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Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, Vol.

2, 023544 (6 November 2008)

Water productivity mapping methods using remote sensing

Chandrashekhar M. Biradar,a,b* Prasad S. Thenkabail,c,d Alexander

Platonov,d Xingming Xiao,a,b Roland Geerken,e Praveen Noojipady,f
Hugh Turral,g Jagath Vithanaged
Center for Spatial Analysis, College of Atmospheric and Geographic Science, University of
Oklahoma, Norman, OK 73019, USA;
Complex Systems Research Center, Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans and Space,
University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 03824, USA
United States Geological Survey (USGS), Flagstaff, AZ 86001, USA;
International Water Management Institute (IWMI), HQ, PO Box 2075, Colombo, Sri Lanka;
Department of Geology and Geophysics, Yale University, New Haven, CT 06520, USA
Department of Geography, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, USA
On the Street Productions, 28 Newry Street, North Carlton, Melbourne 3054, Australia
*Corresponding Author: Center for Spatial Analysis, Stephenson Research and Technology
Center, 101 David L. Boren Blvd. Norman, OK 73019, USA

Abstract. The goal of this paper was to develop methods and protocols for water productivity
mapping (WPM) using remote sensing data at multiple resolutions and scales in conjunction
with field-plot data. The methods and protocols involved three broad categories: (a) Crop
Productivity Mapping (CPM) (kg/m2); (b) Water Use (evapotranspiration) Mapping (WUM)
(m3/m2); and (c) Water Productivity Mapping (WPM) (kg/m3). First, the CPMs were
determined using remote sensing by: (i) Mapping crop types; (ii) modeling crop yield; and
(iii) extrapolating models to larger areas. Second, WUM were derived using the Simplified
Surface Energy Balance (SSEB) model. Finally, WPMs were produced by dividing CPMs and
WUMs. The paper used data from Quickbird 2.44m, Indian Remote Sensing (IRS)
Resoursesat-1 23.5m, Landsat-7 30m, and Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
(MODIS) 250m and 500m, to demonstrate the methods for mapping water productivity (WP).
In terms of physical water productivity (kilogram of yield produced per unit of water
delivered), wheat crop had highest water productivity of 0.60 kg/m3 (WP), followed by rice
with 0.5 kg/m3, and cotton with 0.42 kg/m3. In terms of economic value (dollar per unit of
water delivered), cotton ranked highest at $ 0.5/m3 followed by wheat with $ 0.33/m3 and
rice at $ 0.10/m3. The study successfully delineated the areas of low and high WP. An
overwhelming proportion (50+%) of the irrigated areas were under low WP for all crops with
only about 10% area in high WP.
Keywords: water productivity mapping, biophysical relationship, vegetation indices,
evapotranspiration, remote sensing.

Considerable increases in land and water productivity have resulted from agricultural
intensification using “green revolution” technologies of short season varieties, artificial

© 2008 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers [DOI: 10.1117/1.3033753]

Received 5 Sep 2008; accepted 17 Oct 2008; published 6 Nov 2008 [CCC: 19313195/2008/$25.00]
Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, Vol. 2, 023544 (2008) Page 1
nitrogen fertilizer, and irrigation water. The world’s population continues to grow rapidly, at a
time when water resources are heavily utilized and there is a strong emerging likelihood that
water resources will decrease and become more precarious under the impacts of global
climate change. Consequently, a new challenge is to raise total agricultural production using
no more water than at present, and preferably less. Fresh water withdrawals for agriculture
account for nearly 80% of the total water withdrawal from surface water and groundwater [1].
However, competition for water is now arising across sectors as well as within agriculture,
including: (a) increased demands of urbanization, industries, (b) growing more food for
increasing population (globally about 100 million additional population every year), (c) needs
of environmental flows and recreation, (d) growing needs of biofuel crops, (e) increased
calorie intake per capita in emerging economies, and (f) change in food habits of the people
through increased luxury consumption of fruits and vegetables in more mature economies.
The spatial distribution of water in the world is highly uneven, so that water scarcity is more
acute in some regions than others, notably the arid and semi arid tropics. All these factors call
for development of new technologies for better water productivity (more crop per drop).
Increasing water productivity requires a different approach to agricultural management, to
optimize the use of inputs and management whilst at the same time understanding that land
resources are also limited, which means that a simple strategy of increasing land area with
lower yield but higher water productivity is not a solution in most cases.
The first step in improving performance is to understand the levels, distribution and
patterns of water productivity. This will help us to pin-point areas of high and low WP and
analyze the reasons for variability. This in turn, allows diagnosis of the reasons for low water
productivity which can then be tackled through research and improved land and water
management. Commonly water productivity is assessed at plot or field level, or determined
from secondary crop statistics and water supply or water use data, but actual water use
(evapotranspiration) may be unknown [2]. Remote sensing science offers the possibility of
both greater coverage, and greater spatial detail in mapping water productivity, through the
use of emerging techniques to map and model crop growth and water use, through synoptic
coverage over large areas at regular time intervals. Remote sensing data is now available in
multiple spatial, radiometric and spatial resolutions. .
The main goal of this research was to develop methods for WPM using remote sensing
data at various spectral, spatial, and radiometric resolutions. The focus was on irrigated areas.
Specific objectives include: (a) developing methods and protocols for WPMs using remote
sensing data of various resolutions, (b) extrapolating (up-scaling) using the best models to
understand WP variations over space and time; and (c) studying accuracies and errors
involved in WP across scales (or resolutions), radiometry, and bandwidth.


2.1 Definition of water productivity

Water productivity (WP) is defined as the kilogram of yield produced/m3 of water depleted by
the crop or, alternatively, as value in dollar of yield produced/m3 of water depleted [3].

Yield (kg/m 2 or kg/pixel) or economic value ($)

WP (kg/m3 ) =
Water use or ETactual (m3 /m 2 or m 3 /pixel) (1)
Where, ETactual (m3) = ETfraction (dimensionless) * ETpotential (m3)

Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, Vol. 2, 023544 (2008) Page 2

2.2 Study area
The study area was selected after discussions with local experts in the Syr Darya river basin in
Central Asia (Fig. 1). The area called Galaba was selected because it represents the irrigated
areas of the entire Syr Darya river basin well, in terms of the following characteristics.
Cotton, wheat and rice are the main crops grown in the basin. Cotton accounts for nearly 55
percent of sown area and is the dominant crop. Wheat was the second-most favored crop,
covering nearly 30 percent of the area, but it cannot be grown at the same time as cotton
because cotton planting has to be completed before wheat can be harvested. As a result many
units adopt a two-year rotation system, planting wheat after cotton and leaving the field
fallow, planting maize or another short-growing crop after the wheat. Small patches of paddy
rice and alfalfa are irregularly distributed across the basin and gardens form a an important
part of every household. The rainfall in Galaba varies between 100 and 200 mm per year. The
average temperature is 0-4° Celsius in January and 28-32° Celsius in July.
The irrigation system in this region is one of the most complex man-made water systems
in the world [4]. Virtually all the available surface water has been diverted to irrigation and so
there is little scope for further expansion of irrigated area to meet the increasing food demand
in the region. Increased water productivity (WP) is the preferred option to meet future food
demand in this region. The Galaba study area was covered by a Quickbird image with an area
of 6575 hectares (ha).

Fig. 1. Location of study area: a representative site called Galaba in the Syr Darya river basin.

Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, Vol. 2, 023544 (2008) Page 3

Table 1. Characteristics of remote sensing data sets used in this study.
Sensor Resolution Band range Irradiance Revisit Acquisition dates
(W m-2sr-1
Spatial Spectral Radiometric (µm) (days)
(m) (m) (bit) µm-1)

1.Quickbird 0.61 4 11 0.45-0.52 1381.79 5 July 26, 2006, August 3, 2006

(Panchromatic); 0.52-0.60 1924.59
2.44 0.63-0.69 1843.08
(Multispectral) 0.76-0.8 1574.77
2. IRS-P6- 23.5 4 10 0.52-0.59 1857.7 24 2006 (June 5, June 15, June 20,
LISS3 0.62-0.68 1082.4 July 9, July 14, July 18, August
0.77-0.86 1556.4 26, September 24, October 27,
1.55-1.7 1082.4 November 6), 2007(April 13,
May 26,June 19, July 18)
3. Landsat 14.25 8 8 0.45-0.515 0.483 16 2006 (April 24, May 10, June
ETM+ (Panchromatic); 0.525-0.605 0.565 11, July 29, August 14, October
28 0.63-0.690 0.660 1)
(Multispectral); 0.75-0.90 0.825
and 60 1.55-1.75 1.650
(Thermal) 10.40-12.5 11.45
2.09-2.35 2.220
4. MODIS 250 2 12 0.62-0.67 1528.2 1 2006-2007, Every 8 days
(MOD09Q1) 0.84-0.876 974.3 Maximum Value Composite
5. MODIS 500 36/7* 12 0.62-0.67 1528.2 1 2006-2007, Every 8 days MVC
(MOD09A1) 0.84-0.876 974.3
0.459-0.479 2053
0.545-0.565 1719.8
1.23-1.25 447.4
1.63-1.65 227.4
2.11-2.16 86.7
Modis 500m (Mod09A1) has 36 bands, but we considered only the first 7

Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, Vol. 2, 023544 (2008) Page 4

2.3 Acquisition of images at various resolutions or scales
Imagery was acquired at 4 distinct spectral, spatial, radiometric, and temporal resolutions
(Table 1). The data consisted of very fine resolution 0.61-2.44 meter resolution Quickbird,
23.5 m IRS Satellite, 250 m and 500 m MODIS imagery.

2.4 Image normalization

The data acquired from different sensors and even the data acquired from same sensor on
different dates need to be normalized before they can be compared. Hence, digital numbers
(DNs) were converted to absolute units of radiance (W m-2 sr-1 µm-1), then to apparent at-
satellite reflectance (%), and finally to surface reflectance (%) after atmospheric correction

2.4.1 Quickbird DN to Reflectance

The Radiometric resolution of Quickbird digital number (DN) data is recorded in 11-bit and
stored either in 16-bits or down scaled to 8-bits. There were two steps to calculate radiance
from DN values. First is to calculate band integrated radiance expressed as:

LPixel , Band = absCalFactorλ ∗ DN i j

Where: LPixel, Band is band integrated radiance, absCalFactor is absolute calibration factor as is
0.064 for Pan band, 0.016 for blue, 0.014 for green, 0.013 for red and 0.015 for NIR. DNij is
digital number of pixel in row i and column j.
The band average radiance can be calculated based on band integrated radiance using
LPixel , Band
Lλ Pixel , Band =
∆λ Band (2)
Lλ is band averaged radiance, ∆λBand is effective bandwidth as shown in Table 2.
Pixel , Band

Table 2. Quickbird effective bandwidths and band-averaged solar spectral irradiance.

Spectral Bands Effective bandwidth Spectral Irradiance

(∆λBand) (ESUNλ)
[µm] [W-m-2-µm-1]
Panchromatic 0.398 1381.79
Blue 0.068 1924.59
Green 0.099 1843.08
Red 0.071 1574.77
NIR 0.114 1113.71

2.4.2 IRS P6 (Resourcesat-1) DN data to Reflectance

IRS P6 (Resoursesat-1) Linear Imaging Self Scanning (LISS-3) sensor spectral radiance was
computed using the following equation:

Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, Vol. 2, 023544 (2008) Page 5

DN ij × Gain
Lλ =
255 (3)
Where, Gain is radiance gain given in Table 3. The specific Gain setting was given in
individual image header file.

Table 3. Radiance gain values for IRS-P6 image data.

Gain Band2 Band3 Band4 Band5

Setting T<24º C T>24º C
G1 26.609 27.32 31.018 6.903 6.944
G2 18.471 18.179 20.695 3.397 3.406
G3 12.064 15.131 15.757 1.644 1.636
G4 8.988 10.304 10.876 0.767 0.752

2.4.3 Landsat-7 ETM+ DN values to radiance and temperature

The ETM+ 8-bit DNs were converted to radiances using the equation [7]:
Lλ = gain * DN + offset
This can also be expressed as:

Lmax − Lmin
Lλ = × (DN − QCal min )+ Lmin
QCal max − QCal min (4)
Where, QCalmin = 1, QCalmax = 225, Lmin and Lmax are the spectral radiances for each band at
DN 1 and 255 (i.e. QCalmin, QCalmax), respectively. The Lmin and Lmax values (W/m2 Sr µm)
are found in image header file.
ETM+ Band 6 imagery can also be converted from spectral radiance (as described above)
to a more physically useful variable. This is the effective at-satellite temperatures of the
viewed Earth-atmosphere system under an assumption of unity emissivity and using pre-
launch calibration constants. The conversion formula is:
Ln(K1/Lλ ) + 1 (5)
Where, T is effective at-sensor temperature in degree Kelvin, K1 and K2 are calibration
constants, K1=666.09 Wm-2sr-1µm-1; K2=1282.71 degree Kelvin.
A reduction in between-scene variability can be achieved through normalization for solar
irradiance by converting spectral radiance, as calculated above, to planetary reflectance or
albedo. This combined surface and atmospheric reflectance of the Earth is computed with the
following formula [7]:
πLλ d 2
ρp =
ESUNλ × Cosθ s (6)
Where ρp is the at-satellite exo-atmospheric reflectance (or top of the atmosphere (TOA)
reflectance or apparent reflectance in %, Lλ is the radiance (W m-2 sr-1 µm-1), d is the earth sun
distance in astronomic units (dimensionless) at the acquisition date [7], ESUNλ is the mean
solar exo-atmospheric irradiance (W m-2 sr-1 µm-1) or solar flux, and θs is solar zenith angle in
degrees (i.e., 90 degrees minus the sun elevation or sun angle when the scene is recorded as
given in the image header file).

Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, Vol. 2, 023544 (2008) Page 6

2.4.4 MODIS surface reflectance
MODIS is a key sensor on the Terra (EOS AM-1) satellite. The MODIS Land Science Team
provides a suite of standard MODIS data products to users, including the 8-day composite
surface reflectance product (MOD09A1). There are forty-six 8-day composites in a year,
starting with Julian date of January 1 each year. The MOD09A1 data are organized in tile
fashion and freely available to the public from the United States Geological Survey EROS
Data Center ( The MODIS data has gone through a rigorous atmospheric
correction scheme based on the 6S radiative transfer code for normalizing molecular
scattering, gaseous absorption, and aerosols that affect the top of the atmosphere (TOA)
signal [8]. Aerosol effects are known to remain uncorrected even after long compositing
periods (e.g., a month) [8], so such effects in 8-day time intervals are significant. MODIS
scans the entire Earth's surface every day, acquiring data in 36 spectral bands. Out of the 36
spectral bands, the first 7 bands are used to study vegetation and land surfaces (Table 1).

2.5 Field-plot data

Field-plot data was acquired to correspond with the satellite sensor overpass dates (Table 1
and section 3.3). In all, 911 field-plot data points were gathered and the data consisted of
parameters such as wet and dry biomass (kg/m2), crop yield (kg/m2), hyperspectral data from
field-based Spectroradiometer, irrigation water applied (m3), and climate data (Table 4). The
number of samples and the distribution of the field-plot data points for various crops are also
shown in Table 4. The spatial distribution of some of the field-plot data points are illustrated
in Fig. 2.

2.5.1 Field experimental sites

Data from the test sites (fields) at different farms (Water User Association-WUA) were
gathered for approximately every 15-days interval for the five crops: cotton, wheat, rice, and
maize. A total of 911 sample points were chosen for four crops: cotton (580), wheat (175),
maize (113), and rice paddy (43). Enough care was taken while selecting the locations of the
field trials (replications) to represent field-field variability. Distribution of these points over a
cropping season was illustrated for one farm at three distinct resolutions in Fig. 2.
Biophysical parameters were collected throughout the crop growing season and includes
Leaf Area Index (LAI) (Fig. 3a), biomass (Fig. 3b), spectral measurements (Fig. 4), and yield
(Fig. 6a). The meteorological data includes temperature, relative humidity, vapor pressure,
sunshine hours, wind speed, rainfall, and evapotranspiration (ET) from an ET gauge. The
meteorological data were collected from the digital weather station installed in the field, as
well from two government managed weather stations. Table 4 gives an overview of the data
The time-series average Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), dry biomass,
and LAI for all the fields and points are plotted together indicates a closer comparable
seasonal pattern (Fig. 3). The initial emergence of the plant after 45 days (i.e. till the day 173)
indicates a slow growth and low canopy cover. The NDVI and LAI curves steepen from day
173 and reach a peak by day 214, representing the maximum vegetative growth. LAI tends to
fall earlier than NDVI (Fig. 3a) and NDVI continues to increase at the peak when LAI
saturates and /or leaf senescence begins while NDVI also starts falling soon after the
senescence and leaf falling starts at lower canopy. The study shows strong relationship
between NDVI and LAI which is supported by previous studies [9-12). Dry biomass peaks
about 40 days after LAI (Fig. 3b). The seasonal spectrums of the crops were also observed
using Spectroradiometer. Initial observations indicate a strong relationship between the crop
growth stage (moisture, biomass and vigor) and absorption around 970 nm (Fig. 4).

Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, Vol. 2, 023544 (2008) Page 7

Table 4. Field-plot data collected from field sites. The total sample points collected are 911, of which
the crop wise distributions consist of cotton (580), wheat (175), Maize (113) and rice (43).
Variable Temporal Spatial Mean Method
basis scale Sample
(days) size
Wet biomass (kg/m2) 15 days 1 m2 224 Crop cutting
Dry biomass (kg/m2) 15 days 1 m2 224 Crop cutting
Plant Height (mm) 15 days 1 m2 224 Ruler
Yield (kg/m2) One time 1 m2 30 Crop cutting
Field NDVI (ratio) 15 days 1 m2 220 NDVI Camera
LAI (m2/m2) 15 days 1 m2 224 LAI Meter
Canopy reflectance 15 days Point 224 ASD Spectroradiometer
Irrigation Each Field 4 Weirs /V-notches
Climate data (Temp., 30 min km2 1 Meteorological station and
RH., Wind, Rain, digital weather stations

Fig. 2. Spatial distribution of the field-plot data points in the study area. The spatial
distribution of the field-plot data points were shown for: (a) Quickbird, (b) IRS, and (c)
MODIS 250-m.

Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, Vol. 2, 023544 (2008) Page 8

Fig. 3. Seasonal relationship between LAI and NDVI (a) and LAI and Dry biomass (b) plotted for the
average values derived from all field points collected during 11 visits roughly at 15 days interval.

Fig. 4. Seasonal vegetation spectra of a cotton field measured roughly at 15 day intervals and some
photographs of the corresponding biomass growth.


The three major steps involved in the mapping process were in producing:

a) Crop productivity maps (CPMs; kg/m2 or kg/pixel), which involves;

i. Crop type mapping;
ii. Spectro-biophysical/yield modeling; and
iii. Extrapolating the best spectro-biophysical/yield modeling to larger areas
using remotely sensed data.

Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, Vol. 2, 023544 (2008) Page 9

b) Water use (actual ET) maps (WUMs; m3/m2 or m3/pixel)
iv. Deriving water use maps (or actual ET) through simplified surface energy
balance (SSEB) model; and
c) Water productivity maps (WPMs; kg/m3)
v. Producing water productivity maps by dividing CPMs with WUMs.

3.1 Crop productivity mapping (kg/m2 or kg/pixel)

The crop productivity maps (CPMs) were produced in three steps:

3.1.1 Mapping crop types using remote sensing

It is important to produce water productivity maps (WPMs) that are crop specific. As every
crop type has different water needs to produce a kilogram of marketable produce, it is
important to delineate and map crop types first. This allows the development of crop specific
spectro-biophysical models (section 4.2), which in turn allow assessment of inter- and intra-
field variability in land and water productivity.
Crop types were mapped using time-series IRS-P6 data and the single date Quickbird
data. Unsupervised classification of the IRS data, and class identification and labeling process
[13,14], were used to delineate and map crop types. IRS-P6 and Quickbird offers detailed
within-field variability and clearly demarcates the field boundaries of a crop. In order to
define clear field boundaries at other resolutions, the crop and field boundaries were digitized
manually from the Quickbird imagery. Due to their distinct cropping calendars, all four crops
were easily distinguishable.

3.1.2 Spectro-biophysical/yield models

The crop biophysical and yield variables were related to spectral measurements from space.
The most commonly used crop variables establishing such relations were the leaf area index
(LAI), Wet Biomass (WBM), Dry Biomass (DBM), and grain Yield (YLD). Variation in the
reflectance was normally associated with chlorophyll and water contents of the plants [15-
16]. Satellite-based radiative indices were good indicator of LAI, which is one of the
important parameters in the models. Some were also correlated with photosynthetically active
radiation (PAR), which is correlated to the CO2 assimilation [17]. LAI, biomass, and, to some
extent, plant height were excellent indicators of the plant growth, condition, and yield [18].
The spectral vegetation indices derived using field-plot data and space-borne sensors were
effectively used for rapid assessment and characterization of crop biophysical variables such
as biomass, LAI, plant height, and yield [11,19-22]. A Production Efficiency Model (PEM)
that estimates crop growth from intercepted photosynthetically active radiation (IPAR) and
light use efficiency (ε) was introduced [23,24]. Subsequent studies further improved the
model by making ‘ε’ a function of temperature, water, and nutrient stress, such as the
Carnegie-Ames-Stanford-Approach (CASA) [25-26]. The methodology has been widely used
to estimate terrestrial ecosystem net primary production (NPP), global carbon cycle [25-27),
and crop production at regional scale [28-30].
During this research, extensive measurements of LAI, biomass and yield were collected
during routine field visit at every ~15 days interval (Table 4). These measurements were
related to wavebands and indices derived from the satellite sensor data (Table 1). In the past,
remote sensing has proved very useful in estimating area and production of cereals and other
food crops [6,12,31] and the relationships have improved with the use of modern high-
spectral and high-spatial sensors [5,12]. For example, the NDVI was found to correlate with
net primary production, biomass, vegetation fraction, and yield [32-37]. Although the results
of correlation analysis are purely empirical, they are in agreement with numerous theoretical,
experimental, and statistical studies [39]. In this research, spectro-biophysical models were

Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, Vol. 2, 023544 (2008) Page 10

run using statistical analysis system (SAS) software package. Biophysical and yield data
(Table 2) gathered during routine field visits were related to spectral data obtained from
various sensors (Table 1). The type of models included: (a) linear, (b) multiple linear, (c) non-
linear power, and (d) non-linear exponential.

3.1.3 Extrapolation of models to spatial domain

One of the biggest strengths of remote sensing lies in the observation of the entire landscape
rather than just few points [40]. With good understanding of the relationships between crop
variables and spectral reflectivity and/or indices it is possible to extrapolate the understanding
gained through models to larger areas by utilizing the best models of specific crops and
specific variables (developed in section 4.1.2) to specific crops (delineated in section 4.1.1).
Extrapolation, for example, will involve taking the best cotton yield predictor model
developed in section 4.1.2 based on point data and applying the same to all cotton growing
areas that has been delineated using the remotely sensed data.

3.2 Mapping Evapotranspiration

Water used by crops was determined by computing actual evapotranspiration (ETactual) from
remote sensing and non-remote sensing approaches. The ET derived from different surfaces
varies with different methods [41,42,43], which leads to inconsistency and uncertainty in ET
estimation. The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Penman–Monteith equation—with
the parameterization as elaborated by Allen et al. (44) has become the de facto standard
method to estimate reference ET (45) for point-level ET estimation using climate data
collected at field scale. The point based ET measurements from the field and weather stations
data have been integrated with remote sensing images to spatially extrapolate from pixel level
to basin scale [46;47].
However, the water used by crops is best determined using surface energy balance
algorithms that are primarily dependant on remotely sensed data. The potential of remote
sensing in estimating the ET [48-51] is well established using Surface Energy Balance
Algorithm (SEBAL) [52-53], the modified SEBAL, and mapping ET with high resolution and
internalized calibration (METRIC) [54]. Gabriel and Verdin [55-56] and Gabriel et al [57]
recommended a Simplified Surface Energy Balance (SSEB) model using remote sensing. The
SSEB approach was adopted in this study to facilitate rapid computation of water use over
large areas in a rapid time-frame. The SSEB model is defined as follows:

ETactual (m3/m2 or m3/pixel) = ETfraction* ETreference (7)

Water used by crops, the ET (expressed in m3/ha or mm/m2) was determined from remote
sensing by calculating the ETactual based on the following steps:
ETfraction from Landsat7 ETM+ thermal data. The principal assumption in SSEB model
that the latent heat flux (ETactual) varies linearly between the “hot” and “cold” pixels. The
fraction of ET was estimated from the land surface temperature (LST) of “hot” and “cold”
pixels using following formula:

ETfraction = (Thot - T) / (Thot - Tcold)

Where: ETfraction was the fraction of ET; T is the LST of any pixel; Thot and Tcold are
the LST of “hot” and “cold” pixels respectively, selected inside the study area. The ETreference
was calculated from weather station data using Penman-Monteith equation [44]. The final ET
value for each pixel was determined by multiplying ETfraction with ETreference, which
finally gives ETactual.

Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, Vol. 2, 023544 (2008) Page 11

3.3 Water productivity mapping

3.3.1 Producing water productivity maps (WPMs)

The WPMs were produced by dividing the crop productivity map (CPMs; section 4.1) with
water use map (WUMs; section 4.2). The WPMs were defined as:

Yield (kg/m 2 or kg/pixel) or economic value ($)

Water Productivity Maps (kg/m3 ) =
Water use (m3 /m 2 or m3 /pixel) (8)


4.1 Crop productivity mapping

4.1.1 Crop type maps at various resolutions

The results of the attempts to map the crop type maps using remotely sensed data at 4 spatial
resolutions, Quickbird (2.4m), IRS P6 (23.5m), and MODIS 250m\500m MOD09Q1, are
shown in Fig. 5. It was possible to delineate crop types using the Quickbird (Fig. 5a) and IRS
(Fig. 5b) data. At 250m resolution (MODIS) it is only possible to establish the dominant crop
in the mix (Fig. 5c). Using the MODIS 500m data, only irrigated areas were mapped, without
separating any crop types or crop dominance (Fig. 5d). The ability of satellite sensor data to
map crop types and/or their dominance at 4 spatial resolutions is summarized in Table 5.

Table 5. The ability to map irrigated crop types and their dominance using satellite sensor data at 4
spatial resolutions.
Aggregated LULC Quickbird IRS-P6 MODIS MODIS
types (2.4m) (23.5m) (250m) (500m)
Cotton Yes Yes zero zero
Wheat Yes Yes zero zero
Rice paddy Yes Yes zero zero
Cotton dominant Yes Yes Yes zero
Rice dominant Yes Yes Yes zero

4.1.2 Modeling crop growth and yield (Spectro-biophysical\yield models)

The spectro-biophysical/yield models were developed using Quickbird and IRS-P6 data for
cotton, wheat, and maize (Table 6). The crop variables modeled were wet and dry biomass
(kg/m2), LAI (m2/m2), and grain yield (ton/ha). The best models to determine variables such
as biomass, LAI, and yield were highly significant and explained around 80 percent
variability for IRS-P6 and 70 percent variability for Quickbird data. Due to the non
availability of time-series images, Quickbird models were only used for biomass. Most of the
variables were modeled with IRS-P6 data due to good temporal coverage for entire growing
season. The best IRS-based models for cotton were the wet biomass, dry biomass, LAI, and
yield with 72-83 percent variability (Table 6). The best fit models for the wheat and maize are
the LAI, wet biomass, and yield (Table 6). Spectro-biophysical/yield models could not be
developed from MODIS data due to its inability to separate crop types.

Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, Vol. 2, 023544 (2008) Page 12

Fig. 5. Crop types mapped at various resolutions. Crop types mapped using: (a) Quickbird 2.4m, (b) IRS
P6 (Resoursesat1, Liss3) 23.5m, (c) MODIS 250m, and (d) MODIS 500m. The classification schemes
clearly indicate that the number of classes reduced with increasing pixel size due to aggregation.

Table 6. The best spectro-biophysical/yield models using Quickbird 2.44m and IRS 23.5m data.
Sensor Crop Variable Equation r2
IRS Cotton Wet biomass y=71.18*(x)3.96 0.83
Dry biomass y=51.59*(x)4.86 0.82
LAI y=10.37*(x)1.916 0.73
Yield y=5.156*x-0.964 0.75
IRS Wheat LAI y=0.005*(x)2-0.509*(x)+7.175 0.80
Yield y=6.192*x-0.47 0.66
IRS Maize Wet biomass y=34.664*(x)4.196 0.87
Note; x = NDVI

4.1.3 Extrapolation of models to spatial domain and deriving crop productivity maps
The best models (Table 6) were used on the relevant images (see image list in Table 1) to
extrapolate and derive crop characteristics such as grain yield, wet biomass, dry biomass, and
LAI. The result of extrapolation was shown for cotton yield (ton/ha) using IRS data (Fig. 7).
The extrapolation was possible as a result of the good understanding we had through model
development (Table 4) and delineation of crop types (section 4.1.1 and 5.1.1). The
extrapolated areas (Fig. 7) show spatial variability within a crop derived for various crop

Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, Vol. 2, 023544 (2008) Page 13

variables. These CPMs were one of the key parameter in understanding within and between-
field variability leading to finding appropriate site specific solutions.

Fig. 6. The relationship between spectral and biophysical variables for the spaceborne satellite sensors
data and field-plot data illustrated taking: (a) cotton yield versus IRS P6 NDVI and (b) cotton wet
biomass versus Quickbird NDVI.

Fig. 7. Crop productivity map (CPM). CPM illustrated using a IRS P6 image by extrapolation of the
best crop specific spectro-biophysical/yield models and by using crop type maps (Fig.5).

4.2 Water use (actual ET) mapping (m3/m2 or m3/pixel)

The water use by crops was determined by ETactual computations. The simplified surface
energy balance (SSEB) model algorithm was used to determine ETactual. First, it required
computation of evaporative fraction, which was then multiplied by ETreference to obtain the

Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, Vol. 2, 023544 (2008) Page 14

The evaporative fraction (ETfraction) was determined using the Landsat-7 ETM+ thermal
imagery. ETreference was computed using FAO Penman-Monteith formula. The ETactual was then
computed by multiplying ETfraction * ETreference and was computed for every month. Monthly
ETactual, were then cumulated, taking the cropping calendar into consideration. This lead to an
accumulated ETactual, for the entire crop growing season (see an example for cotton crop in
Fig. 8).

4.2.1 Relationship between ETactual versus NDVI

The NDVI showed strong relationship with ETactual derived from Landsat-7 ETM+ and
climate data using SSEB model (Fig. 9). We have presented this relationship to show
potential of vegetation indices in mapping ET. The approach requires more research for
individual crops and by using larger sample size of data.
The IRS P6 derived NDVI values of the cotton crop were correlated with ETfraction
from ETM+ images. Platonov et al. [59] have reported similar agreement when compared
Landsat-7 ETM+ NDVI values with Landsat-7 ETM+ derived ETfraction. The daily water
consumption by field crops were calculated by multiplying ETreference with ETfraction with
an assumption that ETfraction derived for the day for which the image was acquired remains
constant throughout the month for a given crop. Second, crop wise water use per pixel was
determined on monthly basis leads to entire growing season. The results are finally presented
in thousands m3/ha of water used for the entire study area.

Fig. 8. Water use maps (WUMs). WUMs or ETactual of cotton crop for the entire crop growing season.

4.3 Water productivity maps (WPMs)

Finally, water productivity maps were produced for every crop by dividing the crop
productivity maps (CPMs; section 5.1) with water use maps (WUMs; section 5.2). The
WPMs produced separately for each crop were put together and presented in Fig. 11.
The water productivity (WP; kilogram of yield per m3 of water delivered or kg/m3 or
economic value, $/m3) computed using remote sensing for three crops were presented in
Table 7. From the results, wheat has the best physical WP, followed by rice, and cotton.

Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, Vol. 2, 023544 (2008) Page 15

However, this pattern is reversed when considered in terms of economic value rather than
yield by weight as numerator. Cotton then ranks first with an average market value of $
0.5/m3, followed by wheat, and rice of $ 0.3/m3, and 0.1/m3 respectively. The water
productivity map for the cotton crop was produced with varying field variability (Fig. 10). An
overwhelming proportion cotton fields were under low WP with only about 12% area in high

Fig. 9. NDVI relationship with ETactual. IRS P6 derived cotton NDVI for the month of July, 2006
compared with ETactual derived using SSEB model from the Landsat7 ETM+ for the July, 2006.

Fig. 10. Water productivity map (WPMs) for 3 crops using IRS P6 data. Overwhelming proportion
(50%+) of all 3 crops were under low WP, with only about 10% area in high WP.

Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, Vol. 2, 023544 (2008) Page 16

Table 7. Water productivity of the three selected crops determined using IRS P6 and field-plot data.
Crop type Area Seasonal Grain Water Water Productivity
(ha) Crop Yield Productivity based on average
ETactual (kg/ha) based on market value in Asia
(m3/ha) ETactual (kg/m3) ($/m3)

Cotton 3783 3050 1275 0.42 0.50

Wheat 1571 3100 1850 0.60 0.33
Rice paddy 313 6650 3320 0.50 0.10

This paper demonstrated methods and protocols required for producing water productivity
maps using remote sensing data at various resolutions (or scale): (a) Quickbird 2.44 m, (b)
IRS 23.5 m, (c) Landsat7 ETM+ thermal data, (d) MODIS 250m data, and (e) MODIS 500m
First, crop productivity maps (CPMs; kg/m2 or kg/pixel) were computed and involved: (i)
crop type mapping using remote sensing, (ii) spectro-biophysical\yield modeling involving
parameters measured in the field and relating them to spectral wavebands and indices, and
(iii) extrapolation of models to larger spatial domains using remote sensing. Crop types were
successfully separated by Quickbird and IRS data, but not by MODIS 250m or 500m data.
But it was possible, at times, to map crop dominance using MODIS250m and irrigated crops
using MODIS 500m data.
Second, water use maps (WUMs; m3/m2) were determined through thermal data of
Landsat-7 ETM+ using simplified surface energy balance (SSEB) model and summing up
water use determined from time-series imagery. Results showed that, water use of cotton crop
was 3050 m3/ha whereas wheat used 3100 m3/ha, and rice 6650 m3/ha.
Third, water productivity maps (WPMs) were produced by dividing crop productivity
maps with water use maps. Wheat with 0.60 kg/m3 had the best water productivity (WP),
followed by rice with 0.5 kg/m3, and cotton with 0.42 kg/m3. In terms of economic value of
WP, cotton crop earned about the $ 0.5/m3 followed by wheat with $ 0.33/m3, and rice with $
0.10/m3. The study has successfully delineated the areas of low and high WP for 3 crops
(Figure 10). An overwhelming proportion (50%+) of the irrigated areas were under low WP
with only about 10% area in high WP. These results imply that there is significant scope for
increasing WP for growing more food to feed the ballooning populations in the coming
decades without having to increase allocations of croplands and\or water.

The authors would like to thank Prof. Frank Rijsberman, Director of Water and Climate
Adaptation Initiatives, (formerly Director General of IWMI) for the support and
encouragement for this project. The funding for the proposal came from European Union
funds for the International Water Management Institute (IWMI). The funding also involved
IWMI’s core funds. The Drs. Xiao and Biradar were also supported by the grants from NASA
Land Use and Land Cover Change program. The field research work in this paper was
conducted when first two authors were with IWMI, authors would like thank two field
researchers Mr. Shavkat and Mr. Sabir Jan for their excellent help in field data collection.

Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, Vol. 2, 023544 (2008) Page 17

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Chandrashekhar M. Biradar is researcher (remote sensing) at Center for Spatial Analysis,

University of Oklahoma, USA. Prior to this he was at the Institute for the Study of Earth,
Oceans and Space, UNH. He is the author of more than 25 peer-reviewed scientific papers
and book chapters and co-editor of two books. His current research interests include global
land remote sensing; land use and land cover change, cropping intensity, climate change and
ecology of infectious diseases.

Prasad S. Thenkabail is a research geographer at the U.S. Geological Survey, Flagstaff,

Arizona, USA. Prior to this he was a principal researcher and head of remote sensing at the
International Water Management (IWMI). Prasad has 23+ years experience working as a well
recognized International expert in Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems
(RS/GIS) and its applications to natural resources management, sustainable development, and
environmental studies. He lead the global irrigated area mapping project and water
productivity mapping project at IWMI. Prasad has worked in over 25 Countries in Africa,
Asia, Middle-East, and North America. He has 60+ publications in major International
journals. He is currently on the Landsat Science Team, editorial board of Remote Sensing of
Environment (RSE), and one of the Associate Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Spatial Hydrology

Alexander Platonov is a National Researcher of the IWMI, Central Asia sub-office in

Tashkent, Uzbekistan. He has 10 years experience as a GIS/RS specialist in projects for
agricultural land and water resources management in Central Asian countries.

Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, Vol. 2, 023544 (2008) Page 21

Xiangming Xiao is a Professor at University of Oklahoma, USA. He received his B.Sc.
degree in Biology in 1982 from Xiamen University, China, and M.Sc. degree in Ecology in
1987 from University of Science and Technology, China, and Ph.D. degree in Ecosystem
Science in 1994 from Colorado State University, USA. He has been author and co-authors for
over 80 peer-reviewed scientific papers and book chapters. His current research interests
include global land remote sensing, land use and land cover change, carbon cycle, water
cycle, and ecology and epidemiology of infectious diseases.

Roland Greeken Currently works for GTZ in Chad, Sudan, and other African Nations.
Earlier to this Roland worked as a Associate Research Scientist with the Department of
Geology and Geophysics, Yale University, New Haven, CT. Roland’s expertises include
remote sensing and modeling. He developed fourier series algorithm for vegetation dynamics
analysis. Roland has extensive experience in applying remote sensing to land and water

Praveen Noojipady is a PhD student at the Department of Geography, University of

Maryland, College Park. He received his Bachelor and Master of Engineering from Bangalore
University in 2000 and 2004 respectively. He is the author of more than 10 journal papers and
his research interests include global land cover and land use dynamics.

Hugh Turral was Theme Leader for Basin Water Management (Theme 1) at the
International Water Management Institute, Colombo, from 2003 to 2007. He is a researcher in
irrigation and water resources management, with a particular interest in the application of
remote sensing to water management issues. He is now starting a new career as a film-maker
in Australia.

Jagath Vithanage is a national researcher at IWMI, Colombo, Sri Lanka.

Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, Vol. 2, 023544 (2008) Page 22

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