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1.1 About
VCQRU is an organization of young but experienced people with a clear mission and objectives. Quality mandates are a
necessary part of our strategic approaches, and we accept that these quality standards contribute monstrously to the
overall execution of the association.
They desire that the current age and the ages to come, do not have to worry about the fakes and counterfeits. They believe
in " connecting with the heart and brain of shoppers ", and their technology and offerings are all centred on it.

1.2 Services
They offer numerous types of assistance including Anti-Counterfeit, Build Loyalty, Big Data Analysis, Cash Transfer,
Digital Marketing, E-warranty, Run Survey, Raffle, Track & Trace, Website Design & Development etc.

1.3 Contact Details


2.1 About
I joined VCQRU as a Frontend Web Developer intern. The internship was done in online mode from home. My job
was to do the jobs and projects given by my industry guide in a certain period of time. The duration of the internship
is about 12 weeks in total. The internship was based on webpage designing and development. I was required to code
furthermore, plan various designs for different webpages depending on project. I also had design various mock-ups
for a particular webpage. I became more acquainted with additional about HTML and CSS that likewise improved
my abilities in utilizing different software for coding.

2.2 Projects
All through my internship I have been given different projects and tasks to work upon and complete them inside a
explicit time period under the direction of my industry mentor. Every one of the tasks were particular from one
another. All the projects I worked on during my internship at “VCQRU” enhanced my knowledge and skills.

The projects I had been given includes:

• Create a webpage on digital-marketing for their website.

• Create various mock-ups for their anti-counterfeit webpage.
• Create numbered carousel/slider for a client’s website.

Tools and Technologies

I have used following technologies in our project:

- Visual Studio Code


- Bootstrap

- JavaScript


1. Visual Studio Code

Microsoft's VS Code is a source-code supervisor for Windows, Linux, and macOS. A portion
of the highlights of this product are Debugging, sentence structure featuring, shrewd code
culmination, pieces, code refactoring, and installed Git. Clients can tweak the topic, console
easy routes, and inclinations, just as introduce expansions that offer new highlights.
Numerous famous programming dialects have simple help in VS Code. Grammar featuring,
section coordinating, code collapsing, and adjustable scraps are completely remembered for
this essential bundle. IntelliSense for JavaScript, TypeScript, JSON, CSS, and HTML is
remembered for VS Code, just as investigating support for Node.js. Extra dialects can be
upheld utilizing expansions accessible for nothing on the VS Code Marketplace.

2. Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)

It is the arrangement of markup images or codes embedded into a document proposed for
show on the Internet. The markup advises internet browsers how to show a site page's
words and pictures.

3. Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) permits you to make incredible looking pages, yet how can
it work in the engine? This article clarifies what CSS is, with a straightforward
punctuation model, and furthermore covers some critical terms about the language.

4. Bootstrap
Bootstrap is a free and open source CSS system. It contains CSS - and JavaScript-based
plan layouts for structures, catches, route and other interface segments. The structure
squares of pages - HTML and CSS. Figure out how to utilize the most recent HTML5
web improvement innovations alongside CSS3 templates to make responsive eyegetting

5. JavaScript

JavaScript (JS), is a programming language that adjusts to the ECMAScript

determination. JavaScript is undeniable level, frequently in the nick of time ordered, and
multiparadigm. It has wavy section linguistic structure, dynamic composing, model based
item direction, and top of the line capacities.

JavaScript is a unique programming language that is utilized for web advancement, in

web applications, for game turn of events, and parcels more. It permits you to execute
dynamic highlights on website pages that is impossible with just HTML and CSS.


My first task was to collect information on DIGITAL MARKETING online and know how it works
and how VCQRU does it and various services that it provide in this field.
I started doing my research with help of my mentor and furthermore gathered data about some of
the competitors like:-

• uniqolabel

• neurotags

• pharmasecure

• verify me


• Aisces

• Flipfake

• Lets verify

• holisticks


In the wake of gathering all the data I started to write HTML code using Visual Studio Code. Here

is some of it’s sections:-

After that I added CSS and JS to my code. Here I also took some help from BootStrap for

Here’s some snaps of CSS:-

After completing all coding and designing part, the webpage was finally ready and this is
how it looked after completion:


Made using Bootstrap and JS
*CASE Study*


This was my second approach for completing the same task. This time I did it using concept of
tables in my HTML code.

Redesign of the Digital marketing page of VCQRU (approach 2 i.e USING TABLES)


After completing coding using table concept this was how it looked:-
TASK 2:-

My second task was to make various Mock-ups for their webpage on Anti-Counterfeiting.
#Online using
It is a smoothed out web application that assists you with making and work together continuously
on wireframes, models, charts and models.
#Using VSC making coded mock-up


CSS section:-
After completing coding and designing it looked like:-



This all the information weather it’s services, benefits, needs etc. is collected and reviewed by me so
all of my work also includes various

TASK 3:-
I had to design a slider on HOME PAGE for a client’s website utilizing HTML and CSS and
without any help from BOOTSTRAP or any other website that provide pre-defined classes.

Design given to me:-

Actually this is the project that I’m still working on and so this much I have completed:-


This is how it looks right now:-
I might want to proceed with these tasks and this organization in the
future too. The activities I worked on during my internship really
improved my skills and also I get to get in touch with many skilled
people in this field. This load of undertakings can additionally be altered
and can be grown more mind boggling utilizing numerous different
abilities and procedures like utilizing 3D animations and so forth I might
want to improve my abilities in more programming applications utilized
in website architecture and advancement.
More or less, this summer internship has been wonderful and
remunerating experience. I can derive that there have been a ton I've
gained from my work at VCQRU. Obviously, the technical aspects of
the work I’ve done are not immaculate and could be worked on gave
sufficient opportunity. As somebody with no related knowledge with
HTML, CSS and JS at all whatsoever I believe my time spent in
research and discovering it was definitely justified and added to finding
an acceptable solution to build a fully functional web service. Two
principle things that I've taken in the significance are timemanagement
skills and self-motivation.

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