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Raspberry Pi: Installing NOOBS OS

As you may already know NOOBS Raspberry Pi is the newest way of getting a
suitable operating system onto If you have purchased a NOOBS (New Out Of the
Box Software) SD card then installing the OS is a very straight-forward process.
If you didn’t purchase a NOOBS SD card, then don’t stress, as it is still
straightforward to download and install onto a plain SD Card or micro SD card.

The NOOBS operating system installer contains both Raspbian and LibreElec.
You will also find other operating systems are available but they will need to be
downloaded and installed.

Installing NOOBS Raspberry Pi:

I will now go through all the basics you will need to know to get a NOOBS
installation up and running in the shortest amount of time. Whether you bought
a pre-installed card or you need to do a fresh install then this guide will be able
to help you.

If reading isn’t your thing, then you should check out the video I have made
below. It will take you from start to end on how to bring your Pi to life.
The easiest and probably the best way to get NOOBS is to simply just buy an SD
card that already has it pre-installed. You can buy this at most electronic stores
that have Raspberry Pis in stock. For example, they have them for sale over
at Amazon if you’re looking for a NOOBs SD Card you find.

If you have a pre-installed SD card, please jump straight to the First Boot section.

1. You will need to use a computer with an SD card reader. (If you don’t have one
you can buy a USB SD Card reader)

2. You will need to download the NOOBS installer (Offline & network install) at
the NOOBS download page it is about 700mb. You can download the network
install, but you will need an active network connection to your Pi for it to work

3. Once downloaded extract the files from the zip file.

Format your SD card
You will need to format your SD card before you can copy the NOOBS files onto

Follow the steps below to do this:

1. You will need a formatting tool visit the SD Association’s website and
download SD Formatter 4.0 for either Windows or Mac.

2. Follow the instructions to install the formatting software.

3. Insert your SD card into the computer or laptop’s SD card reader and check the
drive letter allocated to it, e.g. G:/

4. In SD Formatter, select the drive letter for your SD card (eg. G:/) and format it.

Drag and drop NOOBS files:

1. Once the SD card has been formatted, drag all the files in the extracted NOOBS
folder and drop them into the SD card drive.

2. All the required files will then be transferred to your SD card.

3. When the transfer has finished, safely remove the SD card and insert it into
your Raspberry Pi.

First boot:

1. Make sure that your keyboard, mouse and monitor cables are all plugged into
the Raspberry Pi.

2. Now plug in the USB power cable to your Pi and turn the power on.

3. Your Raspberry Pi will boot, and a window will appear with a list of different
operating systems that you can install. Throughout my Pi projects, I will mostly
be using Raspbian unless I specify otherwise, tick the box next to the OS you wish
to install and then click install.

4. The installation process will now begin this may take a while.

5. Once the install process has completed, the Raspberry Pi configuration menu
(raspi-config) will load. Here you can set the time and date for your region and
enable a Raspberry Pi camera board, or even create users. You can exit this menu
by using Tab on your keyboard to move to Finish.

Logging in and accessing the graphical user interface:

You should find that the most recent version of Raspbian will boot straight to the
desktop. This startup mode can be changed by editing the configuration in the
Raspi-config tool or via the settings in the GUI (Graphical User Interface).
The Raspberry Pi default login for Raspbian is username pi with the
password raspberry.

Please note that as you type your password, nothing will be displayed. This lack
of password is a security feature within the Linux operating system.

To bring up the graphical user interface simply type startx.

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