BIO 201 Energy and Enzymes:: ( Did Not Have To Think, Had To Think, Did Not Know)

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BIO 201 Energy and Enzymes:

(Green = did not have to think, Orange = Had to think, Red = Did not know)
1. Most reactions within cells would require a much greater energy to occur outside of a cell, how
do they manage to do them anyway? (81 Bot)
2. Why are they usually connected in a series? (82 Top)
3. Define metabolism. (82 Mid)
4. Differentiate catabolic pathways (catabolism) and anabolic pathways (anabolism). (82 Mid)

Use of Energy by Cells:

5. Why does the general trend of organic beings generally go toward entropy? (82 Bot)
6. State the second law of thermodynamics. (83 Mid)
7. How is heat generated by cells fighting this law? (84 mid)
8. What law of thermodynamics is leveraged when a cell changes the type of energy from one to
another? (84 Bot)
9. Why could you say that cells burn food molecules to generate order? (85 Bot)


10. What direction do reactions naturally go? (89 Mid)

11. Define activation energy. (90 Top)
12. What role do catalysts play in reactions? (90 Mid)
13. How does free energy determine whether a reaction can occur? (90-91 Top)

Activation Energy and Biosynthesis:

14. What happens to energy generally once it is produced? Similarly, what is an activated carrier?
(101 Top)
15. Describe the roles of ATP, NADH and, NADPH. (101 Middle)
16. Define a coupled reaction. (101 Bot)
17. How do rocks falling off a cliff and hitting a wheel that lifts a bucket represent the bodies usage
of coupled reactions? (104 Top)
18. What is ATP and how is it formed? (104 Bot)
19. Why does ATP have such a large negative ΔG°? (105 Top)
20. Define phosphorylation reactions and state how they relate to ATP. (105 Mid)
21. How can ATP enable the binding of molecules in, for instance, a condensation reaction? (106
22. What are electron carriers? Give some examples. (106-107 Top)
23. What do these carriers become once they lose their electron? (107 Top)
24. Describe the NADPH cycle and explain how it obeys the normal redox reaction order. (107 Mid)
25. Why does the body use both NADPH and NADH? (108 Top)
26. What is acetyl-CoA? (108-109 Top)
Answer Format: (Page Section)
Location Codes: Bot = Bottom; Mid = Middle; Top = Top
For Non-Textbook sources: (NT Link)
27. How does ATP drive the formation of macromolecules despite there not being any phosphorus
in the final product? (111 Mid)

Answer Format: (Page Section)
Location Codes: Bot = Bottom; Mid = Middle; Top = Top
For Non-Textbook sources: (NT Link)

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