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Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi



submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of degree of



Under the Guidance of

B. E, M. Tech
Assistant Professor

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Vidyavardhaka College of Engineering
Gokulam 3rd Stage, Mysuru 570002,
Karnataka, India



 Introduction

 Problem statement

 Literature Survey

 Objective

 Scope of the project

 Methodology

 Components and Design Specifications

 Analysis

 Calculation

 Total Cost

 Proposed Sketch

 Conclusion

 References


Automated Scum Removal Machine is used to remove Scum produced during the production of
Jaggery. The Scum Removal is done by manual method in our country. The aim of this project
is to develop Automated Scum Removal Machine. The Scum removal machine can be adopted
in medium and large- sized jaggery production industry. This machine makes the process
simple, easy and fast. It eases human effort and no requirement of skilled workers to operate
the machine. The Automated Scum removal machine consists of the following parts Base,
stand, motor and Collector. The stand is mounted on the base and bevel gear. The rotation of
the arm is controlled by the Bluetooth device and rotates up to 1800. Rising and lowering
movement of the arm is controlled by Bluetooth device. Low speed motor is mounted on
another end of the arm, which is used to rotate the scum collector and is controlled by wireless
control equipment. Scum which is collected in the collector is lifted by raising the arm. Hence,
the pure form of juice can be obtained from the above process. There is no availability of
Automated Scum removal machine.
1. Introduction

Fig 1.1-sugar cane Fig 1.2-boiling pan

Sugarcane is a tall perennial grass native to the warm and temperate climate of Asia. It is however
to be found in other regions of the world including Brazil, India, Thailand, United states of
America, Mexico, Pakistan, Columbia, Australia, Sudan, among other African countries. Brazil
is the world’s largest producer followed by India. Sugarcane grows as grass which has stout,
jointed, fibrous stalks that are rich in sugar and measure two to six meters (six to nineteen feet)
tall. All sugar cane species interbreed, and the major commercial cultivars are complex hybrids.
The crop is grown in commercial farms for production of sugar, jaggery and other sweetening
compounds due to its high content of sucrose.
Sugarcane is usually processed into sugar in various sugar factories in the region. These factories
contract farmers to produce the cane and sell to the factories, but due to bureaucracy and
inefficiency the process of harvesting and delivery to the factories is not appropriate hence leads

to big losses to the farmers. The losses occur in the form of wastage in the farms due to harvest
delays in the farms hence loss of quality and crop wastage when delivering to factories due to
poor transport systems and delays before processing. The net result is that the factories are able
to take the crop in time hence the need to look for alternative processors to avoid the losses
Jaggeries have come up to try and alleviate the problem by milling the excess cane and produce
crude sugar otherwise known as jaggery, which can be used as a sweetener in the food industry
and beyond. However, the range of products and quality of these products are limited hence the
need of this study to come up with a range of products e.g. Cane juice which can improve the
profitability and relevance of the jaggery industry in the development of cane and cane products
in the Karnataka region.

In earlier times, sugarcane cultivators utilized smashers controlled by bulls, however all new
smashers are power driven. These smashers are normally set near the sugarcane fields. The cut
and cleaned sugarcane is squashed and the juice separated is gathered in a giant vessel. A
specific amount of the cane juice is placed into a compact vessel for boiling in a chamber.

The vessel is warmed for about 60 minutes. Dried mash of the squashed sugarcane is utilized as
fuel for the chamber. During the boiling of cane juice, lime is included so that all the scum
(wood particles) ascend to the highest point of the juice, which is skimmed off utilizing
Automated Scum Removal machine. The juice is free from wood particles and is thickened.
Finally, the volume of the thick cane juice is around 33% of the initial volume.

This hot juice is generally golden. It is blended unceasingly and raised with a spatula to observe
whether a string or threads are formed while falling. If the thread or strings are formed, Juice is
completely thickened. It is filled to a shallow level bottomed skillet to chill and harden. The
container is uncommonly giant to allow exclusively a thin layer of this hot fluid to make at its
base, along these lines expanding the degree for quick cooling. Meanwhile, the jaggery turns into
a creamy solid which is model to form into the required or wanted shape.
This hot juice is generally golden. It is blended unceasingly and raised with a spatula to observe
whether a string or threads are formed while falling. If the thread or strings are formed, Juice is
completely thickened. It is filled to a shallow level bottomed skillet to chill and harden. The
container is uncommonly giant to allow exclusively a thin layer of this hot fluid to make at its
base, along these lines expanding the degree for quick cooling. Meanwhile, the jaggery turns into
a creamy solid which is model to form into the required or wanted shape.

Jaggery’s color indicates its quality; dark colored recommends that it is highly adulterated and
yellowish gold infers it's relatively unadulterated.

The Automated Scum removal machine is one of the most flexible machines, permitting the user
to get rid of the scum developed throughout the jaggery production. This machine makes the
removal easy, safe and economical. This machine doesn’t involve any human efforts in
removing of the scum. This machine decreases the human risk involved. This machine helps the
jaggery producers to get huge returns in much more faster time compared to the traditional

Jaggery is a natural, traditional sweetener made by the concentration of sugar cane juice.

Jaggery making is one among the main agro-processing industries found in rural India which
runs on small investment or by a group of farmers.In In India, out of the 300 Mt (Megatonne) of
sugarcane produced 53% is processed into white sugar, 36% into Jaggery and 3% for chewing as
a cane juice, and 8% as a seed cane.

In conventional methods, the farmers have to face losses due to less productivity, more time
consuming etc.,

The jaggery industry is Still at cottage level because of some technological drawbacks in its
export quality processing and storage.

Upgradation of Jaggery plant is essential to meet market demand and provide high quality and
hygiene jaggery.

 To remove the scum effectively without using chemicals and to obtain purest form of
sugarcane juice by filtering up to 50 microns

 During the boiling process scum present in the juice is removed by adding clarifying

 Nowadays, in all jaggery making plants two types of clarifying agent are used such as ;
Chemical Clarificants : Hydros, Super -Phosphate acid , Chemiflocks etc

 vegetables Clarificants : Mucilage's of Bhendi, aloe vere , kateshevari etc..

 The manual method of handling the scum may leads decreases the production rate,
quality and increases manpower requirement.
1. Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology. (CJAST)
A Review on "Technologies for Preparation of Solid and Granular Jaggery"
(Dated : 06 Oct 2020)
Eresh Kumar Kuruba (1), P. V. K. Jagannadha Rao(2), D. Khokhar(1) and S. Patel(1)
1.Department of Agricultural Processing and Food Engineering IGKV Raipur, India.
2.AICRP on PHET- Regional Agricultural Research Station, Anakaplle, India.
Aim : To meet market demand and jaggery export and also provide high quality and
hygiene jaggery within a short period of production.

This paper discuss the various upgradation techniques of jaggery preparation and also
automation and advanced in jaggery making process.
They increasing plant efficiency by considering the modifications in the design of furnace,
time rate of baggage consumption, rate of heat transfer from hot flue gases.
They have designed and adopted 2, 3 and 4 pan methods, semi automated methods like
steam boiling methods and advanced methods like vacuum pan evaporator methods and
also Utilizing fins, baffles, energy boosters, economizer, juice preheater, heat pump based
freeze concentration system.
2. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (2017)
A Review on : "Preparation of plant Mucilage Clarificants and their effect on jaggery
processing of sugarcane variety of Co 86032."
Lava Chikkappaiah (1), Harish Nayaka M. A (1), Mahadevaiah (1).
1.Department of Studies in Sugar Technology, Sir M. Visvesvaraya Post Graduate Centre,
University of Mysore, Tubinakere, Mandya 571402.
Methods: Conducted test using five plant clarificants namely Aloe vera, Flax seeds,
Fenugreek, Purslane and Malabar spinach at three different concentrations i.e., 0.1%, 0.2%
and 0.4% of raw sugarcane juice.
During production, the processing parameters such as quantity of scum removed, total
time taken for processing and jaggery yield was determined.
Results: It was found that Aloe vera at 0.4% removed maximum scum (4.07%), taken
minimum processing time (72.33 min) and recorded maximum jaggery yield (10.92 kg).
Conclusion: The application of plants mucilage as clarificants in the jaggery production
removed significant level of scum, reduced processing time and improved yield of jaggery.
3.International Journal of Modern Trends in Engineering and Research.[Dec 2014]
A Review on "Small Scale Automatic Jaggery Production(AJP) System"
Ravi Hosamani (1), Dr.Satish R. Desai (2).
(1) Departmen of Electronics and Communication Engineering K.L.E. Institute of
Technology Hubli. (2) Department of Agricultural Engineering College of Agriculture,
University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad.
Aim : In this paper an automatic system to improve the production rate, increase the
quality of product and to address the labor problems in the plant is presented.
They designed proposed model to control and monitor the processes of manufacturing
jaggery product.
The main controlling console of the automatic jaggery production system is
microcontroller (Atmel). Which read the sensors (LM35) measure physical quantity
temperature of the boiling sugarcane juice to monitor the temperature to get good quality
molten jaggery.
The movement of the pan is controlled by DC motor and switches through the
programming the microcontroller, along with the opening of control valve for the easy
flow of molten jaggery(pug) into the cooling pit to get the required shape of jaggery to
reduce the labor work.
1 Madan et al.[1 ] 2004 Focused on By modifying proper design of the
modification of furnace and chimney which result
existing plant which in to enhance the combustion
is feasible and cost performance of bagasse. To
effective for rural achieve this fire grates along with
environment optimized air entry ports has been
provided in to furnace for proper
mixing of air. In conventional plant
normal masonry bricks cemented
with earthen clay is replaced with
fire bricks cemented with
refractory cement to enhance the
life and performance of furnace. By
doing all these modifications gur
production rate per day (14 hrs.) is
increased by 20%
2 Rane et al [2] 2005 Developed new Freezing technique is used to
technique of jaggery concentrate sugarcane juice up to
manufacturing. 40 Brix. Energy required for
Researcher made the freezing is much lesser than the
cluster of freezing heating causes energy saving.
and heating
technique to save the
3 Sardeshpandeet al. 2010 1.Studied the 1.By controlling fuel feeding rate
[3] performance of a causes reduction in specific fuel
four-pan jaggery consumption from 2.39 kg
plant.In conventional bagasse/kg jaggery to 1.73 kg
plant fuel feeding to bagasse/kg jaggery.2.Result of all
the furnace is not this work, stack losses present in
controlled so the conventional system get
incomplete reduced.
combustion occurs
cause very less
thermal efficiency of
the plant due to
which manufacture
need to purchase
bagasse or other fuel
of damper at the air
inlet of furnace is
required to avoid
convective cooling
of furnace .
4 Arya et al[4] 2013 Focused on design Sugarcane processing capacity has
modification of been increased by 16.67 % per shift
existing three pan causes 23% additional jaggery
plant.Plant, made manufacturing and 12% bagasse
with fire bricks, fire saving
grates, improved
Chimneys and
5 Anwar[5]. 2014 Design and Enhanced thermal efficiency by
developed a model of 35%, 26 % bagasse is saved during
furnace efficiency the process and 30% processing
booster for creating time get reduced.
turbulence below pan
6 Rane et a[6] 2016 Conventional jaggery It also solve the problem of
plant consumes all caramelization causes improve
bagasse or most the quality of jaggery and saving of
of the time required bagasse up to 77% of
extra bagasse for produced bagasse. It gives
water removal from additional revenue generation to
sugarcane juice farmers or jaggery entrepreneurs.
through evaporation Problem associated with
process. Also due to this system is loss of sucrose due to
uncontrolled heat inclusion and cost of system.
during process create
hot spot causes
caramelization of
jaggery. Result of
this quality and taste
of jaggery gets
deteriorate. To
overcome this
alternate method
need to adopt. Freeze
technique is used to
remove water from
sugarcane juice in
the form of ice.
 To remove the scum particles automatically, which are formed on the top layer of the
sugarcane juice during the production of jaggery.
 To achieve the filtration up to 50 microns by introducing multilevel filtration system.
 To obtain purest from of jaggery by eliminating mixing of chemicals which is currently
following in conventional method.
 This project is designed to Ease of handling the scum particles during the production of
 It provide organic and hygienic and quality jaggery by increasing the rate of production,
utilising very less man power and thus using all resources efficiently.
 The project is designed and fabricated mainly for helping the farmers at an low price.
 By installing this machine ,scum can be removed at larger rate which results in the hign
quality of jaggery
 This machine can be installed in all the jaggery plants throught out the world,where the
jaggery production takes place








In automatic jaggery making plants extracted juice from sugarcane is firstly collected in the
settling tank which is available in the ground the juice is first filter in this tank by using cloth to
separate out the cane particles from the juice
This juice for the transfer to preheater, hear the juice get heated up to 70 degrees celsius and then
it directly fall into the boiling pan
In the boiling Pan again heat will added through steam and hear the juice will continuously heated
up around 120 degrees to 150 degrees celsius and also it continuously produced from particles


Cloth type filters


Juice heated upto 70C


Scum producing


It consists of base, stand, linear actuator, horizontal arm, low speed AC motor,shaft collectors, pan
and multilevel filtration system.The stand and linear actuator is mounted on the base and
horizontal are is attached to linear actuator through stand .The horizontal arm carry slow speed
AC servo motor and this AC servo motor runs the collector's through vertical shaft .upword and
downward movement of arm is controlled by linear actuator which is controlled by
switches .Multi level filtration system is placed under the pan and it has three various types of
filters such as

The scum particles will removed by two stages and both stages are done by automatically
 In the boiling pan collector mechanism is placed when juice continuously produce come
particles some amount of scum particles with the removed through it
 Further some juice will directly flow over the top of the multi filtration system
 Avengers flow over the filtration system remaining of the scum particles are filtered due to
three various types of filters are used
 After Jacqueline juice will go into the next process that is evaporation and packing

• The stand is mounted on the base, and the is placed on the stand.
• The arm is placed horizontally over the stand, and the bevel gear is attached to arm.
• Low speed rpm dc motor is placed on the arm which helps in rotation of the shaft.
• Mesh filters are attached to shaft which helps in removal of scum by shaft rotation.
• Linear actuator is used to raise and lower the arm.
• By rotating the handle of bevel gears, the arm will rotate up-to 180°.
• The collected scum is taken off from the filters and the filters are cleaned.


Base and Stand

Length of the stand – 1400mm
Base structure of stand – 60 X 60 cm2
Material: Mild steel

Length of the arm - 1000mm.
Width of the arm - 100mm.
Material used: Stainless steel.

Linear Actuator
Lifting capacity – 2000Kg
Solid Shaft
Length of the shaft – 750mm
Dia of the shaft – 30 mm
Material: Mild steel

DC Motor
Voltage : 12V
Braking Torque : 26 N.m
Working Current : 5A
Perforated filter (Scum Remover)
Muslin cloth filter
Fine perforated mesh filter
Coarse mesh filter


Specification of gears (bevel gears) :

No. of teeth on gear 0.36

No. of teeth on pinion 12
Outer Diameter of gear 101.38 mm
Outer Diameter of pinion (D1) 39.30 mm
Inner Diameter of gear 80.2 mm
Inner Diameter of pinion 30.72 mm

1. Transmission ratio
i = Z2 / Z1
= 36 / 12

2. Lewis form factor for 20° full depth involute is for pinion
Y1 = (0.154 − 0.912) /Z1

Y1 = (0.154 − 0.912) /12

Y1 = 0.078

3. Lewis form factor for 20° full depth involute is for gear
Y2 = (0.154 − 0.912)/ 𝑍2

Y2 = (0.154 − 0.912) /36

Y2 = 0.1286

4. Since both are made up of same materials, pinion is weaker.

5. Allowable stress for steel = 220.6Mpa (Gear and Pinion)

1. Velocity (V)

𝛱 ∗ 𝐷1∗ 𝑁1
V= 60000

𝛱 ∗ 39.30 ∗ 60
V= 60000

V = 0.1238 m/s
Velocity Factor (Cv)

Cv = 3.05 / 3.05 + 0.123

= 0.961

2. Tangential load

Ft = π * σ * Cv * b * y * m

Ft1 = 3.142 * 220.6 * 0.961 * 5 * 0.078 * 3 = 779.228 N

Ft2 = 3.142 * 220.6 * 0.961 * 6 * 0.078 * 3 = 935.228 N

Ft3 = 3.142 * 220.6 * 0.961 * 8 * 0.078 * 3 = 1246.76 N

Ft4 = 3.142 * 220.6 * 0.961 * 10 * 0.078 * 3 = 1558.45 N

Calculation of Dynamic load

(𝐶𝑏+ 𝐹𝑡) 𝑉𝐾3

Fd = Ft +
𝐾3𝑉 + √𝐶𝑏+ 𝐹𝑡

20.67 ∗ 0.123 (110.3 + 779.228)

Fd1 = 779.228 +20.67 ∗ 0.123 + √110.3 + 779.228

= 849.099 N

20.67 ∗ 0.123 (110.3 + 935.228)

Fd2 = 935.228 +20.67 ∗ 0.123 + √110.3 + 935.228

= 1011.495 N

20.67 ∗ 0.123 (110.3 + 1246.76)

Fd3 = 1246.76 +20.67 ∗ 0.123 + √110.3 + 1246.76

= 1334.37 N

20.67 ∗ 0.123 (110.3 + 1558.45)

Fd4 = 1558.45 +20.67 ∗ 0.123 + √110.3 + 1558.45

= 1656.223 N

And hence design is safe


Model Reference Properties

Name: ASTM A36 Steel
Model type: Linear Elastic
Default failure Unknown
Yield strength: 2.5e+08 N/m^2
Tensile strength: 4e+08 N/m^2
Elastic modulus: 2e+11 N/m^2
Poisson's ratio: 0.26
Mass density: 7850 kg/m^3
Shear modulus: 7.93e+10 N/m^2

Name Type Min Max

Stress1 VON: von Mises Stress 8.259e-04 N/m^2 2.798e+07 N/m^2
Node: 10140 Node: 19832
Name Type Min Max
Displacement1 URES: Resultant 0.000e+00 mm 2.924e+00 mm
Displacement Node: 890 Node: 621

Name Type Min Max

Factor of Safety1 Automatic 8.934e+00 3.027e+11
Node: 19832 Node: 10140
Model Reference Properties
Name: ASTM A36 Steel
Model type: Linear Elastic
Default failure Unknown
Yield strength: 2.5e+08 N/m^2
Tensile strength: 4e+08 N/m^2
Elastic modulus: 2e+11 N/m^2
Poisson's ratio: 0.26
Mass density: 7850 kg/m^3
Shear modulus: 7.93e+10 N/m^2

Name Type Min Max

Stress1 VON: von Mises Stress 2.201e+01 N/m^2 1.233e+08 N/m^2
Node: 22715 Node: 22007
Name Type Min Max
Displacement1 URES: Resultant 0.000e+00 mm 6.427e+00 mm
Displacement Node: 1 Node: 2340

Name Type Min Max

Factor of Safety1 Automatic 2.027e+00 1.136e+07
Node: 22007 Node: 22715
 Purest form of sugar cane juice can be obtained by implementing scum removal technique for
producing jaggery.
 Human effort can be reduced.
 Production time can also be reduced which results in faster production of jaggery.
 Scum can be removed at a faster rate.
 Highly efficient than manual technique.
 Skilled workers are not required for the operation.

 It cannot work without power supply.
 High speed rpm motors cannot be used.
 It requires proper maintains at regular interval of time.

 It can be installed in all “AALEMANES” throughout the world.
 It is used for agitation and cleaning process in liquids.

 Harish Nayaka M A - Department of Studies in Sugar Technology, Sir M. Visvesvaraya

Post Graduate Centre, University of Mysore, Tubinakere, Mandya India. Survey of
Medicinal Plants Unit, Regional Ayurveda Research Institute for Metabolic Disorders,
Jayanagar, Bangalore, India.

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