Legal: Legend in Her Own Lifetime. 4. She Was A Legend in The World of Music. (ES Leyenda)

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Legal(adj.)/ˈliːɡ(ə)l/ 1. 'Relating to the law'. The European legal system

2. 'Permitted by law'.He claimed that it had all been legal.
[Es: legal]


legend (i) /ˈledʒənd/ '[countable, uncountable] A story from ancient times about people and events, that may or may not be true'. '[countable] A very famous person, especially in a particular field, who
is admired by other people'. '[countable] The explanation of a map or a diagram in a book' 1. The legend of Robin Hood. 2. Legend has it that the lake was formed by the tears of a god. 3. She was a
legend in her own lifetime. 4. She was a legend in the world of music. [ES leyenda].


Leisure (N) /ˈlɛʒə/

1. Time when one is not working or occupied; free time. 'people with too much enforced leisure' . 1.1 Use of free time for enjoyment. 'increased
opportunities for leisure', as modifier'leisure activities'. 1.2 leisure for/to do somethingOpportunity afforded by free time to do
something. 'writers with enough leisure to practise their art' [ES ocio, tiempo libre, esparciemiento, tranquilidad ]

lemonade (n.) /lɛməˈneɪd/ 'a drink made from lemon juice and water sweetened with sugar'.the butler served her a lemonade [ES limonada]

Lend (verb)
/lend/ 1." To give something to somebody or allow them to use something that belongs to you, which they have to return to you later." . 2." To give or provide hel

letter (n.) /ˈletə(r)/ 'A message that is written down or printed on paper and usually put in an envelope and sent to somebody'.He sent a letter to Mrs
Falconer. [ES carta]


Library ( n)/ˈlʌɪbrəri/ 1. A building or room containing collections of books, periodicals, and sometimes films and recorded music for use or borrowing
by the public or the members of an institution. 'a university library' [ES Biblioteca]

Licence (n.) /ˈ
laɪ.səns/ 'An official document that gives you permission to own, do, or use something, usually after you have paid money and/or taken a test.' A dog licence. A TV
licence. A driving licence.
[ES permiso, licencia, carné de conducir]

Lid (i) /lɪd/ 'a cover over a container that can be removed or opened by turning it or lifting it.' Tom put the lid back on the jar. [ES tapa, tapón,

lifestyle (n.) /ˈlʌɪfstʌɪl/ ˈThe way in which a person livesˈ.These are the benefits of a healthy lifestyle. [ES estilo de vida]

Lighter(n.) /ˈlʌɪtə/ 'A device that produces a small flame, especially one used to light cigarettes.'
He lit a cigarette with his gold lighter. [ES mechero]

Likelihood (n.) /'laɪklihʊd/ ' The state or fact of something's being likely'. young people who can see no likelihood of finding employment. [ES

Likely (adv)/ˈlaɪkli/ 'Probably'. We will most likely go to a bar. [ES probablemente]

Limited (adj.) /ˈlɪmɪtɪd/ 'restricted in size, amount, or extent; few, small, or short'. A limited number of places are available. [ES limitado]

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