59 correct responses

30% of its tensile strength 5 (8.5%)

50% of its tensile strength 21 (35.6%)

✓ 70% of its tensile strength 30 (50.8%)

Equal to its tensile strength 3 (5.1%)

0 10 20 30

A die and punch has been used for punching operation on a sheet metal of thickness t. The
hole size is equal to the _________.
49 / 59 correct responses

Die opening size + t 3 (5.1%)

✓ Punch size 49 (83.1%)

Die opening size + clearance

1 (1.7%)
between the punch and die

Punch size + clearance between

6 (10.2%)
the punch and die

0 10 20 30 40 50
Most sheet metal forming operations are carried out with a punch and die commonly called
as ____________.
16 / 59 correct responses

Embossing die 0 (0%)

Coining die 7 (11.9%)

Compound die 36 (61%)

✓ Stamping die 16 (27.1%)

0 10 20 30 40

High energy rate forming is especially useful to form.

49 / 59 correct responses

Small and thin workpiece of any

2 (3.4%)
soft material.

Large and complex shape

6 (10.2%)
workpiece of any soft material.

Small and micro-size workpieces

2 (3.4%)
out of ductile materials

✓ Large workpieces out of

49 (83.1%)
difficult-to-form metals.

0 10 20 30 40 50
In high energy rate forming using explosives, the work material is deformed into the die at a
velocity, which is generally of the order of __________.
53 / 59 correct responses

5 to 10 m/s 2 (3.4%)

50 to 60 m/s 3 (5.1%)

✓ 100 to 120 m/s 53 (89.8%)

1000 to 1100 m/s 1 (1.7%)

0 20 40 60

Electro-hydraulic forming is mainly used for the production of ________.

6 / 59 correct responses

Small size parts out of metals

4 (6.8%)
with low ductility

✓ Small to intermediate size parts

6 (10.2%)
out of metals with high ductility

Large size parts out of hard and

5 (8.5%)
brittle metals.

Large and complex shape parts

44 (74.6%)
out of brittle metals.

0 10 20 30 40 50
The following is not a high energy rate or a high velocity forming process.
12 / 59 correct responses

Electro spark forming process 17 (28.8%)

✓ Electro chemical forming

12 (20.3%)

Hydro forming process 20 (33.9%)

Internal combustion forming

10 (16.9%)

0 5 10 15 20

In the powder metallurgy process, a powder mix is compressed in a die under heavy
pressure to produce _________________product.
30 / 59 correct responses

Soft part 4 (6.8%)

Powder metallurgy product 19 (32.2%)

Sintered part 6 (10.2%)

✓ Pre-form 30 (50.8%)

0 10 20 30
In powder metallurgy process, the compacting of powder
5 / 59 correct responses

Must be done under pressure

11 (18.6%)
only at room temperature

Must be done under pressure

14 (23.7%)
only at high temperature

Must be done under pressure at

room temperature or higher 29 (49.2%)
✓ Must be done under pressure
or no pressure at room 5 (8.5%)
temperature or high temperature
0 10 20 30

Sintered powder metallurgy components

43 / 59 correct responses

Cannot be forged 3 (5.1%)

Can be only hot forged, if forging

12 (20.3%)
is to be done on them

Can be only cold forged, if forging

1 (1.7%)
is to be done on them

✓ Can be hot forged or cold

43 (72.9%)

0 10 20 30 40 50
For joining of powder metallurgy components, the best suited process is __________.
10 / 59 correct responses

Oxy-acetylene welding 2 (3.4%)

Arc welding 44 (74.6%)

✓ Electric resistance welding 10 (16.9%)

Thermit welding 3 (5.1%)

0 10 20 30 40 50

Powder metallurgy products are porous, and therefore _______________.

3 / 59 correct responses

They have high resistance to

52 (88.1%)

✓ They have low resistance to

3 (5.1%)

They cannot be forged 2 (3.4%)

They cannot be electroplated 2 (3.4%)

0 20 40 60
Which of the following shape of powder particles would tend to have the lowest inter-
particle friction?
57 / 59 correct responses

✓ Spherical 57 (96.6%)

Flaky 2 (3.4%)

Cubic 0 (0%)

Triangular 0 (0%)

0 20 40 60
CA Test-2
Questions Responses 60 Total points: 40

60 responses
Accepting responses

Summary Question Individual


Average Median Range

31.9 / 40 points 32 / 40 points 22 - 37 points

Total points distribution

# of respondents


22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
Points scored

Frequently missed questions

Question Correct responses

The maximum possible draft in cold rolling of sheet increases with the ________. 0 / 60

Of the larger roll diameter (D), low friction (µ) and high work piece temperature (T), the factors that
15 / 60
reduce the rolling load are _______.
The dimensional accuracy in tube drawing with plug compared to that with moving mandrel will
1 / 58
normally be _________.

In tube drawing with plug and floating plug, the maximum reduction in areas is respectively about
20 / 59

Rod/wire washed into lime water solution to remove acid and sludge from surface and act as a
13 / 58
lubricant is called as_______________________.

Scores Release scores

Email Score / 40 28 29 27 22 33 30 31 31

18p638@psgtech ac in 26
Name of the Candidate
60 responses


Kamalnath V





Vishnu aditya


Roll No.
60 responses










Course Outcome-3

Angle of bite for _____________.

55 / 59 correct responses

hot rolling is lower than cold

2 (3.4%)

✓ cold rolling is lower than hot

55 (93.2%)

cold rolling and hot rolling is

1 (1.7%)

both cold rolling and hot rolling is

1 (1.7%)
not important factor

0 20 40 60
24 responses

Option 1


In rolling process, rolled plates will experience _______________.

55 / 60 correct responses

Reduction in thickness and

4 (6.7%)
increase in width

Reduction in width and increase

1 (1.7%)
in thickness

✓ Reduction in thickness and no

55 (91.7%)
change in width

Both width and thickness get

0 (0%)

0 20 40 60
In three high rolling mill, ________would the direction of rolling of the three rollers.
60 / 60 correct responses

Clockwise-clockwise- clockwise 0 (0%)

0 (0%)

✓ Clockwise-anticlockwise-
60 (100%)

0 (0%)

0 20 40 60

The thickness of a metallic sheet is reduced from an initial value of 16 mm to a final value 10
mm in one single pass rolling with a pair of cylindrical rollers each of diameter 400 mm. The
true strain is _______________.
31 / 58 correct responses

Cos-1(√0.05) 8 (13.8%)

tan-1 (√0.07) 11 (19%)

Cos-1 (√0.07) 8 (13.8%)

✓ tan-1 (√0.05) 31 (53.4%)

0 10 20 30 40
The maximum possible draft in cold rolling of sheet increases with the ________.
0 / 60 correct responses

Increase in coefficient of friction 60 (100%)

✓ Decrease in coefficient of
0 (0%)

Decrease in roll radius 0 (0%)

increase in roll velocity 0 (0%)

0 20 40 60

In a rolling process, the state of stress of the material undergoing deformation is _______.
59 / 60 correct responses

Pure compression 0 (0%)

Pure shear 1 (1.7%)

✓ Compression and shear 59 (98.3%)

Tension and shear 0 (0%)

0 20 40 60
A strip is to be rolled from a thickness of 30 mm to 15 mm using a two-high mill having rolls
of diameter 300 mm. The coefficient of friction for unaided bite nearly be ________.
58 / 59 correct responses

✓ √15/150 58 (98.3%)

√15/300 0 (0%)

√30/150 1 (1.7%)

√30/300 0 (0%)

0 20 40 60

In the rolling process, roll separating force can be decreased by ___________.

55 / 60 correct responses

✓ Reducing the roll diameter 55 (91.7%)

Increasing the roll diameter 0 (0%)

Providing back up rolls 0 (0%)

Increasing the friction between

5 (8.3%)
the rolls and the metal

0 20 40 60
In a rolling operation using rolls of diameter 500 mm, if a 25 mm thick plate cannot be
reduced to less than 20 mm in one pass, the coefficient of friction between the roll and the
plate is _____________.
59 / 60 correct responses

✓ √0.02 59 (98.3%)

√50 0 (0%)

√0.05 1 (1.7%)

√0.08 0 (0%)

0 20 40 60

Roll force in flat rolling is proportional to _____________.

49 / 59 correct responses

✓ Roll strip contact length 49 (83.1%)

(Roll strip contact length)2 2 (3.4%)

(1/Roll strip contact length) 8 (13.6%)

1/(Roll strip contact length)2 0 (0%)

0 10 20 30 40 50
Ring rolling is used for ___________.
37 / 60 correct responses

Producing seamless tube 23 (38.3%)

Increasing ring thickness 0 (0%)

✓ Decreasing ring thickness 37 (61.7%)

Producing pressure vessels 0 (0%)

0 10 20 30 40

Cold or hot rolling process cannot produce _________.

52 / 60 correct responses

I section 2 (3.3%)

T section 3 (5%)

✓ Hollow circular section 52 (86.7%)

Channel section 3 (5%)

0 20 40 60
Pressure in rolling operation is maximum at __________.
60 / 60 correct responses

Exit point 0 (0%)

✓ Neutral point 60 (100%)

Entry point 0 (0%)

Contact point 0 (0%)

0 20 40 60

Of the larger roll diameter (D), low friction (µ) and high work piece temperature (T), the
factors that reduce the rolling load are _______.
15 / 60 correct responses

D, µ, T 39 (65%)

✓ Only µ and T 15 (25%)

Only D and T 3 (5%)

Only D and µ 3 (5%)

0 10 20 30 40
The ratio of draft (N) and the size of the rolls specified by diameter (D) in the rolling process
equal to ____________. (Where α is the angle of bite).
53 / 59 correct responses

✓ 1- cos α 53 (89.8%)

cos α 2 (3.4%)

1/cos α 2 (3.4%)

1(1-cos α) 2 (3.4%)

0 20 40 60

In a rolling process, the maximum possible draft, defined as the difference between the
initial and the final thickness of the metal sheet, mainly depends on which pair of the
following parameters? P: Strain Q: Strength of the work material R: Roll diameter S: Roll
velocity T: Coefficient of friction between roll and work
58 / 59 correct responses

Q, S 0 (0%)

✓ R, T 58 (98.3%)

S, T 1 (1.7%)

P, R 0 (0%)

0 20 40 60
58 / 59 correct responses

P-4, Q-3, R-1, S-2 0 (0%)

P-2, Q-1, R-3, S-4 1 (1.7%)

✓ P-4, Q-1, R-2, S-3 58 (98.3%)

P-1, Q-3, R-4, S-2 0 (0%)

0 20 40 60

The following are true for rolling, except ___________.

57 / 59 correct responses

✓ velocity of metal at exit is same

57 (96.6%)
as that at the entry

grains are elongated in the

0 (0%)
direction of rolling

after crossing the stress zone the

1 (1.7%)
grain starts refining

the greater the coefficient of

friction more the possible 1 (1.7%)
0 20 40 60
In rolling, at point of maximum pressure _____________.
60 / 60 correct responses

metal moves faster than the roll

0 (0%)

metal moves slower than the roll

0 (0%)

✓ both metal and roll surface

60 (100%)
moves at same speed

any of the above can be possible 0 (0%)

0 20 40 60

Thread rolling improves fatigue life due to _________.

41 / 59 correct responses

improved grain characteristics 7 (11.9%)

one step thread forming. 2 (3.4%)

increased tensile residual stress. 9 (15.3%)

✓ increased compressive
41 (69.5%)
residual stress

0 10 20 30 40 50

Course Outcome-4
In wire drawing, final size of wire is determined by _________.
51 / 59 correct responses

Approach region of the die 3 (5.1%)

✓ Bearing area of the die 51 (86.4%)

Exit zone of the die 5 (8.5%)

Efficiency of the die 0 (0%)

0 20 40 60

For reducing cross sectional area, wire drawing uses ____________.

42 / 57 correct responses

✓ Indirect compressive stress 42 (73.7%)

Indirect tensile stress 10 (17.5%)

Indirect shear stress 4 (7%)

Direct bending stress 1 (1.8%)

0 10 20 30 40 50
The extrusion process used for the production of tooth paste tube is ______.
58 / 60 correct responses

Tube extrusion 1 (1.7%)

Forward extrusion 0 (0%)

✓ Impact extrusion 58 (96.7%)

Both tube and forward extrusion 1 (1.7%)

0 20 40 60

Hydrostatic pressure in extrusion process improves __________.

59 / 60 correct responses

✓ Ductility 59 (98.3%)

Compressive strength 0 (0%)

Brittleness 1 (1.7%)

Tensile strength 0 (0%)

0 20 40 60
For maximum draft per pass in wire/rod drawing, the reduction of area will be ________.
51 / 59 correct responses

25.25 % 7 (11.9%)

75.75 % 1 (1.7%)

100 % 0 (0%)

✓ 50.50 % 51 (86.4%)

0 20 40 60

The dimensional accuracy in tube drawing with plug compared to that with moving mandrel
will normally be _________.
1 / 58 correct responses

Better 51 (87.9%)

✓ Worse 1 (1.7%)

Equal 3 (5.2%)

Not related 3 (5.2%)

0 20 40 60
In extrusion process, the extrusion ratio is defined as _________.
60 / 60 correct responses

✓ A0/Af 60 (100%)

Af/Ao 0 (0%)

(A0/Af )2 0 (0%)

(Af/Ao )2 0 (0%)

0 20 40 60

In tube drawing with plug and floating plug, the maximum reduction in areas is respectively
about __________.
20 / 59 correct responses

50 % and 40 % 3 (5.1%)

✓ 30 % and 45 % 20 (33.9%)

75 % and 25 % 1 (1.7%)

20 % and 40 % 35 (59.3%)

0 10 20 30 40
The standard values of coefficient of friction (µ) and semi-die angle (α) for wire/rod drawing
are ___________.
30 / 57 correct responses

0.15 and 12 degree 11 (19.3%)

0.1 and 12 degree 12 (21.1%)

✓ 0.1 and 6 degree 30 (52.6%)

0.1 and 10 degree 4 (7%)

0 10 20 30

A lubricant used in forward hot extrusion of steels is ___________.

59 / 60 correct responses

soap solution 0 (0%)

linseed oil 0 (0%)

✓ molten glass 59 (98.3%)

copper sulphate 1 (1.7%)

0 20 40 60
Which of the following is true for hot extrusion?
56 / 59 correct responses

less force is required in forward

extrusion as compared to 2 (3.4%)
backward extrusion
✓ more force is required in
forward extrusion as compared to 56 (94.9%)
backward extrusion

same force is applied in both

1 (1.7%)
forward and backward extrusion

No relevance of force in both

0 (0%)
forward and backward extrusion

0 20 40 60

In direct extrusion process, metal begins to flow through the die at ____________.
58 / 60 correct responses

extrusion pressure 1 (1.7%)

when the ram starts 1 (1.7%)

✓ brake through pressure 58 (96.7%)

Constant pressure 0 (0%)

0 20 40 60
An effective hot extrusion lubricant must have _________.
60 / 60 correct responses

✓ low shear strength 60 (100%)

high shear strength 0 (0%)

high viscosity 0 (0%)

low viscosity 0 (0%)

0 20 40 60

The surface of the billet often contains an oxidized skin, this result in the formation of
55 / 60 correct responses

surface cracks 3 (5%)

center burst 2 (3.3%)

✓ internal oxide stringes 55 (91.7%)

Chevron crack 0 (0%)

0 20 40 60
The ratio of the difference in cross sectional area before and after drawing to the initial cross
sectional area is called as ______________.
42 / 60 correct responses

drawing ratio 0 (0%)

✓ degree of drawing 42 (70%)

extrusion ratio 18 (30%)

slenderness ratio 0 (0%)

0 10 20 30 40 50

When a hollow tube is drawn through a die without any mandrel to support the inside of the
tube, its known as ____________.
55 / 60 correct responses

wire drawing 1 (1.7%)

✓ tube sinking 55 (91.7%)

tube drawing 4 (6.7%)

wire sinking 0 (0%)

0 20 40 60
Rod/wire washed into lime water solution to remove acid and sludge from surface and act as
a lubricant is called as_______________________.
13 / 58 correct responses

✓ Neutralizing 13 (22.4%)

Yellowing 0 (0%)

Phosphating 43 (74.1%)

De scaling 2 (3.4%)

0 10 20 30 40 50

____________defect is also known as bamboo defect.

56 / 60 correct responses

Blow hole 0 (0%)

Cold shut 0 (0%)

✓ Surface cracking 56 (93.3%)

Pipe defect 4 (6.7%)

0 20 40 60
In drawing which angle allows the introduction of lubricant into the working zone?
58 / 59 correct responses

✓ Entrance angle 58 (98.3%)

Die angle 0 (0%)

Semi-die angle 0 (0%)

Relief angle 1 (1.7%)

0 20 40 60

___________die is used in drawing flat strips.

58 / 60 correct responses

Square shaped 0 (0%)

Rectangular shaped 1 (1.7%)

Circular shaped 1 (1.7%)

✓ Wedge shaped 58 (96.7%)

0 20 40 60
CAT-1 (C0-1 & CO-2)
Questions Responses 60 Total points: 40

60 responses
Accepting responses

Summary Question Individual


Average Median Range

28.9 / 40 points 29 / 40 points 21 - 36 points

Total points distribution

# of respondents


20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
Points scored

Frequently missed questions

Question Correct responses

Recrystallisation temperature of an alloy is ___________. 5 / 60

The state of stress where one of the pairs of faces of an element undergoes zero strain is known
0 / 60
The maximum and minimum values of normal stress on the oblique plane occur when
21 / 60

Which of the following open die forging operation reduces the height of a forging and increases its
18 / 60

Drawing out is a forging operation used to _____________. 16 / 60

Press forging operation is characterized by ___________. 7 / 60

Which of the following method is commonly used for analyzing metal forming processes? 24 / 60

In the forging load calculation involving the expression σ A, the σ and A are ____________. 4 / 60

Which one is false statement about forging 19 / 60

Scores Release scores

Email Score / 40 28 27 28 26 26 26 27 28

18p610@psgtech ac in 31
60 responses



Yogesh K

Vasusubramaniam P


Kamalnath V



Roll No.:
60 responses










Course Outcome-1

According to Maximum shear stress failure criterion, yielding in material occurs when
maximum shear stress is ______________.
60 / 60 correct responses

✓ ½ Yield stress 60 (100%)

√2 Yield stress 0 (0%)

√2 /3 Yield stress 0 (0%)

2 x Yield stress 0 (0%)

0 20 40 60
Which of the following property of engineering material relates the change in volume with
respect to variation in pressure?
58 / 60 correct responses

Modulus of resilience 1 (1.7%)

Modulus of rigidity 1 (1.7%)

✓ Bulk’s modulus 58 (96.7%)

Young’s modulus 0 (0%)

0 20 40 60

The principal stresses σ1 ,σ2 and σ3 at a point respectively are 80MPa, 30MPa and -40 MPa.
The maximum shear stress is ___________.
39 / 60 correct responses

25 MPa 6 (10%)

35 MPa 13 (21.7%)

55 MPa 2 (3.3%)

✓ 60 MPa 39 (65%)

0 10 20 30 40
The modulus of resilience of a strained member is ________________.
47 / 60 correct responses

✓ The strain energy stored up to

47 (78.3%)
the elastic limit.

The strain energy stored in it up

1 (1.7%)
to its breaking point.

Maximum energy stored up to the

5 (8.3%)
yield point

The proof resilience per unit

7 (11.7%)

0 10 20 30 40 50

If the value of the Poisson’s ratio is zero, then it means that __________.
59 / 60 correct responses

✓ The material is rigid 59 (98.3%)

Material is perfectly plastic 1 (1.7%)

Material is perfectly elastic 0 (0%)

Material is elasto-plastic 0 (0%)

0 20 40 60
Warm working is done at a temperature?
48 / 60 correct responses

Above recrystallization
0 (0%)

Below recrystallization
12 (20%)

Equal to recrystallization
0 (0%)

✓ Below recrystallization
temperature and above room 48 (80%)
0 10 20 30 40 50

In which of the following process the ductility of material decreases?

58 / 60 correct responses

Hot working 1 (1.7%)

✓ Cold working 58 (96.7%)

Warm working 1 (1.7%)

Isothermal working 0 (0%)

0 20 40 60
Which of the following metal forming processes is best suitable for making the wires?
59 / 60 correct responses

Forging 0 (0%)

Extrusion 1 (1.7%)

✓ Drawing 59 (98.3%)

Rolling 0 (0%)

0 20 40 60

Which of the following stresses is takes place during performing the wire drawing operation?
44 / 60 correct responses

Tensile stress 16 (26.7%)

Bending stress 0 (0%)

✓ Indirect compressive stress 44 (73.3%)

Shear stress 0 (0%)

0 10 20 30 40 50
Recrystallisation temperature of an alloy is ___________.
5 / 60 correct responses

✓ the approximate minimum

temperature at which complete 5 (8.3%)
recrystallisation of a cold-worke…
the approximate maximum
temperature at which complete 3 (5%)
recrystallisation of a cold-worke…
the approximate minimum
temperature at which complete 44 (73.3%)
recrystallisation of a hot worke…
the approximate maximum
temperature at which complete 8 (13.3%)
recrystallisation of a hot-worke…
0 10 20 30 40 50

Fibre-flow lines seen in the products produced by metal-working processes are ________.
55 / 60 correct responses

the obstruction that was provided

3 (5%)
during the deformation process

✓ the direction in which the metal

has actually moved during the 55 (91.7%)

not really related to metal

1 (1.7%)
deformation process

present in the metal before the

1 (1.7%)
deformation process

0 20 40 60
If σ1 and σ3 are the algebraically largest and smallest principal stresses respectively, the
value of maximum shear stress is ______________.
52 / 60 correct responses

(σ1+σ3)/2 5 (8.3%)

✓ (σ1-σ3)/2 52 (86.7%)

√((σ1+σ3)/2) 1 (1.7%)

√((σ1-σ3)/2) 2 (3.3%)

0 20 40 60

In a linearly hardening plastic material, the true stress beyond initial yielding is ___________.
60 / 60 correct responses

✓ Increases linearly with the true

60 (100%)

decreases linearly with the true

0 (0%)

first increases linearly and then

decreases linearly with the true 0 (0%)

remains constant 0 (0%)

0 20 40 60
A bar is compressed to half of its original length. The true strain produced in the deformed
bar is _________.
46 / 60 correct responses

- 0.50 1 (1.7%)

✓ - 0.69 46 (76.7%)

0.50 1 (1.7%)

0.69 12 (20%)

0 10 20 30 40 50

Bauschinger effect due to _____________.

56 / 60 correct responses

Hysteresis loss during loading

4 (6.7%)
and unloading

Anelastic deformation 0 (0%)

✓ Dependence of yield stress on

56 (93.3%)
path and direction

Recoverable elastic strain 0 (0%)

0 20 40 60
Total stress acting on a body is the __________.
56 / 60 correct responses

Multiplication of normal and

3 (5%)
shearing stress on the body

Division of normal and shearing

0 (0%)
stress on the body

✓ Summation of normal and

56 (93.3%)
shearing stress on the body

Subtraction of normal and

1 (1.7%)
shearing stress on the body

0 20 40 60

Which of the following statement is true for continuous body?

0 / 60 correct responses

Identical properties obtained at all

1 (1.7%)

Properties does not vary with

3 (5%)
direction or orientation

Does not contain voids and

54 (90%)

Properties obtained may differ at

2 (3.3%)
all points

0 20 40 60
Von-mises criterion can be applied to ________materials.
58 / 60 correct responses

brittle 0 (0%)

both 0 (0%)

✓ ductile 58 (96.7%)

plastic 2 (3.3%)

0 20 40 60

The state of stress where one of the pairs of faces of an element undergoes zero strain is
known as…………………
60 responses


27 (45%)
15 (25%)

5 (8.3%)
3 (5%)
1 (1.7%) 1 (1.7%) 1 (1.7%) 1 (1.7%) 1 (1.7%) 1 (1.7%) 1 (1.7%) 1 (1.7%) 1 (1.7%) 1 (1.7%)
In plain Plan stress Plane stress Plane stress Shear stress plane principle stress
The maximum and minimum values of normal stress on the oblique plane occur when zero
60 responses

25 (41.7%)

16 (26.7%)

4 (6.7%) 5 (8.3%)
2 (3.3%)
1 (1.7%) 1 (1.7%) 1 (1.7%) 1 (1.7%) 1 (1.7%) 1 (1.7%) 1 (1.7%) 1 (1.7%)
Plain stress Shear stress Shear stresses shear s…
SHEAR STRESSES Shear stress. principle stress

Course Outcome-2

Which of the following forging operations is also known as precision forging?

55 / 60 correct responses

open die forging 2 (3.3%)

✓ flashless forging 55 (91.7%)

impression die forging 2 (3.3%)

roll forging 1 (1.7%)

0 20 40 60
Smith forging falls under the category of __________.
56 / 60 correct responses

Closed die forging 0 (0%)

✓ Open die forging 56 (93.3%)

Drop forging 0 (0%)

Press forging 4 (6.7%)

0 20 40 60

Continuous squeezing takes place in ___________.

57 / 60 correct responses

Closed die forging 2 (3.3%)

Open die forging 1 (1.7%)

Drop forging 0 (0%)

✓ Press forging 57 (95%)

0 20 40 60
In open die forging, a disc of diameter 200 mm and height 60 mm is compressed without
any barreling effect. The final diameter of the disc is 400 mm. The true strain is
59 / 60 correct responses

1.986 0 (0%)

1.686 1 (1.7%)

✓ 1.386 59 (98.3%)

0.602 0 (0%)

0 20 40 60

The suitable temperature range for forging steel with carbon content 0.7% is ______________.
58 / 60 correct responses

800 – 950°C 0 (0%)

✓ 1000 – 1150°C 58 (96.7%)

1100 – 1250°C 2 (3.3%)

1300 – 1450°C 0 (0%)

0 20 40 60
Which of the following properties is not improved by hot forging?
59 / 60 correct responses

elastic limit 0 (0%)

work hardening 1 (1.7%)

ultimate tensile strength 0 (0%)

✓ brittleness 59 (98.3%)

0 20 40 60

Which of the following open die forging operation reduces the height of a forging and
increases its diameter?
18 / 60 correct responses

Cogging 42 (70%)

✓ Upsetting 18 (30%)

Expanding 0 (0%)

Hollow forging 0 (0%)

0 10 20 30 40 50
The material which is squeezed out between the faces of the dies is known as ________.
59 / 60 correct responses

Slag 1 (1.7%)

✓ Flash 59 (98.3%)

Scale 0 (0%)

Misrun 0 (0%)

0 20 40 60

In drop forging, ____________. i. closed impression dies are used ii. final shape is obtained in a
number of steps iii. excess metal is provided purposely to ensure complete filling of dies.
Which of the above is (are) true?
59 / 60 correct responses

i & ii 0 (0%)

i & iii 1 (1.7%)

✓ i, ii & iii 59 (98.3%)

only i 0 (0%)

0 20 40 60
Bolts are manufactured by ____.
57 / 60 correct responses

✓ Upset forging 57 (95%)

Hammer forging 1 (1.7%)

Press forging 0 (0%)

Hot bar forging 2 (3.3%)

0 20 40 60

Which of the following statement is true for the Swaging process?

50 / 60 correct responses

Causes a steadily applied

3 (5%)
pressure instead of impact force

Used to force the end of a heated

2 (3.3%)
bar into a desired shape

✓ forging operation in which two

halves of rotating die open and 50 (83.3%)
close rapidly while impacting th…
forging method for reducing the
diameter of a bar and in the 5 (8.3%)
process making it longer
0 10 20 30 40 50
Coining is the operation which falls under the category of __________.
56 / 60 correct responses

✓ Cold forging 56 (93.3%)

Hot forging 1 (1.7%)

Cold extrusion 3 (5%)

Piercing 0 (0%)

0 20 40 60

Drawing out is a forging operation used to _____________.

16 / 60 correct responses

✓ reduce the cross-section of a

16 (26.7%)

increase the cross-section of a

43 (71.7%)

finish the part 1 (1.7%)

flatten the part 0 (0%)

0 10 20 30 40 50
Edging impression is an operation in drop forging used to ________.
45 / 60 correct responses

increase the material cross

7 (11.7%)
section and decrease the length

✓ gather the exact amount of

material required at each cross- 45 (75%)

decrease the material cross

2 (3.3%)
section and increase the length

acquires the shape very near to

6 (10%)
the final one

0 10 20 30 40 50

Press forging operation is characterized by ___________.

7 / 60 correct responses

larger draft angles than drop

3 (5%)

✓ use of larger presses

7 (11.7%)
compared to drop forging

no tong holds are required

48 (80%)
compared to drop forging

poor surface finish compared to

2 (3.3%)
drop forging

0 10 20 30 40 50
Which of the following method is commonly used for analyzing metal forming processes?
24 / 60 correct responses

✓ Slab method 24 (40%)

Upper bound method 0 (0%)

Slip line method 36 (60%)

Empirical method 0 (0%)

0 10 20 30 40

Which of the following defect is eliminated by hot working process?

58 / 60 correct responses

Cold shut 0 (0%)

Misrun 1 (1.7%)

✓ Blow holes 58 (96.7%)

Fusion 1 (1.7%)

0 20 40 60
In the forging load calculation involving the expression σ A, the σ and A are ____________.
4 / 60 correct responses

Ultimate tensile strength and

1 (1.7%)
projected area

Yield stress and the area of cross

54 (90%)

Ultimate tensile strength and area

1 (1.7%)
of cross section

✓ Yield stress and projected area 4 (6.7%)

0 20 40 60

In open die forging, the coefficient of friction at sticking conditions for Von-Mises yield
condition compared to Tresca yield condition is approximately.
37 / 60 correct responses

15% less 12 (20%)

✓ 15% more 37 (61.7%)

20% more 5 (8.3%)

10% less 6 (10%)

0 10 20 30 40
Which one is false statement about forging
19 / 60 correct responses

Forging have high strength and

5 (8.3%)

Offer impact to fatigue 7 (11.7%)

Renders spots which are uniform

29 (48.3%)
in dimensions

✓ Work piece has less reliability 19 (31.7%)

0 10 20 30
1. The plastic deformation of metal takes place when the stress induced in the metal, due to the
applied forces, reached the-----
a) Fatigue strength
b) Proportional limit
c) Yield point
d) Ultimate strength
2. The average flow stress is the flow stress multiplied by which of the following factor? Where, n is the
strain hardening exponent.
a) n
b) 1/n
c) 1/(1+n)
d) (1+n)
3. Modulus of resilience is given by ____________
a) σε
b) [σ] ^2E
c) 0.5ε^2
d) 0.5σε
4. Which one of the following is wrong about forging?
a) Renders spots which are uniform in dimensions
b) Work piece has less reliability
c) Offer impact to fatigue
d) Forging has high strength and ductility
5. Bauschinger effect is commonly ignored in ____________ theory
a) Elasto-plasticity
b) Plasticity
c) Visco-plasticity
d) Elasticity
6. In which of the following process, does the die have a convex surface?
a) Edging
b) Cogging
c) Fullering
d) Cavitising
7. Which of the following property does not improve in the hot rolling process of a cast?
a) Ductility
b) Shock resistance
c) Toughness
d) Boiling point
8. Which of the following operation is not closely related to open-die forging?
a) Cogging
b) Upsetting
c) Coining
d) Fullering
9. The amount of deformation that a metal can undergo at room temperature depends on its
a) tensile strength
b) ductility
c) compressive strength
d) hardness
10. The intermediate stress in Von-mises yield criterion....................the yielding
a) Affect
b) Increases
c) Does not affect
d) Decreases
1. In the process of metal rolling, along the arc of contact in the roll gap

• There is relative sliding motion between the roll and the strip in the direction normal to the roll axis.
• There is no relative sliding motion between the roll and strip in the direction normal to the roll axis.
• There is relative sliding motion between the roll and the strip in the direction parallel to the roll axis.
• There is no relative sliding motion between the roll and strip in the direction parallel to the roll axis.

2. The stroke of punch in impact extrusion is generally

• Shorter than the stroke of ram in direct extrusion.
• Longer than the stroke of ram in indirect extrusion.
• Same as the stroke of ram in direct extrusion.
• Same as the stroke of ram in indirect extrusion.

3. For wire drawing operation, the work material should essentially be

• Ductile
• Tough
• Hard
• Malleable

4. Under ideal deformation conditions, true strain experienced by the material in extrusion can be found
from the following relation, where "Ao" and "Af" are respectively the cross-sectional area of the billet and
the extruded part.
o ϵ= In (Af/ Ao)
o ϵ = In (Ao/ Af)
o ϵ = In (Ao/ Af) + constant
o ϵ = In (Af/ Ao) +constant

5. If the extrusion die angle is small.

• Surface area of die contact with billet increases.

• There is greater resistance to metal flow during reduction of cross-sectional area.
• The extrusion force required is also small.
• Lubrication problems are reduced.

6. In the process of metal rolling, if V1 is the velocity of the strip at its entry into the roll gap and Vr is the
surface velocity of the roll, then
• Vi=Vr
• Vi >Vr
• Vi<Vr
• Vi may be less or more then Vr depending upon the roll diameter and thickness of strip

7. By drawing operation, the diameter or thickness reduction of tubular parts.

• Cannot be carried out.

• Can be carried out only when mandrel is used.
• Can be carried out only when mandrel is not used.
• Can be carried out with or without the use of mandrels.
8. Zipper cracks occur
• In the central portion of the strip that is produced by rolling operation.
• At the edges of the strip that is produced by rolling operation.
• Anywhere on the strip that is produced by rolling operation.
• On the surface of rolls used in rolling operation.

9. In tandem rolling,
• Round and spherical components can be easily produced.
• The thickness of the strip is successively decreased at several stages.
• Complex shaped components can be easily produced.
• Two or three layers of metal are rolled together.

10. If "L" is the length of contact between the strip and the roll, "w" is the width of the strip and "𝜎avg" is the
average true stress of the strip in the roll gap, the roll force can be determined as
• 𝜎avg. L.w
• 1/ (𝜎avg. L.w)
• (1/w) 𝜎 avg. L
• (1/Lw) 𝜎avg

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