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Submitted by:
Sagar Singh Type

Registration Number:

In partial fulfillment for the requirements of the award of the degree of



Lovely Professional University
Phagwara, Punjab.


Certification by the Organization regarding the Student

Project (Annexure 2) 
Problem Identification and the cause of problem 
Objectives to be achieved 
Various Steps to achieve those objectives 
Effectiveness of the project 
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This report has been prepared for the project that has been carried out in Jalalpur dhindar
Uttar Pradesh in order to study the practical aspect of the course MGN231 in the
real field.

The aim of this project is to identify the issues related to community development
and to find solutions for improvement, to build creative thinking process and
evolving behavioral changes in order to develop effective problem-solving
campaigns, developing skills to promote unique idea among public aiming to
originate substantial and sustainable development bringing in difference in the
community at large and the ability to deliver effective presentations and written
report covering major issues and suggestions related to Project.

A great thanks and sincere gratitude to my project mentor, Mr. Navneet nehwal for
helping me out and giving me his valuable time during my project session and for
his great guideline. He provided me with abundance of information and helpful
feedbacks to ease our journey during the project.

Many thanks also to the Computer Science Department, LPU for giving us, the
students, such a huge opportunity to clutch the rare opportunities to learn the real
world situations.

Next, I would like to thank all those people who are a member of JDO
for the hospitality that they have given me a comfortable environment to work in.

This course is an integral platform for anyone to gain experience in an actual
workplace. This course is a good opportunity for the students to learn, to gain
experience, to gain field exposure and to make preparation. People learn through
experiences and a real life is full of it. We encounter many difficulties and
obstacles, and with experiences we are expected to be able to overcome that.
Experience is something which plays a very vital role in everyone’s life. It is
something that we can’t simply create, but one needs to undergo through it. By
doing this course, I got to know and discover myself from different angle. It also
helped me to control and develop my attitude and behavior in dealing with
different kinds of people and situation. T

This course in MGN231: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT and this project is

powered by INDIAN GOVERNMENT. In this project, we had to join any
organization and do some social work for the welfare of the society.

I carried out my project in Jalalpur dhindhar, Uttar Pradesh (My hometown).

When Lovely Professional University along with Indian Government offered us the
opportunity to serve the community in our desired way, I started looking for the
possible ways in which I can serve the community. When I was consulting certain
topics about community services, most of my friends focused in teaching students
and building better future. Then a thought ran across my mind, that for studying,
maintaining mental and physical health is the most important aspect and major
health problems such as dysentery, malaria and typhoid arise due to unhealthy and
dirty surroundings. So by removing the dirty surrounding issues and contributing
my part in it, I can be a part of creation of healthy environment and somehow in
other aspects, indirectly I am helping in other projects that are going to be carried
out by rest of my friends.

I figured out few aspects such as city’s pollution, cleanliness, and the causes
behind it and ultimately I targeted cleanliness of certain areas in my city and its
dirty environment which was toxic and unhealthy for our community. I went
through the suggested list of Community Development projects and found few
helpful topics.

As soon as I reached home I started looking for the best fitting NGOs through
which I can carry out this project and found JD organization as the Ideal one as it
has won many awards regarding Swachh Bharat Abhiyan from Government too. I
contacted them and started working on my project. The project was majorly carried
out in parks and areas near Vaishali School,Dhindar.



The issue of cleanliness was identified during the journey from LPU to
my hometown Jalalpur Dhindar. While I was in train I saw few people throwing
garbage and food wrappers directly out of the window unaware of the
fact that how this garbage can be harmful to our environment and our
health if not cleaned or processed. Most of the people in India are
unaware about the diseases caused by these harmful wastes. On my way
to home I saw few areas and parks contaminated with pile of unwanted
waste materials. And thus researched about its cause, and found this
About 49% of waste material is dumped here and there.

In my opinion the cause was that may be the government was unable to
reach those areas or people are using those areas as dump yards (wasting
government efforts). The parks are meant to play certain sports and not
for someone to throw their house waste. And cleanliness of such parks is
a responsibility which a citizen must take, as garbage and dirty
environment will definitely affect the health of children that play in
those parks. The lack of methods and unawareness of people about
maintaining cleanliness are also a major cause of the problem.

The main objective of my project was to target and clean those areas
near me where government has not taken any required actions yet and to
make sure that our efforts results to a healthier environment. In addition
with cleaning those areas the most important thing for me was that I
should plan something that does not waste our hard work and the areas
we are going to work on should remain clean and healthy, Hence
maintaining the cleanliness of those areas and serving the community in
the best possible way by doing a small contribution regarding their

In order to maintain cleanliness of the area, the most important

contributors are those who live near those areas, so one of my objectives
was to create awareness in the locality regarding the same. The idea was
to meet few people of that area and tell them about the importance of
cleanliness of the society, and the ways in which they can also contribute
in maintaining cleanliness and health around them.


As mentioned earlier my objectives were:

First of all to identify a suitable NGO which could help me carry

out my project
To identify a community development area which needs to be
To take certain measures in development of those areas
To make assure the maintenance of the developed area in an
innovative way
To spread awareness about cleanliness and health
● The very first step to be taken after reaching home was to identify
an NGO (Non Governmental Organization) which could help me
carry out my project about cleanliness of Local Streets. I searched
the internet and tried to find several NGOs which are suitable for
the same. It took longer than expected as very few NGOs in my
village works for cleanliness and sanity.

I chose JD organization which was the best option

for me as it was nearest to my home and I could attend all the meetings
organized by an NGO and reach there easily. The main purpose of
choosing this NGO was its remarkable ​achievement on Swachh Bharat
Abhiyan ​as mentioned further:


Old Reviews of people about Vaishali School in some online



Waste segregation is the separation of wet waste and dry waste. The
generation of waste is unavoidable, and the materials carried in this
waste impacts human and environmental health. Naturally, waste
management is something that must be carried out, and one way to do
this meticulous segregation of wet and dry waste, so that dry waste can
be recycled and wet waste can be composted.

So we started from cleaning the dry waste and it was all around the park​. 

We collect all the dry wastes like bottles, cans, plastic, paper, some
bamboo etc.

As per the guidance of my mentor, we collected the waste in a bag and

put it aside for garbage men to take it to the factories for recycling.

Next day we gathered again and targeted on collecting wet wastes, the
methods were far different than collection of dry wastes we had to wear
necessary equipments and few tools to gather wet wastes.


It took 2-3 hours to clean a particular area of the park and after spending
3 days in it we managed to gather a huge amount of garbage to be

After spending this much time in segregation, the only task remaining
was to remove the bulk of concentrated garbage that has not been
cleaned for a much longer time.

We managed to gather some workers who might help us in cleaning

such dense garbage and eventually it was all cleaned in several hours.
After the cleanliness part, the only objective remaining was to maintain
the hygiene of that area.

For doing so, we contacted the Pradhan of our village Navneet nehwal
to look over it and requested him to put a “no litter” board around
that school as it’s a landmark of that area and most importantly it is the
place which is meant to remain clean and hygienic.

● The final objective of my project was to visit as many families as

we can to spread awareness about cleanliness and health and
explain them the ways to keep their locality clean and hygienic.

We visited number of homes and talked to people:

At first we asked them about the various steps they take to dispose their
daily house hold waste.

Some of them used dustbins in their home and after cleaning their
dustbins they throw garbage at road side and in the morning the garbage
men take the garbage unaware of the fact that during the night gap, flies
and mosquitoes breed on it and become a reason of many diseases that
can even cause death. We advised them to throw the collect wastes in
covered dustbins around their area and keep wet and dry wastes
The people who don’t use dustbins were advised to install dustbins in
their home and treat their trash properly.

We also focused on creating awareness among children as they are

young and ​because they will surely listen and change for the good (they
​ y showing them certain
don't have the ego problem). We taught them b
online videos and gave them reasons why they should not litter and be
careful while throwing wastes.

Making small children stop litter, will sooner or later stop their parents,
relatives and siblings.



The whole set of objectives were achieved in about a 11-12 days

spending minimum of 3 hours a day and the results were satisfactory.



After the completion of the project it was on us to make sure that the
area remains hygienic. So I personally went to that park after a week and
found out that because of “NO LITTER” board, the only thing I found
on ground was dry leaves and few plastic trash.

The presence of some trash was a bit disappointing but the condition
was way better than before. And yes…


So it will take some more time for others to understand but eventually
our community will.
Rather than visiting the park I also visited some families and many of
them actually installed 2 small dustbins in their home itself, one for dry
waste and one for wet waste like food items, fruit peel etc.

They also told me that regular cleaning of streets and parks are done and
dustbins in streets will be installed soon so that trash does not collect at
one place and thus the chances of disease causing agents are reduced.
They appreciated our NGO’s work for their locality and thanked us for
taking an initial step.


The project taught me many things and gave me exposure to real field
work. It taught me that participating in Swacch Bharat Abhiyaan doesn't
mean just to take a broom and clean some dry waste and be happy that
you cleaned India, there is more to it. Swacch Bharat Abhiyaan is a
pledge we need to take.
There are very few simple things that we need to do to clean India as a
part of this mission.
1. Don't Litter, throw waste in dustbin only.
2. Don't encourage spitting, immediately condemn people if found
doing so.
3. Avoid usage of Plastic covers, plastic disposables. Carry a bag
with you when you go for shopping and teach the people around
you the same.
4. Teach Children about Cleanliness and Sanitation.
5. Plant trees around your house.
6. Separate Dry waste and wet waste in your house, ease the work of
municipality workers.
7. If possible join any of the NGOs working in your area towards
cleaning of India. If not atleast contribute to it in some way.
8. Avoid personal transport whenever possible. Encourage Car
Pooling if you can't avoid. Much better you can use Public
9. Pool money along with your area mates and install large sized
dustbins in the places where littering is done on the road or open
The cost that India incurs on cleanliness is as much as Rs 2180 per head
annually, i.e. more or less Rs. 2.4 trillion and guess what, this
calculation in from 2006.

In fact the cost of poor hygiene for India would be as much as 6.4% of
the GDP. This was just a study, the costs are much higher in real terms;
that is if we measure the costs on a purchasing power parity (PPP) basis
which takes up the annual costs of poor hygiene to the economy to Rs.
11.4 trillion or Rs. 3263 per person.
There are other costs involved because of the Infant deaths, higher
mortality rates among mothers which is caused by improper sanitation.

So Swacch Bharat Abhiyaan makes absolute economic sense as it can

add 6% to the country’s GDP if we can pull it off. But the big question is
whether we can maintain the initial momentum is in a big challenge.
This is because cleaning up the country would cost a lot of resources and
would require the government to be involved at all levels. While as
suggested above if we all take part in it and wouldn't mind to invest
some peanuts of our income we can pull it off in a grand fashion.
Thereby I take this pledge that I will remain committed towards
cleanliness and devote time for this. I shall devote 100 hours per year
that is two hours per week to voluntary work for cleanliness. I will
neither litter nor let other litter. I will initiate the quest for cleanliness
with myself, my family, my locality, my village and my work place. I
believe that countries of world that appear clean are so because their
citizens do not indulge in littering nor do they allow it to happen. With
this firm belief, I will propagate the message of Swacch Bharat
Abhiyaan. I shall also encourage 100 other persons to take this pledge
which I am taking today. I will endeavor to make them devote their 100
hours for cleanliness. I am confident that every step I take towards
cleanliness will help in making my country clean.

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