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Undertaking a community development project

Table of Contents
1 Task 1................................................................................................................................5
1.1 Introduction..............................................................................................................5
1.2 Background of the Project........................................................................................5
1.2.1 Reasons for choosing a “Gaming Competition”................................................6
1.3 SWOT Analysis..........................................................................................................7
1.3.1 Strengths...........................................................................................................8
1.3.2 Weaknesses......................................................................................................8
1.3.3 Opportunities....................................................................................................8
1.3.4 Threats..............................................................................................................8
1.4 Objectives of the Gaming Competition.....................................................................9
1.5 Problem Solving Methods.........................................................................................9
1.5.1 Defining the problem........................................................................................9
1.5.2 Analysis of the problem....................................................................................9
1.5.3 Generate possible solutions..............................................................................9
1.5.4 Implementation of the solution........................................................................9
1.6 Resources Required................................................................................................10
1.6.1 Financial Resources.........................................................................................10
1.6.2 Physical Requirements....................................................................................10
1.7 Human Resources...................................................................................................11
1.8 Roles and Responsibilities of the Team...................................................................12
1.9 Feasibility Study......................................................................................................13
1.9.1 Technical feasibility.........................................................................................13
1.9.2 Economic feasibility........................................................................................13
1.9.3 Operational feasibility.....................................................................................13
1.9.4 Legal feasibility................................................................................................13
1.9.5 Schedule feasibility.........................................................................................13
1.10 Feasibility Report....................................................................................................14
1.10.1 Technical Feasibility........................................................................................14
1.10.2 Economic Feasibility........................................................................................14

Undertaking a community development project

1.10.3 Operational Feasibility....................................................................................15

1.10.4 Legal Feasibility...............................................................................................15
1.10.5 Schedule Feasibility.........................................................................................15
1.11 Potential Impact on the Community.......................................................................16
2 Task 2..............................................................................................................................16
3 Task 3..............................................................................................................................17
3.1 Communicating with people...................................................................................17
3.2 Effective time Management....................................................................................18
4 Task 4..............................................................................................................................19
4.1 Understanding the Skills and Competencies required to fit into the position of a
Project Coordinator............................................................................................................19
4.1.1 Conclusion.......................................................................................................20
4.2 SWOT Analysis........................................................................................................21
4.2.1 What is a SWOT Analysis?...............................................................................21
4.2.2 Strengths.........................................................................................................22
4.2.3 Weaknesses....................................................................................................22
4.2.4 Opportunities..................................................................................................22
4.2.5 Threats............................................................................................................22
4.3 SMART Goals...........................................................................................................23
4.3.1 Specific............................................................................................................23
4.3.2 Measurable.....................................................................................................23
4.3.3 Achievable.......................................................................................................23
4.3.4 Realistic / Reasonable.....................................................................................23
4.3.5 Time bound.....................................................................................................24

Undertaking a community development project

List of Tables
Figure 1: What is SWOT?..............................................................................................7
Figure 2: Human Recourses.........................................................................................11

Undertaking a community development project

List of Tables
Table 1: Roles and Responsibilities.............................................................................12

Undertaking a community development project

1 Task 1
1.1 Introduction
As the students who are following the HND in Computing and System Development
course we were assigned to organize a charity project as our Employability and
Proficiency Development (EPD) subject’s assignment.

We had many meetings and brainstorming sessions in order to choose a project which
is both unique and charitable. In these sessions we came up with ideas such as:

 Coding Competitions
 Cricket Tournaments
 IT workshops
 etc.

After several of these sessions and with the guidance of our lecturer we choose to do a
“Gaming Competition”, which helps us both to implement theories and strategies
learnt and to improve our managerial skills. The money earned by conducting this
gaming competition will be used to fund in purchasing of stationary items for a few
children whose parents do not have the finance capability to provide these children
with the necessary items.

1.2 Background of the Project

This gaming competition will house many computer games which will enable people
to divide themselves into teams and compete each other. All the resources needed in
conducting this project will be either purchased or borrowed with the corporation of
the students of our batch.

The main objectives of conducting this project is given below:

 To raise funds
 To promote the institute
 Gain experience

Undertaking a community development project

1.2.1 Reasons for choosing a “Gaming Competition”

1. To raise funds in order to purchase stationary items. The children we choose were
very young children who didn’t have the money to purchase items so go schooling
but they had the urge to study. The lack of not having the necessary items was a
big problem for them because they are going to get promoted to the next year in a
few months due. The money needed in purchasing these items are in big
numbered, so we thought of doing a project that will raise a good amount of
money, which a gaming competition is sure to fulfill because there are many
computer game enthusiasts living in the city of Nuwara Eliya.
2. To promote Esoft. The main reason is because people not knowing that there is an
Esoft branch in Nuwara Eliya. Conducting a gaming competition will sure to
attract potential students and since this is the first ever gaming competition held in
Nuwara Eliya it will be an honor for Esoft too.
3. Gaining experience. By conducting this competition we hope to gain experience in
the fields such as HRM, Project Management, Finance Management, etc. This will
help in our future career and academic paths.

Undertaking a community development project

1.3 SWOT Analysis

A SWOT analysis is a great project management tool which enable us to discover
Strengths and Weakness of our project and for identifying both the Opportunities
open to us and the Threats that we have to face.

Figure 1: What is SWOT?

[ CITATION Bus15 \l 1033 ]

Undertaking a community development project

1.3.1 Strengths
 Positive mindset of the students and a great lecturer.
 Knowledge of networking and gaming.
 Having our own equipment.
 Having our own place to host the competition.
 Increased knowledge about gaming among people.

1.3.2 Weaknesses
 Lack of man power.
 Lack of financing capability.
 Two of the members of the team are still schooling.
 Difficulties in promoting.

1.3.3 Opportunities
 Increased interest in gaming by young people.
 School holidays.
 O level examination just finished.
 First gaming competition in Nuwara Eliya.

1.3.4 Threats
 Many people don’t know about the Esoft, Nuwara Eliya.
 People are not punctual, so it’s difficult to finish the project in the estimated
 Possible power cuts during the course of the competition.
 Possible equipment failure.

Undertaking a community development project

1.4 Objectives of the Gaming Competition

 Raising funds
 Promoting Esoft
 Gaining experience
 Creating awareness about Gaming among people
 Generating teamwork

1.5 Problem Solving Methods

1.5.1 Defining the problem
Defining the problem clearly is a key for a successful problem solving act. Problems
are define by three factors:

1. Current undesirable situation.

2. The most desirable situation.
3. Obstacles or the difficulties.

When planned and executed the game competition we have clearly defined the
project/problem according to the above factors which helped us to reduce the risk

1.5.2 Analysis of the problem

To generate the possible solutions we first have to clearly understand the problem.
This is the phase where we use tools such as Feasibility Studies and PESTEL
Analysis to our advantage. These tools helps us to clear out the problem.

1.5.3 Generate possible solutions

This step includes brainstorming. This step evaluates the group members’ credibility,
completeness, and worth. The goal could be achieved in many possible ways. This
phase is used to find the most efficient and the less risky way of solving the problem.
It gives the list of the possible ways order by risk level low to high.

1.5.4 Implementation of the solution

Implementing the project needs more field work. In this process we will get to know
the difficulties in doing the project. So the leader and members need to flexible to the
situation and they have to think quickly and react to the situation.

Undertaking a community development project

1.6 Resources Required

1.6.1 Financial Resources
In order to raise more funds we need to organize a big event and this needs more
money. At the same time we have to give prizes for the winners of the competition as
well as we need some money in marketing and promoting purposes. Prizes
 1st prize in Call of Duty: 5 game pads - 5000/=
 2nd prize in Call of Duty:5 gaming mice - 2500/=
 1st prize in Street fight: One headphone - 1000/=
 1st prize in Need for Speed – Keyboard - Marketing
 Website hosting and domain: Free
 Facebook and Instagram: Free
 Posters: 100 *

To get more financial aid we contacted some sponsors:

1. Daimth Graphics
2. Cyber Plant
3. Steve Computers

1.6.2 Physical Requirements

1. Two Halls
2. 14 tables and chairs
3. 2 TVs
4. 14 Computers
5. 14 keyboards and Mice
6. 2 Speaker systems
7. 1 Projector
8. 1 Router
9. 2 Switches
10. 4 Power Adapters

Undertaking a community development project

11. 14 headsets

1.7 Human Resources

Figure 2: Human Recourses

Undertaking a community development project

1.8 Roles and Responsibilities of the Team

A team is a group consisting of two or more people working together to accomplish a
common goal. The key to a team’s success is the team members working together
without any difficulty.

The leader has to delegate responsibilities among team members according to their
strengths. Given below is a table describing work appointed:

Team Roles Name of the Students Responsibilities

President Master. V. Kabilan  Getting permission from the
Branch manager.
 Delicate the work.
 Arrange meetings.
 Design and maintain the
Secretary Master. R.M Pubudu  Maintain meeting minutes.
 Maintain documents.
 Inform to the leader and the
treasurer about the process of
the project.
 Design and maintain the
Treasurer Mr. K. Kishokanth  Maintain the money.
 Give the copies of the receipts
to the secretary.
 Find ways to reduce the
Table 1: Roles and Responsibilities

Common responsibilities of the members:

 Find the sponsors.

 Arrange the physical requirements.
 Market the project

Undertaking a community development project

1.9 Feasibility Study

A feasibility study is conducted to see that weather the system is profitable to the
company or not. The measurement of feasibility is known as feasibility study. There
are many aspects that are taken into count when a developing a feasibility report.

[ CITATION Bha08 \l 1033 ]

There are five types of feasibilities. They are:

 Technical feasibility
 Economic feasibility
 Legal feasibility
 Operational feasibility
 Schedule feasibility

1.9.1 Technical feasibility

In this feasibility study we consider on whether that the development team has enough
technology to development and implement the relevant system.

1.9.2 Economic feasibility

Here we consider weather that the customer/client has enough money to develop the
system or weather that the project can be finished under the budget.

1.9.3 Operational feasibility

Operational feasibility is a measure of how well a proposed system satisfies the
requirements of the customer and whether the proposed system is well with the

1.9.4 Legal feasibility

Legal feasibility is conducted to see whether that the proposed system will follow or
satisfy the rules and regulations implemented by the state government.

1.9.5 Schedule feasibility

This feasibility study is conducted to see whether the system is completed under a
given time period.

Undertaking a community development project

1.10 Feasibility Report

1.10.1 Technical Feasibility
The technical requirements of this project are computers, monitors, cables, etc. We
acquired these goods from our friends and we got the networking equipment and
monitors which are belonged to Esoft with the permission of the branch manager.

We had enough networking knowledge to configure and maintain the network

throughout the project. Considering the above given factors, this project is technically

1.10.2 Economic Feasibility

The economic requirements of this project were the purchasing of prizes for the
competition winners and the money needed to purchase the stationary items for the

The amount that costs for the prizes.

 1st prize in Call of Duty – 5 gaming pad. – 5000/=

 2nd prize in Call of Duty – 5 gaming mouse. – 2500/=
 1st prize in Street fight – one headphone – 1000/=
 1st prize in Need for Speed – Keyboard -

All the money which is needed to conduct the project is gained through the
registration fees that is collected by the competitors and we got ourselves some
sponsors who were willing to sponsor us by giving the prizes needed for the

 Call of Duty – 1500/= - for each team.

 Need for Speed – 150/= for each participant.
 Street Fighter – 100/= for each participant.

Considering the above given facts and figures this project is economically feasible.

Undertaking a community development project

1.10.3 Operational Feasibility

To conduct the project we need skilled and efficient people to work with, which I
believe that we had. We only had three members on our team, but our lecturers we
also were significantly helpful in conducting the project. Considering the above given
facts this project is operationally feasible.

1.10.4 Legal Feasibility

The main possible legal problem is encountered when pasting the posters and when
hanging the banners, so to avoid these problems we got the permission from the
municipal council. When considering gaming, there are no strict rules in Sri Lanka.
Considering the above given facts this project is legally feasible.

1.10.5 Schedule Feasibility

Undertaking a community development project

1.11 Potential Impact on the Community

The initial objectives of the project were:

1. Purchase stationary items for charitable purposes

2. Promote Esoft
3. Promote Gaming
1. We was able to collect enough money to buy stationary items for three poor
children whose parents were unable to purchase these items on their own.
2. As a result of the project the name Esoft was uplifted in the city of Nuwara Eliya
mainly because this was the first ever gaming competition held in Nuwara Eliya
and most of the people who attended this competition was interested in taking
courses at Esoft.
3. Gaming as we know is still not popular in areas such as Nuwara Eliya. We believe
this gaming competition helped in promoting gaming in Nuwara Eliya because as
a result of the competition new gaming teams arouse in Nuwara Eliya and also
this being the first gaming competition held it extracted many potential gamers
form Nuwara Eliya.

This gaming competition brought the potential of gaming as a sport to Nuwara Eliya
and also did it with a charity motive as well. This competition also brought out the
importance of young people engaging in community activities. Considering the above
given factors I believe this gaming competition effected the community positively.

2 Task 2

Undertaking a community development project

3 Task 3
3.1 Communicating with people
After the course of conducting this project I learned many skills which made me more
comfortable when handling crowd and working with people efficiently.

When communicating with people who are diverse in thought and acts we should first
listen to them carefully, analyze their behavior, identify their strengths and act
accordingly. There can be some arguments between people because it’s rare to find
people whose thoughts are identical and to solve these conflicts we should agree them
into a neutral ground.

At the first I thought that my idea was the best idea but in the course of this project I
learned lots of facts about communicating with people and working as a team. Given
below are some things that I learned while we was doing the project.

 Consider other people’s ideas as well.

 Should treat everyone I the team the same.
 Should not go harsh on people.
 How to communicate with people.
 Handling crowd.
 Working in stressful situations.
 Negotiating with people.
 Managing time.
 Managing money.
 Etc.

Undertaking a community development project

3.2 Effective time Management

The main barrier that I faced when contributing towards this project is that I had my O
level examination in the same month as the month where the competition was held.
So because of this I had to adjust my time table that we be mostly effective.

Given below is how I managed my time to cope with the problems I faced and to
contribute towards the project.

 Adjusted the group meetings so that I could attend them after school.
 Had time afterschool to engage in the project work because I didn’t go for
any extra tuition classes.
 Went to paste posters and marketing at night.
 Designed our marketing site with my fellow batch mate in my free time.
 Arranged a time table where the time is separated for doing assignments,
studying and project work.

In addition to the above given facts we did not waste any time, we engaged in the
project work fully when everyone is free and we adjusted out timetables to cope with
each other’s timetables.

We have used the resources effectively, so that will reduce the time of arranging the
new resources.

We reduced the time on checking updates. Instead we spend time on risk

management, discovering opportunities, and brainstorming. Getting the update and
checking it will not cause a big issue and the fact that we can’t change the result that
we have obtained, it’s always a better idea to focus more on risk management and
finding opportunities.

To provide further evidence I have included a Gantt chart in the appendices.

Undertaking a community development project

4 Task 4
4.1 Understanding the Skills and Competencies required to fit into the
position of a Project Coordinator
To be a successful project Coordinator we have to know the main functions of project
management and we will need experience on the ways that we have to implement
these project management principals. Given Below are the four main project
management functions:

1. Planning: What has to be done?

2. Organizing: What we need to carry on the project.
3. Management: Checking the process.
4. Controlling: Make changes if necessary.

The gaming competition we organized gave us enough knowledge on the ways that
we need to implement these functions. Given below are the main experiences that we
gained by conducting this project:

1. The project will not go 100% well as we planned at any time, so we have to adjust
ourselves to the situation.
2. We need to properly plan a project before executing it to reduce risks.
3. When doing the project we understood that we need to properly manage resources
and keep some resources standby when needed in an emergency situation.
4. When conducting the project we have to have proper documentation that has the
milestones of the project to monitor the progress of the project.
5. We have to adapt to the situation accordingly to bring the most out of us.
6. We got to know that to do a successful project, marketing is very important. We
have to handle different types of marketing tools to promote the project.
7. Being a project coordinator I have to follow the management functions as well as
the relevant marketing strategies.

Undertaking a community development project

4.1.1 Conclusion
Taking the above given facts into consideration I believe that this project has given us
enough experience to be a successful project coordinator, but also I understood that
experience alone doesn’t count, so we also need to learn relevant management
strategies academically as well.

By this I conclude and agree that undertaking a community development project as

part of completion of the HND Diploma has assisted me in satisfying the skills and
competencies required by the organization to fit into the position of a successful
project coordinator.

Undertaking a community development project

4.2 SWOT Analysis

1.1.1 What is a SWOT Analysis?
A SWOT analysis is done by a company to make sure that the company develops a
good and strong business strategy by considering all strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities and threats carefully.

 Strengths and Weaknesses: are internal to the company, for example:

reputation and location
 Opportunities and Threats: are external to the company, for example:
suppliers and prices

[ CITATION Tim15 \l 1033 ] Advantages of a SWOT Analysis

 Understanding the business better
 Addressing weaknesses
 Deter threats
 Capitalize on opportunities
 Take advantages of strengths
 Develop business goals and strategies for achieving them.
 Far cheaper than any other analysis. Disadvantages of a SWOT Analysis

 Doesn’t priorities issues
 Doesn’t provide solutions nor offer any alternative decisions
 Can generate numerous ideas which you can’t process simply
 Can produce lot of info that is not useful

Undertaking a community development project

4.2.1 Strengths
 Proficiency in English both written and verbal.
 Friendliness
 Ability to make people do work
 Interpersonal relationship skills
 Sound IT knowledge
 Anger management skills
 Ability to work in stressful situations
 Ability to learn and adapt quickly
 Being updated about new and immerging technologies.

4.2.2 Weaknesses
 Lack of crowd management skills
 Nervousness in front of a large crowd

4.2.3 Opportunities
 Need of young workforce
 Immergence of Ecommerce businesses in Sri Lanka.
 The fact that I can develop mobile apps is an added advantage because the
need of apps in the world has immerged significantly.

4.2.4 Threats
 The main threat that I will have to face is the lack of experience.
 In the modern day, companies need experienced work force.
 More and more students join the IT workforce with different skillsets.
 I will have to learn almost everything to come up with other students.

Undertaking a community development project

4.3 SMART Goals

SMART is a best practice framework for setting goals. A SMART goal should be
specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound. A SMART goal analysis is
often used in reviewing the performance of either a project or a person.

My goal is to be a Project Coordinator at Millennium IT (MIT)

4.3.1 Specific
To be a project coordinator I need to complete the following tasks specifically:

 Completing my HND with at least a Merit.

 Start and complete my degree in Software Engineering.
 Eliminate all my weaknesses that was identified in the SWOT analysis.

4.3.2 Measurable
After finishing my degree and using the experience gained by organizing and
coordinating several projects I believe that my goal is achievable. To achieve my goal
I have to set specific goals as stages of achieving the final goal, the main stages are:

1. Finishing my HND
2. Finishing my Degree
3. Gaining experience

4.3.3 Achievable
 Finishing my HND with at least a merit is an achievable goal because if I
complete my projects as defined in the assignment successfully I am sure to get a
 To finish my Degree successfully I need to study hard and face the exams give
successfully and submit a good final project. The fact that the payments of the
degree can be paid as installments is an added advantage.

4.3.4 Realistic / Reasonable

I believe that the goals set by me is reasonable and realistic because if I work hard and
get a merit or a distinction for my HND and finish my Degree successfully it won’t be
hard for me get experience and final attain my goal.

Undertaking a community development project

4.3.5 Time bound

To complete the HND it takes 18 to 20 months and to complete the degree it takes 12
months. So I have achieve my goal within 2 and ½ years. I believe it is achievable
because I will be able finish my degree when I reach the age of 18 years, so I will
have enough time to gain experience in the relevant field.

Undertaking a community development project

Anon., 2015. Business Study Notes. [Online]
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Shah, B., 2008. systeman alysisand design.. [Online]
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