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Monday 20 April 2020


1. Which of the following agricultural equipments is used to plough large piece of land? A.
Garden fork B. Spade C. Ox plough D. Harrow

2. How many braches of agriculture are there?

A. Four B. three C. Six D. five

3. To which branch does a tractor belong?

A. soil science B. crop production C. Animal production D. Agricultural engineering

4. Which one of the following is a major factor affecting agriculture in Zimbabwe? A. Rainfall B. Soil
C. Temperature D. Vegetation

5. Which of these is classified as large animal?

A. rabbit B. pig C. broilers D. layer

6. Which of these crops is only grown for cash?

A. Maize B. Wheat C. Cotton D. Sorghum

7. Which tool is used for loading manure

A. axe B. rake C. shovel D. knife

8. Tools are coated with lin seed oil so that they do not ………………………….
A. rust B. break C. crack D. harm

9. Which of these tools is used for cutting?

A. sprayer B. horse-pipe C. watering can D. bow-saw

10. Select a crop which is used for manufacturing stock feed.

A. maize B. Tea C. tobacco D. coffee

11. Zimbabwe is divided into ……………..seasons.

A. Six B. five C. four D. two

12. There are ………………………….. natural farming regions

A. three B. four C. five D. six

13. An instrument used to measure rainfall is a …………………………..

A. wind vane B. rain gauge C. funnel D. thermometer

14. In which region is maize and tobacco mainly grown?

A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4

15. Temperatures are ……………….in winter.

A. cold B. warm C. humid D. moderate
16. Humid air is …………………
A. dry B. moist C. dusty D. cool

17. …………… is the height above sea level.

A. escarpment B. altitude C. valley D. latitude

18. An example of a drought resistant crop is ……………………

A. maize B. tobacco C. cotton D. sorghum

19. Select a crop grown in winter.

A. wheat B. maize C. cotton D. sorghum

20. Most areas in Matebeleland are suitable for ………….

A. Cattle ranching B. plantation C. poultry production D. ornamental plantation

21. Which constituent has the highest percentage ?

A. water
B. air
C. Organic matter
D. Mineral matter

22. Which type of soil has larger particles?

A. loam B. clay C. sand D. silt

23. Name the part of plant which absorbs nutrients from the soil.
A. leaves B. roots C. stem D. bark

24. Farmers should look after the soil because it is …..

A. wealth B. alive C. organic D. porous

25. The breaking down of rocks is called ………………

A. weathering B. erosion C. deforestation D. rainfall

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