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This is an open letter to YOU,

The faceless one who hides behind those empty words

Listen carefully and give me a few minutes
My voice will speak out against your hatred
My voice will stand with others to remove the fear and anger you promote

This is to wake you up,

From your nightmares and bad thoughts
This is to strengthen those who suffer
From the world of hurt and ager
Our combined voices will silence yours and those like you!


Can you just stop?!

You don’t even know the feeling,
Of being hurt by those words
Words that slice me through
From my skin unto my bones.

You! Yes you.

Can you please lend me your ears?
Please don’t be dumb
I beg you don’t be numb
Let’s not be blind on the effects of what you’re doing.

Because your thoughts are slowly killing me

You don’t have a gun,
But shots were fired.
We’re bleeding!!! Trying to compose ourselves
Look at us!!! We’re shaking, we’re scared.

Even if I don’t know you,

I know that you’re the angry one,
Trying to feel powerful
By intimidating others with your hate

Racist!!! That’s what I call you,

You’re a person who shows discrimination
Or prejudice against other people,
Who believes that you are superior to others
Instead of celebrating differences,
you have chosen to mock them

Behind those false identity,

You have chosen to inflict pain
Instead of choosing to positively impact others
And make a change in this world

Unhappy! That’s what you are

Spreading your misery…
Through harassment and humiliation

Laugh!!! Laugh out loud

And know that I refuse you to hurt me
If I don’t speak now, you’ll not stop

Live your own life.

I have purpose in my life.
Life may not always be easy,
but I enjoy each and every day.
Your messages do not harm me.
I will not allow them to.

You choose to tear down the world around you

I choose to build a better one.
There is no value in what you do,
no goal, no achievement; nothing to aspire to.

So, to you who really don’t know what you’re doing

STOP and let’s spread LOVE!!!

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