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Here are the rules for calculating the di!

erent rulers
of theThe Astrology
birth chart Podcast
that we review in this podcast,
based on chapter 30 of Porphyry’s Introduction.

The Rulers of the Nativity

There are four di!erent rulers of the nativity that are

important to pay attention to:

1. Predominator (epikratētōr)
2. Master of the Nativity (oikodespotēs)
3. Co-Master or Joint Master of the Nativity
4. Lord of the Nativity (kurios)


In order to "nd the Master of the Nativity you must

"rst "nd the Predominator, since the Predominator
is the one who designates the Master. The
Predominator is typically one of the luminaries, as
long as they are well-placed. If they are not, then it
defaults to the Ascendant.

Here are Porphyry’s considerations for determining

if one of the luminaries can become Predominator:

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