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Exercise 1. Reading Comprehension Task

1. What is a human rights-based approach to science, technology, and development?

It sets the parameters so that the science, technology, and development will promote the well-

being of human. Keeping this approach intact while improving sciences and technologies will not neglect

the importance of human rights. And by doing so, important factors to consider human rights will still be

looked upon to and will not lead to our destruction.

2. How do the documents and their key principles presented in Table 2 position human rights in the

intersection of technology and humanity?

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It puts the human rights between technology and humanity because it does not side with either

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of the two instead it sides with both of them. And this is better because if human rights side on

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humanity too much, we will not be able to develop also if it side on science and technology, the rights of
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human might get neglected and this will put a lot of life at risk.

3. Why should human rights be at the core of scientific and technological advancement?
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Human rights are at the core of scientific and technological advancement because if it is not then
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scientists might forget their limitations and lead humans to its own destruction. Also, human rights are

rights to be sustainable and will protect the poor, weak, and vulnerable for too much use of science and
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4. What is the danger of using human rights as merely decoration moral dimension of scientific and

technological policies?

People would believe that they are safe from the harm that science and technology may bring

therefore being careless to the things that will happen. They will not think badly of the news they’ll hear

about the experiments being done by scientists. This will also serve as a distraction so that scientists and

other experimenters will be able to do whatever they want.

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5. Do you agree with Mukherjee’s assertion that a human rights-based approach to science,

technology, and development can form the very heart of sustainable futures? Explain.

Yes. Because what we really aim to do is to achieve the ultimate good and this won’t be possible

without the help of science and technology with the humanity.

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Assignment 8. Reading Enrichment Task

1. What are the ethical dilemmas posed by robotics?

Some ethical dilemmas that were stated are the idea that robots could have their own rights and

the way scientists are looking for a way to give robots their own emotions. Giving robots rights will

somehow make them close to being a human, and since they are machines made from science and

technology, they are far close from being a human. Also, giving those emotions will make it more a

dilemma since that is what makes us human. They will be able to experience the very important thing

that separates us from them.

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2. Which among the instruments for a human rights-based approach to science, technology, and

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development discussed in this section may be useful in contending with the ethical dilemmas of

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Before making something, everyone should consider the safety of each of us, not just the

middle- and high-income individuals but also the poor and vulnerable ones. This is what the human
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rights are for and this is what makes us equal.

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3. How can the instrument inform lawyers and ethicists and engineers and scientists in answering

the moral and legal questions raised by the developments in robotics?

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The instrument itself will be able to inform them what needs to be done and what questions

should be answered especially the moral and legal ones because each decision they make will affect us.

If they make a single wrong step, it could cause us a massive destruction.


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