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IEEE Guide for Gas-Insulated

Substations Rated Above 52 kV

IEEE Power and Energy Society

Sponsored by the
Substations Committee

3 Park Avenue IEEE Std C37.122.1™-2014
New York, NY 10016-5997 (Revision of
USA IEEE Std C37.122.1-1993)

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IEEE Std C37.122.1™-2014
(Revision of
IEEE Std C37.122.1-1993)

IEEE Guide for Gas-Insulated

Substations Rated Above 52 kV


Substations Committee
of the
IEEE Power and Energy Society

Approved 3 November 2014

IEEE-SA Standards Board

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Abstract: Information of special relevance to planning, design, testing, installation, operation and
maintenance of gas-insulated substations (GIS) and equipment is provided in this guide, which is
intended to supplement IEEE Std C37.122™.

This guide is applicable to all gas-insulated substations (GIS) above 52 kV. However, the
importance of topics covered varies with application category. For example, the issues related to
advanced field test techniques and very fast transients (VFT) are of particular interest for extra-
high voltage (EHV) gas-insulated substations (GIS).

Keywords: gas-insulated metal enclosed switchgear, gas-insulated substation, gas-insulated

switchgear, GIS, GIS design, GIS equipment, GIS installation, GIS testing, IEEE C37.122™, SF6,
sulfur hexafluoride, VFT, very fast transient, partial discharge, PD

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.

3 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5997, USA

Copyright © 2014 by The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.

All rights reserved. Published 5 December 2014. Printed in the United States of America.

IEEE is a registered trademark in the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office, owned by The Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers, Incorporated.

PDF: ISBN 978-0-7381-9379-3 STD20002

Print: ISBN 978-0-7381-9380-9 STDPD20002

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At the time this IEEE guide was completed, the K11 Working Group had the following membership:

David Solhtalab, Chair

Godwin Duru, Vice Chair

Arun Arora Arnaud Ficheux David Lin

George Becker Patrick Fitzgerald Hua Y. Liu
John Boggess Noboru Fujimoto Jorge Marques
Phil Bolin Dave Giegel Pravakar Samanta
John Brunke Peter Grossman Devki Sharma
Ed Crocket Charles L. Hand Ryan Stone
Ravi Dhara Richard Jones Brian Withers
Markus Etter Herman Koch Xi Zhu
Shawn Lav

The following members of the individual balloting committee voted on this guide. Balloters may have
voted for approval, disapproval, or abstention.

William Ackerman Charles Hand Johannes Rickmann

Ali Al Awazi David Harris John Roach
Roy Alexander Steven Hensley Michael Roberts
Ficheux Arnaud Lee Herron Jesse Rorabaugh
Arun Arora Gary Heuston Thomas Rozek
Robert Barnett Laszlo Kadar Anne-Marie Sahazizian
Paul Barnhart Richard Keil Bartien Sayogo
George Becker Yuri Khersonsky Devki Sharma
Wallace Binder Hermann Koch James Smith
Michael Bio Joseph L. Koepfinger Jerry Smith
John Boggess Boris Kogan Phillip Smitherman
James Bougie Jim Kulchisky David Solhtalab
Chris Brooks Saumen Kundu John Spare
Robert Christman Chung-Yiu Lam Gary Stoedter
Gary Donner Michael Lauxman Ryan Stone
Randall Dotson Hua Liu Malcolm Thaden
Edgar Dullni Albert Livshitz John Togh
Douglas J Edwards Jorge Marquez John Vergis
Markus Etter Omar Mazzoni Mark Waldron
Patrick Fitzgerald Venkatesh Minisandram John Wang
Frank Gerleve Georges Montillet Yingli Wen
David Giegel Dennis Neitzel Kenneth White
Jalal Gohari Michael Newman James Wilson
Edwin Goodwin T. W. Olsen Brian Withers
James Graham Lorraine Padden Jian Yu
Randall Groves Mirko Palazzo Matthew Zeedyk
Ajit Gwal Moises Ramos Xi Zhu
Daniel Leland Ransom

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When the IEEE-SA Standards Board approved this guide on 3 November 2014, it had the following

John Kulick, Chair

Jon Walter Rosdahl, Vice Chair
Richard H. Hulett, Past Chair
Konstantinos Karachalios, Secretary

Peter Balma Michael Janezic Ron Petersen

Farooq Bari Jeffrey Katz Adrian Stephens
Ted Burse Joseph L. Koepfinger* Peter Sutherland
Clint Chaplin David J. Law Yatin Trivedi
Stephen Dukes Hung Ling Phil Winston
Jean-Philippe Faure Oleg Logvinov Don Wright
Gary Hoffman T. W. Olsen Yu Yuan
Glenn Parsons

*Member Emeritus

Also included are the following nonvoting IEEE-SA Standards Board liaisons:

Richard DeBlasio, DOE Representative

Michael Janezic, NIST Representative

Patrick Gibbons
IEEE-SA Content Publishing

Erin Spiewak
IEEE-SA Technical Community Programs

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This introduction is not part of IEEE Std C37.122.1™-2014, IEEE Guide for Gas-Insulated Substations Rated Above
52 kV.

IEEE Std C37.122™-1983 was initiated in the early 1970’s when the first gas-insulated substations (GISs)
were introduced. The reliability of GISs has improved greatly since the first installations. Utilities have
taken advantage of the greater flexibility offered by GISs to locate substations closer to load centers with
considerable savings in transmission system costs and reduced system loses. In addition, a GIS typically
offers 20 years or more of operation before major overhaul is required.

During the Working Group and Subcommittee deliberations on the 1993 revision, it was recognized that
users would be better served if the original document was divided in two, becoming IEEE Std C37.122™ a
(a standard) and IEEE Std C37.122.1™ (a guide). The two documents can be referred to individually or
jointly depending on the purpose.

This is the guide’s first major revision since it was published. This is a general update based on the latest
technology and user experience.

The subcommittee would like to acknowledge CIGRE for allowing the use of sections of
CIGRE 125 [B12] b for this guide.

The subcommittee would like thank the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) for permission to
reproduce Information from its International Publication IEC 62271-203 ed.2.0. All such extracts are
copyright of IEC, Geneva, Switzerland. All rights reserved. Further information on the IEC is available
from IEC has no responsibility for the placement and context in which the extracts and
contents are reproduced by the author, nor is IEC in any way responsible for the other content or accuracy

Information on references can be found in Clause 2.
The numbers in brackets correspond to those of the bibliography in Annex A.

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1. Scope .......................................................................................................................................................... 1

2. Normative references.................................................................................................................................. 1

3. Definitions, abbreviations, and acronyms .................................................................................................. 3

3.1 Definitions ........................................................................................................................................... 3
3.2 Abbreviations and acronyms ............................................................................................................... 5

4. Guideline for GIS ....................................................................................................................................... 7

4.1 GIS arrangement .................................................................................................................................. 7
4.2 Benefits and drawbacks of a GIS ........................................................................................................13
4.3 Primary components ...........................................................................................................................14
4.4 Design, installation, and equipment handling .....................................................................................24
4.5 Control wiring.....................................................................................................................................32
4.6 Local control cabinet (LCC) ...............................................................................................................33
4.7 Gas handling .......................................................................................................................................34
4.8 Partitions .............................................................................................................................................35
4.9 Switch viewports and viewing options ...............................................................................................37
4.10 GIS grounding ..................................................................................................................................39
4.11 GIS seismic requirements .................................................................................................................46
4.12 Partial discharge (PD) testing ...........................................................................................................46
4.13 Field testing ......................................................................................................................................50
4.14 Maintenance and repair.....................................................................................................................58
4.15 GIS and the environment ..................................................................................................................62
4.16 Future GIS extension considerations ................................................................................................63
4.17 Thermal overload capability requirements of circuit breakers and remaining GIS equipment.........64
4.18 Special transient-recovery voltage (TRV) issues for faults in three-phase enclosures .....................64

Annex A (informative) Bibliography ............................................................................................................65

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IEEE Guide for Gas-Insulated
Substations Rated Above 52 kV

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1. Scope
This guide provides information of special relevance to planning, design, testing, installation, operation and
maintenance of gas-insulated substations (GISs) and equipment. This guide is intended to supplement
IEEE Std C37.122™ 1.

This guide is applicable to all GISs above 52 kV. However, the importance of topics covered varies with
application category. For example, the issues related to advanced field test techniques and very fast
transients (VFT) are of particular interest for extra-high voltage (EHV) GISs.

2. Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document (i.e., they must
be understood and used, so each referenced document is cited in text and its relationship to this document is
explained). For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of
the referenced document (including any amendments or corrigenda) applies.

ASTM D2472-00 Standard Specification for Sulfur Hexafluoride. 2

CIGRE 69-1992, General Guidelines for the Design of Outdoor AC Substations. 3

Information on references can be found in Clause 2.
ASTM publications are available from the American Society for Testing and Materials, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West
Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, USA (
CIGRE publications are available at

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IEEE Std C37.122.1-2014
IEEE Guide for Gas-Insulated Substations Rated Above 52 kV

CIGRE 390, Evaluation of Different Switchgear Technologies (AIS, MTS, GIS) for Rated Voltages of 52
kV and Above.

CIGRE 444, Guidelines for Unconventional Partial Discharge Measurements.

CIGRE 525, Risk Assessment on Defects in GIS Based on PD Diagnostics.

IEC 60270, High-Voltage Test Techniques—Partial Discharge Measurements. 4

IEC 61850, Communication Networks and Systems in Substations.

IEC 62271-100, High-Voltage Switchgear and Controlgear—Part 100: High-Voltage Alternating Current
Circuit Breakers.

IEC 62271-102, High-Voltage Switchgear and Controlgear—Part 102: High Voltage Alternating Current
Disconnectors and Earthing Switches.

IEC 62271-203, High-Voltage Switchgear and Controlgear—Part 203: Gas-insulated metal-enclosed

switchgear for rated voltages above 52 kV.

IEC 62271-205, High-Voltage Switchgear and Controlgear—Part 205: Compact Switchgear Assemblies for
Operation at Rated Voltages Above 52 kV.

IEC 62271-209, High-Voltage Switchgear and Controlgear—Part 209: Cable connections for Gas-Insulated
Metal-Enclosed Switchgear for Rated Voltages Above 52 kV—Fluid-Filled and Extruded Insulation
Cables—Fluid-Filled and Dry-Type Cable-Terminations.

IEC 62271-211, High-Voltage Switchgear and Controlgear—Part 211: Direct Connection Between Power
Transformers and Gas-Insulated Metal Enclosed Switchgear for Rated Voltages Above 52 kV.

IEEE Std 80™, IEEE Guide for Safety in AC Substation Grounding. 5, 6

IEEE Std 605™, IEEE Guide for Bus Design in Air Insulated Substations.

IEEE Std 693™, IEEE Recommended Practice for Seismic Design of Substations.

IEEE Std 1300™, IEEE Guide for Cable Connections for Gas-Insulated Substations.

IEEE Std C37.04™, IEEE Standard Rating Structure for AC High-Voltage Circuit Breakers.

IEEE Std C37.06™, IEEE Standard for AC High-Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical Current
Basis—Preferred Ratings and Related Required Capabilities for Voltages Above 1000 V.

IEEE Std C37.09™, IEEE Standard Test Procedure for AC High-Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on a
Symmetrical Current Basis.

IEEE Std C37.010™, IEEE Application Guide for AC High-Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on a
Symmetrical Current Basis.

IEC publications are available from the Sales Department of the International Electrotechnical Commission, 3 rue de Varembé, PO
Box 131, CH-1211, Geneva 20, Switzerland ( IEC publications are also available in the United States from the
Sales Department, American National Standards Institute, 25 West 43rd Street, 4th Floor, New York, NY 10036, USA
The IEEE standards or products referred to in this clause are trademarks of The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
IEEE publications are available from The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08854,

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IEEE Std C37.122.1-2014
IEEE Guide for Gas-Insulated Substations Rated Above 52 kV

IEEE Std C37.011™, IEEE Guide for the Application of Transient Recovery Voltage for AC High Voltage
Circuit Breakers.

IEEE Std C37.017™, IEEE Standard for Bushings for High-Voltage (over 1000 V) Circuit Breakers and
Gas-Insulated Switchgear.

IEEE Std C37.100.1™, IEEE Standard of Common Requirements for High Voltage Power Switchgear
Rated Above 1000 V.

IEEE Std C37.122™, IEEE Standard for High Voltage Gas-Insulated Substations Rated Above 52 kV.

IEEE C37.122.3™, IEEE Guide for Sulphur Hexafluoride (SF6) Gas Handling for High-Voltage (over 1000
Vac) Equipment.

IEEE C37.122.6™, IEEE Recommended Practice for the Interface of New Gas-Insulated Equipment in
Existing Gas-Insulated Substations Rated Above 52 kV.

IEEE Std C37.301™, IEEE Standard for High-Voltage Switchgear (Above 1000 V) Test Techniques—
Partial Discharge Measurements.

3. Definitions, abbreviations, and acronyms

For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply. The IEEE Standards
Dictionary Online should be consulted for terms not defined in this clause. 7

3.1 Definitions

assembly: A collection of GIS components that are interconnected and ready for insertion as a
subassembly in a GIS, such as a breaker bay shipping assembly. The term is also used to describe a
complete GIS.

auxiliary circuits: All control, indicating, and measuring circuits.

bay: Typically, the primary GIS equipment associated with one primary termination; it includes the
associated circuit breaker, switches, and instrument transformers as applicable. It may exclude the primary
termination, main bus, and bus run to the termination. See Figure 3.

compartment: A section of a GIS assembly that is enclosed except for openings necessary for
interconnection providing insulating gas isolation from other compartments. A compartment may be
designated by the main components in it, e.g., the circuit breaker compartment, disconnect switch
compartment, bus compartment, etc.

continuous enclosure: A bus enclosure in which the consecutive sections of the enclosure are electrically
bonded together to provide a continuous current path through the entire enclosure length.

IEEE Standards Dictionary Online subscription is available at:

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IEEE Std C37.122.1-2014
IEEE Guide for Gas-Insulated Substations Rated Above 52 kV

damping: (A) The temporal decay of amplitude of a free oscillation of a system, associated with energy
loss from the system. (B) A dynamic property of a vibrating structure that indicated its ability to dissipate
mechanical energy. (C) An energy dissipation mechanism that reduces the response amplification and
broadens the vibratory response over frequency in the region of resonance.

design pressure of enclosures: The maximum gas pressure to which a GIS enclosure will be subjected
under normal service conditions, including the heating effects of rated continuous current.

diameter: The primary GIS equipment electrically between and connecting to the main buses in a breaker-
and-one-half bus scheme. It may exclude the primary terminations and bus runs to the terminations. See
Figure 3.

enclosure: The grounded metal sheath of the GIS containing the primary components.

enclosure currents: Currents that result from the voltages induced in the metallic enclosure by effects of
currents flowing in the enclosed conductors.

gas density, nominal: The manufacturer’s recommended operating gas density (usually expressed as a
pressure at 20 °C).

gas leakage: Loss of insulating gas from the pressurized compartment.

gas pass-through insulator: An internal insulator supporting one or more conductors specifically designed
to allow passage of gas between adjoining compartments.

gas zone: A section of a GIS which may consist of one or several compartments that have a common gas-
monitoring system. The enclosure can be single phase or three phase.

gas-insulated substation (GIS): A compact, multi-component assembly, enclosed in a grounded metallic

housing in which the primary insulating medium is a compressed gas and that normally consists of buses,
switchgear, a circuit breaker, and other associated equipment.

gas-insulated surge arrester: A metal-enclosed surge arrester filled with an insulating gas, specifically
designed for use in a gas-insulated substation.

grounding mesh: A system of conductors embedded inside or buried beneath the GIS foundation, provided
for connecting all designated metallic components of the GIS to a substation multi-point grounding system.

local-control cabinet (LCC): A cubicle or cabinet typically containing auxiliary equipment, including
control and interlocking, measuring, indicating, alarm, annunciation, and a mimic one-line diagram
associated with the primary equipment. It may also include protective relays if specified by the user.

main ground bus: A conductor or system of conductors installed on top of the GIS foundation, provided
for connecting all designated metallic components of the GIS to a substation multi-point grounding system.

minimum functional pressure pme (or density me): Insulation and/or switching pressure (in Pa), at and
above which rated characteristics of switchgear are maintained. It is referred to at the standard atmospheric
air conditions of +20 °C and 101.3 kPa (or density) and may be expressed in relative or absolute terms.

mixed-technology switchgear (MTS): Compact switchgear assemblies consist of at least one switching
device directly connected to or sharing components with one or more other devices such that there is an
interaction between the functions of the individual devices. The assemblies may contain components of air-
insulated switchgear (AIS) only or a combination of AIS and gas-insulated switchgear.

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IEEE Std C37.122.1-2014
IEEE Guide for Gas-Insulated Substations Rated Above 52 kV

non-continuous enclosure: A bus enclosure in which the consecutive sections of the enclosure are
electrically insulated from each other, though each section is connected to ground.

NOTE—This construction prevents longitudinal currents from flowing beyond each enclosure section. This design is
no longer in common usage. 8

partition (gas barrier insulator): Part of an assembly separating one compartment from other
compartments. It provides gas isolation and support for the conductor.

periodic monitoring: The process of sampling the state of some phenomenon at a sample interval greater
than 1 s.

primary (main) circuit: All the conducting parts of the gas-insulated substation assembly included in or
connected to the circuits that its switching devices are designed to close or open.

primary termination (terminal): Includes bus interface, cable sealing end, SF6 to air bushings, and direct
power transformer connections.

single-phase enclosure: An enclosure containing the primary (main) conductor and/or devices associated
with one phase of a multiple-phase system.

space enclosure: An indoor enclosure that houses the GIS equipment.

spacer: An insulator used to support the inner conductor in the enclosure.

substation ground: A ground grid or any equivalent system of grounding electrodes buried beneath or
adjacent to the gas-insulated substation that determines the rise of ground voltage level relative to remote
earth and controls the distribution of voltage gradients within the gas-insulated substation area during a

sulfur hexafluoride (SF6): A gaseous dielectric for HV power applications having characteristics as
specified in ASTM D2472-00.

three-phase enclosure: A metallic enclosure containing the buses and/or devices of all phases of a three-
phase system. Also referred to as 3-in-1 GIS.

type tests: Tests made on representative samples that are intended to be used as part of routine production.
The applicable portions of these type tests may also be used to evaluate modifications of a previous design
and to ensure that performance has not been adversely affected.

very fast transient (VFT): A class of transients generated internally within GIS characterized by short
duration and high frequencies. See 4.10.5.

3.2 Abbreviations and acronyms

AIS air-insulated switchgear

CCVT coupling capacitor voltage transformer

EHV extra high voltage

Notes in text, tables, and figures of a standard are given for information only and do not contain requirements needed to implement
this standard.

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GIL gas-insulated line

GIS gas-insulated substation

GWP global-warming potential

HEPA high-efficiency particulate air

HF hydrogen fluoride

HPFF cable high-pressure fluid-filled cable

HV high voltage

IED intelligent electronic device

LCC local-control cabinet

MSDS material-safety data sheet

MTS mixed-technology switchgear

PD partial discharge

PPE personal protective equipment

SF6 sulfur hexafluoride

SO2 sulfphur dioxide

SO2F2 sulfuryl fluoride

SOF2 thionyl fluroide

TEV transient enclosure voltages

TGPR transient ground potential rise

TGR transient ground rise

UHF ultra high frequency

VFT very fast transient

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4. Guideline for GIS

4.1 GIS arrangement

4.1.1 Bus arrangements

The bus arrangements illustrated in Figure 1 are one-line diagrams the arrangements most commonly
applied by the industry.

Figure 1 —Common one-line diagrams

4.1.2 Arrangement considerations

The GIS arrangement is influenced by a number of important considerations. Certain of these are of more
interest to the manufacturer while the others are of more interest to the user. The considerations are as

a) Existing transmission infrastructure typography: The existing configuration of transmission lines

and locations of existing transmission equipment often governs the location of GIS equipment and
terminal locations and also set a size constraint.

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b) Required bus scheme and single line diagram: The orientation and number of breakers, switches,
instrument transformers, and surge arresters along with number and types of terminations are a
primary concern for both the user and the manufacturer.

c) Area and height: The required area and height of the GIS is influenced by the physical clearance
between phases, the mode of circuit breaker mounting, (i.e., vertical or horizontal), the need for
adequate maintenance and operation accessibility, the required single-line diagram, and the method
of connecting the GIS to cables, power transformers, and transmission lines.

d) Aesthetics: Aesthetic considerations and community acceptance may have major influence on the
area, height, and visibility of the GIS.

e) Line exits: The type of line exit required (overhead, cable, or gas bus) is influenced by the location
of the GIS and the location of connecting transmission lines, cables, and power transformers.

f) Grounding and bonding: Provisions for grounding and bonding the GIS should be identified. This
is particularly critical for a GIS having an isolated phase bus where the enclosures carry significant
current in the range of the continuous current rating of the GIS. In the isolated phase bus enclosure
current entering the ground grid should be minimized.

g) Provisions for extension: When an extension is foreseen, the arrangement of the GIS should be
such that expansion of the original installation can be accomplished with minimal downtime. See
4.1.6 for more details.

h) Shipping units: Consideration should be given to maximum size and weight of shipping units while
considering the time savings and quality control offered by factory preassembled units.

i) Operation requirements: All operator stations and indicators for switch positions, gas pressure and
density, and alarms should be easily visible, readable and accessible. Clear identification of
operator designation (switch number) should be given on operating mechanisms. Gas valves should
allow space for gauges, filling and evacuation fittings, and hoses.

j) Switch viewports: Switch viewports are used to visually verify the position of disconnect or
grounding switch moving contacts. They should be unobstructed, readily accessible, and clearly
marked. The choice of direct view versus a camera view can affect the phase spacing requirements
when viewports are between phases.

k) Gas compartments and gas zones: The arrangement and identification of gas compartments and gas
zones, plus the weight and volume of gas enclosed in each compartment, should be pre-determined
for convenience of operation and maintenance.

l) Local Control Cabinets (LCC): The quantity and location of LCCs should mimic the arrangement
of the GIS. Adequate space should be allocated inside the control cabinet for efficient wiring,
maintenance, troubleshooting, and operation. In addition, in order to access the LCC (i.e. front or
rear door), adequate clearance should be provided around the LCC for operation, maintenance, and
egress when the LCC door is open.

m) Power transformer connections: Direct connection to transformers is possible and can reduce the
space required by an air-insulated transition. However, this benefit has to be weighed against the
ease of replacement and the special coordination for this type of connection. (See 4.3.18)

n) Power cable connections: Termination of a power cable into an SF6 enclosure of a GIS is possible
and can reduce the area required by eliminating the clearance requirements of air insulation.
(See 4.3.16).

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o) Surge arresters: The GIS arrangement and insulation coordination study may dictate the need for
and location of surge arresters.

p) Voltage transformers: The location of voltage transformers and other voltage indicating devices
needs to be identified based on the GIS application. An air-insulated voltage transformer or
coupling capacitor voltage transformer (CCVT) may offer a maintenance accessibility advantage
but also often occupies more space.

q) Layout: The modular design of a GIS offers a high degree of flexibility for any single-line diagram
specified. A ring bus arrangement instead of a breaker-and-a-half scheme or a single bus instead of
a double bus can considerably reduce the total cost, height, and area of a GIS. Using cable
connections to overhead lines and/or power transformers, especially at voltage levels up to 242 kV,
may considerably reduce the total space required for an installation without limiting the access for
operation and maintenance. As illustrated in Figure 2, many different physical arrangements are
possible for the same single-line diagram, balancing the shortest connection to adjacent equipment
with the best fit to a particular site. Conversely, the single-line scheme has a significant effect on
the reliability and availability of the electrical system.

4.1.3 Different layouts and one-line diagrams

The modular system of a GIS allows the implementation of any type of layout and single-line arrangement.
The following examples are typical single line and gas partitioning for various arrangements:

 Single bus
 Double bus with single breaker
 Ring bus
 Double bus with double breaker
 Breaker-and-a-half

Each scheme has its own advantages and disadvantages. The choice of the scheme does not depend on the
technology [air-insulated subswitchgear (AIS) or GIS)] but mainly depends on operational flexibility,
system security, substation availability, layout constraints, user practices, and costs.

A detailed comparison between different AIS arrangements is given in IEEE Std 605 and CIGRE 69-1992.

Figure 1 provides examples of one-line diagrams for different types of bus schemes. For simplicity,
grounding switches, instrument transformers, and surge arresters are not shown.

Each single line diagram corresponds to different architectures of GISs and also different gas partitioning.

Figure 2 provides some of the examples of typical GIS architectures proposed by GIS manufacturers,
including gas partitioning. The layout is given for different bay positions, corresponding to the one-line
schemes in Figure 1. The current transformers (CTs) could be located at either side of the circuit breaker
and could have their own gas zone.

Figure 3 provides an example of a GIS diameter and bay in a breaker-and-a-half scheme.

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Figure 2 —Example of typical GIS architectures with gas zones

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Figure 3 —Example of GIS diameter and bay in a breaker-and-a-half scheme

4.1.4 Indoor/outdoor GIS

The type of GIS installation (indoor or outdoor) also influences the project and the design of the GIS.

The majority of GIS installations today are indoors. The main advantages of placing a GIS indoor are
significantly reduced influence from the outdoor environment (humidity, dust, sand, solar radiation, wind,

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snow, animals, and corrosion), around the clock accessibility, fewer third-party interactions (vandalism and
aesthetics), and minimizing impact on the environment.

Installing a GIS indoors facilitates installation and maintenance activities. These activities are not subject to
weather conditions. In terms of aging of GIS, it is recognized that indoor GIS installations have better long-
term performance, especially when installed in severe conditions (polluted, sandy, or coastal areas and/or
where there is heavy snow and ice accumulations).

For this reason, a GIS installed outdoors may be designed with some specific considerations for SF6 seals
and joints, monitoring equipment, safety equipment, metallic covers, etc., rated for outdoor use. Therefore,
a GIS designed for indoor use may not be suitable for outdoor installation.

The main advantage of placing a GIS outdoors is the cost savings of a space enclosure and reduced civil
works. However, this advantage must be balanced with the extra cost of physical security and maintenance
during the lifetime of the equipment.

4.1.5 Three-phase versus single-phase enclosure

A user should consider a number of factors in selecting between a three-phase enclosure design and a
single-phase enclosure design, including the following:

 Generally, for 245-kV applications and above, GISs tends to be single-phase enclosed. Conversely,
for lower voltage ratings, GIS installations tend to utilize three-phase enclosure designs due to
reduce costs and footprints when compared to equivalent single-phase enclosure designs.

 Installation costs may differ depending on the amount of factory preassembly or on the overall size
or weight of shipping sections.

 Single-phase enclosed GIS designs are inherently more impervious to three-phase faults. When a
fault occurs in a three-phase enclosure design, it rapidly evolves into a three-phase fault. A three-
phase fault may be less tolerable than a single-phase fault from a system stability view point.
However, in a three-phase enclosure design, because a fault rapidly evolves into a three-phase fault,
a burn through of the enclosure is less likely. In a single-phase enclosure design, a fault involves
the enclosure and a burn through is more likely.

 Some users require circuit breakers with independent pole operation. This is available in both
single-phase and three-phase design.

 Designs employing a combination of single-phase and three-phase enclosure elements are


 Single-phase designs feature more significant enclosure induced current than three-phase designs.

 Generally, for 245-kV and above applications, GISs tend to be single-phase enclosed. Conversely,
for lower voltage ratings, GIS installations tend to utilize three-phase enclosure designs due to
lower cost and footprints when compared to equivalent single-phase enclosure designs.

 Based on the application, new designs employing a combination of a single-phase bus enclosure
with three-phase enclosure elements have become available.

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4.1.6 Mixed technology switchgear (MTS)

For some specific projects, it may be useful to mix the benefits of AIS technology (i.e., flexibility and cost)
with the benefits of the GIS technology (i.e., reliability, safety, aesthetics, and size).

Such hybrid technology has been used since beginning of GIS technology on some specific projects with
major space constraints. Typical application is one bay extension inside an existing switchyard, where
space does not allow use of AIS technology. A combination of equipment using AIS and GIS components
would require less space, can be fitted in restricted spaces, and can be less visible.

IEC 62271-205 and CIGRE 390 provide additional information on hybrid systems.

4.2 Benefits and drawbacks of a GIS

4.2.1 Benefits of a GIS

The most common benefits of GISs include the following:

 Compact footprint dimensions, allowing a greater number of sites that can accommodate new
substation installations

 Can be located underground (e.g., under a park), in basement of a building, inside a new or existing
building, on a platform, inside a cavern, on a slope, on or inside a dam, or an unusually shaped site
(flexibility in configuration due to modular design)

 Extension of AIS when limited space is available

 Better seismic withstand capability

 Compact size and aesthetics can mesh with the existing environment to appeal to public approval
when required

 Reduced maintenance requirements over the life of equipment due to the limited number of
components exposed to atmospheric contaminants

 A well defined interlock is provided electrically and/or mechanically to avoid mis-operation.

 Injury risk from contact with live parts, explosive failure of equipment, and improper application of
temporary ground is minimized since ground switches are part of the design

 Overall life cycle cost can be lower than AIS

 Electric fields are shielded by grounded GIS, and magnetic fields due to conductor currents are
reduced by GIS enclosure currents

 Ideal for locating near load centers in urban areas.

 High reliability

 Grounded enclosure provides isolation from energized HV parts

 A GIS can withstand extreme environmental conditions since it has few exposed insulators and can
be installed indoors

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4.2.2 Drawbacks of a GIS

The most common drawbacks of a GIS include the following:

 Requires properly pressurized SF6 gas for electrical insulation of busses, switches, etc., requiring
more extensive gas monitoring

 Initial installed cost of GIS equipment is higher

 The grounding of a GIS needs additional consideration (according to IEEE Std 80)

 Longer downtime in case of major repairs

 A larger amount of SF6 gas, which needs to be processed, managed, and monitored

 Maintenance and operating crews need special training when the first GIS installation is introduced

 Due to compact design, access for operating and maintenance can be more difficult

4.3 Primary components 9

4.3.1 General

All components should be designed per IEEE Std C37.122 or IEC 62271-203.

4.3.2 Conductor

The design of conductors, connections, and supports should ensure that thermal and mechanical interaction
due to continuous currents and short-circuit currents do not influence the current conduction and dielectric
performance of the GIS. Basic criteria and suitable tests are specified in the relevant international

The material normally used for conductors is tubular aluminum or copper. Conductors are either supported
directly by single-phase or three-phase insulators or are connected to live components or switching

Generally these connections can be of different technologies. Spring-loaded or bolted type contacts are
commonly used. With bolted-type connections the inner structure in the enclosures is fixed, whereas
spring-loaded contacts are used to compensate for thermal expansion of the conductors and also for
installation and manufacturing tolerances. The connections should be designed in such a way that during
installation and operation the dielectric strength cannot deteriorate (prevention of particle generation).

GIS designs should include removable link or disconnect switches which facilitate testing, maintenance and
repair work, and allow for later extension. Especially in the case of the on-site dielectric GIS tests, the
primary devices (like cables, power transformers, and surge arresters) need to be disconnected.

A removable conductor is also useful on bus to limit impact during testing, maintenance repair work, and

Copied, with changes and permission, from CIGRE Brochure 125: User guide for application of GIS for rated voltage above 72.5-
April 1988

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4.3.3 Gas enclosure

Gas enclosures are usually made of steel or aluminum alloy. They are required to meet certain pressure
design criteria now generally covered by international standards. See 5.20.4 in IEEE Std C37.122-2010 for
more details. In some countries, though, statutory legal criteria still apply and the requirements prevailing
in a specific country should first be ascertained.

The method of bolting adjacent enclosures should ensure long-term electrical conductivity to allow the
flow of sheath-induced currents and should ensure continuous impedance for transient switching over-
voltages. In order to compensate for thermal expansion, bellows or similar devices are required. If electrical
segregation is necessary for any reason, special precautions (e.g. varistor shunting) may need to be taken
into account to avoid sparking across the flanges. See 4.3.13 for further information on varistor shunting.

To prevent or reduce the flow of induced current in the grounding system, enclosures of each phase should
be linked by bonding circuits designed to withstand circulating currents. These circuits, connected to the
grounding system, are best located near the connection of the GIS with other items (e.g., bushing, cables,
and power-transformer connections) and at the terminations of enclosures.

Design of the enclosure must be such to limit gas leakage within the anticipated equipment lifespan to very
low levels. The lifetime of the gas-tight seals should be at least equal to the anticipated lifetime of the
whole switchgear and should be replaced with new seals if the enclosure is ever opened for repair.

All gas zones should normally be provided with means of safely releasing the SF6 overpressure that might
be generated in the event of an internal fault, SF6 overfilling, or other causes of overpressure. Pressure
coordination philosophy should ideally allow a first stage protection to clear a fault before pressure-relief
device operation, which itself should occur before enclosure burn-through. See IEEE Std C37.122 or IEC
62271-203 for more details on pressure coordination and on effects of internal faults.

4.3.4 Gas zones

Gas compartments are created through proper partitioning. Gas zones are composed of one or more gas
compartments. Equipment should be partitioned into sufficient independent gas zones to allow the required
degree of operational flexibility. The segregation of gas zones should consider the rules described in 4.8.

In general, convenient access to gauges and gas filling points should be provided. Ideally, on the other
hand, from the tightness point of view, any external piping work should be eliminated. The final solution
has to be agreed between user and manufacturer.

It is now general practice for each gas zone in which a switching arc can occur to be equipped with
desiccant material to assist in the absorption of water vapor and gaseous breakdown products. With regard
to the absorption of water vapor, this might be done for each gas zone.

At each gas compartment, provisions (valves) should be provided for evacuating, reclaiming, monitoring
and filling gas. Gas service connections should be of a uniform type throughout the substation, and most
users prefer the self-sealing type of connection to minimize gas leakage during connection. The diameter of
the gas connections should be big enough to ensure a fast evacuation.

Gas zone design should take into consideration repair and maintenance work in adjacent gas zones. For
example, a separate gas buffer zone at either side end of circuit breaker or bus for maintenance or
expansion purpose may be considered. See Figure 3 for an example.

Each gas zone should be equipped with a gas density monitoring device and, except for large volumes
where the increase in pressure does not exceed the type test pressure of the enclosure, a pressure relief

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An insulating gas system nameplate with legends showing various gas zones and compartments, piping,
interconnections, valves, gauges, monitors, and pressure reliefs should be mounted in a convenient, central
location. Many times this location can be near or on an LCC. This nameplate should also provide the
nominal (rated) and alarm ranges for gas density, the total weight of gas in the complete GIS or gas
compartments, maximum allowable moisture (referenced to a temperature range), and curves showing
maximum, rated, alarm and minimum functional pressure versus temperature.

The location of partitions should be clearly and permanently marked on the finished external surface of the
GIS enclosure in a manner and color agreed upon between manufacturer and user.

4.3.5 Insulators

Throughout the GIS, insulators are used to support the inner conductor under normal operating and fault
conditions. In principle, two types are used: partitions and gas pass-through insulators.

Gas zone partitions should be designed to withstand pressure differentials in both directions of stressing.
These pressure differentials may be caused by:

 A permanent difference in the pressure of adjacent gas compartments due to required insulating
capabilities or arc interruption capabilities

 A temporary difference in pressure that may occur when one compartment is at full rated pressure
while the adjacent compartment is:

 In vacuum, which may occur during gas handling processes

 At atmospheric pressure, which may occur while maintenance or repair activities are

 If there is a time limitation, it should be clearly indicated by the manufacturer

4.3.6 Pressure-relief devices

In order to avoid endangering persons in the unlikely event of the pressure-relief device operation, the
device aperture may be located at a non-critical point and/or the released jet of gas must be diverted in a
non-critical direction.

GIS standard IEEE Std C37.122 provides design requirements for proper pressure coordination and
application of pressure relief devices.

4.3.7 Gas-monitoring system

The gas-monitoring system is used to indicate the current SF6 density levels in each individual gas zone.
This function is critical in GIS to maintain insulation capability and proper function of the GIS.

The different types of gas monitoring devices used in GIS are as follows:

 Temperature compensated pressure gauge or switch with alarm contacts

 Pressure gauge with separate density switches
 Pressure transducer with separate temperature compensation

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 Density transducer independent of temperature and pressure

 Pressure and temperature transducer with separate density calculation

Each gas zone should be furnished with a gas density monitoring device capable of signaling a minimum of
two independent alarms. Each device should have electrically independent contacts that operate at the
alarm levels. The first alarm, or low-gas density alarm, which is nominally 5% to 10 % below nominal fill
density, should send a signal to the local annunciator and to the user’s remote system. For circuit breaker
gas zones, the minimum functional density alarm should perform one of two of the following functions
based on users’ system requirements:

 Trip circuit breakers associated with the affected gas zone before minimum functional density to
achieve equipment ratings is reached and block closing of circuit breakers associated with the
affected gas zone b

 Block the operation of the associated circuit breaker prohibit operation of the circuit breaker. For
non-circuit breaker gas zones, the minimum functional density alarm also should send a signal to
the local annunciator and to user’s remote system as well

SF6 gas leaks are one of the main causes of GIS unavailability, thus the gas-monitoring system has become
a critical part of a GIS.

The gas-monitoring system described in this subclause is provided standard by most GIS manufacturers.
These conventional gas-monitoring systems provide an indication of SF6 gas leakage that affects the
function of the GIS. However, the GIS user will not be alerted of SF6 gas leaks until the first alarm stage on
a pressure gauge or density sensor has been triggered. Depending on the size of the gas compartment and
rate of the loss, a considerable amount of gas may have already been released.

For earlier detection and faster response time to potential SF6 leaks, optional gas-density trending systems
can be added to new and existing GIS installations to alert the user to a smaller SF6 gas leak at an earlier
stage. Density sensor outputs are connected to and monitored by an intelligent electronic device (IED) by
which the gas density data is processed to determine the rate of gas loss for each gas compartment. This
leakage rate can then be graphically displayed over different time periods for trending analysis. The
trending will indicate if there is a slow leak or if there is a fast leak that needs to be addressed quickly.

Typical information that can be extracted from gas-trending systems includes the following:

 Display of leakage rate in percent per year

 Time in days until first low gas alarm stage will be reached
 Time in days until the minimum functional density alarm stage will be reached

This information from the SF6 gas density trending system can be monitored through various substation
remote systems.

4.3.8 Circuit breaker

Operating mechanisms of circuit breakers may be hydraulic, pneumatic, spring-operated or a combination

of types. In general, considerations concerning monitoring and control circuits are the same as for
conventional air-insulated SF6 circuit breakers. If the circuit breaker is equipped with an individual
operating mechanism for each phase, single-phase auto-reclose operation is possible.

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Where multi-break circuit-breakers are used, usually at higher voltages, capacitors are invariably required
across the breaks for voltage control purposes. These capacitors have to be taken into account in
combination with inductive voltage transformers for ferroresonance phenomena (see 4.3.14) and for other
overvoltage considerations.

For design and ratings of circuit breakers, refer to IEEE Std C37.04, IEEE Std C37.06, IEEE Std C37.09, or
IEC 62271-100.

4.3.9 Disconnect switch

The main purpose of a disconnect switch is to provide a safe isolation distance between two parts of a
circuit at all times. Any normal switching operation that the disconnect switch may be required to perform
should not cause reduction of the dielectric integrity of the isolation distance. This is particularly pertinent,
for example, when load transfer currents are switched or when grounding switches might be incorporated in
the disconnect chamber. Disconnect switches should also be capable of switching the bus capacitive
currents, of withstanding the induced very fast transient switching over-voltages, and of withstanding the
dc trapped charge (with superimposed ac). In a double bus arrangement, a disconnect switch having a
breaking and making capability should be required for bus-transfer currents, depending upon the
magnitude of the load transferred and the size of the loop between the location of the bus coupling and the
disconnect switch to be operated.

Tests for many of the switching conditions described have now been incorporated into international
standards. In some countries, visual verification of the open and closed position of disconnect and
grounding switches via viewports is required. Today, many users accept the principle of external position
indication providing that it always truly represents the state of the internal contacts. The integrity of such
external indication is covered by IEEE Std C37.122 and IEC 62271-102.

4.3.10 Load break switch

Load break switches were used in the past mainly in AIS substations and were considered uneconomical
for GISs.

4.3.11 Grounding switch

Due to the encapsulated main conductors, the number of grounding switches is higher in GISs. There are
three categories of grounding provisions for GISs:

 Permanently fixed power-driven or manual slow-operation-type grounding switches

 Permanently fixed power-driven or manual (stored-energy) fast-operation (high-speed) grounding

switches capable of safely making a limited number of times onto a live circuit, of withstanding the
associated fault current, and of being opened satisfactorily afterwards with no internal damage to
the GIS

 A portable grounding device as an additional tool

Short circuit making grounding switches are mainly used for grounding incoming lines. The permanently
installed grounding switches should be capable of switching on and off all no load service conditions valid
for the specific installation, e.g., line-induced capacitive and inductive currents when parallel lines are in
service (see IEEE Std C37.122 or IEC 62271-102).

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When insulated grounding switches are used (e.g., for maintenance purposes or in order to allow primary
circuit access for testing), they generally need to be insulated to withstand voltages in the order of 1 kV to
10 kV between the grounding switch contact and the enclosure. Insulated ground switches are connected to
ground via a removable link or strap suitable for electrical testing of HV contacts.

4.3.12 Three-position disconnect and grounding switch

The features of disconnect and grounding switches may be incorporated as an integral assembly.

4.3.13 Current transformer (CT)

Toroidal-ring-type current transformers are generally used in GISs where the conductor forms the primary
winding. Such CTs may be housed inside the GIS enclosure as shown in Figure 4, in which case a stress
control sleeve is generally fitted between the conductor and the CT secondary winding assembly.

Alternatively, the CTs may be mounted externally to the GIS enclosure, as shown in Figure 5, and there it
is necessary for an isolation to be incorporated into the GIS enclosure to avoid a CT short circuit. However,
such isolation forms a high surge impedance to very fast transient (VFT) voltages that may cause flashover
of the insulation at this point. Varistor shunting may be fitted to alleviate such breakdown. Install low-
voltage surge arresters (e.g., 400 V) across the insulation to avoid flashovers. Choose an appropriate
voltage level or as determined by the manufacturer. A further option is for external current shunts to be
provided, but these may not always limit VFT flashover of the insulated flange.

Figure 4 —Current transformer internally fixed in the GIS enclosure

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Figure 5 —Current transformer fixed externally to the GIS enclosure

Depending on the requirements for metering and protection, CTs may incorporate a variable number of
cores (up to five) taht may have one or more current ratios (taps). The number of cores, their arrangement,
and their location may influence the layout of the GIS.

4.3.14 Voltage transformer (VT)

VTs used in GISs are generally of the electromagnetic type. Advantages of electromagnetic voltage
transformers are relatively large outputs and high measuring accuracies. In principle, the secondary
winding can be directly connected to protection or metering devices. If the electromagnetic voltage
transformer is on a line termination, dc trapped charges left on a disconnected line will be dissipated. Thus,
transient switching over-voltages can be reduced, particularly for rapid auto-reclosing.

The inductance of the primary winding may be such as to cause resonance with grading capacitors and/or
with the capacitance of the associated GIS bus. Under such conditions high over-voltages may occur and
thermal damage may result. Measures to prevent resonance should be taken by the manufacturer based on
information given by the user about components connected to the GIS and the intended burden.
Appropriate measures can be the application of specially designed voltage transformers or of additional
burdens, e.g., ohmic resistors or inductances and/or by proper switching sequence instructions.

The design of modern electromagnetic voltage transformers incorporates internal shielding to limit the
coupling of VFTs into auxiliary (control) systems.

4.3.15 Surge arresters

Surge arresters used to protect the GIS can be either of the external air-insulated type or located in the SF6
(gas-insulated) type. Gapless metal-oxide surge arresters are invariably used in either case. Surge arresters
are generally applied at the air-insulated bushings but can be required on some long bus runs. Transient
voltage studies should be conducted to determine whether additional surge protection is required within the
GIS. Surge arresters will need to be disconnected for HV tests.

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4.3.16 The GIS cable connection

Cables represent a suitable possibility for connecting the GIS to other power transmission systems (in a
very compact arrangement difficult to achieve with overhead lines). They enable a variety of arrangements,
e.g., underground installation or crossings.

GIS cable connections should be designed such that the insulation medium of the cable and the SF6 gas of
the GIS are separated and do not influence each other. The cable sealing end is standardized and the limits
of scope of supply of both manufacturers for the different portions of the cable connection are defined in
IEC 62271-209 and IEEE Std 1300 in order to ensure compatibility of GIS and cable systems from
different manufacturers. In addition, cable terminations should take into account the maximum allowable
mechanical forces on the GIS. To allow testing of the cable separated from the GIS, the cable box and/or
the GIS itself should be provided with an isolation device and a termination for a test power supply if
required by the user. If GIS parts are subjected to this test voltage, the user and manufacturer should agree
upon the voltage level to be used for cable tests. DC testing is now rarely considered because of the wide
use of XLPE cable. However, when required, GIS withstand to dc voltage level should be carefully
checked by the manufacturer. An example for a GIS cable connection is shown in Figure 6.

Figure 6 —GIS cable connection

The grounding systems of the GIS and the connected cable should, in some cases, be isolated from each
other. In this case, the open connection must be protected against over-voltages.

At lower voltages, the available options for GIS solid dielectric cable connection also includes plug-in type
connections, which can be connected to the GIS without opening the gas compartment yielding faster
connection and less assembly work.

4.3.17 SF6-to-air bushings

Air bushings are provided to connect the overhead line to the GIS. They are invariably supplied by the GIS
manufacturer. They form the only GIS component with insulation to ground exposed to prevailing
environmental conditions. Consequently, the creepage distance should conform with the atmospheric

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conditions. Values of the nominal specific creepage distance are specified in IEEE Std C37.017. The
insulator housing of the air bushings may be of porcelain or of composite insulation (a fiber-reinforced
resin tube with silicon rubber sheds).

Attention should be paid to the influence of atmospheric conditions and pollution in particular if the
bushings are mounted at an angle beyond 30o of vertical. The forces to the line connection should not
exceed the specified values.

4.3.18 Direct connection to power transformers and reactors

The direct connection via bus duct has the advantage that no equipment is exposed to environmental stress.
In addition, the space requirements are minimized due to the encapsulated system. However, direct
connection requires special set-up for power transformer factory and site testing and GIS site testing. In
Figure 7, such a connection to power transformers via SF6 insulated bus duct is shown.

Figure 7 —GIS direct-power transformer connection

Special care has to be taken for direct connection of GIS to power transformers and reactors. The following
points must be considered:

 Settlement of the power transformer platform

 Vibration of the power transformer
 Greater changes in length due to higher temperature of power transformer

The above-mentioned points normally require additional expansion joints/bellows close to the power
transformer and very careful coordination between the user and the manufacturer of the GIS and power
transformer, respectively. The SF6-to-oil bushing should be supplied by the power transformer

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manufacturer. It should be clearly indicated who is responsible for coordinating the connection flanges
between the GIS and the SF6–to-oil bushing. Standards determine the limits of scope of supply and the
interface arrangement in order to assure electrical and mechanical interchangeability (see IEC 62271-211).

4.3.19 Connection elements within the GIS Compensators (bellows)

Compensators balance axial, lateral, and angular forces due to thermal expansion, earthquake
recommendations, or manufacturing tolerances. Compensators could be used to enable the dismantling of
the GIS for maintenance or repair work. Compensators are also used in direct transformer connections to
adjust the final position of the transformer in addition to bellows for isolating vibrations Coupling element

The coupling element is a component of the bus. It usually telescopes and enables dismantling and insertion
of dummy or temporary bus enclosures without removal of other GIS components for assembly,
maintenance, repair, and extensions. X-, T-, and angle-type enclosures

With X-, T- and angle-type enclosures and straight parts (bus ducts) the GIS termination can be led to any
spatial point necessary for connection to other components. Such parts allow versatile and complex
arrangements. Sometimes they are used as branch-off points or for attaching connection components, e.g.,
bushings. Labeling/component identification

In view of the complexities of the GIS and so as to minimize the possibilities of operational errors, it is
important that primary components are identified to conform to station’s one-line diagram. The following
indications are normal practice:

 Components of each GIS bay should be labeled.

 Each HV switching device and each instrument transformer should be labeled with the user’s

 For a single-phase GIS, each phase of each bay and each main bus should be labeled with
appropriate phase references.

 Each partition between adjacent gas compartments should be clearly labeled with each gas
compartment’s unique identification label on each side of the partition.

 Each density monitor should be labeled, identifying the gas zones being monitored.

 Each gas valve should be labeled, identifying the gas compartment it services.

 Each disconnect and grounding switch viewport in each GIS bay and for each phase should be
labeled with the user’s references.

 Each cabinet, cubicle, and mechanism box should be labeled, identifying the primary equipment it
controls and monitors.

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The language of the labels must be agreed upon between the user and manufacturer. The label may be
supplied and installed by either the manufacturer or the user upon mutual agreement.

In addition, a permanent gas schematic diagram showing all HV switching devices and instrument
transformers within the GIS may be provided. This diagram should be made to conform (as closely as
possible) to the physical layout of the equipment and should identify all devices mentioned in this
subclause. The gas schematic diagram should be permanent and mounted in a convenient location for use
by operating and maintenance personnel.

Refer to IEEE Std C37.122 for additional details on nameplates.

4.4 Design, installation, and equipment handling 10

4.4.1 General

The erection of a GIS on-site should be considered an extension of the manufacturing process, utilizing the
same level of quality standards to ensure that the finally assembled GIS meets the criteria for which it was
designed. Any shortcuts in this process can entail negative consequences for the reliability of the final
product. During the erection of the GIS, the user and staff have the opportunity to participate in and/or
witness all aspects of installation. This should be encouraged, as it provides confidence and training in the
operation of the equipment that will be difficult to duplicate after the installation specialists have departed.

4.4.2 Design planning

Prior to the purchase and the installation of a GIS, the end user needs to determine present and projected
future configuration of the station. During this process, electrical and physical parameters and all
constraints dictated by the location of the station should be considered as well. Each user needs to review
their operating and maintenance procedures to determine if revisions will be required when transitioning
from an air-insulated substation to a GIS. These determinations should be documented in specifications and
drawings so that potential suppliers can furnish detailed technical and commercial proposals for the project.
Some of the items that need to be considered are as follows:

 Internal user meetings with all responsible departments should be held to define and establish all
requirements and constraints of a new substation. Several of the arrangement constraints are
identified in 4.1.2

 Type of site where the substation will be located should be determined and evaluated

 Development of the electrical parameters of the station including the following:

 Rated maximum voltage including rated insulation level

 Rated short-circuit current

 Rated continuous current of each bus, line exits, transformer connections, and bay positions

 Current and voltage transformer requirements

 Circuit breaker and disconnect and grounding switch control and interlocking requirements

Copied, with changes and permission, from CIGRE Brochure 125: User guide for application of GIS for rated voltage above 72.5-
April 1988.

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 Surge arrester requirements and their locations

 Special purpose requirements (SVC, capacitor banks, reactors)

 Development of gas zones and monitoring arrangement requirements and gas schematic diagrams

 Development of a required single line diagram for the station including the following:

 Quantity and location of circuit breakers, disconnect, and grounding switches

 Quantity and location of transmission lines terminating at each voltage level

 Quantity and location of current and voltage transformers

 The type of terminations into the GIS

 Quantity and size of the power transformer banks that will be installed

 Future bays or diameters

 Special purpose requirements

 Development of required general arrangements, including the following:

 Location of major equipment

 The method that the transmission lines will terminate at the station, including air-insulated or
gas-insulated bus, solid dielectric cable, and/or oil-filled cable terminations

 The method that the transformer banks will terminate at the GIS, including oil-to-gas bushing
or air-insulated connections

 Future bays or diameters

 Location of the LCCs

 Determination of the scope and intent of the manufacturer’s responsibilities including:

 Supply of GIS apparatus only

 Delivery, installation, labor, testing, and commissioning of gas-insulated substation

 Supply of SF6 gas, gas handling equipment, and labor

 Supply, delivery, installation, labor, and commissioning of ancillary equipment, such as

foundations, support structures, galleries and walkways, GIS space enclosure, cranes, TRV
capacitors, power supplies, spare parts, etc.

 Arrangement and supply of GIS terminal apparatus in relation to arrangement and supply of
air-insulated terminal equipment

 Physical clearance requirements for performing HV testing, particularly when testing one
transmission line or transformer bank while an adjacent line is energized from the system

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 Supply of auxiliary power for circuit breakers, disconnect and grounding switches

 Extent of the control wiring installation responsibility and interface between manufacturer and
user supplied wiring

 Determination of control cable conduit or trench interface between user and manufacturer

 Extent of grounding and bonding requirements and interface between manufacturer supplied
grounding and user supplied grounding (Refer to 4.10.10)

 Access to control cabinets, circuit breakers, disconnect and grounding switch operating
mechanisms, gas sampling and fill valve, gas density monitors, viewports, and circuit breaker
interrupter removal requirements

 A review of the user’s maintenance and electrical clearance requirements should be performed in
detail and any deviations between gas-insulated and air-insulated substations need to be addressed
and resolved

 Determination of the site preparation work that will be need to be engineered, including core
borings, grading (fill and cut), drainage, access roads, lay down areas, control buildings,
maintenance buildings, duct banks, auxiliary power supplies, and perimeter fencing. Areas for lay
down and construction trailers available to the GIS manufacturer should be identified

 In addition, any special environmental considerations (e.g. spoils disposal, any known locations of
hazardous materials, presence of protected species, archaeological artifacts, work hours limitations,
etc.) should be identified

See 4.16 for details on information that should be taken into account for extending an existing GIS.

4.4.3 Planning the installation

A deliberate and complete installation plan, including the future addition of similar equipment, is essential
so that all aspects of construction can be reviewed. The preassembled sections of the equipment and the
manufacturer’s instructions dictate the assembly sequence and, in most instances, follow a series of steps
categorized as follows:

 Preconstruction meeting between user, equipment installer, and manufacturer

 Site preparation including grading, installation of drainage, foundations, and ground grid, access
roads, and auxiliary power

 Staging of construction equipment required during the installation

 Final alignment and leveling of foundation supports

 Receiving, unloading, and storing GIS equipment

 On-site assembly and lay down area

 Grounding of GIS equipment to ground grid

 LCC installation

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 Connection of control wires

 Evacuation and filling with insulating SF6 gas

 Leak testing

 Mechanical or operational testing

 Dielectric testing of primary circuits with conditioning steps

 Testing (commissioning) between GIS equipment and balance of plant for system integration

 Energization

Other planning considerations are as follows:

 A schedule for work crews should be prepared to provide for more economical use of manpower
and to minimize conflicts caused by limited space. Scheduling may also result in the release of
specialized skills in the shortest possible time.

 On-site or nearby preassembly areas should be planned when practical so that specialized
equipment can be set up and repetitive assembly tasks can be performed under controlled

 A site layout designating erection equipment locations should be prepared to allow maximum use
of the equipment with minimum movement. The layout should include details for each phase of
installation so that orderly movement of the equipment can be maintained.

 The capacity of cranes, hoists, gas-handling equipment, welding equipment, etc., should be
considered to ensure that the proper size equipment is available for the job.

 Electric power, heat, water, etc., should be available at the appropriate time in the installation

 Cleanliness, in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions, should be observed at all times.

 Material safety data sheets (MSDSs) and other health and safety information should be readily
available to the work crews.

4.4.4 Site preparation

Regardless of indoor or outdoor installation, the GIS foundation or space enclosure should be complete and
all preparations in place prior to the start of erection. Project scheduling should ensure that inappropriate
tasks (e.g., civil works modifications) are not planned for the same installation period. The keyword is
cleanliness. The long-term reliability of the GIS equipment depends greatly on the level of cleanliness
maintained during the installation process. This can be achieved by the provision of a defined clean
working area. Additional preparation measures to be taken include the following:

 The manufacturer should specify any local working condition limitations that should be imposed on
the erection of the GIS to avoid contamination by particles, dust, water, or ice. Temporary
measures in the form of shelters, barriers, or heaters may be necessary to achieve this condition,
especially during outdoor installation.

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 The party responsible for the on-site erection of the GIS should ensure the availability of the
contractually agreed installation tools and accessories (e.g., lifting equipment, tools, and power
supply) throughout the full installation period.

 The manufacturer should specify the quantity and qualifications of the personnel needed to
complete the installation. The foundation (floor) should be cleared to allow for the layout of the
GIS and the concrete should be sealed to prevent unnecessary dust.

 The unpacking and, if necessary, general cleaning of the components should be performed away
from the final clean assembly area.

4.4.5 Work crew preparation

It is strongly recommended that the GIS be installed under supervision of the manufacturer. If the actual
installation is performed by a third party, it is essential that this party possess the basic knowledge
regarding the GIS assembly procedures and quality standards. This can be achieved by the following:

 Prior to start of installation, the installation crew is given adequate training in the quality standards
applicable to the tasks to be performed. This training should be “refreshed” at regular intervals
during the installation process.

 Clear instructions are given, especially if a second language is used.

 The relevant installation documentation should be available.

 The correct tools, accessories, and special clothing are available and their proper use is understood.

 All installation activities that require direct supervision are firmly established between all parties.

4.4.6 Installation of a new GIS

The overall installation process for a GIS may encompass many months during which time other activities
associated with the project should continue. Coordination of activities among the project's responsible
parties is a necessity, especially with regard to the interface with the high-voltage (HV) power transformer
and HV cable connections. Time spent in these coordination processes will help to ensure the minimum
number of disruptions during the installation process. Disruptions will nevertheless occur, and a certain
degree of flexibility on the part of all parties is essential. Specific installation procedures are tailored for
each manufacturer's GIS requirements; however, a typical sequence for the installation of new GIS could
be as follows:

 The anchoring/support system is installed and leveled to accommodate civil works tolerances

 Complete bays and single- or three-phase bay components are installed on their respective supports

 Inter-bay connecting elements are installed and bus coupled

 The means of dust control during installation should be taken into account

 The GIS equipment is grounded to a ground grid

 The installation of LCCs and interconnecting cables

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 The commencement of SF6 gas vacuum-filling process

 Gas-insulated buses, including SF6-to-air bushings to outgoing power transformers or line

positions, are installed

 Interface components are installed (e.g. GIS to HV cable or power transformers), but bus links
remain uncoupled

 Site commissioning tests are completed, including LCCs

 The GIS is subjected to the HV withstand tests (refer to 4.13)

 Ancillary GIS devices (e.g., voltage transformers and surge arresters) are installed and bus links to
HV cables and/or power transformers coupled

To accelerate the overall program, some tasks can be done in parallel if the overall standard of the assembly
practices is not compromised.

4.4.7 Installation of GIS extensions

The installation of an extension to an existing GIS imposes special conditions on both the manufacturer and
the plant operator that do not normally apply for the installation of new GIS, which is covered under
IEEE Std C37.122.6 in more detail.

4.4.8 Equipment access

Structural supports, access platforms, ladders, stairs, cable raceways, conduits, and other auxiliary
equipment required for operation and maintenance, as furnished by manufacturer, should be incorporated
into the design. See 5.21 in IEEE Std C37.122-2010 for more details.

4.4.9 Temporary protective covers

Covers and other suitable provisions for protecting equipment from damage or contamination during
shipping and installation should be furnished. Necessary quantities should be retained for future use.

4.4.10 Equipment and tool requirements

Cranes or hoists having adequate lifting capacities should be available for handling material during
installation. Nylon web slings provide an ideal means for lifting equipment to avoid damages.

Gas is handled through commercially available gas-processing trailers that contain vacuum-pulling
equipment, gas storage tanks, compressors, filters, and dryers. The size of the individual gas zones and the
evacuating and storage capacity of the gas handling equipment is of importance in large stations as larger
gas zones require more time and adequate gas-handling equipment. Suitable evacuating equipment and a
heat source to counteract the chilling effect of the expanding gas should permit filling directly from gas
cylinders or gas-handling equipment. Filling procedures for GIS apparatus are covered in 4.7.

HV test equipment is required for checking the quality of the insulation after installation. Adapters for HV
testing may be required. These include a suitable entrance bushing for connecting the test equipment to the
gas-insulated bus. In many cases, it may be possible to use an entrance bushing that is a part of the
installation. Field testing is covered in 4.13.

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Special tools and alignment templates are required for installation and maintenance of the equipment and at
least one set (as specified by user) should be furnished by the manufacturer.

The following materials should be on hand before equipment installation:

 Gas processing equipment with adequate storage capacity

 Equipment for measuring moisture levels in SF6

 Insulating gas leak detector (Where double O-rings are used, a manometer can sometimes be
connected at the sensing valve to measure any increase in pressure between the O-rings.
Commercial high viscosity, non-corrosive solutions may be used to locate larger leaks at a sensing
hole, at welds, or at bolted flanges)

 Dry air, nitrogen, or desiccant

 Clean plastic gloves and approved work clothing

 Lint-free cloths and manufacturer-recommended solvents

 Temporary plastic bags or covers for sealing openings after components have been removed

 A commercial-type vacuum cleaner with high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters and
nonmetallic accessories

 Tools supplied and recommended by the manufacturer

 Ventilating equipment

 Handling and lifting equipment

 Installation and maintenance manuals and installation drawings

 Ladders and platforms

 A tent or shelter

4.4.11 Drawings and instruction manuals

Installation drawings, instruction manuals, and equipment data should be furnished by the GIS supplier.
Equipment data should be in English, metric measurements, or both, as agreed by user and manufacturer.
This information should include, but not be limited to, the list below:

 Instructions and procedures sequenced for storage, assembly, maintenance, and disassembly
 General arrangement and shipping assembly
 Assembly and maintenance clearance requirements
 Component overall dimensions and weights
 The method of lifting components
 Item and/or subassembly identification, including a packing list
 Torque specifications

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 Equipment adjustment and preparation

 Point-to-point resistance for each assembled shipping component and/or shipping section
 Gas-system installation procedures, gas-handling procedures, and schematic diagrams
 Specifications and procedures for cleanliness
 Foundation and anchor bolt requirements
 Grounding requirements
 Logic, control, flow, and wiring diagrams
 Operating instructions and procedures
 Nameplate(s) indicating equipment ratings
 Identification of component and assembly thermal expansion limits
 A list of recommended spare parts
 A list of components that may require replacement during a major overhaul or expansion

4.4.12 Work procedures Opening the equipment

If opening the GIS is required, great care should be taken in order to avoid introduction of impurities. The
following is a list of recommended procedures:

a) All safety precautions in 4.14.3 should be followed

b) The area around the compartment to be opened, including supporting structures and other parts
from which dirt or contaminants could fall or be blown into the enclosures, should be vacuumed
and wiped clean with lint-free cloths
c) Evacuate the gas from the compartment on which work is to be performed in accordance with
IEEE Std C37.122.3
d) Open the compartments in accordance with equipment manufacturer’s recommendations. When a
compartment containing sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) gas arc byproducts is opened, the byproducts,
which are usually in the form of a white-to-tan powder, should be removed at once in accordance
with 4.7 in IEEE C37.122.3-2010
e) All work should be completed as quickly as possible. Open compartments should be protected with
temporary covers or other suitable seals. When a compartment is left overnight or longer, it should
be pressurized with dry air or nitrogen to a slight positive pressure, typically 140 kPa (5 psig), to
avoid condensation or entrance of moist air Closing the equipment

The following procedures are to be followed:

a) Inspect the conductor and enclosure for nicks, burrs, or scratches and repair, according to the
manufacturer’s instructions.

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b) Clean the enclosure thoroughly. Vacuum the inside of the enclosure and wipe the conductor and
then the inside of the enclosure with a lint-free cloth. Insulators within easy reach should be
cleaned according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
c) Reassemble the equipment and ensure that no foreign particles are introduced.
d) Install new desiccant and promptly close the compartment in accordance with the manufacturer’s
e) Refill the enclosure with dry air or nitrogen to a slightly positive pressure to maintain the interior
clean and dry (optional step to expedite evacuation time). Evacuate to the level specified by the
manufacturer and hold for the specified period of time. Perform a vacuum pressure rise test. Fill the
enclosure with insulating gas to the specified pressure at ambient temperature and check for leaks.
Check the insulating gas quality after time period specified by the manufacturer. Refer to
IEEE Std C37.122.3 for further filling requirements. When major repairs or modifications have
been made, it may be necessary to perform a dielectric test on the equipment to verify the insulation
integrity. This decision should be made by the user, in consultation with the manufacturer. See 4.13
for recommended procedures on field testing.

4.5 Control wiring

4.5.1 General

IEEE standards cover qualification of substation control apparatus for immunity to damage from control
wiring transients and electromagnetic interference (EMI). The required standards for GISs are a
straightforward extension of the existing AIS standards.

Both AISs and GISs generate transients during switching. The transients generated in a GIS have rise times
roughly one order of magnitude shorter than those generated by AIS substations due to shorter distances
between switching equipment and control wiring, which results in a frequency bandwidth roughly one
order of magnitude greater. This causes increased coupling of interference into the control wiring, with the
result that control wiring practice used in air-insulated substations may not be adequate for GISs. However,
the control wiring practice for GISs has been brought to the state which permits reliable operation of
programmable controllers and computers within the GIS. For a more detailed discussion of VFTs in GISs,
see 4.10.5.

4.5.2 Appropriate control-wiring shielding practices

Transient generation and propagation within and along the GIS enclosure are covered in 4.10.5. Such
transients generate substantial radiated energy, electric and magnetic fields, and transient currents within
the substation grounds. The correct approach to GIS control wiring is to use shielded control cable. All
control and power cables from and to GIS equipment should be shielded cable with shields grounded at
both ends with the shortest grounding conductors as possible. The practice of grounding only one end of
the cable shield should be avoided in GIS equipment. The cable shields should be terminated and grounded
immediately on the LCC end as the cables enter into the cabinet. Long grounding conductors to ground the
shielded cables should be avoided as this brings the transients on the control cable shields into the LCC
where it can couple with the remaining conductors. Cables with continuously corrugated or solid copper
shield provide the most effective performance against transients. It is recommended to include a bare
copper cable (minimum #6 AWG) with the duct bank or cable tray to help with reducing transients.

Each individual GIS element may be shielded and grounded but the key to reducing transients is to ensure
continuity of shield from one element to next to avoid crossover current from the outside of the shield to
the inside. A large switching-induced transient current could be flowing on the outside surface of the shield

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IEEE Guide for Gas-Insulated Substations Rated Above 52 kV

but no coupling will occur to the control wiring so long as the current is not allowed from outside the shield
to the inside.

4.6 Local control cabinet (LCC)

The SF6 GIS typically has an LCC mounted in the immediate vicinity of the GIS bays that may provide the
following functions:

 A mimic diagram showing the arrangement of all of the electrical equipment in the bay

 Control and position indication of all the switching devices, circuit breakers, disconnect switches,
and grounding switches in the GIS equipment

 Monitoring of the SF6 gas density in the various gas zones

 Monitoring of the drive mechanisms of the circuit breakers

 Local-remote switching for transferring control of the circuit breakers and disconnect switches
from the LCC (local) to the station control system (remote)

 Electrical interlocking between the circuit breakers disconnecting switches, grounding switches,
line potentials, and apparatus on the opposite side of power transformers

 Annunciation of equipment alarms in each bay

 A connection point to the central control equipment, such as protective relays, measuring
instruments, remote control interfacing, and other devices

Depending on the technology and voltage level, the LCC can be mounted directly onto the GIS equipment
or be delivered as a stand-alone cabinet.

The LCC can be equipped with conventional technology (mimic diagrams with control switches, relays,
and annunciator) or a more modern digital technology (integrating bay controllers with digital display and
control functions that perform the functions of conventional equipment).

Depending on specific site requirements, some additional features can be included in the cabinet, for

 Synchronizing facilities for the circuit breaker

 Lockout relays for protection in the case of low SF6 gas density in the circuit breakers—these
relays should trip and lock out or block trip the impacted circuit breakers

Generally, the LCC is equipped with lighting, anti-condensation heaters, and terminal blocks for cable
connections to other control panels of the substation. The arrangement of equipment within the cabinets
should be such that access for maintenance or removal of any item should be possible with minimum
disturbance of associated apparatus.

An interlocking scheme is incorporated inside the cabinet to account the following basic requirements:

 Safeguard of maintenance personnel who may be working on one section of the equipment with
other sections energized

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 Prevent incorrect switching sequences that could lead to a hazardous situation to plant, equipment,
or personnel.

Suitable means of interlocking between circuit breakers, disconnect switches, and grounding switches
should be provided as follows:
 The interlocking system should prevent a disconnect switch operation (open or closed) under load,
prevent grounding switches from being closed into an energized bus, and prevent a disconnect
switch from being closed into a grounded bus.

 Disconnect switches should be interlocked such that they cannot be operated unless the associated
circuit breaker is open.

 Disconnect switches should be interlocked such that they cannot be operated unless the associated
grounding switches are open.

 Grounding switches should be interlocked such that they cannot be operated unless the associated
disconnect switches are open.

 Disconnect switches used for bus transfer switching may require a means to override interlocks.

A bay controller is an integrated multi-function device that provides many new functions compared to
conventional LCC technology. It can replace most, if not all, of the devices used in conventional
technology. Some of these functions include:

 Control and display function through digital mimic display with more functionalities than
conventional mimic diagram (display of pressure, status of apparatus, alarm display, etc.)

 Exchange of data at a higher level in the substation through standard protocols (Modbus or
IEC 61850) thus limiting the number of wires and connections to the upper level

 Interfacing with other IED devices in the substation, such as monitoring systems [SF6, partial
discharge (PD), circuit-breaker monitoring]

 Acquisition of analog and digital data with different possibilities for signal treatment

 Integration of additional functions that are generally integrated in other protection cabinets, such as
counters and meters and event recorders for post-fault analysis, circuit breaker synchronism, etc.

 Integration of interlocking functions

4.7 Gas handling

For information on GIS SF6 gas handling, refer to IEEE Std C37.122.3. This guide describes significant
aspects of handling SF6 gas used in electric power equipment such as gas recovery, reclamation, and
recycling in order to keep the gas permanently in a closed cycle and avoiding any deliberate release in

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4.8 Partitions 11

4.8.1 Design of partitions

Partitions are used to separate compartments of the GIS and are gas tight such that contamination between
adjacent compartments cannot occur. Partitions are made of material having insulating and mechanical
properties so as to ensure proper operation over the lifetime of the GIS. Partitions should maintain their
dielectric withstand strength at service voltage when contaminated by SF6 by-products generated from
normal load switching or interrupting short-circuit fault current.

The design pressure of partitions should be determined in accordance with 5.23 in IEEE Std C37.122-2010.

For safety reasons, during maintenance activities, the gas pressure may be lowered to a specified and
controlled pressure below the rated pressure. In such cases, this reduced pressure on one side of the
partition can be used when determining the design pressure. Warning notices and gas-handling procedures
should be written in the operating and maintenance manuals.

Determination of the design pressure of the partition should also consider:

 For non-symmetrical partitions, as far as the pressure on the partition is concerned, the weakest
pressure direction

 Superimposed loads and vibration

 The possibility of maintenance being carried out adjacent to a pressurized partition, with special
care to avoid rupture of the partition and the risk of injuries for maintenance personnel

Note that enhanced pressure due to internal fault is not considered to establish the pressure design since in
such a situation the partition will be closely inspected and replaced if necessary.

4.8.2 Partitioning

Partitioning of a GIS is influenced by the service continuity requirements during maintenance, repair, and
extension. Local health and safety requirements also have to be considered.

Consult IEC 62271-203 Annex F for guidance on specifying service continuity.

A GIS should be divided into compartments in such a manner as follows:

 During various activities requiring de-energization of parts of the GIS, compartments to be taken
out of service comply with the user’s service continuity requirements. These activities include:

 Maintenance

 Repair

 Extension

 Effects and impact of an arc inside a compartment is limited to that compartment.

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 Duration of unavailability, in case of major failure, should be in accordance with the user’s service
continuity requirements.

 Gas zones could be evacuated and filled in a reasonable time considering the gas handling devices

 A partition is provided near future extension locations, so as to limit the amount of gas reclaimed
during evacuation and eliminate the need to open the adjacent compartment.

Partitions are made of insulating material. They are not intended to provide electrical safety of personnel.
For this purpose, other means such as separating by an isolating distance or grounding of the equipment is

Partitions provide mechanical safety against the gas pressure still present in the adjacent compartment
during maintenance, repair, and extension. During such activities, other mechanical stresses than pressure
should be considered on partitions, such as shock of any piece, or transient mechanical stresses from
conductors in order to define the safety rules and avoid health risk for personnel.

Where a GIS bus-duct passes from indoor to outdoor locations (for example, a GIS installed within a
building with outdoor bushings), the gas compartment may be provided with a partition close to the wall,
separating the compartment between the indoor and outdoor environments. Each gas zone should be
equipped with the following accessories:

 Filling valve
 Gas monitoring device
Depending on the GIS design or on users request, each compartment may also be equipped with the
following accessories:

 Pressure relief device

 Desiccant

Figure 8 gives an example of an arrangement of enclosures and partitions for different types of adjacent

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Figure 8 —Examples of arrangement of enclosures and gas compartments

4.9 Switch viewports and viewing options

If specified by the user, a visual method of verification of open and closed position of each disconnect and
grounding switch may be provided. The position of the moving and stationary contacts for each phase
should be clearly visible.

4.9.1 Viewports

The viewports enable the visual verification of the moving contact position before and/or after a switching
operation of the switch. The visual inspection can be performed through:

a) Direct observation with the eyes

Do not look into the viewport during operation. Arcing may damage your eyes.

NOTE—If the user selects viewports as the means of switch position indication, a weatherproof sign should be
installed near each viewport to warn of possible danger when viewing the interior during switch operation.

b) Use of endoscope
c) Use of video system

Each switch viewport should be clearly marked to avoid confusion.

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Protective covers can be provided over each viewport to protect the window assembly from exposure to
elements or weathering. Operating mechanism linkages to switch housings should not obstruct access to the
viewports or require operating personnel to assume unsafe positions to remove the covers and visually
examine moving contact position.

4.9.2 Direct observation

Direct observation should not be made during switching operation.

In order that a determination of the switch moving contact position can be made under all conditions of day
and night lighting, the viewports should have provisions for illumination, so that a handheld flashlight or
portable light source can illuminate the component parts and allow visual determination of the position of
the switch moving contacts. Illumination provisions should be arranged in such a way such that the viewer's
eyes are not impeded.

There should be adequate space around the viewports for proper viewing without any physical hindrance.

Clearances to external live components such as SF6-to-air bushings should be considered according to
safety standards when planning the accessibility of the viewports.

Switch viewports should be located at eye level, whenever possible. This may not be possible for some of
the viewports. In those cases, permanent or mobile platforms or walkways should be designed and

4.9.3 Endoscope

The endoscope is a mobile inspection device that normally consists of an eye piece with lens system, a light
source and a magnetic head with integrated fiber illumination and scope.

During inspection, the endoscope’s magnetic head is attached to the viewport via a magnetic clamp. The
switch contact locations are illuminated from the light source through the optical fiber in the magnet head.
The lens system transmits the image to the viewer from the fiberscope.

The endoscope should be kept in a case while not in use and placed in an easily accessible location.

4.9.4 Video system

The video system consists of cameras with integrated light source, transmitting cables, and a monitor at a
location for the video signals.

The camera can be applied on the viewport using the plug-in or the snap-on attachment for the mobile
application. For stationary application, the camera is mounted directly on the viewport. One camera is then
needed for each viewport. An image of the switch contact position is transmitted to the monitor.

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4.10 GIS grounding

4.10.1 General

GISs are subjected to the same magnitude of ground fault current and require the same low-impedance
grounding as conventional substations. However, they are typically installed on smaller sites that make it
more challenging to dissipate fault current. GISs also require touch and step voltage mitigation; however,
different techniques are used in GIS applications to control hazardous voltages. Touch and step voltages
can develop along the GIS enclosures during internal faults (e.g., flashovers between conductor and
enclosure) and by external faults outside the GIS, therefore adequate grounding practices, along with
manufacturer’s recommendations, should be implemented.

However, unlike AIS equipment, GIS equipment features smaller footprints and metal enclosures or
sheaths that encapsulate internal HV conductors. Therefore, in addition to potential differences, other
special grounding considerations are required in order to account for GIS enclosure currents, the compact
nature of GISs, and the effects of VFTs. These grounding considerations include the implementation of
multi-point grounding in both three-phase and single-phase GIS installations. Multi-point grounding
consists of many parallel paths from the GIS enclosures to a GIS main ground bus or GIS ground mesh,
and then bonded to the substation ground grid. Not only can multi-point grounding reduce potential
differences to acceptable levels, as defined by IEEE Std 80, it can also reduce the magnetic field intensity
around the enclosures and reduce high-frequency transient voltages.

4.10.2 Touch and step voltages

One of the safety concerns for GISs is the possibility of someone touching a GIS enclosure during a fault.
Due to the longitudinal voltages induced in the enclosures, touch voltage with respect to an enclosure may
be larger than that with respect to other grounded objects. To evaluate accurately the maximum touch
voltage occurring on the enclosure during a fault, it is necessary to carry out an analysis based on an
electromagnetic field approach method for exact computation results [B39]. Using this approach, it is
possible to perform the grounding analysis while taking into account the mutual inductive and capacitive
coupling between phase conductors, enclosures, ground conductors, and other metallic structures. These
calculations can be developed by performing simulations using suitable grounding software. To manage
these potentially hazardous voltages, multi-point grounding should be employed in GIS installations. In
addition, potentially hazardous voltages are controlled by installing a main (above concrete) ground bus,
embedding a GIS grounding mesh into the GIS foundation or by proper design of substation ground grid
located underneath the foundation slab. The multi-point grounding system may also be bonded periodically
to the GIS foundation reinforcement steel to further equalize ground potential. IEEE Std 80 provides
additional guidance concerning this aspect of GIS grounding as well as further recommendations
concerning the main issues related to this subject.

4.10.3 Enclosure currents

Particular attention should be given to the bonding of the metallic enclosures of the GIS assembly, as these
enclosures carry induced circulating currents of significant magnitude, especially the case for the single-
phase GIS.

In most GIS installations, each GIS module is electrically connected either via flange connections or
external shunts. This results in a continuous enclosure throughout the GIS that allows enclosure currents to
flow during normal operation and under fault conditions. During normal operation, enclosure currents in
GISs are made up of circulating currents. The current flowing in the GIS enclosure will reach the same
magnitude of the phase conductors, hence grounding recommendations by the GIS manufacturer must be
strictly followed.

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In the case of a single-phase GIS, each conductor is completely contained within its enclosure and the
enclosures are grounded. Since voltages are induced in the enclosure whenever current flows, parts of the
enclosure might be at different potentials with respect to the building and substation ground. Each
enclosure of a single-phase GIS should be interconnected and grounded at multiple locations as defined by
the GIS manufacturer. These grounding connections are interconnected across each phase enclosure at
intervals along the GIS, as well as at the ends of the enclosures to promote circulating currents thus
reducing magnetic fields (see Figure 9). The phase enclosure interconnections keep heavy circulating
currents from passing through grounding conductors and into the substation ground grid.

Figure 9 —Single-phase GIS enclosure currents

Three-phase GIS are not susceptible to circulating enclosure currents due to the fact that all phase
conductors are located inside one enclosure, and the phase conductor’s electromagnetic fields essentially
cancel each other out (see Figure 10).

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Figure 10 —Three-phase GIS enclosure currents

4.10.4 Multi-point grounding of GIS enclosures

Multi-point grounding of GIS enclosures consists of short ground conductors interconnecting the GIS at
numerous points along the enclosures to provide parallel paths to the GIS main ground bus or GIS
grounding mesh. These grounding conductors between the GIS enclosure and main ground bus or
grounding mesh are located at intervals of about 10-m apart or in accordance with the manufacturer’s
recommendation. The ground conductors should be as short as possible with the lowest practical
impedance. Conductors from the main ground bus or grounding mesh are then connected directly to the
substation ground grid at various points along the GIS foundation perimeter. All GIS support structures,
including the permanent platforms, stairs, and catwalks, should be grounded accordingly.

For indoor GIS, the building and associated structures are connected to the substation ground grid. This
includes all metallic components of the building such as columns, beams, supports, crane rails, door
frames, cable tray, cable trench covers, wall sheathing, etc. Some users tie the GIS foundation slab
reinforcing steel to the grounding mesh or main ground bus so that both the GIS enclosures and the
structural steel in and above the foundation will be approximately the same potential level. The theory is
that this added measure should produce a better ground and the reinforcing steel, being considerably closer
together than the conductors of a typical ground grid, should produce more even potentials within the floor
and at the surface. In this case, the slab reinforcing steel can act as an effective auxiliary ground grid.
However, it is important to ensure that the reinforcement steel not allow a lower impedance path to ground
than the main ground bus or grounding mesh. Additional guidelines for concrete-encased electrodes are
described in IEEE Std 80.

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4.10.5 Very fast transients (VFTs) in GISs

VFTs or very fast transient over-voltages (VFTOs) are generated either as a result of switching operations
inside the GIS, or a dielectric breakdown that causes a voltage collapse within the GIS. The voltage
collapse produces traveling waves that propagate in all possible directions at nearly the speed of light from
the point of disturbance. These traveling waves are characterized by short rise times, usually in the range of
a few nanoseconds. As the traveling waves propagate throughout the system, the various reflections
combine to produce VFTs. These transients can have rise times in the order of nanoseconds, implying a
frequency content extending to about 100 MHz. Typically, the dominant frequency in the VFT is related to
the lengths of various sections in the GIS, which is in the range of a few tens of megahertz and usually in
the 20-MHz to 40-MHz range for lengths of GIS bus. However, the fast front (rise time) implies a
frequency content extending to 100 MHz or more.

VFTs can also involve components external to the GIS, such as CCVTs, arresters, and power transformers.
The influence of these is a capacitance-dominated oscillation (typically in the range of 1 MHz or so)
superimposed on the basic VFT waveform. When the composite VFT waveform magnitude becomes high,
the phenomenon is referred to as VFTO. While VFT is one of the main constituents of VFTO, some lower
frequency (~1 MHz) components may be present as a result of the discharge of lumped capacitance
(CCVT). Typically, VFTO will not exceed 2.0 per unit peak line to ground, though higher magnitudes are
possible in specific instances. VFTs can become more of a concern at EHV levels as they may approach the
rated BIL of the GIS. Therefore, special considerations might be required at EHV levels.

VFTs are generally contained within the GIS system. However, at exit terminals and enclosure breaks with
jumpers across the break (e.g., externally mounted CTs), VFTs can emerge and cause short-duration, high-
magnitude ground rises. This phenomenon is referred to as transient enclosure voltages (TEV) or also
known as transient ground rise (TGR) or transient ground potential rise (TGPR).

Experience suggests that caution is appropriate because these conditions may result in external sparking
between the enclosure and the support structure, and can induce EMI with auxilary circuits if the GIS is not
properly grounded.

Once VFTs are initiated, they become a traveling wave, propagating in all possible directions away from
the source. VFTs can only leave the GIS enclosure at insulation medium changes or discontinuities in the
enclosure, such as at SF6-to-air bushings, SF6-to-cable terminations, and SF6-to-oil bushings. As the VFT
approaches a discontinuity, it causes a TEV. Internally, VFT traveling wave components will reflect due to
the surge impedance change and refract according to standard transmission line theory.

VFTs generated by in-service failures are very rare, but when they do occur, they are often induced by a
switching-induced transient or dynamic overvoltage, which again means that the voltage is elevated at the
time of the breakdown. Thus, most dielectric failures will generate a transient of at least a factor of two
greater than the typical disconnecting switch transient characterized above and as much as a factor of three
or four greater in the case of failures during HV testing. Therefore, caution is appropriate during testing.

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4.10.6 Mitigation of VFTs

Since traveling waves associated with VFTs can only leave the GIS at discontinuities in the enclosure, such
as SF6-to-air bushings, special grounding considerations should be made at these locations, as detailed in

Although a totally enclosed GIS provides a safer environment than an air-insulated substation, the
possibility of TEV-induced sparks between bus enclosure and grounded support members, may startle
personnel. The anecdotal experience of utility and manufacturer personnel who have contacted GIS bus
ducts near SF6-to-air terminations during disconnect switching suggests that the TEV generated under those
conditions did not present a direct shock hazard. These TEVs have startled personnel by an electrostatic
spark, which could create a hazard while in a precarious position, such as on a ladder. Much less experience
is available for TEV surges generated as a result of test breakdowns, which can be nearly an order of
magnitude larger than typical disconnecting switching TEV. As a result, caution is appropriate, especially
during testing.

4.10.7 GIS terminal (i.e., discontinuity) grounding considerations General

Below are most of the GIS terminal applications and recommended grounding practices. All
recommendations should be confirmed with the manufacturer’s requirements before implementation. SF6-to-air terminal

Recommended grounding provisions on GIS SF6-to-air terminals include two or more copper grounding
conductors, sized according to the available short-circuit current, running from the phase-to-phase bonding
bar to the substation ground grid. Additional grounding conductors are required at this location due to the
fact that they will be stressed with heavy currents under normal and fault conditions. These particular
grounding conductors are very important to help mitigate touch and step voltages, as well as transients
caused during switching. SF6-to-solid dielectric cable

For GIS SF6-to-cable grounding, the preferred method is to provide a direct connection from the cable
sheath to the GIS enclosure at multiple points around the circumference of the connection flange. Solid
bonding at the GIS cable end unit will reduce transient over-voltages. If a direct connection is not possible,
low-voltage surge arresters (e.g., 400 V) should be installed between each cable sheath and grounded GIS
enclosure. The low-voltage surge arresters can be applied on either end of the cable, but, as a common rule,
it is preferable to ground the GIS end, which is subject to the higher transient voltages. If arresters are
required at the GIS end of the cable, arresters should be placed circumferentially around the insulated

SF6-to-cable installations requiring CTs external to the GIS and installed around the cables require special
attention when grounding the cable sheath connection. In this case, the cable sheaths shall be routed back
through their corresponding CT windows in order to cancel any circulating currents and to ensure accurate
readings from the CTs.

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IEEE Guide for Gas-Insulated Substations Rated Above 52 kV SF6-to-high-pressure fluid-filled (HPFF) cable

When a GIS is connected directly to a high-pressure fluid-filled (HPFF) cable, the enclosures of the two
systems are usually isolated with an insulator that is bypassed with a polarization cell or other device so
that cathodic protection can be applied to the cable pipe. If a failure occurs within the GIS, the transients
generated by the failure can cause flashover of the insulation between the GIS enclosure and the cable pipe.
In principle, the fault current is supposed to flow through the polarization cell of cathodic protection.
However, the leads on the polarization cell are often fairly long, such that the fault-current-induced voltage
drop across the inductance of the polarization cell circuit can be hundreds or even thousands of volts. This
insulation will have been designed to withstand this voltage. However, once the insulation is flashed over
by the transient, only hundreds of volts are necessary to maintain the arc, so the fault current will return
through the much lower inductance path of the arc across the insulator rather than through the polarization
cell. This may damage the SF6-to-cable interface and release cable fluid.

This problem can be eliminated by extending the insulator to the point that it does not flashover or by
protecting it with surge arresters with the shortest grounding conductors possible so that the voltage across
it never reaches the insulator breakdown voltage. Using as short a lead as practical, the clamping voltage of
the surge arrester array should be such that it suppresses breakdown across the isolating flange but does not
conduct power frequency current. Careful coordination of this interface should be established between
applicable interface components. SF6 to oil

Oil-insulated equipment, such as power transformers, can be connected directly to the GIS either through a
continuously grounded or insulated connection. The insulated alternative is preferred since it provides a
perfect separation between the GIS and the power transformer. An insulated connection will not allow
return currents, which may stress the power transformer tank, to flow between the GIS and the power
transformer ground. Additional precautions, defined by the GIS manufacturer, should be taken to prevent
excessive currents from being induced into adjacent frames, structures, or reinforcing steel, and to avoid
enabling current loops via other substation equipment. If there is the possibility of undesirable current loops
via ground connections, or if any sustained current path might partially close or pass through grounded
structures, the substation grounding scheme and the physical layout should be carefully reviewed with the
GIS manufacturer. If the direct connection is insulated between the GIS and power transformer, it is
recommended to install low-voltage surge arresters (e.g. 400 V) across the insulation to avoid flashovers
resulting from TEV (similar to the case with cables, described above).

For GIS direct connections continuously grounded to power transformers, it is unavoidable that some of the
return current will be flowing through the power transformer tank and cause additional heat. On three-
phase power transformer applications with continuously grounded GIS connections, the power transformer
tank will complete the return current path. On single-phase power transformer applications with continuous
grounded GIS connections, it is possible to install the return current connections at the power transformers
without using the ground grid as part of the return path. If this is impractical or not possible, the last return
current grounding connection should be installed at the point where the three, single-phase GIS enclosures
separate. In some cases, tap changers to the power transformers connected directly to GIS may require
varistors to protect them from over stresses that may be caused by VFTs. Reference IEC 62271-211 for
further information.

4.10.8 Effect on external apparatus

Part of the VFT that is refracted out of the GIS termination will stress any connected apparatus. The
magnitude of this transient will depend on the magnitude of the transient incident on the termination, which
in turn depends on the switch operating characteristics and the position of the switch relative to the

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IEEE Guide for Gas-Insulated Substations Rated Above 52 kV

Numerous GISs are connected to power transformers by short overhead lines, and no case has been made
for an abnormal failure rate in such situations. Nevertheless, power transformer manufacturers should be
made aware of the circumstances under which a power transformer will operate. The VFT wave front with
a high rate-of-rise that emerges from a GIS termination propagates into the power transformer.

4.10.9 Electromagnetic interference (EMI)

As previously described, traveling waves associated with VFTs may result in high-frequency TEVs on the
GIS enclosure and ground system. TEVs can cause EMI with auxiliary circuits. To limit EMI interference
with auxiliary equipment and to allow proper protection, control, and measuring within the GIS, these
cables should be shielded and grounded at both ends. See 4.5 for more information on control cable
practices in GISs.

4.10.10 Manufacturer/user scope division of grounding responsibility

An agreement needs to be reached between the user and the manufacturer as to the scope of grounding
work and the division of responsibility between the manufacturer and the user, including the following:

a) Determine who furnishes the grounding analysis for the substation, including the step and touch
potential gradients and ground potential rise under continuous current and short-circuit current
magnitudes and durations, both internal and external to the GIS
b) Determine who furnishes the design, materials, and installation of the grounding grid for the entire
station, including areas external to the GIS and the grounding mesh in the direct vicinity of the GIS
c) Determine who furnishes the design, materials, and installation of the grounding conductors
connecting the grounding mesh/grid and the GIS equipment ground pads, wire ways, and enclosure
bonding bars of the GIS
d) Determine who furnishes the design, materials, and installation for the grounding of the reinforcing
steel in the foundations and support structures for any and all space enclosures, including columns,
beams, supports, crane rails, door frames, cable trays, cable trench covers, wall sheathing and
permanent platforms, catwalks, stairs, and ladders, etc.
e) The manufacturer typically provides sufficient ground pads (per ANSI/NEMA CC-1 [B4]) on each
piece of supplied equipment that requires connection to the ground grid

4.10.11 Manufacturer responsibilities

Grounding analysis and sizing of conductors requires data including:

a) Magnitude of fault current to be considered in the grounding design

b) Duration of fault current to be considered for grounding analysis. This is usually equal to the time
allowed for backup relaying
c) Soil resistivity
d) Any existing station grounding design and planned additional grounding in enough detail to model
the ground impedance
e) Transmission-line design data required for determining any splitting of short-circuit currents
f) Allowable step and touch potential gradients and ground potential rise

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IEEE Guide for Gas-Insulated Substations Rated Above 52 kV

4.11 GIS seismic requirements

A GIS should be qualified in accordance with IEEE Std 693.

4.12 Partial discharge (PD) testing

4.12.1 Background

Partial discharge (PD) is an electrical phenomenon consisting of small magnitude electrical discharges that
occur when high voltages are applied. PD could be from localized, corona in the insulating gas or other
small discharges in metal- or dielectric-bound contained spaces in the equipment. PD will induce a short-
duration, low-magnitude current pulses to flow in the system. These current pulses can be detected,
measured, and/or monitored to provide diagnostic information about the overall apparatus or insulation

In gas-insulated equipment, PD is generated by the small “defects” in the system. These defects can

 Metallic particles and other contaminants

 Floating metallic components (e.g., internal shields that have poor electrical connections)
 Sharp points or burrs on metallic components
 Defects in solid insulation (e.g., voids, delaminated interfaces, etc.)
 Defects and/or contaminants on surfaces of solid insulators

In some cases, these defects could develop and form electrical treeing or surface tracking, which in
themselves can also become a source for PD. PD can occur over an extended period of time after which
sufficient deterioration has occurred, possibly resulting in a failure. The nature and severity of the defect
involved dictates how soon some failure could occur: as soon as a few minutes or not for many years, if at

In principle, high quality gas-insulated apparatus should be “defect-free” and, therefore, practically free
from PD. In practice, however, PD-measurement systems are susceptible to interference and electrical
noise, thus determining that a piece of equipment is “PD-free” in the field is extremely difficult. In
addition, complex assemblies might generate a low level of PD which, from experience, will have no
impact on equipment performance. Standards have, therefore, adopted the concept of tolerable PD levels
based on industry experience and the practical limitations of measurement.

As PD signals are linked to defects, PD testing has become an important diagnostic test applied to
demonstrate a certain level of quality in the equipment. For a GIS, PD testing can be applied at various
stages, as listed in Table 1.

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IEEE Guide for Gas-Insulated Substations Rated Above 52 kV

Table 1 —PD test table

Application Purpose Practice
Type tests Demonstrates that system is free from design defects IEEE Std C37.122
Demonstrates that component and assembly
Routine tests IEEE Std C37.122
manufactured is defect free
Field testing Demonstrates that defects were not introduced during
IEEE Std C37.122 (optional)
(commissioning) shipping to site and site assembly/installation
Field testing Demonstrates that defects were not introduced during
Individual user practice
(post-repair/maintenance) invasive work
Field testing Used as a diagnostic to detect developing problems
Individual user
(routine) during operation

4.12.2 PD measurements General

In order to perform PD measurements, the small electrical discharge of PD must be detected. As PD is an

electrical phenomenon, most measurement methods used are electrical techniques. However, the discharge
will also generate acoustic energy, and acoustic PD methods are also possible. Over time, the electrical
discharges can also decompose the SF6 gas, in which case the decomposition byproducts can be detected by
chemical means. Electrical methods

The PD at the source occurs very rapidly and can be as little as 1 ns to 2 ns in duration. As the coaxial
design of a GIS is capable of supporting high-frequency signals, it is possible to detect PD pulses with high
resolution. However, as the PD propagates throughout the system, some attenuation and distortion (pulse
broadening) may occur.

For high sensitivity, PD detection can be performed using ultra-high frequency (UHF) methods with
detection bandwidths extending to 1000 MHz or more. However, as the highest frequency components
suffer the highest propagation loss, UHF methods may be limited to cases where the sensor is in close
proximity to the defect source (typically within 10 m to 20 m). Another approach is to use a lower
frequency band (up to a few hundred megahertz) that offers a good compromise between sensitivity (i.e.,
signal-to-noise ratio) and sensor placement. Both of these are considered to be advanced methods and will
require sensors specially adapted to the GIS. Electrical PD measurements will require some expert
interpretation as different defects produce different signals depending on the equipment technology. See
CIGRE 444 or CIGRE 525 for information on sensitivity verification.

Conventional PD measurement methods use a reduced bandwidth of 100 kHz to 400 kHz. These methods
are fully described in standards IEC 60270 and IEEE Std C37.301 and are frequently used on GIS
components and some subassemblies. However, because of challenges in achieving a good signal-to-noise
ratio, these methods are less suitable for large assemblies and field testing. Acoustic methods

The micro-discharges associated with PD will release acoustic energy in addition to electrical signals. The
acoustic waves generated by PD occurring in the SF6 gas will transfer energy to the GIS enclosure—the
signals can be detected on the enclosure using acoustic emission (AE) sensors. Acoustic methods make it

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IEEE Guide for Gas-Insulated Substations Rated Above 52 kV

difficult to relate PD to commonly used electrical quantities (such as picocoulombs). However, the
technique has been used successfully to assess the condition of GISs in the field.

Acoustic PD measurements will require some expert interpretation as the signal magnitude does not always
correlate with defect severity. For example, discharges occurring within solid insulation (such as in a void)
are very difficult to detect, as the insulator will often attenuate acoustic signals. On the other hand, acoustic
methods are extremely sensitive to metallic-particle contamination. When voltage is applied to the GIS,
metallic particles will often elevate and “dance”’ inside the GIS. Although PD will occur as the particles
discharge to other metallic structures, the physical contact of the particle against the enclosure generates an
easily detected and distinctive acoustic signal.

A related method involves the use of a portable ultrasonic detector with a contact probe. The detector’s
metallic probe tip is pressed on the GIS enclosure to pick up acoustic signals. The detector’s output is
translated electronically to the audible range and fed into headphones for the operator’s use. This method
still requires expert interpretation for many types of discharge signals but is relatively easy to use for
metallic particle detection. This method has the added advantage in that the probe is easily moved from
location to location, allowing large sections of the GIS or gas-insulated line (GIL) to be scanned quickly.

Acoustic PD testing is undertaken during the application of ac HV using a test generator. During the test,
the probability of test flashover is elevated—such a breakdown during testing will cause a momentary
transient voltage on the grounded enclosure, which could cause an electrical shock to a person using an
ultrasonic detector whereas the operator of fixed-sensor systems is usually isolated from the GIS enclosure.
Previous experience suggests that the danger is primarily one of being startled and not a direct hazard to
health and safety. When using a hand-held sensor, the risk of a shock can be reduced by minimizing the
contact time with the GIS enclosure. This type of measurement should not be performed during
conditioning. However, if it is, waiting a few minutes at each voltage level prior to start of test is advisable. Chemical methods

PDs that occur in the SF6 gas will cause the gas to decompose and generate byproducts in trace quantities.
Consequently, the detection of these byproducts can be used to “detect” the presence of PD. As the rate of
production of the byproducts is small, this form of detection is only suitable for diagnostic purposes in
service and not as a short-term testing tool. An extended period of time (weeks, months, years….) is
usually required to provide measureable results.

The chemistry of SF6 decomposition can be complex, but the most commonly analyzed byproducts are as

 Thionyl fluoride (SOF2)

 Sulfuryl fluoride (SO2F2)
 Sulphur dioxide (SO2)

Measurement is performed by either taking SF6 gas samples, which are sent to a laboratory for analysis, or
by using some form of portable sensing equipment. The first approach is analogous to the dissolved gas
analysis performed on transformer oils. Laboratory analysis will usually provide byproduct levels to a few
parts per million.

Portable instruments can use chemically-sensitive detector tubes that change color in the presence of
certain gases. By controlling time and flow rates through these tubes, quantitative assessments can be done.
Typically, SO2 detector tubes are used, as most of the other byproducts will further decompose into SO2 in
the presence of trace quantities of moisture. More recently, a number of commercial instruments have

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become available that provide similar functionality. Many of these detect hydrogen fluoride (HF), which is
a byproduct formed by secondary decomposition of the products listed above, for this purpose.

Laboratory analysis, in general, provides better information as individual and specific byproducts are
analyzed. However, portable instruments offer more rapid assessment at the expense of a simpler
measurement. In principle, GIS equipment should be practically PD-free and, therefore, practically free of
SF6 decomposition byproducts in non-switching compartments. Detection sensitivity to a few parts per
million is adequate for this purpose. Chemical methods have numerous issues which need to be taken into
account. These include the following:

 Large gas-compartment volumes will “dilute” byproduct concentrations, and sensitivity is reduced

 Switching compartments will generate byproducts “normally,” making PD detection nearly

impossible in these compartments

 Some compartments are equipped with absorbing materials (desiccants, molecular sieve, etc.).
These will absorb the byproducts generated by PD and interfere with analysis

 Internal failures (faults) will generate large quantities of byproducts—PD analysis on faulted
chambers cannot be done

As the byproducts generated by PD are similar to those generated by internal failures, the same techniques
and equipment can usually be used for both as long as the differences in byproduct levels are considered.
By the same token, as decomposition byproducts are highly toxic, the precautions used for gas analysis for
faulted chambers should also be considered for PD detection.

4.12.3 PD tests during type testing

PD tests are only carried out during the power frequency ac withstand test. Some manufacturers may
choose to utilize advanced electrical detection methods to assist in design and development. However,
conventional electrical methods are usually used for the type test as these relate best to requirements found
in IEEE Std C37.122.

In addition, PD tests should also be applied during the testing of critical solid dielectric components (e.g.,
spacers and operating rods). PD tests are also applied to assembled portions of the GIS as a check that the
design meets specified criteria.

4.12.4 PD tests during routine tests

PD tests should be performed in accordance to IEEE Std C37.122 and/or IEC standard 62271-203 during
the routine HV testing of the GIS as a check on the quality of manufacture and factory assembly. Electrical
test methods, similar to that used for type tests, are usually employed.

4.12.5 PD tests on dielectric components

Solid dielectric components in a GIS (e.g., spacers, operating rods, etc.) are sensitive to quality of
manufacture and are often subjected routinely to a PD test. Requirements are generally set by the
manufacturer based on the past history of reliability and the stress at which the component is operated. As a
result, PD testing should be applied to each insulator for application at the highest voltage levels. Insulators
with good historical performance used in lower voltage (lower stress) equipment may have PD tests
performed on a sample basis. In some cases, manufacturers have opted to test each dielectric component as
part of a PD test on a shipping section.

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The PD test is among the most important quality control tools for solid dielectric components in GIS, but
even the PD test, as presently conducted, will not detect all forms of defects that can cause failure in
service. For this reason, a history of good service experience and tight manufacturing quality assurance
provide the best assurance of in-service reliability.

4.12.6 PD tests during commissioning

PD tests may be performed during commissioning tests to detect defects that might have been introduced
during shipping and site assembly. PD tests should be performed in accordance to IEEE Std C37.122
and/or IEC standard 62271-203.

4.12.7 PD tests after repair or maintenance

Some users will retest GIS equipment following major repairs or maintenance to ensure defects were not
introduced during the activities. Usually, PD testing protocols are similar to that of commissioning tests.

4.12.8 PD tests in service

A user may choose to implement some form of PD testing during the normal service of the equipment. This
can be done for critical equipment or in cases when specific problems are suspected. In principle, the same
techniques used for commissioning can be used, with the exception that the applied high voltage is no
longer an easily variable test voltage but a system voltage. In these cases, some PD sources can become
intermittent, making them difficult to detect with isolated tests. In some cases, PD monitoring equipment
has been utilized. PD monitoring equipment is usually based on one of the electrical methods described
above, and systems are available commercially but are not widely applied to date. These systems are
capable of detecting and recording PD data over a long period of time. However, the interpretation of such
data in terms of assessing the severity of the PD source requires experience and expertise to determine the
need for corrective action.

Chemical techniques are sometimes used for this application, as the method can sense long term PD
activity whether intermittent or not. However, as described above, the limitations of the technique need to
be considered.

4.13 Field testing

4.13.1 Background

See Clause 9 of IEEE Std C37.122-2010 for more details on 4.13.2 through 4.13.4.

4.13.2 Leakage check

All field-assembled joints and interconnecting gas piping should be checked for leaks after filling to rated
filling pressure.

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4.13.3 Operational tests

All operating mechanisms for the circuit breaker disconnect switches and grounding switches should be
checked for proper contact rod alignment and contact travel. All mechanical interlocks should be tested.

All exterior mechanical position indicators should be checked for proper adjustment and indication.

All gas compartments should be tested to verify that the moisture content of the SF6 gas is below the
allowable level specified by the manufacturer.

4.13.4 Electrical tests General

The GIS grounding connections should be tested for electrical continuity.

Resistance measurements should be performed on all the bus connecting joints, circuit breakers, disconnect
switches, and grounding switch contacts to verify proper contact alignment.

Due to the inaccessibility of live parts, it is not possible to measure the resistance of individual components.
The resistance readings may be for several components in series. The vendor should supply factory
resistance values of the accessible components in series as a base for progressive testing in the field. Dielectric tests

The minimum test procedure should be a low-frequency (20 Hz to 300 Hz) conditioning at voltage levels
specified by the manufacturer. The conditioning should be followed by a 1 min low-frequency withstand
test at 80% of the rated low-frequency withstand (refer to Table 1 in IEEE Std C37.122-2010 for preferred
rated insulation levels in GIS). Other tests, such as PD tests, can be performed subject to user-manufacturer
agreements. Test conditions

Tests should be made on each phase-to-ground. A three-phase enclosure design should be tested with the
enclosure and the other two phases grounded. Before voltage-withstand tests are initiated, all power
transformers, surge arresters, protective gaps, power cables, and overhead transmission lines shall be
disconnected. Voltage transformers could be tested up to the saturation voltage of the transformer as
defined by the manufacturer, at the frequency of the test. The voltage should be applied in steps and
gradually raised as specified by the manufacturer to the full test voltage (see

Occasional flashovers may occur during the conditioning. The acceptability of flashovers during the
conditioning depends on whether the flashover may have caused damage to an insulator. The likelihood of
such damage is dependent on the voltage level, the length of bus duct connected to the voltage source, and
the particular design characteristics of the insulator. If the equipment successfully withstands the full field
test voltage after conditioning flashover has occurred, it can generally be expected that no reduction in
dielectric strength will occur in service.

Due to the restrictions of the test facilities, it may be necessary to isolate sections of the equipment and test
each section separately. To do this may require that portions of the equipment are subjected to more than
one test procedure. When the equipment being tested is connected to equipment which is in service,
isolation and grounding should be provided to ensure that the test voltage cannot cause service disruptions.

See Subclause 9.6 in IEEE Std C37.122-2010 for more details on testing old and new GIS equipment.

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4.13.5 Field test responsibility

Unlike production or type testing, the party responsible for field testing is not defined in the IEEE
equipment standard. It cannot be assumed that all field tests will be performed by the GIS manufacturer.
Therefore, the user and manufacturer should be clear as to the responsibilities for these tests. Table 2 is a
sample scope matrix for the division of these responsibilities. Further definition may be required when
equipment is tested multiple times due to availability of the complete system. One example would be
electrical control and interlocking testing with multiple control points (such as at LCC, station control
panel, and remote control points).

Table 2 —Field-testing responsibility matrix

Test Equipment Technical Supervision Labor Report
Visual Verifications
SF6 Leak Check
SF6 Moisture Check
SF6 Density Check
SF6 Purity Check
Primary Circuit Resistance (ductoring)
Low Frequency HV Withstand
Wiring Checks, Auxiliary Electrical Tests
Field Wiring Insulation Resistance Test
Manual and Electrical Operational Tests
Interlocking Tests
Alarm Tests
Circuit Breaker Timing
Circuit Breaker Contact Resistance Test
Hydraulic/ Air System Checks
Ground Continuity Tests
Gas Density Switch Operation & Reset
Current Transformer Tests
Secondary Winding Resistance
Voltage Transformer Tests
Secondary Winding Resistance

4.13.6 Specialized maintenance and test equipment Gas processing equipment

Once a GIS is assembled, it is critical to properly evacuate the compartments, remove air and moisture, and
then correctly fill the sections with SF6, while ensuring that the SF6 is properly contained to avoid leakage
to the atmosphere. An SF6 gas reclaimer cart or process equipment is typically used for this purpose. Most
gas reclaimer carts have the following functions:

 A system to evacuate air and moisture using a vacuum pump

 A gas collection, recovery, storage, filtering, and purification system

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Gas reclaimer carts come in a variety of sizes from portable hand carts to trailer units weighing several
thousand pounds. Gas process equipment should be selected based on the volume of gas to be processed at
a specific site or within an owner’s or utility’s service territory. A rule of thumb in specifying a gas cart is
to identify the largest single compartment volume and possible gas removal to accommodate pressure
reductions in adjacent zones and add a 20% contingency. Oil-less, oil-free components (e.g., compressors)
should also be specified.

When selecting a gas cart, preference should be given to the latest generation of equipment, having a
recovery capability up to a residual pressure of 0.01 kPa. The amount of residual SF6 inside GIS enclosures
will be at a minimum when performing gas recovery at site with such equipment. Requirements of the
latest SF6 handling guide, IEEE Std C37.122.3 can be met, such as recovery up to 2 kPa. Individual state,
provincial, or territory government over road regulations should also be investigated to determine if trailer
type gas carts can be moved with full or partially full storage cylinders or tanks.

Other points to consider in selection of a gas reclaimer cart include: the larger the vacuum pump the sooner
an evacuation process will be completed, fully automated and a “switchable” manual operation feature
provide some operations flexibilities, “on-board” vacuum, moisture and pressure gauges will help monitor
the operation, self-sealing hose connections will minimize connection leakage, quick-change filtration
systems may reduce maintenance time, and the size of the valves and hoses determines the flow rate, e.g.,
the smaller the hoses the more process time is required.

Refer to IEEE Std C37.122.3 for more information. Gas reclaimer cart functions and operations

When a GIS facility is assembled and ready for SF6 gas, the entire assembly must first be leak tested and
then evacuated to conform to the manufacturer’s requirements. The gas reclaimer cart vacuum pump is
used to remove moisture and similar contaminants (air) from the bus. Note that in cold weather situations,
supplemental heat and perhaps insulated blankets or tenting the bus to elevate the bus temperature
sufficiently for an effective vacuum and moisture removal may be necessary.

Once the required vacuum level is reached, SF6 can be added from either cylinders or a gas reclaimer cart
storage tank(s). Before the addition of gas to a new or evacuated GIS assembly, the moisture level should
be verified on a random-sample basis. Alternatively, if a gas reclaimer cart is used, an “on-board” SF6
moisture meter may be available.

A gas reclaimer cart can also be used to remove, process/purify, and then replace SF6 gas from an existing
GIS component or gas zone as part of a maintenance or inspection process. An example of a gas reclaimer
can be seen in Figure 11.

Filters or filter materials should be inspected and (if necessary) replaced before each use. Since gas
reclaimer cart designs differ, specific operations steps must be provided by manufacturers.

IEEE C37.122.5 has more information on gas reclaimers.

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Figure 11 —SF6 gas-reclaimer cart

4.13.7 HV series resonant test equipment Variable inductance

After assembly and gas filling but before connecting a GIS assembly to a transmission network and placing
the apparatus in service, HV tests are generally required by the manufacturers to condition the bus by
moving conductive and semi-conductive particles to areas of low stress (particle traps) and verify the
insulation system integrity.

Series-resonant test sets can be used to establish HV levels with relatively low input voltage and power
requirements. See Figure 12 for the series-resonant test-equipment circuit. The system is comprised of a
variable auto transformer (T1); a small excitation transformer (T2) and a tunable reactor L connected to the
equipment (GIS) under test; and a capacitive load (C). T1 and T2 supply power to the resonant circuit, and
the reactor inductance matches the GIS capacitance to reach resonance. The output voltage of the test set is
equal to the excitation voltage times the quality factor (Q factor), where the Q factor is a ratio between the
energy stored and dissipated in a half cycle. Described in another way, the series-resonant circuit is a
voltage amplifier where Q factor can be considered the gain. So from a small power source, typically a
480-V, 50-A circuit, the reactive power required for HV testing can be supplied. Q factor factors for GIS
sections may be 40 to 80 (low-loss systems). In terms of capacity, series-resonant test systems can be built
to provide 800-kV test voltages at 2500 kVA.

The tests should be made as directed by the manufacturer, but typically in the case of a 345-kV system may
start at 50 kV for 20 min, increase to 75 kV for 15 min, 125 kV for 10 min, and then continue the steps in
5-min or 1-min intervals until 400 kV is reached. The test voltages are line to neutral.

In the event of a flashover due to contamination, assembly problems, etc., the HV side of the resonant
circuit is detuned and the test voltage collapses instantaneously with the short circuit current limited by the
impedance of the HV reactor. Therefore, typically little or no damage occurs to the GIS equipment under
test and the source of the problem can be investigated. If the GIS had been connected to the transmission
system and energized, it is possible that with the fault current available significant arc damage could occur,
perhaps complicated by SF6 arc by-products.

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NOTE—This is a 400-kV set, not showing the capacitive voltage divider “c”.

Figure 12 —HV variable-inductance series resonant test equipment

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IEEE Std C37.122.1-2014
IEEE Guide for Gas-Insulated Substations Rated Above 52 kV Variable frequency

Other than the adjustable inductor series-resonant set presented above, another commonly used test set for
GIS field testing is the Variable-Frequency Series-Resonant Test Set. Instead of achieving a resonant
condition by varying the value of the inductance, this test set adjusts its source frequency to satisfy the
series resonant condition, i.e.,

ωL = (1)


f = (2)


L is the inductance of the circuit

C is the capacitance of the circuit.

IEEE Std C37.122 allows the test ac withstand test to use frequency ranges from 30 Hz to 300 Hz.

Figure 13 is a typical test set circuit for a variable-frequency test equipment.

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IEEE Guide for Gas-Insulated Substations Rated Above 52 kV



A: System power supply voltage with 50/60 Hz, single or three phases (i.e., three phase 480 V

B: Frequency converter that takes the input 50/60 Hz voltage and converts it to a voltage with
adjustable magnitude and frequency, typically a few hundred volts, and with frequency range
20 to 300 Hz. There are circuits that work on different principles for frequency conversion.
The most popular is based on switching technology of modern power electronics.

C: Excitation transformer which steps up the voltage from the frequency converter to a few
thousand volts.

D: Inductor with fixed inductance.

E: Pre-load capacitor—usually it is the capacitive divider of the series-resonant set.

F: Object under test (GIS in this case). It presents itself largely as a capacitive component to the

Figure 13 —Test circuit for a variable-frequency test set

The advantage of variable-frequency series-resonant set is its acceptance of a wider range of capacitance
from test objects due to its broad frequency range. This is particularly useful in case of the GIS test, where
the capacitance could vary widely depending on the GIS portion under test, which could include cable and
GIL. The second advantage is that its physical size is typically smaller and lighter than the variable-
inductance type since the inductor is not required to adjust its inductance. The smaller size and lighter
weight make it more suitable for transportation and installation for field tests.

One complicating factor for use of the variable-frequency series-resonant test set may be the need to mask
the switching noises generated from the frequency converter based on power-switching technology when
PD measurement is required during the HV test. This can typically be done by using the UHF method or
proper gating windows for the frequency converter controls of a PD test set.

Figure 14 shows the HV test configuration of a GIS. In this particular design, the variable-frequency series-
resonant set was mounted on a movable trailer. The capacitive divider, a blocking unit, and a support form

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IEEE Guide for Gas-Insulated Substations Rated Above 52 kV

a π shape circuit. The voltage was applied through a SF6-to-air test bushing to the GIS conductor with the
cable link removed.

Figure 14 —HV variable-frequency resonant test equipment

4.14 Maintenance and repair

4.14.1 General

Many GISs have been installed and successfully operated for over 40 years. Based on anecdotal experience,
the internal parts of gas-insulated equipment are generally protected inside the metal enclosure so that they
may tend to age more slowly than similar AIS equipment, and as a result of proper material selection and
lubricants, there may be lesser wear of any of components, even the switch contacts. However, the circuit-
breaker arcing contacts and the nozzle of the interrupter may experience wear proportional to the number of
operations and the level of the load or fault currents being interrupted.

It is, however, desirable to be able to repair and maintain major elements, such as circuit breakers and
disconnect switches, without removing these components from the gas-insulated enclosure. It is also

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IEEE Guide for Gas-Insulated Substations Rated Above 52 kV

desirable to minimize the scope of the outage required to perform such maintenance. This may not always
be possible, thus it is recommended that components be installed and arranged so that devices that might
have to be removed for repair or maintenance can be removed with a minimum amount of disturbance to
other equipment in the system. In order to accomplish this, the design of the gas-insulated equipment
should include adequate sectionalizing components or enclosure sections with partitions. In some cases,
specially designed temporary protective covers that can withstand the same electrical and mechanical
stresses as the other GIS components may be required.

At points where disconnection or removal of a device is likely, the following suggestions should be

 During the field activity, precautions should be taken to avoid the entry of contaminants into the

 Proper care should be given to the gas reclaimer cart and the gas filling hose to avoid introduction
of contaminants into the GIS. A suitable particle filter for pressures involved may be installed at
the SF6 gas service connection. This filter does not replace the filters associated with the SF6 gas-
handling equipment system, but rather serves as an additional safety feature.

4.14.2 Removal of potential SF6 byproducts prior to maintenance or repair

SF6 gas that has been subjected to arcing may potentially contain harmful byproducts.

These gases and any solid byproducts should be handled with care to help avoid injury to personnel.
Maintenance personnel should be advised to wear personal protective equipment (PPE) and clothing to
avoid contact with these byproducts.

See IEEE Std C37.122.3 for detailed information.

4.14.3 Safety during maintenance and repair

Before maintenance work is performed on the GIS, the operator should follow normal user safety
precautions and observe all applicable safety regulations.

Instruction manuals furnished by the GIS manufacturer should be readily accessible to operating and
maintenance personnel. This instructional literature should include information pertaining to safe operating
and maintenance procedures.

The components on which work is to be performed should be electrically isolated, de-energized, and
grounded in accordance with the normal procedures of the operator.

Equipment should never be depressurized until it is de-energized and grounded.

Points of isolation should be locked and electrical or mechanical operation of devices at points of isolation
should be blocked.

Precautions should be taken to provide adequate ventilation for workers. SF6 gas in the gas compartment
where work is to be performed should be recovered down to 2 kPa (0.29 psi) or lower. Refer to IEEE Std
C37.122.3 for details.

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Where required by the manufacturer or by the user’s safety policies, the SF6 gas in the gas compartment
immediately adjacent to the compartment where work will be performed should be depressurized to a lower
pressure level, as per manufacturer instructions or the user’s safety policies.

SF6 gas is heavier than air and tends to collect in low places. SF6 gas can displace oxygen; hence it could
cause suffocation in low or confined spaces. Adequate ventilation should be provided when working in
circuit breaker tanks or other confined areas where pockets of SF6 gas can accumulate.

Arcing in SF6 causes decomposition of the gas into other sulfur fluorides and, in the presence of moisture,
hydrogen fluoride is formed. These decomposition byproducts may be toxic and are harmful to the eyes,
nose, skin, and lungs. If it is suspected that arcing has occurred in the equipment prior to a maintenance or
repair operation, precautions should be taken to avoid breathing or touching any potential SF6 byproducts.
Health and safety regulations should always be followed. Safe work practices have been documented in
IEEE Std C37.122.3.

Care should be taken to avoid standing or stepping on small gas piping or connections.

4.14.4 Entering GIS equipment for maintenance and repair

The recommended procedure for entering any gas-insulated compartment in which arcing has taken place is
as follows (see IEEE Std C37.122.3 for more details):

a) Evacuate all SF6 gas from the compartment to a pressure as specified in the manufacturer’s
instruction manual and pass the evacuated gas through a filter capable of removing arc
decomposition byproducts.
b) Allow air to enter and fill the compartment to atmospheric pressure before opening the access port.
c) Before entering, the compartment should be well ventilated with dry air. The oxygen content
should be measured, and if the oxygen content is less than 18%, breathing apparatus should be
supplied to the person entering the compartment. Continuous circulation of dry air should be
provided or continuous circulation of fresh air may be provided by the use of an air blower.
d) Proper protective clothing and equipment should be supplied to persons required to potentially
come in contact with the arc-decomposition byproducts.
e) A bagged commercial-type vacuum cleaner with HEPA filters and nonmetallic accessories should
be used to remove the arc decomposition byproducts. Precautions should be taken to avoid
breathing the exhaust air from the vacuum cleaner since dust particles may go through the
collection system.

4.14.5 Typical maintenance for GIS equipment General: inspection and overhaul

In general, the concept of maintenance of GIS equipment is defined by two types of activities: inspection
and overhaul.

Inspections for GIS equipment include the periodic checks of various equipment components after specific
time intervals, to identify any potential problems associated with wear or deterioration. Inspection may or

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IEEE Guide for Gas-Insulated Substations Rated Above 52 kV

may not require service interruption and opening of gas compartments. Inspections are generally at fixed
intervals, typically every five years or as recommended by manufacturer.

Overhaul of GIS equipment involves the replacement or repair of equipment components in accordance
with the stress actually experienced by the equipment such as, number of switching operations and/or
number and magnitude of short circuit interruptions. Overhaul will require service interruption and opening
of gas compartments. Overhaul, depending on operating conditions, may occur at intervals that exceed 20
years. Circuit breakers

The circuit breaker is the most important GIS component. The maintenance performed on the circuit
breaker is reduced to a minimum by employing the following features of its components in the design

 Contact design that provides for minimal contact erosion

 Use of the permanent lubrication for all moving parts

 Gas sealing system design that provides for minimal gas leakage and proven sealing of drive

 Mechanism elements, auxiliary switches, and interlocks located outside of the gas compartment

 Reduction or elimination of the use of seals and fluids in mechanism elements

Inspection and overhaul procedures should follow the manufacturer’s recommendations, which depends on
the type of equipment, interrupter mechanism, number of switching operation, and interrupted fault
currents, Disconnect switches and grounding switches

Disconnect switches and grounding switches in gas-insulated equipment are designed to facilitate
inspection and overhaul. The disconnect switch moving and stationary contacts and grounding switch
moving and stationary contacts can be viewed through the viewport. The switch stationary contacts have
shields that provide the appropriate electric field distribution to avoid high surface stress. The moving
contact velocity is relatively low and is rated to interrupt low levels of capacitive or inductive currents,
thereby negating the need for frequent maintenance.

Inspection and overhaul procedures should follow the manufacturer’s recommendations. Bus, connectors, links, and compensators

The bus, bus connectors, removable links, and compensators are considered static elements in gas-insulated
equipment. These elements require no routine or preventive maintenance.

Inspection and overhaul procedures should follow the manufacturer’s recommendations.

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IEEE Std C37.122.1-2014
IEEE Guide for Gas-Insulated Substations Rated Above 52 kV Gas-to-air bushings and cable-sealing equipment

Gas-to-air bushings and cable-sealing ends are considered static elements in gas-insulated equipment. The
internal components of the gas-to-air bushings and cable-sealing ends require no routine or preventive
maintenance. Maintenance intervals can be adapted to suit environmental conditions. The exterior of these
components require general maintenance procedures associated with air-insulated substation equipment,
such as conventional oil-to-air bushings, cables potheads, or station post insulators.

Inspection and overhaul procedures should follow the manufacturer’s recommendations. Instrument transformers monitoring equipment

Instrument transformers and monitoring equipment are considered static elements in gas-insulated
equipment. Instrument transformers require no routine or preventive maintenance. Monitoring equipment
requires no routine or preventive maintenance other than inspection for corrosion at five-year intervals.

Inspection and overhaul procedures should follow the manufacturer’s recommendations. Monitoring equipment

Monitoring equipment is considered static elements in gas-insulated equipment. Monitoring equipment

requires no routine or preventive maintenance other than inspection for corrosion, based on the type of

Inspection and overhaul procedures should follow the manufacturer’s recommendations. Surge arresters

Surge arresters are considered static elements in gas-insulated equipment. These elements require no
routine or preventive maintenance other than reading the number of operations on the counter.

Inspection and overhaul procedures should follow the manufacturer’s recommendations.

4.15 GIS and the environment

Most recognize the immediate environmental impact of using a GIS from the perspective of a reduction in
land and space. However, with recent interest in global climate change, the implications of using GISs and
SF6 gas has received considerable attention worldwide.

SF6 is classified as a potent greenhouse gas, according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
(IPCC)—a scientific body sanctioned by the United Nations. IPCC has proposed that SF6 has a global-
warming potential (GWP) of 22 800 (100 year time horizon) [B43]. This means that SF6 gas is 22 800
times more potent as a greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide. Moreover, SF6 has an estimated lifetime in the
upper atmosphere of over 3000 years. Despite these numbers, the potential overall contribution of SF6 to
global climate change remains small, since the worldwide SF6 emissions are miniscule relative to carbon
emissions. Nonetheless, a regulatory framework exists in most jurisdictions to deal with this issue.

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For most users of GISs, the environmental implications have been:

 Availability of low-leak designs (new designs have leak rates of lower than 0.5% per year, as
compared to older designs in the 1% to 2% per year range)

 Lower maintenance designs (less invasive activity over time reducing possibility of maintenance-
related emissions)

 Optimization and reduction in the size and number of gas zones

 Implementation of SF6 inventory management and gas recovery and handling protocols

ISO 14040 and ISO 14044 studies have shown that the use of GIS does result in net positive environmental
effect, when considered on a life-cycle basis [B40], [B41]. One factor in such a study could involve aspects
of system design. For instance, a GIS, as it requires less space, will allow major substation facilities to be
located closer to load centers. In such a scenario, higher transmission voltages could be used over longer
distances, resulting in lower transmission losses and corresponding reduction in (fossil) generation and
carbon emissions.

4.16 Future GIS extension considerations

4.16.1 General

Future extension of a substation is often required, whether an AIS or a GIS. With a GIS, extension is
normally feasible, even years after initial installation. It is recommended that necessary plans and
provisions are made in the initial design stage to integrate future extensions (i.e., size of building, positions
of future equipment, installation and testing of future bays, and connection to existing equipment).

When performing installation of extensions, there may be some specific constraints that should be
specifically addressed.

4.16.2 Layout

The GIS arrangement may make provision for possible future extensions. These extensions should
preferably be located at one end of the GIS. Necessary space in the GIS space enclosure should be allocated
for the future bays and LCCs. Sufficient space should be made available to handle both future equipment
and testing facilities. Also, connection points for interface between existing and new equipment should be
taken into account. Civil work adaptations

The GIS foundations may also anticipate future extension (i.e., expansion joints). Normal practices should
include designing the position and anticipating requirements of future bays using the same design data as
the originally installed equipment (dimensions, loadings, building floor/wall openings, grounding, etc.).
Experience has shown that this approach provides a good method as most extensions using this approach
have been carried out without major civil rework.

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IEEE Std C37.122.1-2014
IEEE Guide for Gas-Insulated Substations Rated Above 52 kV Outage requirements

When performing an extension, some outages of feeders may be required to make the connection to the
existing equipment. This length of outages is dependent on the type of bus arrangement. It is of prime
consideration to keep the maximum number of existing feeders in service during the extension work. Auxiliary equipment

Design of auxiliary equipment may also anticipate future equipment. That will facilitate all site activities
when performing the extensions. The major areas of concern are ac and dc power supplies, control and
protection equipment, equipment interlocking, and ventilation.

In order to facilitate such operations, IEEE has published IEEE Std C37.122.6.

4.17 Thermal overload capability requirements of circuit breakers and remaining

GIS equipment

4.17.1 Thermal overload capability requirements of circuit breakers

During emergency periods, operation may be required at higher load currents than permitted by the ambient
compensation procedure outlined in IEEE Std C37.010. Under these conditions, all the general
considerations for ambient compensation are applicable to emergency loading with additional
considerations and limitations as outlined in IEEE Std C37.010. The limits of total temperature for the
circuit breaker will be exceeded under the specified emergency load currents, and these higher temperatures
may cause a reduction in the operating life of the circuit breaker. Inspection and maintenance of the circuit
breaker are required following each emergency cycle as outlined in IEEE Std C37.010.

4.17.2 Thermal overload capability requirements of remaining GIS equipment

The observable temperature rise of any part of the GIS equipment is the steady-state temperature rise above
ambient temperature when GIS equipment is tested in accordance with IEEE Std C37.100.1.

4.18 Special transient-recovery voltage (TRV) issues for faults in three-phase


For a GIS with all three phases in one enclosure, a grounded fault can evolve into a three-phase ungrounded
fault prior to circuit-breaker interruption. The user should choose the first-pole-to-clear factor, kpp = 1.5,
for three-phase ungrounded faults in selection of circuit breakers. See IEEE Std C37.011 for more details.

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IEEE Guide for Gas-Insulated Substations Rated Above 52 kV

Annex A



Bibliographical references are resources that provide additional or helpful material but do not need to be
understood or used to implement this standard. Reference to these resources is made for informational use

[B1] Accredited Standards Committee C2-2007, National Electrical Safety Code® (NESC®). 13, 14
[B2] AISC 360, Specification for Structural Steel for Buildings 15
[B3] ANSI C63.2, American National Standard for Electromagnetic Noise and Field-Strength
Instrumentation, 10 kHz to 40 GHz Specifications. 16
[B4] ANSI/NEMA CC-1, Electrical Power Connection for Substations. 17
[B5] ASME B31.1, Power Piping. 18
[B6] ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (BPVC), Section VIII, Division 1: Rules and Construction
of Pressure Vessels.
[B7] ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (BPVC), Section VIII, Division 2: Alternative Rules.
[B8] CENELEC EN 50052 Cast Aluminum Alloy Enclosures for Gas-Filled High-Voltage Switchgear
and Controlgear. 19
[B9] CENELEC EN 50064-1989 Wrought Aluminum and Aluminum-Alloy Enclosures for Gas-Filled
High-Voltage Switchgear and Controlgear.
[B10] CENELEC EN 50069 Welded Composite Enclosures of Cast and Wrought Aluminum Alloys for
Gas-Filled High-Voltage Switchgear and Controlgear.
[B11] CENELEC EN 50089 Cast Resin Partitions for Metal-Enclosed Gas-Filled High-Voltage Switchgear
and Controlgear.
[B12] CIGRE 125, User Guide for the Application of Gas-Insulated Switchgear (GIS) for Rated Voltages
of 72.5 kV and Above. 20
[B13] CIGRE 276, Guide for the Preparation of Customized “Practical SF6 Handling Instructions.

The NESC is available from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08854, USA
National Electrical Safety Code and NESC are both registered trademarks and service marks of the Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers, Inc.
AISC publications are available from
ANSI publications are available from the Sales Department, American National Standards Institute, 25 West 43rd Street, 4th Floor,
New York, NY 10036, USA (
NEMA publications are available from Global Engineering Documents, 15 Inverness Way East, Englewood, CO 80112, USA
ASME publications are available from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 3 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5990,
CENELEC standards are available at
CIGRE publications are available at

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IEEE Guide for Gas-Insulated Substations Rated Above 52 kV

[B14] IEC 60068-2-47, Environmental Testing—Part 2-47: Tests—Mounting of Specimens for Vibration,
Impact and Similar Dynamic Tests. 21
[B15] IEC 60376, Specification of Technical Grade Sulfur Hexafluoride (SF6) for Use in Electrical
[B16] IEC 60480, Guidelines for the Checking and Treatment of Sulfur Hexafluoride (SF6) Taken from
Electrical Equipment and Specification for its Re-use.
[B17] IEC 60507, Artificial Pollution Tests on High-Voltage Insulators to Be Used on AC Systems.
[B18] IEC 61180-1, High-Voltage Test Techniques for Low-Voltage Equipment—Part 1: Definitions, Test
and Procedure Requirements.
[B19] IEC 61180-2, High-Voltage Test Techniques for Low-Voltage Equipment—Part 2: Test Equipment.
[B20] IEC 61462, Composite Hollow Insulators—Pressurized and Unpressurized Insulators for Use in
Electrical Equipment with Rated Voltage Greater than 1000 V—Definitions, Test Methods, Acceptance
Criteria and Design Recommendations.
[B21] IEC 61639, Direct Connection Between Power Transformers and Gas-Insulated Metal-Enclosed
Switchgear for Rated Voltages of 72.5 kV and Above
[B22] IEC 62155, Hollow Pressurized and Unpressurized Ceramic and Glass Insulators for Use in
Electrical Equipment with Rated Voltages Greater than 1000 V.
[B23] IEC 62271-1, High-Voltage Switchgear and Controlgear—Part 1: Common Specifications.
[B24] IEC 62271-204, High-Voltage Switchgear and Controlgear—Part 204: Rigid Gas-Insulated
Transmission Lines for Rated voltage Above 52 kV.
[B25] IEC 62271-207, High-Voltage Switchgear and Controlgear—Part 207: Seismic Qualification for
Gas-Insulated Switchgear Assemblies for Rated Voltages above 52 kV.
[B26] IEEE Std 4™, IEEE Standard for High-Voltage Testing Techniques. 22, 23
[B27] IEEE Std 48™, IEEE Standard Test Procedures and Requirements for Alternating-Current Cable
Terminations Used on Shielded Cables Having Laminated Insulation Rated 2.5 kV–500 kV.
[B28] IEEE Std 315™, IEEE Standard American National Standard Canadian Standard Graphic Symbols
for Electrical and Electronics Diagrams (Including Reference Designation Letters).
[B29] IEEE Std 367™, IEEE Recommended Practice for Determining the Electric Power Station Ground
Potential Rise and Induced Voltage from a Power Fault.
[B30] IEEE Std 1125™, IEEE Guide for Moisture Measurement and Control in SF6 Gas-Insulated
[B31] IEEE Std C37.012™, IEEE Guide for the Application of Capacitance Current Switching for AC
High-Voltage Circuit Breakers Above 1000 V.
[B32] IEEE Std C37.015™, IEEE Guide for the Application of Shunt Reactor Current Switching.
[B33] IEEE Std C37.21™, IEEE Standard for Control Switchboards.
[B34] IEEE Std C37.24™, IEEE Guide for Evaluating the Effect of Solar Radiation on Outdoor Metal-
Enclosed Switchgear.

IEC publications are available from the Sales Department of the International Electrotechnical Commission, 3 rue de Varembé, PO
Box 131, CH-1211, Geneva 20, Switzerland ( IEC publications are also available in the United States from the
Sales Department, American National Standards Institute, 25 West 43rd Street, 4th Floor, New York, NY 10036, USA
The IEEE standards or products referred to in this clause are trademarks of The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers,
IEEE publications are available from The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08854,

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IEEE Guide for Gas-Insulated Substations Rated Above 52 kV

[B35] IEEE Std C37.100™, IEEE Standard Definitions for Power Switchgear.
[B36] IEEE Std C57.13™, IEEE Standard Requirements for Instrument Transformers.
[B37] IEEE Std C62.11™, IEEE Standard for Metal-Oxide Surge Arresters for AC Power Circuits
(> 1kV).
[B38] IEEE Std C62.22™, IEEE Guide for the Application of Metal-Oxide Surge Arresters for
Alternating-Current Systems.
[B39] Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, IPCC Fourth assessment report—Climate Change
2007. 24
[B40] ISO 14040, Environmental management—Life cycle assessment—Principles and framework. 25
[B41] ISO 14044, Environmental management—Life cycle assessment—Requirements and guidelines.
[B42] Ma, J., J. Liu, and F. P. Dawalibi, “Application of advanced simulation methods and design
techniques to interconnected grounding systems,” CEPSI 2008, The17th Conference of the Electric Power
Supply Industry, 27 - 31 October 2008.
[B43] Neumann, C., A. Baur, A. Büescher, A. Luxa, F. Plöger, A. Reimüller, B. Zahn, A. Schnettler, T.
Smolka, I. Mersiowsky and M. Pittroff, “Electrical power supply using SF6 technology—An ecological life
cycle assessment,” CIGRE Session 2004. Paper C3-102.

Available at:
ISO publications are available from the ISO Central Secretariat, 1, ch. de la Voie-Creuse, CP 56, CH-1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland
( ISO publications are also available in the United States from the Sales Department, American National
Standards Institute, 25 West 43rd Street, 4th Floor, New York, NY 10036, USA (

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