Opt For Things Like Fruit and Low-Fat Yogurt'. (ES Bajo en Grasas)

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lottery (i) /ˈlɒtəri/ '[countable] A way of raising money for a government, charity... by selling tickets that have different numbers on them that people have chosen. Numbers are then chosen by chance
and the people who have those numbers on their tickets win prizes'. '[singular] (often disapproving) A situation whose success or result is based on luck rather than on effort or careful organization'. 1.
The national/state lottery. 2. A lottery ticket. 3. Some people think that marriage is a lottery. [ES lotería].


LOVE (i) UK:*/ˈlʌv/US:/lʌv/ ´1. The feeling of liking someone very much and having sexual feelings for them. 2. The feeling of liking a friend or person in your family very much.´ She was my first
love. [ES amor]

Low-fat (adj.)/[ˌləʊˈfæt ]/ Denoting or relating to food or a diet that is low or relatively low in fat, especially saturated fat. 'If you have a sweet tooth,
opt for things like fruit and low-fat yogurt'. [ES bajo en grasas]

lower (adj.) /ˈləʊə /Less high in position. 'The lower levels of the building' [ES inferior, bajo]

lucky (adj.) /ˈlʌki/ 'Having, bringing, or resulting from good luck'. You had a very lucky scape. [ES afortunado]

Luxurious /lʌɡˈʒʊərɪəs / 'Extremely comfortable or elegant, especially when involving great expense'. the island's most luxurious hotel. [ES Lujoso]
luxury (n.) /ˈlʌkʃəri/ 'A state of great comfort or elegance, especially when involving great expense.'. He lived a life of luxury. [ES opulencia, lujo]

Mad (adj.) /ˈmæd/ 'angry; greatly irritated; enraged.' He's really mad at his daughter. [ES furioso/a]


MAGIC (i) /ˈmædʒɪk/ "A special and exciting quality that makes something seem different from ordinary things” ´Although the film was made 50 years ago, it has lost none of its magic´ [ES magia]

Magician (n.) /məˈ dʒɪʃ(ə)n/ 'A person with magical powers.' This magician gained his magic power by absorbing or copying it from his enemies.'1.2 A person with exceptional skill in a
particular area.' He was the magician of the fan belt. [ES mago]

make money(v.) /ˌ meɪk ˈmʌni/ 'gain or earn money or profit'. Being an artist is a way to get my songs out there, but labels are looking to make
money and a profit. [ES ganar dinero]

Make sense
Make sense (phrase) /meɪk sɛns/ 'be intelligible, justifiable, or practicable'. It makes sense to start saving early for higher education. [ES tener

Mall (n.) (also shopping mall or shopping centre) / mɔːl/ A large enclosed shopping area from which traffic is excluded. 'When you travel
around the country you find the same stores in each mall.' [ES: centro comercial].

manage /ˈmænɪdʒ/
v. [ES: gestionar, manejar]
1. to succeed in doing or dealing with something, especially something difficult: Did you manage to get any bread?
2. to succeed in living on a small amount of money: After she lost her job, they had to manage on his salary.
3. to be able to attend or do something at a particular time: Can't you manage any earlier?
4. to be responsible for controlling or organizing someone or something, especially a business or employee: He's not very good at managing people.


MANAGER (i) UK:*/ˈmænɪdʒər/US:/ˈmænɪdʒɚ/ ´A person who is in charge of eg a business, football team etc´ She's the manager of the local sports club. [ES representante]

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