GD Topics: Are Indians Less Quality Conscious?

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o Is Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in retail sector good for India?

o Are Indians Less Quality Conscious?
o Is the Consumer really the King in India?
o Is MNCs Superior to Indian Companies?
o Every cloud has a silver lining
o Globalization vs. Nationalism
o Indian villages - our strength or our weakness?
o Developing Countries need Trade, not Aid
o Is Globalization Really Necessary?
o Should the public sector be privatized?
o Women make better managers than men
o Fresher’s are better than laterals
o Honesty is the best policy
o Work automation: good or bad
o Should engineers enrol for MBA
o Is MBA necessary to succeed in business?
o Education v/s literacy
o Reality shows: fake or real?
o Quality is a myth in India
o Nice guys finish last
o Do beauty and brain go together?
o Who is responsible for eve teasing: boys or girls
o Arranged marriage v/s Love marriage
o Is love precious or poisonous?
o Does ghost exist?
o Is God male?
o Marriage - a beautiful journey
o life is beautiful
o Why drinking and driving is dangerous to yourself and others.
o Are there extraterrestrials that influence events on Earth?
o What is wrong with child labour?
o Effect of cinema on Youth
o Present state of Indian Cricket team
o Advantages of Co-education
o To develop India has to empower women
o Is India moving towards people management?
o 2012 is rumour or reality?
o Women –burden or backbone?
o A fool or an arrogant star?
o We or you?
o MBA or PGDM?
o Interview or GD?
o Blue eyes.
o Reason for tourism in India –business or tourist place?
o If you want peace, prepare for war
o Rules are made to be broken
o A room without books is like a body without soul
o Good judgement comes from experience and experience comes from poor
o Nothing succeeds like success
o Women are as confident as women
o Business and ethics do/cannot go together
o Brain-drain needs to be stopped
o Is science a boon or bane?
o Money is must to earn more money
o Six billion and one bronze!
o Joint family is a blessing in disguise
o Women cannot successfully combine both career and home
o East Is East & West Is Where All The Action Is
o Who is performing better - India or Indians?
o Is India ready for E-commerce?
o Is the youth of India confident or confused?
o Politics, Ummeedon wali Dhoop and Sunshine wali Asha
o Is it really good to be a good listener always?
o Ifs and Buts Won’t Lead Us to Success
o Wisdom does not come from degrees
o Internet is producing copy cats
o We are told to be skilful to snob others
o Presentation matters a lot
o When Will We Go beyond Indo Pak Cricket Match?
o Hope is good if backed with hard work
o Straight trees are cut first
o We need more Roads, not more Cars
o India will be a superpower in 21'st century with 40 crore hungry people
o Are MBA salaries sustainable in long run
o Malls are not for all
o Villages need drinking water and not coke and pepsi
o What Obama Presidency means for India
o Behind every man there is a woman.
o Is the consumer really the King in India?
o Davinci code.
o Team worker or a Leader?
o Rajneeti vs. kites
o Advertising is a Waste of Resources
o Should the public sector be privatized?
o Live in relationships should be encouraged
o Computer viruses are good
o Facebooking - Time pass activity
o Fate of Apple after Steve Jobs
o India - really the NexGen superpower
o A closed mouth catches no flies
o If you give a man a fish, he eats it once. You teach a man to fish, you lose a
business opportunity
o A man with words and no deeds is like a garden full of weeds
o Law is the creation of the strong to rule the weak
o Happiness is a mystery like religion, and it should not be rationalized
o Gold: Best investment or a bursting bubble?
o Nokia and Microsoft are a planned alliance or desperate move?
o Wisdom does not come with age
o One Superpower is better than two for the world
o You should either modify your dreams or magnify your skills
o Black-darkness or beam
o National game should be changed to CRICKET??
o India at 60
o Why is India one of the most preferred destinations for software development
o Country needs more technocrats and fewer managers.
o Violence is a prerequisite for progress.
o Virtue has its own reward.
o Should we have more IIT or IIM?
o Management skills learnt in class can never match those learnt from
o Anger is like fire! It can burn everything.
o Laughter is the best medicine.
o No one can prove you inferior without your permission.
o You do not need maths to be bank officers
o Should India give Kashmir to Pakistan?
o Age of information.
o Self disciplined is progress!
o Winners don't do different things they do things differently.
o Attitude is key to success!
o OHH BABY, U HAV CUM A LONG WAY, the Feminist power!
o Decisions determine destiny..!
o India needs to create more entrepreneurs.
o Stronger the wind Stronger the trees!
o All entrepreneurs are MBA; all MBA's are not entrepreneurs!
o Women can handle both career and home efficiently.
o Dot com or doubt com?
o Attitude takes you to Altitude.
o Knowledge leads to name and fame!
o When work is pleasure, life is joy.
o Generation X: Drivers of future or are they Lost souls..!
o Efficiency from skill, Success from Will
o Has man created god or god created man??
o The whole science is nothing more than a refinement of everyday thinking
o Environment-whose responsibility?
o One Country is better than Many Nations.
o Is peace and non-violence outdated concepts?
o Kaun Banega Crorepati’ is less about knowledge but more about money and
o Nuclear war cannot be won and should not be fought.
o All Work And No Play Makes Jack A Dull Boy
o Managers are borned , not Trained
o Good Things always arise from Good Thinking
o Great Spirit faces violent opposition from mediocre mind.
o Happiness is a mystery like religion, and it should not be rationalized
o Eye for an Eye Judgment
o Innovation- How much is too much?
o Quote, Misquote
o Executive MBA vs. Full Time MBA
o Is Management an Art or a Science?
o PM's not a "Lame Duck"
o Will Google+ surpass Facebook's popularity?
o Is Paperless Office a Reality or Not?
o Vision or passion takes you on top?
o Small Is Beautiful
o A university is what a college becomes when the faculty loses interest in
teaching the students
o Should India Break Diplomatic Ties With Pakistan?
o Advertising is all glitter and little truth.
o Growing Big is Boon or Ban
o Roses are red, crows are black
o History repeats itself
o When managers become Hamlets
o Money is the sixth sense
o Marriage is a social trap
o Life is a chair
o If I were …
o Red is red and white is white
o Only the holy cow produces the best hamburgers
o When clock strikes again.
o Something is Nothing
o Divorce and remarriage should be encouraged
o Hope is Good if Backed with Hard Work
o Entrepreneurship requires innovation.
o Education and success- Is there a correlation?
o Definition of development
o It does not matter if a cat is black or white as long as it catches mice.
o Dead yesterday, unborn tomorrow
o Jungle whose property
o Small is beautiful
o Why is “juvenile crime” increasing?
o Catch them young
o Barefoot Doctors
o Time - there it goes…
o Do the right thing and fear no man
o Deeper shades of black
o Up in the sky
o The last few lines
o Highly inflammable
o What about me?
o Keep running ahead
o The falling star
o Water burns more than fire
o Brown is a beautiful colour
o White poison
o The colour orange
o The 3rd eye
o Horse sense
o As the crow flies
o You only live twice
o The alphabet 'A'
o A Red Spot in the sky
o Fall down seven times stand up eight
o Knowledge creates mysteries
o Laugh & the world laughs with you, cry & you’ll find no one with tears
o We're being watched
o Life after death
o Twinkle twinkle Little Star
o And the clock struck 13.
o The spear that pierces heaven
o Red vs. blue. Or, roses are red, violets are blue
o Footprints
o Yesterday is history, Tomorrow is a mystery & Today is a gift
o Music
o Sachin Tendulkar Should Not Retire in a hurry!
o Will the mushrooming of MBA institutes in India produce professional
o Ends justify the means.
o Success comes not so much by solving problems as by exploiting
o Vada-pav vs. Mc Donald Burger
o Television! An idiot box or knowledge provider
o Computer Viruses
o Hidden Persuaders
o Morale Oath
o The pen is mightier than the sword, but fanaticism is the mightiest of all
o India makes nuclear bombs, but cannot make quake resistant houses
o Borderless world-Dream or reality?
o Is Philosophy just an armchair theory?
o Success is all about human relations
o "" companies - Is there room for everyone?
o In India, the whole is less than the parts - Do we lack in team spirit?
o Burnout
o All the world is a stage
o If I were to choose my person of the millennium
o Profit is the only business of business
o Black cat can see you in dark room, but You can’t See it
o He who knows how to be poor knows everything
o Habit and routine have an unbelievable power to waste and destroy
o Patience is a bitter plant but it bears sweet fruit
o It is better to be born lucky than rich
o The test of a successful man is not an ability to eliminate the problem before
it exists, but to meet and resolve it whenever it arises
o A successful man is not one who has ability to eliminate problems before
they occur, but who can face the difficulties as they arise and solve them
o Good things always arise from good thinking
o Faith is to believe what you do not yet see, reward for faith is to see what you
o Education is a progressive way of discovering your ignorance
o You don't have to be different to be good; but you have to be good to be
o Management is nothing but managing men effectively
o If you give a man a fish, he eats it once. You teach a man to fish, you lose a
business opportunity
o Hope for ill gains is the beginning of loss
o Freedom is the freedom to say 2 + 2 = 4. Once that is granted, everything else
o Speculation is an art of life
o The validity of science lies in its power to predict
o "How green was my valley........” Is nature paying the price?
o Casteless India - A pipe dream
o “TEAM vs. “GROUP”
o Black and White
o Number 13
o The end of the rainbow
o Drop in the ocean
o Blue or Pink
o Free will
o Black Dot
o Dot Com
o India Shining
o Green is Better Than Red
o Attitude Says it All
o Black is Beautiful
o Grass is always greener from the other side
o The Child is the father of man
o Environment Management: A necessity in the face of Global Warming
o Multinational corporations: Beneficial or Harmful?
o Should GD/PI be a part of selection process
o Prohibition does not serve its purpose
o Google/Facebook/ Twitter - Censorship Issue – Is it right or wrong?

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