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best practices

Mike Johnson / Contributing Editor

the business
case for
This seven-point analysis
answers the only question that counts:
Can you make money using them?

kEY concEPts

• Conventional-performance
lubricants deliver above
the minimum allowable
technical specifications and
are priced to earn the sale.

• High-performance products
thoroughly exceed the
minimum allowable
technical standard for a
given application.

• A thorough business-con-
siderations analysis can
help you decide which
machines are the best fit
for the high-performance
product line.


the May 2010 best practices article (available digitally at addressed the issue of achieving
greater economic value through the use of high-performance, higher-priced lubricants. The article’s central point is that there
is a financial benefit that can be achieved through the use of high-performance lubricants. Though not exactly a sequel, this
article addresses the general question again, this time looking at the business considerations for deciding which machine ap-
plications are the best fit for the high-performance product line.

PRicE VERsus PERfoRmancE the products are priced to earn the pening with lubrication in the
The May article showed how one can sale. This model represents how most manufacturing plant (compared to
achieve better business economy manufacturers (machine owners) pro- what senior management believes is
through better lubricant quality. Ma- cure lubricants, and accordingly the occurring). Time and time again I wit-
chine mechanical reliability starts with model serves the dominant market in- ness misapplications, both where a
machine lubrication—for better or terest. high-performance (HP) lubricant
worse, no other aspect of the routine High-performance products are de- should be used and where it shouldn’t.
maintenance plan has the same degree signed to thoroughly exceed the min- In my opinion, there is a problem with
of impact on machine reliability. imum allowable technical standard
Given the great number of lubri- for a given application. They are man-
cant marketers relentlessly and effec- ufactured with specialized raw mate-
tively promoting an enormous variety rials for proprietary, sometimes pat- One of the common
of highly similar looking lubricants, it ented, lubricant recipes. The materials performance indicators
is not surprising that for most lubri- are designed to offer enhanced perfor-
cant users the discussion about what mance capability in the form of im- for machine productivity is
makes machine lubrication effective proved oxidation and deposit resis- OEE or Overall Equipment
revolves around brand and lubricant tance, improved surface protection
type selection. Further, most brands (wear resistance, nanoscale surface Effectiveness.
provide a premium and a conventional enhancement), improved long-term
product line, and the sales pitches viability (greases), etc., versus con-
from competitive brands are surpris- ventional product performance. Giv- over application of HP lubricants,
ingly similar: buy Brand X—the best en that the cost of raw materials var- mostly due to the selection of synthet-
performance for the price! These sales ies with raw material performance ic-based products to perform work
characteristics not withstanding, there capability, it is inevitable that the fin- that petroleum-based products are bet-
are substantial differences between ished product cost basis and market ter suited to accomplish.
brands and their products. There are price will be higher. The problem occurs from over de-
both superior and inferior options Given this characteristic, how does pendence on the local supplier repre-
available, and the prices for the prod- the end-user take maximum advan- sentative to make a wholly benevolent,
ucts tend to follow the relative quality. tage of both price and performance as- purely customer-centric, decision. To
To differentiate in general terms, pects of the supply line? be clear, this isn’t a lube-brand prob-
conventional-performance lubricants lem. There are both privateers and en-
meet the “keep it full” requirement. a VaLuE-BasEd sELEction tirely trustworthy people working at
These products are built to deliver As a consequence of a busy training all levels of all companies, including
above the minimum allowable techni- schedule, I am often invited by front- lubricant suppliers. It would be best
cal specifications. The performance is line supervisors and their lube techni- for the company to have an objective,
measured, results are published and cians to review what is actually hap- machine-specific basis for upgrading

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is always available (great dependabili-
ty) but never delivers products that
can be sold (poor quality), then its
value to the organization is low. Simi-
larly, if it produces high-quality goods
but is rarely available to produce these
goods, then again its value is low.
One of the common performance
indicators for machine productivity is
OEE or Overall Equipment Effective-
ness. It is a widely used basis for the
measure of how effectively a machine
meets overall production require-
ments. It is based on a combination of
the finished quality of produced goods,
the machine’s availability to produce
those goods and the performance rate
(actual throughput divided by rated
throughput) with which it produces
goods. Each of these numbers is given
a percentage value, and the three are
All production machines in a facility should be ranked multiplied to produce an OEE.
from most to least important to the production mission.
oee = availability x performance x
from a low-value product to a high- Let’s take a closer look at these seven
value option. questions. For instance, if the machine is
Here is a set of seven questions that available 85% of the time to run pro-
the reliability engineer can use to cre- 1. is the machine’s mission and criti- duction, its rate of production is 85%
ate an objective basis for making a cality clearly defined or definable? This of the design capacity, and 98% of
business-balanced decision. question should sit at the top of any throughput is shippable, then its OEE
list of actions for reliability improve- would be (.85 * .85 * .98 = ) .708 or
1. Is the machine’s mission and ment. The argument for creating a pri- 71%.
criticality clearly defined? ority structure was provided in the Questions 1 and 2 are at the front
2. Is the machine sufficiently pro- June 2011 Best Practices article (avail- of this list for this reason: If the ma-
ductive for current and future able digitally at All pro- chine has high potential economic
requirements? duction machines in a facility should value but a low effectiveness rating, it
3. Is the machine operating within be ranked from most to least impor- is worth improving.
the OEM’s recommended pa- tant to the production mission. The 3. is the machine operating within the
rameters? top 20%-30% arguably are the most oeM’s recommended parameters? This is
valuable to the organization. If one is the first direct point of consideration
4. Is there a clearly definable ex-
to consider upgrades to machines, it for lubricant selection. OEMs provide
pectation for change in the ma-
makes economic sense to consider model-specific, generic lubricant rec-
chine’s performance based on a
changes that increase the productivity ommendations for the expected oper-
lubricant change?
of the most important machines in the ating parameters. For instance, it is
5. Can the change in machine per- operation. Conversely, upgrading ma- common for the gear-drive manufac-
formance be objectively mea- terial quality for those machines that turer to have a viscosity rating for an
sured and quantified? are only marginally significant to the operating temperature range that
6. Can the expected improvement organization is a waste of both time looks like this:
characteristic from within the and money.
lubricant be objectively mea- 2. is the machine sufficiently produc-
sured? Ambient AGMA ISO Viscosity
tive? This raises the question of how Temperature # Grade
7. Are there any intangible bene- to measure machine productivity. Pro-
15 F - 60 F 4 150
fits that enhance the upgrade ductivity is a combination of produc-
value proposition? tion volume and quality. If a machine 50 F - 125 F 5 220


One first determines if the machine
is operating at an ambient temperature
within the projected range and then
determines if the stipulated viscosity
grade and additive type is in use. If the
lubricant in use isn’t appropriate for
the ambient temperature, this must
first be corrected so that machine per-
formance can be established for nor-
mal operating conditions.
Next, the normal condition should
be defined for component health as
identified by lubricant analysis. To de-
termine ‘normal’, a highly quality anal-
ysis program must be in place that sat-
isfies the following criteria:

a. Fixed sample ports that deliver

repeatable samples, regardless
of who is collecting the sample.
b. An appropriate test slate is in
place, including at least the fol- If a machine has high potential economic value but a low
lowing: effectiveness rating, it is worth improving.
I. Viscosity at 40 C.
II. Wear Debris – small (via
4. is there a clearly definable expec- • Ultrasound or compression
atomic spectrometry).
tation for change in the machine’s perfor- wave measurement
III. Wear Debris – large (via PQ,
mance based on a lubricant change? If • Energy consumption
DR Ferro or Rotrode Spec-
the machine has been set up for effec- • Vibration analysis.
tive lubricant-based condition moni-
IV. FTIR (oxidation, nitration, toring, and there is a clear pattern of 6. can the expected improvement
sulfation, lubricant health, component stress or failure, then the characteristic from within the lubricant
moisture). target for improvement is implied and be objectively measured? This is the
V. Moisture (KF, based on posi- well defined. If wear debris is demon- lead point in the “can we prove im-
tive from FTIR). strated to be at a 3Σ level, then reduc- provement” discussion much of the
c. A wear metals statistical alarm ing wear to a 1Σ condition will be the time. There are a multitude of DIN,
parameter, (+1Σ, +2Σ, +3Σ, obvious objective. ISO and ASTM methods used to mea-
+6Σ) derived from machine 5. can the change in machine perfor- sure a wide variety of lubricant perfor-
make and model-specific ma- mance be objectively measured and quan- mance characteristics. The tests can be
chines only (avoiding intermin- tified? At a minimum, the same means divided into either condition- or per-
gling general mechanical wear used to identify an opportunity for im- formance-based tests. The condition-
data from other machines). provement in machine performance based tests refer to those defining op-
through the use of superior lubricant erating conditions and their influences
d. A consistent and timely sample
properties will also be the primary (moisture, solid contaminant, wear
mechanisms used for detecting im- debris characterization, degradation,
Without a high data quality level, it provement in the machine condition etc.) and form the basis for routine
isn’t rational to expect to determine following a change. Outside of this machine and lubricant condition anal-
what’s normal for machine wear debris best case evidence, there are at least ysis. Performance-based tests are used
generation. With clearly defined col- five other particularly useful ways to to define the fluids’ critical properties
lection, testing and analysis parame- measure for improvement in perfor- and performance parameters.1 Both
ters, it is relatively easy to make judg- mance, including: types of tests may be used to draw a
ments about machine condition conclusion about differences in the lu-
improvements surrounding lubricant • Thermal imaging bricant’s capabilities to protect ma-
changes, which brings us to Questions • Noise (sound) level measure- chine performance.
4 and 5. ment These tests are most effective when


c. Reduced lubricant handling
used to demonstrate a change in a giv- 7. are there any intangible benefits
associated with reduced pur-
en lubricant performance characteris- that enhance the upgrade value proposi-
chases and extended sump
tic over time rather than when used to tion? This pertains to general business
compare two products for effective- benefit considerations and either sup-
ness. Instrument and test hysteresis port or dissuade if the objective an- • Improved general machine
prevents formation of absolute results swers to the technical questions are health assurance
and immutable conclusions. Addition- not conclusive. These “soft” benefits • Extended mechanical compo-
ally, in nearly all instances the test it- can be numerous, such as: nent capacity (increase speed,
self does not simulate the operating load, environmental complica-
characteristics of the production ma- • Reduced vendor(s) participation tion)
chinery applications. Comparisons • Reduced business transactions • Lower cost of insurance via im-
can be drawn, and conclusions pro- • Reduced net inventory proved machine durability
jected about what should happen, but • Consolidated product array • Improved employee safety/re-
the tests are rarely a true indicator of
• Reduced labor (and cost) from duced risk of injury.
what will happen.
product use, such as from:
Here are some commonly used
tests for determining differences in lu- a. Extended lifecycles These may be clearly definable (re-
bricant performance under test condi- b. Reduced fill cycles (top-ups, duced cost of insurance, reduced cost
tions2, 3 (see table below). regrease) of labor, reduced net inventory) but
secondary to reliability objectives, or
they might only be perceived added
Test Method - Oil Purpose for Test Comparison Value benefits.
ASTM D445 Viscosity Baseline Lubricant grades differences After all the considerations, the an-
swer to the most important question
Temperature-viscosity change
ASTM D2270 Viscosity Index should be evident: Can this company
make money through the use of high-
ASTM D943, 5846, & ASTM Turbine & Hydraulic Oxidation and performance, higher-priced lubri-
Lifecycle performance
D2070 Deposit Tendency
cants? This is really the only question
ASTM D2893, 5763, & ASTM EP Oil Oxidation and Deposit that matters, but it is predicated on the
Lifecycle performance
D5704 Tendency questions about sustained, high quali-
Hydraulic Oil, Vane Wear Resis- ty output and should have little to do
ASTM D2882 Wear and Load Support
tance with the cost of the lubricant.
EP/Circulating oil, Point Contact
ASTM D4172, 5182 Wear and Load Support Wear Resistance, Scuffing
Resistance Potential
ASTM D2873, 3233, & EP Wear Support and EP/Circulating oil, wear potential
ASTM D6425 Seizure Limit up to test endpoint (failure)
Test Method - Grease
ASTM D217, 1403 Grease Consistency Lubricant grade differences
@50K or 100K strokes, change in Mike Johnson, CLS, CMRP, MLT II, MLA III, is the
ASTM D217A Worked Stability
consistency principal consultant for Advanced Machine
Tendency to separate, ambient & Reliability Resources, in Franklin, Tenn.
ASTM D1743, 6184 Long Term Stability You can reach him at
high temp.
Resistance to wash-effect, active
ASTM D1264, 4049 Water & Wash Resistance
& passive
In-service corrosion prevention
Toms, L.A. and Tom, A.M. (2006), Handbook of
DIN 51802 (aka, Emcor Lubrication and Tribology, Section 30: Lubricant
Corrosion Protection potential (modified to include
Test) Properties and Test Methods. Volume 1 Application
actual process fluids) and Maintenance, Second Edition, CRC Press and
Dynamic test for high stress STLE, p. 30-1.
DIN 51825 (aka, FE-8) Wear and Load Support
performance 2
Standards on Petroleum Products and Lubricants,
Volumes 05.01-05.04, ASTM (American Society
Dynamic test to present 90% and of Testing and Materials),
DIN 51821 (aka, FE-9) Lifecycle probability 50% lifecycle expectation, hours 3
Deutsches Institut fur Normung e. V. (DIN).
to failure.

32 Coming up: STLE Webinar—Grease and its Use on Food Processing, Dec. 14. Details at

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