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Unit I: Computational Thinking and Visual Programming Concepts

Introduction to computational thinking. Visual programming concepts.
Scratch environment: sprites -- appearance and motion, angles and
directions, repetition, and variation, changing costumes, adding
background. Input/Output, variables, and operators.
1. Elaborate on computational thinking.
2. Define the following terms
3. a) Stage b) Sprite c) the script d) the programming palette.
4. List the various code blocks in scratch and elaborate on any 4.
5. Differentiate between sensing and looks block.
6. Explain the various operators available in scratch.
7. Explain the motions block in detail
8. What are the different events that can occur in scratch
9. Explain how input is done in scratch
10.Define a variable? How value is assigned and changed for a
variable in scratch
11.Illustrate the usage of my blocks in scratch
12.What are the options in pen block and explain how a geometrical
shape is drawn in scratch?
13.Explain repeat and forever blocks with example
14.What is a backdrop? Explain the process of changing a backdrop
Unit II: Algorithms and Flowchart design through Raptor
Introduction to the idea of an algorithm. Pseudo code and Flow charts.
Flow chart symbols, Input/Output, Assignment, operators, conditional
if, repetition, procedure and sub charts.

Example problems – Finding maximum of 3 numbers, Unit converters,

Interest calculators, multiplication tables, GCD of 2 numbers
Example problems -- Fibonacci number generation, prime number
generation. Minimum, Maximum and average of n numbers, Linear
search, Binary Search.
1.Define algorithm and flowchart? How flowchart differs from
2.List out various symbols in the flowchart.
3.Explain various statements in flowchart or algorithm.
4.Explain the various characteristics of an algorithm.

Draw flowcharts for the following

1. To convert temperature from Fahrenheit to Celsius

2. To find Area and Perimeter of Square
3. To find Simple Interest
4. To Swap Two Numbers using Temporary Variable
5. To Swap Two Numbers without using temporary variable
6. To add two values.
7. To retrieve the remainder without using mod operator.
8. To calculate final velocity when initial velocity, acceleration and time are
9. To find the smallest of two numbers
10.To find the largest of three numbers
11.To check whether entered number is even or odd
12.To check whether entered year is leap year or not
13.To check whether a person is eligible for voting
14.To check whether entered number is positive or negative.
15.To print your name for “n” times where n is the value entered by user.
16.To print 1 to n numbers.
17.To print even numbers between a given range.
18.To compute sum of odd numbers in given range.
19.To compute factorial of a given number.
20.To check whether the given number is perfect.
21.To print the numbers that are divisible by both 2 and 3 within a given range.
22.To check whether a given number is prime or not.
23.To find sum of individual digits in a given number.
24.To read N different values and display those values.
25.To accept marks of 6 different subjects and calculate the average. (Assume
the total marks as 100 for each subject)
26.To find sum of even numbers, odd numbers and count of even numbers and
count of odd numbers in an array.
27.To find maximum element in an array.
28.To search a particular element in an array using linear search
29.To find sum of elements present at odd positions.
30.To print the array elements that are multiples of 4.
31.To find the number of duplicate elements in the array.
32. To find squares of the elements in an array.
33.To Print the array in reverse order.
Draw flowchart for the following using procedures (or functions)
34.Swapping of two numbers without temporary variable
35.To check whether entered number is even or odd
36.To compute factorial value
37.To compute nCr value.
38.To print Pronic numbers within a given range.
Unit III: Introduction to Python
Python – Numbers, Strings, Variables, operators, expressions,
statements, String operations, Math function calls, Input/Output
statements, Conditional If, while and for loops, User defined Functions,
parameters to functions, recursive functions, Turtle Graphics.

1.Define a variable and list out the rules to name a variable.
2.Define operator. Write a short note on the various operators available in
3.Elaborate on the input and output statement?
4.Explain various string operations?
5.Write a short note on various decision-making statements in python.
6.Write a short note on loops.
7.Define function? Elaborate on function call, function header, function
8.How recursive functions differ from functions.
9.Write a short note on Turtle graphics?
10.List out the various math function calls.

Unit IV: Data Structures and Idiomatic Programming in Python

Lists, Tuples, Dictionaries, Strings, Files and their libraries. Beautiful
Idiomatic approach to solve programming problems.

1. Define a List and explain methods of list

2. What is a tuple? How it differs from list.
3. What is set and explain the methods of set
4. Define a dictionary. What are the methods of dictionary class
5. What is a file. Explain the operations that are performed on files
6. Explain how idiomatic approach improved the art of programming
7. Explain the map, reduce and filter methods with an example
8. Explain split() and join() with examples
Unit V: Packages
NumPy -- Create, reshape, slicing, operations such as min, max, sum,
search, sort, math functions etc.
Pandas -- Read/write from csv, excel, json files, add/ drop
columns/rows, aggregations, applying functions
Matplotlib -- Visualizing data with different plots, use of subplots. User
defined packages, define test cases and perform unit testing
1. What is an array in NumPy? What are different dimensions of array
2. Explain the math functions in NumPy
3. Explain search (), sort (), copy () and view () with examples
4. Define a package. Illustrate the process of creating a package and
importing it
5. What is json? How data is read and written into a json file
6. Explain different line styles in matplotlib
7. Discuss the process of creating series, data frame with example
8. What is unit testing? Show with an example program having unit test
9. Drawing Matplotlib Subplots
10.Reading and writing from csv file
11. Explain slicing and indexing in ND arrays with example

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