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High School Department

A. Y. 2019-2020


March 18-20, 2020
Theme: Ani ng Sining: Philippine Arts Festival

1. All contests are opened to all bona fide JHS and SHS learners of Sumulong College of Arts and Sciences.
2. Interested learners can join as many contest as they can provided that schedule of various competitions will not be compromised
by their participation.
3. All arrangements for the Arts Festival shall be done on the scheduled time, date and venue as prepared by the Steering
4. An amount costing five (Php 5) to twenty (20) pesos only (depending on the contest) will be collected from the participants of
every contest. This will serve as their registration fee. See below for the schedule of fees per contest.
Individual contests 5.00
Group contests 20.00
Quiz bee 15.00
Pair contests 10.00
(Mutya at Muyak ng Sining/Vocal Duet)
5. Interested participants for all writing and drawing contests can submit only one (1) entry per each contest until March 14, 2020,
Friday until 3 pm to the contests’ assigned teacher-facilitators.
6. Upon submission of entries, participants are required to pay the registration fee. Entries of participants who failed to pay the
registration fee shall be disqualified.
7. For writing and drawing contests, no distinguishing mark of identity of the contestant shall appear in the entry. Only the entry
number which corresponds to the name in the registration sheet shall be written on the topmost right portion of the entry.
8. Deliberate commission of plagiarism by the participant/s as evidently shown in the entry or performance will be
warranted with exclusion and disqualification.
9. The winner shall be only based according to the evaluation rubric presented to the judging panel by the contest organizers.
10. The verdict issued by the judging panel will be considered final, permanent and irrevocable.

Note: Upon registration the student must pay the registration fee, and must pass his output/piece.


1. Must be ORIGINAL and must expound on the theme “Art: In the Eyes of a Modern Youth” (“Sining: Sa Mga Mata ng
Makabagong Kabataan”)
2. Can be written in English or Filipino. Mother tongue and other native languages can be used provided that there are Filipino
translations and/or subtitles.
3. Shall consist of not less than 300 words but not more than 600 words.
4. Entries shall be typewritten in short bond paper (8.5”x11”) following the format: Arial, 12, 1” margin (all sides), 1.5 line
spacing, justified.
5. A title is required to be typewritten at the topmost section of the first page of the entry.
6. Deliberate commission of plagiarism by the participant as evidently shown in the entry will be warranted with exclusion
and disqualification.


1. Must be ORIGINAL and must expound on the theme “Arts: In the Hands of Social Media” (“Sining: Sa Mga Kamay ng Sosyal
2. Can be written in English or Filipino. Mother tongue and other native languages can be used provided that there Filipino
translations and/or subtitles.
3. Shall consist of not less than 5 stanzas but not more than 10 stanzas with 6 lines each.
4. The poem can be written with rhyme and meter or in free verse.
5. Shall be typewritten in short bond paper (8.5”x11”) following the format: Arial, 12, 1” margin (all sides), 1.5 line spacing,
6. Deliberate commission of plagiarism by the participant as evidently shown in the entry will be warranted with exclusion
and disqualification.


1. Chosen theme/plot tones for the one shot short story shall revolve only on the following: a) Spiritual; b) Environmental; and c)
2. Entries should be typewritten and printed and must follow the given format: Arial, 12, 1.5 line spacing, justified, 1” margin
(all sides), short bond paper (8.5”x11”). Entries who failed to follow the prescribed format will be warranted with a one (1)
point deduction.
3. Entries should be four (4) to seven (7) pages only.
4. Entries must be original and novel. Sentences and paragraphs should not be excerpted from extant literatures.
5. Foul language, defamatory quotations, and erotic imagery are not allowed to be used for the entry.
6. English or Filipino can be used. Mother tongue and other native languages can be used provided that there are Filipino
translations and/or subtitles.
7. Deliberate commission of plagiarism by the participant as evidently shown in the entry will be warranted with exclusion
and disqualification.


1. Must be ORIGINAL and must be relevant to the theme “Arts: A Heritage of the Filipino People” (Mga Sining: Isang Pamana
ng mga Pilipino)
2. Must be presented in any paper of 8.5”x11” size. Paper substance of 20 and above is recommended.
3. Coloring materials of different types are allowed to be used.
4. Borderline is not allowed.
5. Deliberate commission of plagiarism by the participant as evidently shown in the entry will be warranted with exclusion
and disqualification.


1. Must be ORIGINAL and must be relevant to the theme “Art: In the Eyes of a Modern Youth” (“Sining: Sa Mga Mata ng
Makabagong Kabataan”)
2. Must be presented in any paper or canvass of 8.5”x11” size. Paper/canvass substance of 20 and above is recommended.
3. The comics strip can be colored or monochromatic.
4. English or Filipino should be used in the dialogue. Mother tongue and other native languages can be used provided that there are
Filipino translations and/or subtitles.
5. Borderline is allowed.
6. Title/label of the work is required and should be written at the back of the paper/canvass.
7. Deliberate commission of plagiarism by the participant as evidently shown in the entry will be warranted with exclusion
and disqualification.


1. Must be ORIGINAL and must be relevant to the theme “Art: In the Eyes of Modern Youth” (“Sining: Sa Mga Mata ng
Makabagong Kabataan”)
2. Must be presented in any paper or canvass of 8.5”x11” size. Paper/canvass substance of 20 and above is recommended.
3. The editorial cartoon must be in single panel only.
4. English or Filipino should be used in any text or caption. Mother tongue and other native languages can be used provided that
there are Filipino translations and/or subtitles.
5. Borderline is allowed
6. Deliberate commission of plagiarism by the participant as evidently shown in the entry will be warranted with exclusion
and disqualification.

1. Must be ORIGINAL and must be relevant to the theme “Art: In the Eyes of Modern Youth” (“Sining: Sa Mga Mata ng
Makabagong Kabataan”)
2. Must be presented in any paper or canvass of 8.5”x11” size. Paper/canvass substance of 20 and above is recommended.
3. The participant may use different painting media such as acrylic, oil pastels, coloring pens, tempera, watercolor, etc.
4. Borderline is not allowed.
5. Title/label of and for the work is required and should be written at the back of the paper/canvass.
6. Deliberate commission of plagiarism by the participant as evidently shown in the entry will be warranted with exclusion
and disqualification.

1. Must be ORIGINAL and must be relevant to the subject “Still Life: The Beauty of Motionless Objects. Objects to be rendered
should be stationary and inanimate.
2. Must be presented in any paper or canvass of 8.5”x11” size. Paper/canvass substance of 20 and above is recommended.
3. The participant may use different types of charcoal and graphite pencils.
4. Borderline is not allowed.
5. Title/label of and for the work is required and should be written at the back of the paper/canvass.
6. Deliberate commission of plagiarism by the participant as evidently shown in the entry will be warranted with exclusion
and disqualification.
1. Must be ORIGINAL. The contestant can explore on whichever theme is of his/her interest.
2. Must be presented in any paper or canvass of 8.5”x11” size. Paper/canvass substance of 20 and above is recommended.
3. Indigenous and common materials (such as seeds, shards, twigs, fabrics etc.) should be the dominant primary objects to be used
in the collage.
4. Borderline is not allowed.
5. Title/label of and for the work is required and should be written at the back of the paper/canvass.
6. Deliberate commission of plagiarism by the participant as evidently shown in the entry will be warranted with exclusion
and disqualification.


1. There will be no specific theme. Participants are free to select their subject for their photos.
2. Use of filters and other aesthetic effects are allowed to be used.
3. DSLR (Digital Single Lens Reflex), SLR (Single Lens Reflex) and mobile cameras are allowed to be used.
4. Entry photos are required to have a title and a one (1) to two (2) liner caption expressed in English.
5. Entry photos can be fully colored or in monochrome.
6. Entries should be printed in 4R (4” x 6”) and must be pasted in an oslo paper, together with the title and caption.
7. Addition and deletion editing of the original composition of elements in the photo are not allowed.
8. Photos to be submitted should have no watermark. There should be no identifying mark of the contestant on the images to
eliminate any bias during the judging of the submitted photos.
8. Entry photo should be ORIGINAL. Deliberate commission of plagiarism by the participant as evidently shown in the entry
will be warranted with exclusion and disqualification.


1. Drama to be recorded should be originally created by the participants. The drama must convey and tackle a wide range of
issues encircling on themes of youth, family, and values.
2. The group must be composed of only seven (7) members.
3. A group may portray more than five (5) different characters.
4. Groups may use sound recorders of any type.
5. A copy of the script must be submitted to the facilitators upon submission of the recorded drama. The script should be printed
and must follow the given format: Arial, 12, 1.5 line spacing, justified, 1” margin (all sides), short bond paper (8.5”x11”).
6. The drama must be recorded within seven (7) to ten (10) minutes only.
7. The medium of language to be used will either be Filipino or English or a combination of the two. Native languages can be used
provided that there is Filipino translation in the script.
8. Background music and canned sound effects may be used.

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