LP Solution - Solver

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The Cabin Creek Coal (CCC) Company operates three mines in Kentucky and West Virginia, and

the East Coast. The cost of shipping coal from each mine to each plant, the capacity at each of t
shown in the following table:

Mine Capacity
Mine 1 2 3 4
1 $ 7.00 $ 9.00 $ 10.00 $ 12.00 220
2 $ 9.00 $ 7.00 $ 8.00 $ 12.00 170
3 $ 11.00 $ 14.00 $ 5.00 $ 7.00 280
110 160 90 180

The cost of mining and processing coal is $62 per ton at mine 1, $67 per ton at mine 2, and $75
sulfur content per ton of coal at each mine is as follows:

Mine % Ash % Sulphur

1 9 6
2 5 4
3 4 3

Each plant has different cleaning equipment. Plant 1 requires that the coal it receives have no m
have no more than 5% ash and sulfur combined; plant 3 can have no more than 5% ash and 7%
and sulfur combined. CCC wants to determine the amount of coal to produce at each mine and
a. Formulate a linear programming model for this problem.
b. Solve this model by using the computer.


Decision Variables

Xij i=Mine#, j=Plant#
X11 Qty produced at Mine 1 & transported to Plant 1
Similarly from Mine 1 we have X12, X13, X14
X21, X22, X23, X24
X31, X32, X33, X34


Qty Produced at Mine 1 X11 + X12 + X13 + X14 <= 220

Qty Produced at Mine 2 X21 + X22 + X23 + X24 <= 170
Qty Produced at Mine 3 X31 + X32 + X33 + X34 <= 280
Demands at Plant 1 X11 + X21 + X31 = 110
Demands at Plant 2 X12 + X22 + X32 = 160
Demands at Plant 3 X13 + X23 + X33 = 90
Demands at Plant 4 X14 + X24 + X34 = 180
Plant 1 Ash Constraint 3X11 - X21 - 2X31 <= 0
Plant 1 Sulphur Constraint X11 - X21 - 2X31 <= 0
Plant 2 Ash Constraint 4X12 - X32 <= 0
Plant 2 Sulphur Constraint X12 - X22 - 2X32 <= 0
Plant 3 Ash Constraint 4X13 - X33 <= 0
Plant 3 Sulphur Constraint X13 - X23 - 2X33 <= 0
Plant 4 Ash Constraint 3X14 - X24 - 2X34 <= 0
Plant 4 Sulphur Constraint - 2X24 - 3X34 <= 0
Plant 1 Ash Constraint 9X11 + 5X21 + 4X31 <= 6(X11 + X21 + X31)
Plant 1 Sulphur Constraint 6X11 + 4X21 + 3X31 <= 5(X11 + X21 + X31)
Plant 2 Ash Constraint 9X12 + 5X22 + 4X32 <= 5(X12 +X22 +X32)
Plant 2 Sulphur Constraint 6X12 + 4X22 + 3X32 <= 5(X12 +X22 +X32)
Plant 3 Ash Constraint 9X13 + 5X23 + 4X33 <= 5(X13 + X23 + X33)
Plant 3 Sulphur Constraint 6X13 + 4X23 + 3X33 <= 5(X13 + X23 + X33)
Plant 4 Ash Constraint 9X14 + 5X24 + 4X34 <= 6(X14 +X24 +X34)
Plant 4 Sulphur Constraint 6X14 + 4X24 + 3X34 <= 6(X14 +X24 +X34)

Objective Function

Minimise the cost

Z = 62*(X11 + X12+ X13 +X14) + 67*(X21 + X22+ X23 +X24) + 75*(X31 + X32+ X33 +X34) +7*X11
+ 9*X12 + 10*X13 + 12*X14 + 9*X21 + 7*X22 + 8*X23 +12*X24 + 11*X31 +14*X32 + 5*X33
West Virginia, and it supplies coal to four utility power plants along
apacity at each of the three mines, and the demand at each plant are

at mine 2, and $75 per ton at mine 3. The percentage of ash and

receives have no more than 6% ash and 5% sulfur; plant 2 coal can
an 5% ash and 7% sulfur; and plant 4 can have no more than 6% ash
at each mine and ship to its customers that will minimize its total cost.

Qty produced at Mines & Transported to Plants

Mine 1 2 3 4 Cost
1 42 0 18 72 $ 62.00
2 10 160 0 0 $ 67.00
3 58 0 72 108 $ 75.00

132 220 <= SUM(I34:L34)
170 170 <= SUM(I35:L35)
238 280 <= SUM(I36:L36)
110 110 = SUM(I34:I36)
160 160 = SUM(J34:J36)
90 90 = SUM(K34:K36)
180 180 = SUM(K34:K36)
0 0 <= 3*I34-I35-2*I36
-84 0 <= I34-I35-2*I36
0 0 <= 4*J34-J36
-160 0 <= J34-J35-2*J36
0 0 <= 4*K34-K36
-126 0 <= K34-K35-2*K36
0 0 <= 3*L34-L35-2*L36
-324 0 <= -2*L35-3*L36
Z $ 41,726.00

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